I have an enum SortFilter, which looks like following:
publicenum SortFilter
Now, let's say I want to display the string value of enum in some control. For that, I will have to convert Enum value to string. For example, I want to add all enum string values to a DropDownList. The following code loops through the enumeration and adds string values to it. Here SortByList is DropDownList.
// Conversion from Enum to String
foreach (string item in Enum.GetNames(typeof(ArrayListBinding.SortFilter)))
This code converts an enum to string:
string name= Enum.GetName(typeof(ArrayListBinding.SortFilter), SortFilter.FirstName);
Now let's say, you have an enum string value say, "FirstName" and now you want to convert it to Enum value. The following code converts from a string to enum value, where Developer.SortingBy is of type SortFilter enumeration:
// Conversion from String to Enum
Developer.SortingBy = (SortFilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(SortFilter), "FirstName");
posted on 2009-11-20 17:53
becket_zheng 阅读(373)
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