出現以上訊息的原因是因為你裝了多個版本的jre或jdk的關係。本來Eclipse在建立專案時,會自動參照你的jre路徑,但多個版本就沒辦法了。 你只能手動建立… 1. 進入window\preferences\java\Installed JREs 1)按Add 2)輸入JRE Name, 例JDK1.5.0.03 3)JRE home directory, 選擇安裝的路徑 4)按OK 2. 進入Project\properties\Java Bulid Path 1)Add library 2)選JRE System Library後按Next 3)選workplace default JRE後按finish...
I composed a code as below:
Study tha adapter pattern this morning. Found some tutorial are not as good as I imaged. I parse my code about the adapter to demo it. Firstly, the object adapter: