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Chapter Tree JCo Overview

JCo is a high-performance, JNI-based middleware for SAP's Remote Function Call
(RFC) protocol. JCo allows you to build both client and server applications. JCo works
with any SAP system starting with 3.1H. JCo is available for Windows 32, Linux, and
other platforms.

JCo's ability to use connection pooling makes it an ideal choice for web server
applications that are clients of an SAP system, but you can also develop desktop

3.1. Downloading JCo

You need to be an SAP customer or partner (with a valid SAPnet (OSS) userid) to
download JCo. Go to
http://service.sap.com/connectors and follow the
download instructions. You will also find the complete list of supported platforms here.

3.2. Installing JCo

3.2.1. JCo 1.1

Make sure that you are always using the latest JCo 1.1 version, but at least 1.1.03.
The following instructions apply to Windows 32 platforms. The instructions for installing
JCo on other platforms are contained in the appropriate JCo download.

1. Create a directory, e.g., c:\JCo, and unzip the JCo zip file to that directory, keeping
the directory structure intact.

2. Copy the librfc32.dll file from your JCo root directory to
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 unless the version you already have there is newer than the
one supplied with JCo.

3. Make sure that jCO.jar (found in your JCo root directory) is in the class path of
any project that wants to use JCo.

For production deployment, the following files from the JCo zip file are required:
· jCO.jar
· librfc32.dll
· jRFC11.dll (if you are using JDK 1.1)
· jRFC12.dll (if you are using Java 2)

What else do you get in the downloaded zip file?
· The docs directory contains the Javadocs for JCo. Start with the index.html file.
· The demo directory contains some sample programs, including, but not limited to,
the samples discussed in this text.

3.2.2. JCo 2.0

JCo 2.0 is available with SAP Basis Release 6.20. JCo 2.0 does not support JDK 1.1
anymore, but requires Java 2 (JDK 1.2 and later). If you still need to use JDK 1.1, please
keep using JCo 1.1 (1.1.03 or later).
The following instructions apply to Windows 32 platforms. The instructions for installing
JCo on other platforms are contained in the appropriate JCo download.

4. Create a directory, e.g., c:\JCo, and unzip the JCo zip file to that directory, keeping
the directory structure intact.

5. Copy the librfc32.dll file from your JCo root directory to
C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32 unless the version you already have there is newer than the
one supplied with JCo.

6. Make sure that sapjco.jar (found in your JCo root directory) is in the class path
of any project that wants to use JCo.
For production deployment, the following files from the JCo zip file are required:
· sapjco.jar
· librfc32.dll
· sapjcorfc.dll
What else do you get in the downloaded zip file?
· The docs directory contains the Javadocs for JCo. Start with the index.html file.
· The demo directory contains some sample programs, including, but not limited to,
the samples discussed in this text.
posted on 2005-12-06 19:56 Dr.Magic 阅读(802) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

