

Element Description
<Schema> Collection of Cubes, Virtual cubes, Shared dimensions, and Roles.
<Cube> A collection of dimensions and measures, all centered on a fact table.
<VirtualCube> A cube defined by combining the dimensions and measures of one or more cubes.
<DimensionUsage> Usage of a shared dimension by a cube.
<Table> Fact- or dimension table.
<View> Defines a 'table' using a SQL query, which can have different variants for different underlying databases.
<Join> Defines a 'table' by joining a set of queries.
<Role> An access-control profile.
<SchemaGrant> A set of rights to a schema.
<CubeGrant> A set of rights to a cube.
<HierarchyGrant> A set of rights to a hierarchy and levels within that hierarchy.
<MemberGrant> A set of rights to a member and its children.

一个维是一个属性或者是属性的集合, 通过维你可以将度量划分到字类中。比如:你希望将销售产品按颜色,顾客性别,售出的商店分为八个部分,那么颜色,性别,商店都是维。

<Cube name="Sales">
<Table name="sales_fact_1997"/>
<Dimension name="Gender" foreignKey="customer_id">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Genders" primaryKey="customer_id">
<Table name="customer"/>
<Level name="Gender" column="gender" uniqueMembers="true"/>
<Dimension name="Time" foreignKey="time_id">
<Hierarchy hasAll="false" primaryKey="time_id">
<Table name="time_by_day"/>
<Level name="Year" column="the_year" type="Numeric"
<Level name="Quarter" column="quarter"
<Level name="Month" column="month_of_year" type="Numeric"
<Measure name="Unit Sales" column="unit_sales"
aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###"/>
<Measure name="Store Sales" column="store_sales"
aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###.##"/>

我们可以在这个模型上写一个 MDX 查询:
select {[Measures].[Unit Sales], [Measures].[Store Sales]} on columns,
{[Time].[1997].[Q1].descendants} on rows
from [Sales]
where [Gender].[F]
这 个查询涉及到了销售立方体, 每一个维 [Measures], [Time], [Gender], 这些维的多个成员. 结果如下:
[Time] [Measures].[Unit Sales] [Measures].[Store Sales]
[1997].[Q1] 0 0
[1997].[Q1].[Jan] 0 0
[1997].[Q1].[Feb] 0 0
[1997].[Q1].[Mar] 0 0

一个立方体是一个或者多个维和度量的集合,通常是一个事实表,这里是 ‘sales_fact_1997". 事实表保存了需要计算的列和包含维的参考表.
<Cube name="Sales">
<Table name="sales_fact_1997"/>
这里用 <Table> 元素定义事实表. 如果事实表 不在默认的模式中, 你可以用"schema"属性指定一个明确地模式,例如:
<Table schema="foodmart" name="sales_fact_1997"/>
你也可以利用 <View> 和 <Join> 结构来创建更复杂的sql .
销售立方体定义了两个维 "Unit Sales" 和 "Store Sales".
<Measure name="Unit Sales" column="unit_sales"
aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###"/>
<Measure name="Store Sales" column="store_sales"
aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###.00"/>
每个度量有一个名字,对应事实表中的一列, 采用一个聚集函数 (usually "sum").
一个可选的格式字符串指定了值如何被打印. 这里我们选择销售数量不带小数的输出(因为销售数量是整数) ,销售总额带2位小数 . 符号',' 和 '.' 是对地区敏感的, 因此如果是在意大利运行, 销售总额可能会出现 "48.123,45". 你可以用 advanced format strings来实现更严格的效果.度量值不是从列中来的,而是从立方体的单元中来的

<Dimension name="Gender" foreignKey="customer_id">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="customer_id">
<Table name="customer"/>
<Level name="Gender" column="gender" uniqueMembers="true"/>
对于任意给定的销售, 性别维是指购买改产品的客户的性别. 它通过连接事实表"sales_fact_1997.customer_id"和维表"customer.customer_id"
来表示 。"gender" 包括两个值, 'F' 和 'M', 因此性别维包含的成员: [Gender].[F] and [Gender].[M]. 因为 hasAll="true", 系统产生一个特别的 'all' 层, 仅包括一个成员 [All Genders].
<Dimension name="Time" foreignKey="time_id">
<Hierarchy hasAll="false" primaryKey="time_id">
<Table name="time_by_day"/>
<Level name="Year" column="the_year" type="Numeric"
<Level name="Quarter" column="quarter"
<Level name="Month" column="month_of_year" type="Numeric"
<Hierarchy name="Time Weekly" hasAll="false" primaryKey="time_id">
<Table name="time_by_week"/>
<Level name="Year" column="the_year" type="Numeric"
<Level name="Week" column="week"
<Level name="Day" column="day_of_week" type="String"
第一个层次没有指定名称.缺省的情况下,一个层次拥有和它的维相同的名称。,因此第一个层次成为"Time".这些层次没有太多的共同之处,他们甚至没有相同的表,除非它们连接了实施表中的同一列"time_id"。在一个维上存在两个层次的原因是这样对最终用户是有用的. 如果一个维上存在两个层次, MDX会强制不允许在一个查询中同时用到他们.
A dimension can live in the fact table:
<Cube name="Sales">
<Table name="sales_fact_1997"/>
<Dimension name="Payment method">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true">
<Level name="Payment method" column="payment_method" uniqueMembers="true"/>

大多数维都是仅有一个层次,但有时候一个维有多个层次。比如:你可能希望在时间维上从天聚集到月,季度和年;或者从天聚集到周和年。这两种层次都是从天到年,但是聚集的路径不同。大多数层次有全成员,全成员包括层次的所有成员,因此能够代表他们的总合。它通常命名为'All something',比如:'All stores'.

mondrian支持星型模式和雪花模式。下面介绍一下雪花模式的建模,它需要用到操作符 <Join>.比如:
<Cube name="Sales">
<Dimension name="Product" foreignKey="product_id">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="product_id" primaryKeyTable="product">
<Join leftKey="product_class_id" rightAlias="product_class" rightKey="product_class_id">
<Table name="product"/>
<Join leftKey="product_type_id" rightKey="product_type_id">
<Table name="product_class"/>
<Table name="product_type"/>
这里定义一个 "Product" 维 由三个表构成. 事实表连接 表"product" (通过外键 "product_id"),表"product"连接表"product_class" (通过外键 "product_class_id"),表"product_class"连接表 "product_type" (通过外键 "product_type_id"). 我们利用 <Join> 元素的循环嵌套, <Join>带有两个操作对象; 操作对象可能是表,连接或者查询 。
按照操作对象行的数目来安排次序,表 "product" 的行数最大, 因此它首先出现连接事实表;然后是表 "product_class"和 "product_type",在雪花的末端拥有的行数最小.
注意外部元素 <Join>有一个属性 rightAlias. 这是必要的,因为join 的右边(是内部元素 <Join> ) 有可能是许多表组成的.这种情况下不需要属性leftAlias,因为列 leftKey 很明确的来自表 "product".

当为一个连接生成SQL的时候, mondrian 需要知道连接哪一个列. 如果一正在连接一个多表连接, 你需要告诉它连接这些表里的哪一个表,哪一个列.
因为共享维不属于一个cube,你必须给它们一个明确的表 (或者数据源). 当你在一个特别的cube里用他们的时候, 你要指定外键 foreign key. 下面的例子显示了 Store Type 维被 连接到 Sales cube ,用了外键 sales_fact_1997.store_id, 并且被连接到Warehouse cube ,用了外键 warehouse.warehouse_store_id :
<Dimension name="Store Type">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" primaryKey="store_id">
<Table name="store"/>
<Level name="Store Type" column="store_type" uniqueMembers="true"/>

<Cube name="Sales">
<Table name="sales_fact_1997"/>
<DimensionUsage name="Store Type" source="Store Type" foreignKey="store_id"/>

<Cube name="Warehouse">
<Table name="warehouse"/>
<DimensionUsage name="Store Type" source="Store Type" foreignKey="warehouse_store_id"/>

虚拟 cubes
一个使用方便的层次 有一个严格的层的集合, 成员与层紧密的联系.比如,在 Product 层次中, 任何产品名称层的成员在商标层上都有一个父亲 ,商标层上的成员在产品子目录层也都有一个父亲. 这种结构对于现实世界中的数据有时候太严格了.
一个父子层次只有一层 (不计算 'all' 层), 但是任何成员可以在同一层上有父亲成员. 一个典型的例子是Employees 层次:
<Dimension name="Employees" foreignKey="employee_id">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" allMemberName="All Employees" primaryKey="employee_id">
<Table name="employee"/>
<Level name="Employee Id" uniqueMembers="true" type="Numeric"
column="employee_id" nameColumn="full_name"
parentColumn="supervisor_id" nullParentValue="0">
<Property name="Marital Status" column="marital_status"/>
<Property name="Position Title" column="position_title"/>
<Property name="Gender" column="gender"/>
<Property name="Salary" column="salary"/>
<Property name="Education Level" column="education_level"/>
<Property name="Management Role" column="management_role"/>
这里parentColumn 和nullParentValue是重要的属性:
属性parentColumn 是一个成员连接到它父亲成员的列名。在这种情况下, 它是指向雇员经理的外键。元素<Level>的子元素 <ParentExpression> 是与属性 parentColumn 有相同作用的,但是元素允许定义任意的SQL表达式, 就像元素 <Expression>. 属性 parentColumn (或者 元素<ParentExpression>) 是维一向Mondrian指出 层次有父子结构的。
属性 nullParentValue 是指明成员没有父成员的值 。 缺省情况下 nullParentValue="null", 但是因为许多数据库不支持null, 建模时 用其他值来代替空值,0和-1.

member reade
member reader 是访问成员的方法. 层次通常以维表为基础建立的 , 因此要用sql来构造.但是甚至你的数据没有存在于 RDBMS, 你可以通过一个 Java 类来访问层次。(自定义 member reader)
Here are a couple of examples:
DateSource (to be written)生成一个时间层次. 按常规,数据仓库工具生成一个表 ,每天包含一行。但是问题是这个表需要装载,并且随着时间的变化能够添加更多的行。 DateSource 在内存中按照要求生成日期成员.
FileSystemSource (to be written) 按照目录和文件的层次描述文件系统。 Like the time hierarchy created by DateSource, this is a virtual hierarchy: the member for a particular file is only created when, and if, that file's parent directory is expanded.
ExpressionMemberReader (to be written) 创建了一个基于表达式的层次。
自定义member reader 必须实现接口 mondrian.rolap.MemberSource. 如果你需要实现一个更大的成员操作集合, 需要实现接口 interface mondrian.rolap.MemberReader; 否则, Mondrian在 mondrian.rolap.CacheMemberReader中封装 你的 reader类.你的 member reader 必须有一个公共的构造函数,这个构造函数拥有参数(Hierarchy,Properties),抛出未检查的错误.
Member readers 用 元素<Hierarchy> 的属性memberReaderClass来声明; 任何 <Parameter> 子元素通过属性构造函数来传递.
<Dimension name="Has bought dairy">
<Hierarchy hasAll="true" memberReaderClass="mondrian.rolap.HasBoughtDairySource">
<Level name="Has bought dairy" uniqueMembers="true"/>
<Parameter name="expression" value="not used"/>
Cell readers
<Measure name="name" cellReaderClass="com.foo.MyCellReader">
类 "com.foo.MyCellReader" 实现了接口interface mondrian.olap.CellReader.

可以定义存取控制的属性(角色), 作为模式的一部分, 并且可以在建立连接的时候设置角色。
角色可以通过 元素<Role>来设置 , 它是元素<Schema> 的直接的子元素.
<Role name="California manager">
<SchemaGrant access="none">
<CubeGrant cube="Sales" access="all">
<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Store]" access="custom" topLevel="[Store].[Store Country]">
<MemberGrant member="[Store].[USA].[CA]" access="all"/>
<MemberGrant member="[Store].[USA].[CA].[Los Angeles]" access="none"/>
<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Customers]" access="custom" topLevel="[Customers].[State Province]" bottomLevel="[Customers].[City]">
<MemberGrant member="[Customers].[USA].[CA]" access="all"/>
<MemberGrant member="[Customers].[USA].[CA].[Los Angeles]" access="none"/>
<HierarchyGrant hierarchy="[Gender]" access="none"/>
元素 <SchemaGrant> 定义了模式中缺省的对象方问权限. 访问属性可以是 "all" 或者 "none"; 这个属性可以被具体的权限对象继承. 在这个例子中, 因为 access="none", 用户只能浏览"Sales" 立方体, 这里明确的赋予了这个权限.
元素 <CubeGrant> 定义了立方体的访问权限. 就像 <SchemaGrant>, 属性access 可以是"all" 或者 "none", 并且能够被cube中具体的子对象继承.
元素 <HierarchyGrant>定义了层次的访问权限. 属性access 可以是"all", 意思是所有的members都是可见的; "none",意思是 hierarchy的存在对用户是隐藏的; "custom", 你可以利用属性 topLevel 定义可见的最高层 (阻止用户 进行上卷操作, 比如浏览税收 上卷到 Store Country 层); 或者用属性 bottomLevel 定义可见的最底层 (这里阻止用户查看顾客个人的细节数据);或者控制用户查看哪一个成员集合,通过嵌套定义元素 <MemberGrant>.
你也可以只定义元素 <MemberGrant> ,如果模式的<HierarchyGrant> 有属性access="custom". Member grants 赋予 (或者取消) 访问给定的成员, 以及它的所有子成员.
posted @ 2008-03-26 22:30 edsonjava 阅读(921) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


先说说性能问题: 先是找了一台闲置的IBM X445 PC Server,4×2GHZ CPU,8G内存,2×146G硬盘,操作系统 windows 2000 , 开启AWE 3G参数。然后装Oracle 10g,数据仓库模式,使用了4G AWE内存共约4.5GB内存。再建成一张1600万用户数据宽表,宽表一律使用bitmap索引,还有其他20个左右维表。 然后就简单了,写mondrian Cube,配JPivot。 最后搞下来的结果是:基本上mondrian 每次做group by 操作最长不超过30秒,一般在20秒左右。用户基本可以接受。问了使用NCR的朋友,说NCR使用自己的数据库,也基本是这样的一个性能。 PS:偷偷问一声,在这基础上,性能还能改进否?


再说说方向问题: 我们现在使用2个OLAP,一个是jpivot + mondrian ,属于ROLAP;另一个是BO intelligence + essbase,属于MOLAP。目前的感觉是,由于DB性能强悍,导致ROLAP和MOLAP在性能上相差不大。同时ROLAP可以直接和报表系统共用同一张表。而MOLAP则需要使用工具来打CUBE做数据转换,这样在开发和维护工作量上,MOLAP比ROLAP大。 另外往往业务部门分析到最后,就是要看明细数据了,这个时候MOLAP的前端工具往往不能做好支持。而jpivot则无此问题。 综上所述,我目前好像还没看到必须用MOLAP的理由,听说华为原来用M$ 的OLAP,后来好像支持不住了,就直接用回了BO 报表,呵呵。


JPivot的问题: 操作太复杂,必须对OLAP的概念有清晰的了解,普通用户无法使用。与mondrian 集成不够紧密。mondrian不提供数据钻取功能,该功能是jpivot自己做的,所以会导致数据类型格式丢失。钻取详细数据量无限制,导致内存溢出。界面比较难看,操作方式非主流使用jpivot自己的mvc框架,不易其他框架集成 总体来说,jpivot目前已经不是一个玩具了,完全可以用于企业级的操作,而且定位在高端业务分析人员。

拿出来开源比较困难,一方面jpivot在不停升级,另一方面我在修改的时候不顾一切,在jpivot中乱引用了mondrian代码,还把mondrian部分无用代码全删了。这样,我就在这个帖里把能共享部分都在这里帖出来。 首先是我优化后的界面。 1.图标用了pentaho里面的图标。 2.jpivot里面其实支持3D饼图,只是选项未开,我先将jfreechart升级成1.0.2,又对饼图、线图等做了美观。 3.drillthrough是jpivot相对其他olap产品的杀手级功能,但是有不少细节未完善。我基本都一一补上。 在界面上可以看出,我添加了一个CSV导出功能(改了WCF库),同时限制最大导出20万行记录(改了jpivot)。界面上显示的“访问次数”是measure的名字,实际上应该显示“访问时间”,该问题暂时无解。另外修正了一下numberformat、dateformat不正确的一些问题。 4.excel导出时,格式很难看,但是由于excel本身只支持256色,无法显示web上的底色,所以我修改了只显示蓝色的border,底色一律为白。 附件中rar里面是web的CSS文件、Excel的生成文件和jpivot的图表生成部分代码,感兴趣的朋友各取所需吧

另外还把jpviot完全整合到我自己的系统中去了,呵呵。 可以在系统web界面上编写Cube和MDX定义,Cube和MDX为一对多关系。Cube通过xsd来做校验。开发Cube和MDX的时候可以随时做预览。 然后再把一个MDX在界面发布成一个单独的OLAP分析。 下一步的目标是将数据权限与jpivot做整合,由于Cube的xml是由系统自动生成的,所以mondrian的role配置也可以由系统根据配置自动生成。 这部分代码涉及我的系统和框架比较深,所以不帖代码了哈,大家自己搞搞2天也就出来了

还做了个及其变态的功能,就是把界面上所有显示的jpivot cell,一个个的去取出钻取数据的measure,然后生成csv文件,打成zip包给用户下载或发到其他接口。 当时我化了整整一个礼拜钻研mondrian代码,希望可以不用那么傻傻个一个个去钻,结果失败...

我在用Jpivot的时候,发现用mondrian是影响取数性能其中的一个瓶颈........ 经研究.....我们自己修改了jpivot和wcf的一些代码来适应我们自己的项目.........以下是我做的一些修改.....想听听大家的意见 1.脱离mondrian.直接写dll的方式取数,然后生成XML数据 .我发现脱离mondrian自己写了一个DLL去调用MSSQL 2000 的OLAP,数度很快........... 2 .修改界面的显示方式 上面也说道.Jpivot的界面一个不好看,二是用起来很不方便.比如取维度等的时候....一层一层的进去实在很麻烦.... a.修改取维度的方式 我们参照ms的做法 做成一个了一个树的取数,研究jpivot里面的代码.如果直接用jpivot的代码取数据十分慢.这样我自己通过AJAX和Jpivot结合,动态生成树的结构,然后在树上取维度的时候,直接通过鼠标托到选择维度textbox上.........依照条件生成相应MDX....显示数据..... b.修改数据显示的样式.和取维度,生成MDX分开了. 显示数据我用了另外一种方式显示.就是用Frame分为上下两层.....上下两层可以通过按钮扩大整个页面........ 3. 集成在自己的框架中 集成在自己的框架中,我个人觉得是比较麻烦的一件事情.一点小事没有搞好就很麻烦...因为我们是用JSF开发的.所以依照Jpivot....自己写了一些组件来辅助开发,我自己开发主要改成比较像ms 2000 的olap分析方法... 还未完成的需求 JFreeChar的功能还需要加强. 个人感觉:jpivot是很不错.可是不能一拿来就用..我发现好多人用jpivot都要修改好多东西....但是修改起来又比较麻烦....java,j2ee,xml ,xslt,javascript,taglib.....好多东西都要懂.....
posted @ 2008-03-26 22:28 edsonjava 阅读(2239) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


This documentation is related to the displaytag 1.1.x releases.

The latest available release is 1.1.1

Displaytag 1.1 offers several enhancements over 1.0: the most notable news are support for partial lists and enhanced decorator APIs, but there is also a lot more. Be sure to read the migration guide for upgrading an existing application from displaytag 1.0. A full changelog is also available.


The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide high-level web presentation patterns which will work in an MVC model. The library provides a significant amount of functionality while still being easy to use.

What can I do with it?

Actually the display tag library can just... display tables! Give it a list of objects and it will handle column display, sorting, paging, cropping, grouping, exporting, smart linking and decoration of a table in a customizable XHTML style.

The tables in the sample images below were generated from lists using the <display:table> tag:

sample tables produced with the display:table tag
posted @ 2008-02-23 23:47 edsonjava 阅读(521) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

目前在java领域较常见的BI前端框架(商业智能项目)主要有以下几个Pentaho,spagoBi, OpenI, JASPER intelligence等开源框架。



OpenI使用Mondrian和Jpivot框架,报表引擎是jasper report,数据挖掘接口是R-Project,


 JASPER intelligence也是个轻型项目,对jasper report的支持最好,所以报表部分比较好。





      Pentaho的模块工作流引擎、中心资源库、审计组件、报表设计工具、ETL工具、OLAP Server、多维展示、数据挖掘组件各种组建都有。














posted @ 2008-02-23 23:38 edsonjava 阅读(955) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



ETL 工具







● 表示层:指最终呈现在用户显示器上的以及与用户之间的交互,有许多方法来展现多维数据,包括数据透视表、饼、柱、线状图。

● 计算层:分析、验证、执行MDX查询。

● 聚集层:一个聚集指内存中一组计算值(cell),这些值通过维列来限制。计算层发送单元请求,如果请求不在缓存中,或者不能通过旋转聚集导出的话,那么聚集层向存储层发送请求。聚合层是一个数据缓冲层,从数据库来的单元数据,聚合后提供给计算层。聚合层的主要作用是提高系统的性能。

● 存储层:提供聚集单元数据和维表的成员。包括三种需要存储的数据,分别是事实数据、聚集和维。




主要的开源工具包括MonetDB、MySQL、MaxDB和PostgreSQL等。这些数据库都被设计用来支持BI环境。MySQL、MaxDB和PostgreSQL均支持单向的数据复制。BizGres项目的目的在于使PostgreSQL成为数据仓库和 BI的开源标准。BizGres为BI环境构建专用的完整数据库平台。


1.Pentaho 公司的Pentaho BI 平台

它是一个以流程为中心的、面向解决方案的框架,具有商务智能组件。BI 平台是以流程为中心的,其中枢控制器是一个工作流引擎。工作流引擎使用流程定义来定义在 BI 平台上执行的商务智能流程。流程可以很容易被定制,也可以添加新的流程。BI 平台包含组件和报表,用以分析这些流程的性能。BI 平台是面向解决方案的,平台的操作是定义在流程定义和指定每个活动的 action 文档里。这些流程和操作共同定义了一个商务智能问题的解决方案。这个 BI 解决方案可以很容易地集成到平台外部的商业流程。一个解决方案的定义可以包含任意数量的流程和操作。

BI平台包括一个 BI 框架、BI 组件、一个 BI 工作台和桌面收件箱。BI 工作台是一套设计和管理工具,集成到Eclipse环境。这些工具允许商业分析人员或开发人员创建报表、仪表盘、分析模型、商业规则和 BI 流程。Pentaho BI 平台构建于服务器、引擎和组件的基础之上,包括J2EE 服务器、安全与权限控制、portal、工作流、规则引擎、图表、协作、内容管理、数据集成、多维分析和系统建模等功能。这些组件的大部分是基于标准的,可使用其他产品替换之。


该项目近日发布了SpagoBi 1.8版本。SpagoBi 是一款基于Mondrain+JProvit的BI方案,能够通过OpenLaszlo产生实时报表,为商务智能项目提供了一个完整开源的解决方案,它涵盖了一个BI系统所有方面的功能,包括:数据挖掘、查询、分析、报告、Dashboard仪表板等等。SpagoBI使用核心系统与功能模块集成的架构,这样在确保平台稳定性与协调性的基础上又保证了系统具有很强的扩展能力。用户无需使用SpagoBI的所有模块,而是可以只利用其中的一些模块。

SpagoBI使用了许多已有的开源软件,如Spago和Spagosi等。因此,SpagoBI集成了 Spago的特征和技术特点,使用它们管理商务智能对象,如报表、OLAP分析、仪表盘、记分卡以及数据挖掘模型等。SpagoBI支持BI系统的监控管理,包括商务智能对象的控制、校验、认证和分配流程。SpagoBI采用Portalet技术将所有的BI对象发布到终端用户,因此BI对象就可以集成到为特定的企业需求而已经选择好的Portal系统中去。


该项目是一套支持商务智能项目实施的工具套件,包括ETL工具和OLAP 服务器。Bee的ETL工具使用基于Perl的BEI,通过界面描述流程,以XML形式进行存储。用户必须对转换过程进行编码。Bee的ROLAP 服务器保证多通SQL 生成和强有力的高速缓存管理(使用MySQL数据库管理系统)。ROLAP服务器通过SOAP应用接口提供丰富的客户应用。Web Portal作为主要的用户接口,通过Web浏览器进行报表设计、展示和管理控制,分析结果可以以Excel、PDF、PNG、PowerPoint、 text和XML等多种形式导出。


● 简单快捷的数据访问;

● 支持预先定义报表和实时查询;

● 通过拖拽方式轻松实现报表定制;

● 完整报表的轻松控制;

● 以表和图进行高质量的数据展示。

posted @ 2008-02-23 23:29 edsonjava 阅读(528) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
java /zongfeng 


olap:online analytical processing(联机分析处理),实时的分析大量数据,其操作通常是 只读的.online意味着即使是大量的数据,系统对查询的响应也要足够快.

olap使用一种技术叫做multimensional analysis(多维分析),关系数据库将数据存成行和列的形式,多维数据表包含轴和单元.













<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>


<Measure name="库存消耗" column="store_cost" aggregator="sum" formatString="#,###.00"/>



<th rowspan="1" colspan="2" class="corner-heading" nowrap="nowrap">&nbsp;</th><th rowspan="1" colspan="3" class="heading-heading" nowrap="nowrap"><img height="9" width="9" border="0" src="/jpivot/jpivot/table/drill-position-other.gif">Measures</th>









String desc="<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>";
String xchart =desc+"n"+ "<xchart>" + writeImageMap(filename, info, false) + "</xchart>";



<listBox1 type="string" modelReference="fontName" label="Title font">
<listItem value="SansSerif" label="SansSerif"/>
<listItem value="Serif" label="Serif"/>
<listItem value="SimSun" label="SimSun"/>
<listItem value="Monospaced" label="Monospaced"/>


posted @ 2008-02-23 23:20 edsonjava 阅读(880) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


1.指定输出文档类型为xml文档  (example:data.xsl)
 <xsl:output method="xml"  encoding="gb2312" media-type="text/xml" />
2.在新的窗口打开,给联接增加属性,指明目标窗口为其他窗口  (example:data2.xsl)
 <xsl:attribute name="target">_blank</xsl:attribute>


/*** data.xml ***/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="data.xsl"?>

/*** data.xsl ***/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
<!-- 去掉下面一句,将出现错误 -->
<xsl:output method="xml"  encoding="gb2312" media-type="text/xml" />

<xsl:template match="/">
 <xsl:apply-templates /> 

<xsl:template match="search">
 <xsl:element name="a">
  <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="url" /><xsl:value-of select="word" /></xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:value-of select="word" />
 <br />


/*** data2.xsl ***/

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="gb2312"?>
<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">

<xsl:template match="/">
 <xsl:apply-templates /> 

<xsl:template match="search">
 <xsl:element name="a">
  <xsl:attribute name="href"><xsl:value-of select="url" /><xsl:value-of select="word" /></xsl:attribute>
  <!-- 去掉下面一句,将出现错误 -->
  <xsl:attribute name="target">_blank</xsl:attribute>
  <xsl:value-of select="word" />
 <br />


posted @ 2008-02-23 23:08 edsonjava 阅读(527) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



      public interface HttpServletRequest extends ServletRequest;
      public String getAuthType();
      public Cookie[] getCookies();
      public long getDateHeader(String name);
      public String getHeader(String name);
      public Enumeration getHeaderNames();
      public int getIntHeader(String name);
      public String getMethod();
      public String getPathInfo();
      public String getPathTranslated();
      public String getQueryString();
      public String getRemoteUser
      public String getRequestedSessionId();
      返回这个请求相应的session id。如果由于某种原因客户端提供的session id是无效的,这个session id将与在当前session中的session id不同,与此同时,将建立一个新的session。
      public String getRequestURI();
      public String getServletPath();
      public HttpSession getSession();
      public HttpSession getSession(boolean create);
      public boolean isRequestedSessionIdValid();
      public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie();
      如果这个请求的session id是通过客户端的一个cookie提供的,该方法返回真,否则返回假。
      public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromURL();
      如果这个请求的session id是通过客户端的URL的一部分提供的,该方法返回真,否则返回假。请注意此方法与isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl在URL的拼写上不同。

      public boolean isRequestedSessionIdFromUrl();


      public interface HttpServletResponse extends ServletResponse
      public static final int SC_CONTINUE = 100;
      public static final int SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS = 101;
      public static final int SC_OK = 200;
      public static final int SC_CREATED = 201;
      public static final int SC_ACCEPTED = 202;
      public static final int SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION = 203;
      public static final int SC_NO_CONTENT = 204;
      public static final int SC_RESET_CONTENT = 205;
      public static final int SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT = 206;
      public static final int SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES = 300;
      public static final int SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301;
      public static final int SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY = 302;
      public static final int SC_SEE_OTHER = 303;
      public static final int SC_NOT_MODIFIED = 304;
      public static final int SC_USE_PROXY = 305;
      public static final int SC_BAD_REQUEST = 400;
      public static final int SC_UNAUTHORIZED = 401;
      public static final int SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED = 402;
      public static final int SC_FORBIDDEN = 403;
      public static final int SC_NOT_FOUND = 404;
      public static final int SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED = 405;
      public static final int SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE = 406;
      public static final int SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 407;
      public static final int SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 408;
      public static final int SC_CONFLICT = 409;
      public static final int SC_GONE = 410;
      public static final int SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED = 411;
      public static final int SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED = 412;
      public static final int SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE = 413;
      public static final int SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG = 414;
      public static final int SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE = 415;
      public static final int SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR = 500;
      public static final int SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = 501;
      public static final int SC_BAD_GATEWAY = 502;
      public static final int SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 503;
      public static final int SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT = 504;
      public static final int SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 505;
      public void addCookie(Cookie cookie);
      public boolean containsHeader(String name);
      public String encodeRedirectURL(String url);
      public String encodeURL(String url);
      对包含session ID的URL进行编码。如果不需要编码,就直接返回这个URL。Servlet引擎必须提供URL编码方法,因为在有些情况下,我们将不得不重写URL,例如,在响应对应的请求中包含一个有效的session,但是这个session不能被非URL的(例如cookie)的手段来维持。
      public void sendError(int statusCode) throws IOException;
      public void sendError(int statusCode, String message) throws
      public void sendRedirect(String location) throws IOException;
      public void setDateHeader(String name, long date);
      public void setHeader(String name, String value);
      public void setIntHeader(String name, int value);
      public void setStatus(int statusCode);
      public String encodeRedirectUrl(String url);
      public String encodeUrl(String url);
      public void setStatus(int statusCode, String message);

      public interface HttpSession
      public long getCreationTime();
      public String getId();
      返回分配给这个session的标识符。一个HTTP session的标识符是一个由服务器来建立和维持的唯一的字符串。
      public long getLastAccessedTime();
      public int getMaxInactiveInterval();
      public Object getValue(String name);
      public String[] getValueNames();
      public void invalidate();
      public boolean isNew();
      public void putValue(String name, Object value);
      public void removeValue(String name);
      取消给定名字的对象在session上的绑定。如果未找到给定名字的绑定的对象,这个方法什么出不做。 这时会调用HttpSessionBindingListener接口的valueUnbound方法。
      public int setMaxInactiveInterval(int interval);
      public HttpSessionContext getSessionContext();

      public interface HttpSessionBindingListener
      这个对象被加入到HTTP的session中,执行这个接口会通告有没有什么对象被绑定到这个HTTP session中或被从这个HTTP session中取消绑定。
      public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event);
      public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event);

      public interface HttpSessionContext
      这个对象是与一组HTTP session关联的单一的实体。
      public HttpSession getSession(String sessionId);
      当初用来返回与这个session id相关的session。现在返回空值。
      public Enumeration getIds();
      当初用来返回这个环境下所有session id的列表。现在返回空的列表。

      public class Cookie implements Cloneable
      这个类描述了一个cookie,有关cookie的定义你可以参照Netscape Communications Corporation的说明,也可以参照RFC 2109。
      public Cookie(String name, String value);
      以字符$开头的name被RFC 2109保留。
      public String getComment();
      public String getDomain();
      public int getMaxAge();
      public String getName();
      public String getPath();
      public boolean getSecure();
      public String getValue();
      public int getVersion();
      返回cookie的版本。版本1由RFC 2109解释。版本0由Netscape Communications Corporation的说明解释。新构造的cookie默认使用版本0。
      public void setComment(String purpose);
      public void setDomain(String pattern);
      public void setMaxAge(int expiry);
      public void setPath(String uri);
      public void setSecure(boolean flag);
      public void setValue(String newValue);
      public void setVersion(int v);

      public class HttpServlet extends GenericServlet implements 
      这是一个抽象类,用来简化HTTP Servlet写作的过程。它是GenericServlet类的扩充,提供了一个处理HTTP协议的框架。
      protected void doDelete(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP DELETE操作。这个操作允许客户端请求从服务器上删除URL。这一操作可能有负面影响,对此用户就负起责任。
      这一方法的默认执行结果是返回一个HTTP BAD_REQUEST错误。当你要处理DELETE请求时,你必须重载这一方法。
      protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP GET操作。这个操作允许客户端简单地从一个HTTP服务器“获得”资源。对这个方法的重载将自动地支持HEAD方法。
      这一方法的默认执行结果是返回一个HTTP BAD_REQUEST错误。
      protected void doHead(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP HEAD操作。默认的情况是,这个操作会按照一个无条件的GET方法来执行,该操作不向客户端返回任何数据,而仅仅是返回包含内容长度的头信息。
      这个方法的默认执行结果是自动处理HTTP HEAD操作,这个方法不需要被一个子类执行。 
      protected void doOptions(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP OPTION操作。这个操作自动地决定支持哪一种HTTP方法。例如,一个Servlet写了一个HttpServlet的子类并重载了doGet方法,doOption会返回下面的头:
      protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP POST操作。这个操作包含请求体的数据,Servlet应该按照他行事。
      这一方法的默认执行结果是返回一个HTTP BAD_REQUEST错误。当你要处理POST操作时,你必须在HttpServlet的子类中重载这一方法。
      protected void doPut(HttpServletRequest request, 
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP PUT操作。这个操作类似于通过FTP发送文件。
      这一方法的默认执行结果是返回一个HTTP BAD_REQUEST错误。当你要处理PUT操作时,你必须在HttpServlet的子类中重载这一方法。
      protected void doTrace(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      被这个类的service方法调用,用来处理一个HTTP TRACE操作。这个操作的默认执行结果是产生一个响应,这个响应包含一个反映trace请求中发送的所有头域的信息。
      protected long getLastModified(HttpServletRequest request);
      protected void service(HttpServletRequest request,
            HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException,
      public void service(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response)
            throws ServletException, IOException;

      public class HttpSessionBindingEvent extends EventObject
      public HttpSessionBindingEvent(HttpSession session, String name);
      public String getName();
      public HttpSession getSession();

      public class HttpUtils
      收集HTTP Servlet使用的静态的有效的方法。
      public static StringBuffer getRequestURL(HttpServletRequest
      public static Hashtable parsePostData(int len, 
            ServletInputstream in);
      解析一个包含MIME类型application/x-www-form-urlencoded的数据的流,并创建一个具有关键值-数据对的hash table。这里的关键值是字符串,数据是该字符串所对应的值的列表。一个关键值可以在POST的数据中出现一次或多次。这个关键值每出现一次,它的相应的值就被加入到hash table中的字符串所对应的值的列表中。
      public static Hashtable parseQueryString(String s);
      解析一个查询字符串,并创建一个具有关键值-数据对的hash table。这里的数据是该字符串所对应的值的列表。一个关键值可以出现一次或多次。这个关键值每出现一次,它的相应的值就被加入到hash table中的字符串所对应的值的列表中。
posted @ 2007-07-26 16:34 edsonjava 阅读(453) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


CVSNT 2.5.03 Installation on Windows 2003

Author: Bo Berglund
This guide is written as an installation help for CVSNT 2.5.03 and higher on Windows 2003 server.
Most of the discussion is also valid for installation on Windows XP-Pro (see below for an important setting).
NOTE! You cannot use XP-Home for CVSNT!
The guide uses the Innosetup based installer that I maintain but similar results can probably be obtained by using the Innosetup installer published by Oliver Giesen as well.
I am not using the MSI installer from the official CVSNT website since I cannot accept non-opensource software if anything else is available.

Table of contents
CVSNT Installation
Configuring the server
Adding CVS users
Adding CVS administrators
Disabling pserver as security measure
The cvs passwd command for adding users
Managing pserver and sserver users
Using the SSPI protocol
Fine-tuning user access of CVS
Using spaces with CVSNT

CVSNT Auditing Configuration Tutorial
Innosetup CVSNT Installer download
CVSMailer homepage, Automatic email on commits and other events
ViewCvs Installer download
CVSNT command reference
CVSNT download (where you can download the latest CVSNT versions)

Karl Fogel's book 'Open Source development with CVS'
The free part of Karl Fogel's book in HTML format
DevGuy's CVS information pages
CVS-Gui (WinCvs) homepage
WinCvs Dialy use guide
WinCvs 1.3 manual (PDF format)

WinCvs download (on SourceForge)

Installation of the CVSNT server

File system type
Make sure your system is only using the NTFS file system!
Also make sure you are logged on as an administrator of the PC (using an account with administrative priviliges).
And most important: Use the local disk on the CVSNT server!

IMPORTANT for XP-Pro users:
You MUST switch off Simple File Sharing, which is the default for XP (as recommended by Microsoft to make XP somewhat compatible with Win95-98-ME)!
You do this by opening a Windows Explorer and then use the menu command Tools/Folder Options. Select the View tab and scroll down to the bottom where you find this item. Uncheck it now!
Simple File Sharing

Now for the actual installation and configuration:

1. Get the latest release of CVSNT
Get the latest CVSNT Innosetup installation from Innosetup CVSNT Installer download

2. Create CVS directories
Create two directories on the target machine, c:\cvsrepos and c:\cvsrepos\cvstemp. If you have a separate disk partition to spare for CVS then use that instead. The important point here is that the disk where the repository is located on is NTFS.

3. Directory security and permissions
Give c:\cvsrepos\cvstemp security settings that allows full control for all accounts including SYSTEM.
The cvstemp directory must NOT be located in either c:\WINNT\Temp or anywhere in the "C:\Documents and Settings" tree because these locations have imposed restrictions on user access!
Notice that on XP-Pro out of the box from Microsoft the permissions cannot be set like this until "Simple File Sharing" is switched off (see above). So you must do this if you use XP-Pro. XP-Home is totally unsuitable for CVSNT!

4. Install CVSNT
Run the downloaded CVSNT setup file and make sure to change the installation path to c:\programs\cvsnt (I am paranoid about removing any spaces in paths used by cvs!)
Start screen:
Install screen #1

License agreement:
Install screen #2

Install directory selection:
I strongly recommend that you install CVSNT to a path that does NOT contain any embedded spaces, for example like this:
Install screen #3

Installation component selection screen:
Install screen #4

Start menu selection:
Install screen #5

Task selection screen:
Install screen #6

Ready to install!
Install screen #7

Install in progress
Install screen #8

Release notes
Install screen #9

Installation done!
Install screen #10

Configuring the CVSNT server and repository

1. CVSNT Control Panel configuration
CVSNT is configured from the CVSNT Control Panel, which can be reached via the shortcut link placed under the Start menu during installation.
Control Panel

Now open the CVSNT control panel applet and do the following:

2. Shut down the CVSNT service
Check that the CVSNT Service is not running (Start button is enabled). This is the initial screen showing that both services are running:

Configuration screen #1
If it is started then stop it. You can leave the Lock Service running.

3. Repository creation
The tab will initially look like this:

Configuration screen #2

4. Add repository
Now you will add a repository to the server. This is done using the "Add" button. When you click this a dialogue shows up where you will define your repository.

Empty repo

5. Repository folder
Click the ellipsis button for Location to bring up the folder browser.
Now you can browse to the location you want for your repository and add a new folder here.
I strongly advice NOT to use paths with embedded spaces for CVS!

Browse for folder

6. Name repository
Now fill in the description and the name of the repository as well.
accept the suggested name, which is the same as the folder path!
Instead only use the bare folder name with a leading / like this:

CVSNT AddRepository

7. Initializing the repository
When you click the OK button there will be a dialog where CVSNT offers to initialize the new repository.
When you click Yes then the new folder will be converted to a real repository:

CVSNT AddRepository

8. First repository added!
Now the list of repositories has been populated with the first repository:

CVSNT Repository

You can add as many as you like (almost) but please do not fall for the temptation to use one repository for each and every project! There are a lot of possibilities to streamline the development process using CVSNT, but many of these use the virtual modules concept and this is only possible within a single repository.

9. Server Settings
Now go on to the Server Settings tab.
Here the default settings are all right for now, except the Temporary Directory setting.


NOTICE about Domains:
You can set the Default domain entry to either the CVSNT server PC name (as in the example above) or the domain name to which the CVSNT server belongs. CVSNT will strip the domain part from all accounts that log on using the default domain before processing. All other logons will be processed using their complete names (DOMAIN\username). The result of this is that all users that "belong" to the domain specified in this box will be logged using only the account name, likewise these usernames will be supplied to the administrative scripts without the domain name. All others will have a domain name added. This must be accounted for in any admin script used.
The CVSROOT/users file is one such admin file that needs to be handled with care concerning domain and non-domain entries.

Temp dir: Use the ellipsis button to browse for the folder prepared for this purpose above:


10. Compatibility
On the next tab (Compatibility Options) there is nothing you need to change for now:

Serversettings screen #1

11. Plugins and protocols
The Plugins tab define a lot of the extra features of CVSNT including some aspects of the connection protocols. The sceen list the available plugins and when you select a line you will be able to configure this plugin by clicking the configure button:

Serversettings screen #1

12. Sserver configuration
Here is the configuration window for the SSERVER protocol plugin. Please set it like this:

SSPI config screen

13. Advanced settings
The final tab on the Control Panel deals with advanced configuration settings and you need not change anything here.

Configuration screen #1

14. Apply configuration changes
Now click the Apply button! This is really important, nothing will happen unless you do this! Note that after you have done this the Apply button is disabled.

15. Start the CVSNT service
Go back to the first tab and click the Start button. After a few moments the Stop button will be highlighted.
Now CVSNT runs (success!)

16. Restart the server
In order for you to be able to use the command line cvs you need to have the path variable set to include the location of the cvs.exe just installed (c:\programs\cvsnt). Since the installer will have put this into the system path variable it will work if you restart the server.
You can check this by going to a command window and typing the command:
cvs --ver
If this results in an eror message then you should restart the server PC before continuing.

Adding and managing CVS users for pserver and sserver access

This is a step that is only needed if you plan on using the sserver or pserver protocols with this CVS server. If your users are all on Windows PC:s pserver is not recommended since it has inherent security flaws. Instead use SSPI because that protocols integrate much better with Windows. If you decide to go with sspi (recommended) then you can skip the discussion on how to add and manage users in this section.

1. Creating CVS accounts on the server
In order for pserver and sserver to work you have to define CVS users, but before you can do this you need to create two real accounts on the server. These accounts will be used by the CVS users as the working accounts.
You need one account which will be a CVS administrative account and one which will be a normal user account. Note that the CVS administrator need not be a server administrator!


The two accounts are added through the Users dialog in Computer Management.
I have used the account names cvsadmin and cvsuser as shown above.

2. Adding CVS users
Open a command window and do the following (replace items <text> with the real values from your system).

set cvsroot=:sspi:<computername>:/TEST
cvs passwd -a <account name>

You will now be asked to enter a password for this user. This password is only for CVS use so it should not be the real system password! Enter the password twice.
Now the CVSROOT/passwd file will be created and the user you entered will be added to the list in this file.
This step is necessary if you are going to use the pserver or sserver protocol in the future since there is no way to log in with pserver/sserver unless there is a passwd file present with the user listed.

Important note:
Any user entered like this MUST be an NT user on the local system! CVS will not accept any user login that is not connected to a "real" account.

3. Aliasing CVS users to real accounts
In order to have many CVS user logins you don't need to create masses of system accounts! Instead you can "alias" a CVS login to a "real" account using this command:

cvs passwd -r <real accountname> -a <cvs login name>

What will happen now is that to CVS the user will be known and registered as the CVS login given in the command, but for file operations that will encounter permission issues the commands will be executed in the context of the real system account that was aliased. This makes it possible to use NTFS file system permissions to limit access to certain parts of the repository to some users. You simply create a system account for which you set limited permissions and then you alias the CVS login to this user.

Note that this command will fail if there is a space embedded in the real account name! DON'T ever use spaces in these contexts!!!!! (But using quotes may solve the problem like this:
cvs passwd -r "system admin" -a "new user"
Since I don't have a valid user with embedded space I could not check the quotes trick with the valid user name parameter, but adding a CVS login with space embedded *can* be done with quotes.)

cvs passwd -r cvsuser -a charlie

or if you want the new user to be a CVS administrator:

cvs passwd -r cvsadmin -a rogerh

Note about Domain users:
You can add domain users with the following command:
cvs passwd -r <real accountname> -D <domain name> -a <cvs login name>
This command is reported by a user to have worked for him. I cannot check it because I don't have a domain. But based on information from the mail list I think that it will only work if there is a trust between the CVSNT server PC and the domain controller. If the CVSNT server PC is a member of the domain then this is the case.

The server is now ready to be used and you can check the pserver functionality by doing this:

4. Testing the CVS connection with sserver
Open another command window and type:
set cvsroot=:sserver:<user>@<computername>:/TEST
Replace <user> and <computername> with valid entries like:
set cvsroot=:sserver:charlie@cvsserver:/TEST

cvs login (enter password on prompt)
cvs ls -l -R
(this should give you a list of the files in TEST/CVSROOT)

5. Testing the CVS connection with pserver
Open another command window and type:
set cvsroot=:pserver:<user>@<computername>:/TEST
Replace <user> and <computername> with valid entries like:
set cvsroot=:pserver:charlie@cvsserver:/TEST

cvs login (enter password on prompt)
cvs ls -l -R
(this should give you a list of the files in TEST/CVSROOT)

6. Testing the CVS connection from another PC
Open a command window on another PC where you have installed the CVSNT in client only mode and type:
set cvsroot=:sserver:<user>@<computername>:/TEST
Replace <user> and <computername> with valid entries like:
set cvsroot=:pserver:charlie@cvsserver:/TEST

cvs login (enter password on prompt)
cvs ls -l -R
(this should give you a list of the files in TEST/CVSROOT)

If you cannot get this far, for example if the login fails, then you should check the Windows Firewall settings on the CVSNT server:

7. Modifying Windows Firewall to allow CVS calls

  • Go to Control Panel
  • Open the Windows Firewall item.
  • Select the Exceptions tab
  • Click the "Add port" button
  • Enter the name CVSNT and port number 2401 as a TCP port
  • Accept back to the main screen
  • Make sure Windows Firewall is set to ON

Configuration screen #1

Configuration screen #1

Configuration screen #1


Administrating the repository, users with admin rights

There have been a number of reports that people have not been able to add users or execute the cvs admin command even though they were members of the Administartors group or even of Domain Admins. In order to avoid this there is a simple way to manage who will have admin rights on the CVSNT server. It is done through the CVSROOT/admin file.
Here is how to:

  • Create a text file called admin (no extension) inside the CVSROOT directory of the repository.
  • Edit this file by adding on separate lines the login names of the users you want to give administrative priviliges on the CVS server.
The file could look like this:

Now each of these users are able to add new users, change their passwords and use the cvs admin command.


Disabling the pserver protocol

If you are exposing your CVSNT server to the Internet you should disable the :pserver: protocol because it uses too low security levels. Only the password for login is 'encrypted' and this is only barely so. All other traffic is in cleartext...
To protect your data you should use the :sspi: protocol instead (and set its encryption flag of course).
As an alternative with the same basic functionality as pserver you can use sserver instead. This uses encrypted connections by default and is probably better if you want to add cvs logins that do not correspond to real accounts (see above).
Disabling any protocol on the CVSNT server is done through the CVSNT Control Panel Plugins tab.
Select the :pserver: protocol line and click Configure. This will bring up a dialogue where you can just uncheck the checkbox to disable the protocol:

Configuration screen #1

Adding new pserver users using the cvs passwd command

As soon as you have logged on using pserver or sserver with a cvs login name that is the same as a local system admin or is aliased to an admin account or is listed in the CVSROOT/admin file then you can add and delete CVS user logins with the passwd command. Here is the full syntax for this command:

cvs passwd [-a] [-x] [-X] [-r real_user] [-R] [-D domain] [username]
-a Add user
-x Disable user
-X Delete user
-r Alias username to real system user
-R Remove alias to real system user
-D Use domain password

cvs passwd -r charlie -a john
This adds a CVS login john with a system alias to account charlie. When the command is executed there will be a password dialogue that asks for the password of john twice for confirmation. Note that this is NOT the actual system password of account john, it is the CVS login password only used by CVSNT.
After the command completes there will be a new line in the CVSROOT/passwd file looking somewhat like this:
The part between the :: is the DES encrypted password you typed in and will be used by the CVSNT service during login to validate john. Once accepted the account charlie will instead be used so the password is no longer used. The CVSNT service has full priviliges to act on charlie's behalf and this is what it does too.

Managing pserver and sserver users

If you plan on using pserver or sserver with a fairly large number of different user logins then you might want to do as follows (also described above):

  • Create a local user on the CVSNT server by the name of "cvsuser".
  • Login to the cvs server using an admin account.
  • Add the logins with the following command to alias to the cvsuser:
    cvs passwd -r cvsuser -a <login user name>
    You will be asked twice for the login password.
You may add as many pserver users this way as you like. They will all be individually identified by the login name even though the operations on the repository will be done in the cvsuser account context. Mail systems will recognize these user names as well (see below).


Using the SSPI protocol for CVSNT access

A few years ago the SSPI protocol was added to CVSNT. It works over TCP/IP so it can more easily traverse firewalls. Like :ntserver:, which is now depreciated, the :sspi: protocol does not need a login, instead the login you did when you started your workstation is used with this protocol.

Limiting user access with sspi
When used normally sspi will accept connections from all system users that authenticate against the system (local or domain). Often this is not really what we want, instead we want to use the same mechansism as is used with :pserver:. Here the CVSROOT/passwd file limits the logins accepted by CVSNT to those mentioned in the file.
With :sspi: this is quite possible, you only have to list the account login names that you want to give CVS access in the passwd file. You also have to set the parameter
SystemAuth = No
in the CVSROOT/config file.
Note that in this case there is no need for entering passwords into the passwd file, sspi uses the system login and the passwd file is only used as a list of accepted users. So simply issuing this command when logged in as a CVS administrator will work:
cvs passwd -a newuser
(press enter twice to tell CVSNT that no password is used)

Fine-tuning user access of CVS

The NTFS file system permissions can be used to tune the access to the CVS repository with more granularity than the passwd file allows. Here is how it is done:

  1. Create a number of NT user groups where members can be added and removed easily.
  2. Don't use aliases in the login scheme, let each user login as himself, for example using :sspi:.
  3. Set permissions (read/write, read only, no access) on the module level in the repository using the CVS groups as tokens.
  4. Give membership to the CVS user groups as needed to individual NT accounts


Using spaces with CVSNT

CVSNT tries its best to handle spaces embedded in file and directory names. But there still are instances where the use of spaces breaks the CVS functionality badly. So my recommendations are:

  1. Install CVSNT to a path that does not contain spaces.
  2. Place the repository on a path not containing spaces.
  3. If you install additional software like PERL or RCS, don't use spaces!
  4. Instruct your users not to use spaces in directory names that are to be handled by CVS.

People may argue that CVSNT handles these issues for them, but in my experience this is only partly true. For example the loginfo and notify script parsing breaks fully when handling files with embedded spaces. There are other places as well...
Also by allowing spaces you will make it impossible to later move the repository to a *nix system (Unix, Linux etc).
So you are much better off prohibiting spaces up front!


This tutorial is written 2005-11-16 and is based on CVSNT version
The test system is Windows Enterprise Server 2003 with SP1 installed running in Virtual PC 2004 SP1 on my development PC. The server is not member of a domain.

Comments? Send me a message: Bo Berglund

posted @ 2007-07-16 14:22 edsonjava 阅读(2338) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


2  Jive与设计模式

Jive论坛系统使用大量设计模式巧妙地实现了一系列功能。因为设计模式的通用性和可理解性,将帮助更多人很快地理解 Jive论坛源码,从而可以依据一种“协定”来动态地扩展它。那么使用设计模式还有哪些好处?

2.1  设计模式








其实Jive论坛本身也形成了一个基于Web结构的通用框架系统,因为它很多设计思想是可以重用的,例如设定 一个总体入口,通过入口检查用户的访问控制权限,当然还有其他各方面的功能实现方式都是值得在其他系统中借鉴的,也正因为它以模式的形式表现出来,这种可 重用性和可借鉴性就更强。

2.2  ForumFactory与工厂模式




SampleOne sampleOne = new SampleOne();


SampleTwo sampleTwo = new SampleTwo();

SampleThree sampleThree = new SampleThree();

其实这3个类都有一些共同的特征,如网上商店中销售书籍、玩具或者化妆品。虽然它们是不同的具体产品,但是它 们有一个共同特征,可以抽象为“商品”。日常生活中很多东西都可以这样高度抽象成一种接口形式。上面这3个类如果可以抽象为一个统一接口 SampleIF,那么上面语句就可以成为:

SampleIF sampleOne = new SampleOne();

SampleIF sampleTwo = new SampleTwo();

SampleIF sampleThree = new SampleThree();


public class SampleFactory{

   public abstract SampleIF creator();



public class SampleFactoryImp extends SampleFactory{

   public SampleIF creator(){



       return new SampleOne();




上述工厂方法模式中涉及到一个抽象产品接口Sample,如果还有其他完全不同的产品接口,如Product 等,一个子类SampleFactoryImp只能实现一套系列产品方案的生产,如果还需要另外一套系统产品方案,就可能需要另外一个子类 SampleFactoryImpTwo来实现。这样,多个产品系列、多个工厂方法就形成了抽象工厂模式。


public abstract class ForumFactory {

  private static Object initLock = new Object();

  private static String className = " com.Yasna.forum.database.DbForumFactory";

  private static ForumFactory factory = null;


  public static ForumFactory getInstance(Authorization authorization) {

    if (authorization == null) {

      return null;


    //以下使用了Singleton 单态模式,将在2.3节讨论

    if (factory == null) {

      synchronized(initLock) {

        if (factory == null) {

            ... //从配置文件中获得当前className

          try {


              Class c = Class.forName(className);

              factory = (ForumFactory)c.newInstance();


          catch (Exception e) {

              return null;





    //返回 proxy.用来限制授权对forum的访问

    return new ForumFactoryProxy(authorization, factory,factory.getPermissions(authorization));



  public abstract Forum createForum(String name, String description)

  throws UnauthorizedException, ForumAlreadyExistsException;


public abstract ForumThread createThread(ForumMessage rootMessage)

throws UnauthorizedException;




    public abstract ForumMessage createMessage();



ForumFactory中提供了很多抽象方法如createForum、createThread和 createMessage()等,它们是创建各自产品接口下的具体对象,这3个接口就是前面分析的基本业务对象Forum、ForumThread和 ForumMessage,这些创建方法在ForumFactory中却不立即执行,而是推迟到ForumFactory子类中实现。

ForumFactory的子类实现是 com.Yasna.forum.database.DbForumFactory,这是一种数据库实现方式。即在DbForumFactory中分别实 现了在数据库中createForum、createThread和createMessage()等3种方法,当然也提供了动态扩展到另外一套系列产品 的生产方案的可能。如果使用XML来实现,那么可以编制一个XmlForumFactory的具体工厂子类来分别实现3种创建方法。


图3-4  ForumFactory抽象工厂模式图

图3-4中,XmlForumFactory和DbForumFactory作为抽象工厂 ForumFactory的两个具体实现,而Forum、ForumThread和ForumMessage分别作为3个系列抽象产品接口,依靠不同的工 厂实现方式,会产生不同的产品对象。



2.3  统一入口与单态模式



ForumFactory factory = new DbForumFactory();



public class Singleton {

  private Singleton(){}



  private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();


  public static Singleton getInstance() {

    return instance;



单态模式一共使用了两条语句实现:第一条直接生成自己的对象,第二条提供一个方法供外部调用这个对象,同时最好将构造函数设置为private,以防止其他程序员直接使用new Singleton生成实例。


public class Singleton {

  private Singleton(){}

  private static Singleton instance = null;

  public static synchronized Singleton getInstance() {

    if (instance==null)

      instance=new Singleton()

    return instance;


在上面代码中,使用了判断语句。如果instance为空,再进行实例化,这成为lazy initialization。注意getInstance()方法的synchronized,这个synchronized很重要。如果没有 synchronized,那么使用getInstance()在第一次被访问时有可能得到多个Singleton实例。

关于lazy initialization的Singleton有很多涉及double-checked locking (DCL)的讨论,有兴趣者可以进一步研究。一般认为第一种形式要更加安全些;但是后者可以用在类初始化时需要参数输入的情况下。

在Jive的ForumFactory中采取了后者lazy initialization形式,这是为了能够动态配置指定ForumFactory的具体子类。在getInstance中,从配置文件中获得当前工 厂的具体实现,如果需要启动XmlForumFactory,就不必修改ForumFactory代码,直接在配置文件中指定className的名字为 XmlForumFactory。这样通过下列动态装载机制生成ForumFactory具体对象:

Class c = Class.forName(className);

factory = (ForumFactory)c.newInstance();


使用单态模式的目标是为了控制对象的创建,单态模式经常使用在控制资源的访问上。例如数据库连接或 Socket连接等。单态模式可以控制在某个时刻只有一个线程访问资源。由于Java中没有全局变量的概念,因此使用单态模式有时可以起到这种作用,当然 需要注意是在一个JVM中。

2.4  访问控制与代理模式

仔细研究会发现,在ForumFactory的getInstance方法中最后的返回值有些奇怪。按照单态 模式的概念应该直接返回factory这个对象实例,但是却返回了ForumFactoryProxy的一个实例,这实际上改变了单态模式的初衷。这样客 户端每次通过调用ForumFactory的getInstance返回的就不是ForumFactory的惟一实例,而是新的对象。之所以这样做是为了 访问权限的控制,姑且不论这样做的优劣,先看看什么是代理模式。




public Forum createForum(String name, String description)

            throws UnauthorizedException, ForumAlreadyExistsException


        if (permissions.get(ForumPermissions.SYSTEM_ADMIN)) {

            Forum newForum = factory.createForum(name, description);

            return new ForumProxy(newForum, authorization, permissions);


        else {

            throw new UnauthorizedException();



在这个方法中进行了权限验证,判断是否属于系统管理员。如果是,将直接从DbForumFactory对象 factory的方法createForum中获得一个新的Forum对象,然后再返回Forum的子类代理对象ForumProxy。因为在Forum 中也还有很多属性和操作方法,这些也需要进行权限验证。ForumProxy和ForumFactoryProxy起到类似的作用。


·          ForumFactoryProxy:客户端和DbForumFactory之间的代理。客户端访问DbForumFactory的任何方法都要先经过ForumFactoryProxy相应方法代理一次。以下意思相同。

·          ForumProxy:客户端和DbForum之间的代理,研究Forum对象的每个方法,必须先看ForumProxy对象的方法。

·          ForumMessageProxy:客户端和DbForumMessage之间的代理。

·          ForumThreadProxy:客户端和DbForumThread之间的代理。



2.5  批量分页查询与迭代模式

迭代(Iterator)模式是提供一种顺序访问某个集合各个元素的方法,确保不暴露该集合的内部表现。迭代模式应用于对大量数据的访问,Java Collection API中Iterator就是迭代模式的一种实现。

在前面章节已经讨论过,用户查询大量数据,从数据库不应该直接返回ResultSet,应该是 Collection。但是有一个问题,如果这个数据很大,需要分页面显示。如果一下子将所有页面要显示的数据都查询出来放在Collection,会影 响性能。而使用迭代模式则不必将全部集合都展现出来,只有遍历到某个元素时才会查询数据库获得这个元素的数据。



ResultFilter filter = new ResultFilter();  //设置结果过滤器

   filter.setStartIndex(start);             //设置开始点

   filter.setNumResults(range);          //设置范围

   ForumThreadIterator threads = forum.threads(filter);  //获得迭代器




图3-5  分页显示所有帖子

上述代码中主要是从Forum的threads方法获得迭代器ForumThreadIterator的实 例,依据前面代理模式中分析、研究Forum对象的方法,首先是看ForumProxy中对应方法,然后再看DbForum中对应方法的具体实现。在 ForumProxy中,threads方法如下:

public ForumThreadIterator threads(ResultFilter resultFilter) {

     ForumThreadIterator iterator = forum.threads(resultFilter);

      return new ForumThreadIteratorProxy(iterator, authorization, permissions);



public ForumThreadIterator threads(ResultFilter resultFilter) {


   String query = getThreadListSQL(resultFilter, false); 


   long [] threadBlock = getThreadBlock(query.toString(), resultFilter.getStartIndex());


   int startIndex = resultFilter.getStartIndex();

   int endIndex;

   // If number of results is set to inifinite, set endIndex to the total

  // number of threads in the forum.

   if (resultFilter.getNumResults() == ResultFilter.NULL_INT) {

     endIndex = (int)getThreadCount(resultFilter);

   }else {

     endIndex = resultFilter.getNumResults() + startIndex;


   return new ForumThreadBlockIterator(threadBlock, query.toString(),

               startIndex, endIndex, this.id, factory);


ResultFilter是一个查询结果类,可以对论坛主题Thread和帖子内容Message进行过滤或 排序,这样就可以根据用户要求定制特殊的查询范围。如查询某个用户去年在这个论坛发表的所有帖子,那只要创建一个ResultFilter对象就可以代表 这个查询要求。



·          GetThreadListSQL:获得SQL查询语句query的值,这个方法Jive实现起来显得非常地琐碎。

·          GetThreadBlock:获得当前页面的ID子集合,那么如何确定ID子集合的开始位置呢?查看getThreadBlock方法代码,可以发现,它是使用最普遍的ResultSet next()方法来逐个跳跃到开始位置。

上面代码的Threads方法中最后返回的是ForumThreadBlockIterator,它是抽象类 ForumThreadIterator的子类,而ForumThreadIterator继承了Collection的Iterator,以此声明自己 是一个迭代器,ForumMessageBlockIterator实现的具体方法如下:

public boolean hasNext();     //判断是否有下一个元素

public boolean hasPrevious()  //判断是否有前一个元素

public Object next() throws java.util.NoSuchElementException  //获得下一个元素实例

ForumThreadBlockIterator中的Block是“页”的意思,它的一个主要类变量 threadBlock包含的是一个页面中所有ForumThread的ID,next()方法实际是对threadBlock中ForumThread 进行遍历,如果这个页面全部遍历完成,将再获取下一页(Block)数据。


·          如果当前遍历指针超过当前页面,将使用getThreadBlock获得下一个页面的ID子集合;

·          如果当前遍历指针在当前页面之内,根据ID获得完整的数据对象,实现输出;


private Object getElement(int index) {

   if (index < 0) {        return null;        }

   // 检查所要获得的 element 是否在本查询范围内(当前页面内)

   if (index < blockStart ||

index >= blockStart + DbForum.THREAD_BLOCK_SIZE) {  

      try {


          DbForum forum = factory.cacheManager.forumCache.get(forumID);


          this.threadBlock = forum.getThreadBlock(query, index);

          this.blockID = index / DbForum.THREAD_BLOCK_SIZE;

          this.blockStart = blockID * DbForum.THREAD_BLOCK_SIZE;

      } catch (ForumNotFoundException fnfe) {

               return null;



     Object element = null;

     // 计算这个元素在当前查询范围内的相对位置

     int relativeIndex = index % DbForum.THREAD_BLOCK_SIZE;

     // Make sure index isn't too large

     if (relativeIndex < threadBlock.length) {

        try {

            // 从缓冲中获得实际thread 对象

            element = factory.cacheManager.threadCache.get(


        } catch (ForumThreadNotFoundException tnfe) { }


     return element;


ForumThreadBlockIterator是真正实现分页查询的核心功能, ForumThreadBlockIterator对象返回到客户端的过程中,遭遇ForumThreadIteratorProxy的截获,可以回头看 看ForumProxy中的threads方法,它最终返回给调用客户端Forum.jsp的是ForumThreadIteratorProxy实例。


public Object next() {

  return new ForumThreadProxy((ForumThread)iterator.next(), authorization,









以上是ForumThread的批量显示,有关帖子内容ForumMessage也是采取类似做法。在每个 ForumThread中可能有很多帖子内容(ForumMessage对象集合),也不能在一个页面中全部显示,所以也是使用迭代模式来实现的。显示一 个Forum主题下所有帖子内容的功能由ForumThread的messages()方法完成,检查它的代理类FroumThreadProxy如何具 体完成:

public Iterator messages(ResultFilter resultFilter) {

   Iterator iterator = thread.messages(resultFilter);

   return new IteratorProxy(JiveGlobals.MESSAGE, iterator, authorization, permissions);




SELECT forumID FROM jiveForum


  public Iterator forums() {

    if (forums == null) {

      LongList forumList = new LongList();

      Connection con = null;

      PreparedStatement pstmt = null;

      try {

        con = ConnectionManager.getConnection();

        // GET_FORUMS值是SELECT forumID FROM jiveForum

        pstmt = con.prepareStatement(GET_FORUMS);

        ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

        while (rs.next()) {

          forumList.add(rs.getLong(1));                 //将所有查询ID结果放入forumList中


      }catch (SQLException sqle) {


      } finally {



    return new DatabaseObjectIterator(JiveGlobals.FORUM, forums, this);


forums方法是返回一个DatabaseObjectIterator,这个 DatabaseObjectIterator也是一个迭代器,但是实现原理要比ForumThreadBlockIterator简单。它只提供了一个 遍历指针,在所有ID结果集中遍历,然后也是通过ID获得完整的数据对象。


2.6  过滤器与装饰模式





public interface Work


  public void insert();



public class SquarePeg implements Work{

  public void insert(){





public class Decorator implements Work{

  private Work work;


  private ArrayList others = new ArrayList();

  public Decorator(Work work)



    others.add("打洞");   //准备好额外的功能


  public void insert(){




  public void otherMethod()


    ListIterator listIterator = others.listIterator();

    while (listIterator.hasNext())


      System.out.println(((String)(listIterator.next())) + " 正在进行");





Work squarePeg = new SquarePeg();

Work decorator = new Decorator(squarePeg);




Jive论坛实现了信息过滤功能。例如可以将帖子内容中的HTML语句过滤掉;可以将帖子内容中Java代码 以特别格式显示等。这些过滤功能有很多,在实际使用时不一定都需要,是由实际情况选择的。例如有的论坛就不需要将帖子内容的HTML语句过滤掉,选择哪些 过滤功能是由论坛管理者具体动态决定的。而且新的过滤功能可能随时可以定制开发出来,如果试图强行建立一种接口包含所有过滤行为,那么到时有新过滤功能加 入时,还需要改变接口代码,真是一种危险的行为。


前面讨论过,在Jive中,有主要几个对象ForumFactory、Forum以及ForumThread 和ForumMessage,它们之间的关系如图3-2所示。因此帖子内容ForumMessage对象的获得是从其上级FroumThread的方法 getMessage中获取,但是在实际代码中,ForumThread的方法getMessage委托ForumFactory来获取 ForumMessage对象。看看ForumThread的子类DbForumThread的getMessage代码:

public ForumMessage getMessage(long messageID)

         throws ForumMessageNotFoundException


     return factory.getMessage(messageID, this.id, forumID);


这是一种奇怪的委托,大概是因为需要考虑到过滤器功能有意为之吧。那就看看ForumFactory的具体实 现子类DbForumFactory的getMessage功能,getMessage是将数据库中的ForumMessage对象经由过滤器过滤一遍后 输出(注:因为原来的Jive的getMessage代码考虑到可缓存或不可缓存的过滤,比较复杂,实际过滤功能都是可以缓存的,因此精简如下)。

protected ForumMessage getMessage(long messageID, long threadID, long forumID)

            throws ForumMessageNotFoundException


        DbForumMessage message = cacheManager.messageCache.get(messageID);

        // Do a security check to make sure the message comes from the thread.

        if (message.threadID != threadID) {

            throw new ForumMessageNotFoundException();


        ForumMessage filterMessage = null;

            try {

  // 应用全局过滤器

     filterMessage = filterManager.applyFilters(message);

                Forum forum = getForum(forumID);               


                filterMessage = forum.getFilterManager().applyFilters(filterMessage);


            catch (Exception e) { }

        return filterMessage;


上面代码实际是装饰模式的客户端调用代码,DbForumMessage 的实例message是被油漆者decoratee。通过filterManager 或forum.getFilterManager()的applyFilter方法,将message实行了所有的过滤功能。这就类似前面示例的下列语 句:

Work decorator = new Decorator(squarePeg);


FilterManager filterManager =  new DbFilterManager();

在DbFilterManager 的类变量ForumMessageFilter [] filters中保存着所有的过滤器,applyFilters方法实行过滤如下:

public ForumMessage applyFilters(ForumMessage message) {

    for (int i=0; i < filters.length; i++) {

         if (filters[i] != null) {

            message = filters[i].clone(message);



     return message;



图3-6  装饰模式


public class HTMLFilter extends ForumMessageFilter {

    public ForumMessageFilter clone(ForumMessage message){

        HTMLFilter filter = new HTMLFilter();

        filter.message = message;

        return filter;


    public boolean isCacheable() {

        return true;


    public String getSubject() {

        return StringUtils.escapeHTMLTags(message.getSubject());


    public String getBody() {

        return StringUtils.escapeHTMLTags(message.getBody());




public void insert(){






HTMLFilter的clone方法实际就是在当前HTMLFilter实例中再生成一个同样的实例。这样 在处理多个并发请求时,不用通过同一个过滤器实例进行处理,提高了性能。但是HTMLFilter的clone方法是采取new方法来实现,不如直接使用 Object的native方法速度快。


2.7  主题监测与观察者模式






public interface WatchManager {


    public static final int NORMAL_WATCH = 0;

     // 当主题变化时,通过电子邮件通知用户

    public static final int EMAIL_NOTIFY_WATCH = 1;


    public void setDeleteDays(int deleteDays) throws UnauthorizedException;

    public int getDeleteDays();


    public boolean isEmailNotifyEnabled() throws UnauthorizedException;

    public void setEmailNotifyEnabled(boolean enabled) throws UnauthorizedException;


    public String getEmailBody() throws UnauthorizedException;

    public void setEmailBody(String body) throws UnauthorizedException;


    public String getEmailSubject() throws UnauthorizedException;

public void setEmailSubject(String subject) throws UnauthorizedException;




    public void createWatch(User user, ForumThread thread, int watchType)

            throws UnauthorizedException;


    public void deleteWatch(User user, ForumThread thread, int watchType)


    public Iterator getWatchedForumThreads(User user, int watchType)

            throws UnauthorizedException;


    public boolean isWatchedThread(User user, ForumThread thread, int watchType)

            throws UnauthorizedException;





protected void notifyWatches(ForumThread thread) {

     //If watches are turned on.

    if (!emailNotifyEnabled) {




     EmailWatchUpdateTask task = new EmailWatchUpdateTask(this, factory, thread);







notifyWatches方法中在执行E-mail通知用户时,使用了TaskEngine来执行E- mail发送。E-mailWatchUpdateTask是一个线程类,而TaskEngine是线程任务管理器,专门按要求启动如E- mailWatchUpdateTask这样的任务线程。其实TaskEngine是一个简单的线程池,它不断通过查询Queue是否有可运行的线程,如 果有就直接运行线程。

public class TaskEngine {


    private static LinkedList taskList = null;


    private static Thread[] workers = null;

    private static Timer taskTimer = null;

    private static Object lock = new Object();


    static {


        taskTimer = new Timer(true);

        // 默认使用7个线程来装载启动任务

        workers = new Thread[7];

        taskList = new LinkedList();

        for (int i=0; i<workers.length; i++) {

             // TaskEngineWorker是个简单的线程类

            TaskEngineWorker worker = new TaskEngineWorker();

            workers[i] = new Thread(worker);


            workers[i].start();         //启动TaskEngineWorker这个线程




    private static class TaskEngineWorker implements Runnable {

        private boolean done = false;

        public void run() {

            while (!done) {






    // nextTask()返回的是一个可运行线程,是任务列表Queue的一个读取者

    private static Runnable nextTask() {

        synchronized(lock) {

            // 如果没有任务,就锁定在这里

            while (taskList.isEmpty()) {

                try {

                    lock.wait();        //等待解锁

                } catch (InterruptedException ie) { }



            return (Runnable)taskList.removeLast();



    public static void addTask(Runnable r) {

        addTask(r, Thread.NORM_PRIORITY);



    public static void addTask(Runnable task, int priority) {

        synchronized(lock) {









在TaskEngine中启动设置了一个消息管道Queue和两个线程。一个线程是负责向Queue里放入 Object,可谓是消息的生产者;而另外一个线程负责从Queue中取出Object,如果Queue中没有Object,那它就锁定(Block)在 那里,直到Queue中有Object,因为这些Object本身也是线程,因此它取出后就直接运行它们。

这个TaskEngine建立的模型非常类似JMS(Java消息系统),虽然它们功能类似,但不同的是: JMS是一个分布式消息发布机制,可以在多台服务器上运行,处理能力要强大得多。而TaskEngine由于基于线程基础,因此不能跨JVM实现。可以说 TaskEngine是一个微观组件,而JMS则是一个宏观架构系统。JMS相关讨论将在后面章节进行。




notifyObservers(name); //一旦执行本代码,就触发观察者了



public class product extends Observable{

  private float price;

  public float getPrice(){ return price;}

  public void setPrice(){




   notifyObservers(new Float(price));





public class PriceObserver implements Observer{

  private float price=0;

  public void update(Observable obj,Object arg){

    if (arg instanceof Float){


     System.out.println("PriceObserver :price changet to "+price);





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