ArcGIS Server 开发初步 -- 自定义工具 |
ArcGIS 9.2 Server Enterprise for Windows自定义工具
在Server生成的Web App中,页面的工具按钮可以分为两类:
l命令(Command):A command is an element on a JSP page that triggers a server side action without any further interaction on the client. An example of a command in the sample application is the "zoom to full extent" button. Once the user clicks the button, a method is called on the server。不与用户通过界面交互。 l工具(Tool):A tool has further client side interaction before calling a method on the server. An example of a tool in this application is "zoom to rectangle". Once the user clicks the button, drags a rectangle over the map indicating the area they want to zoom to, and then a method is called on the server。与用户通过界面交互。
一、继承接口 public Interface com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.MapToolAction{ void execute(MapEvent event); } lMapToolAction 接口代表由MapControl控件事件所激活的服务器端工具,系统已预设继承此接口的类: PanToolAction(平移), ZoomInToolAction(放大), ZoomOutToolAction(缩小) lMapControl 创建MapEvent 事件并将其传给继承接口的工具类的 execute(MapEvent) 函数,The business logic for the tool should be implemented in this method according to the event。
[Copy to clipboard]CODE: <ags:tool serverAction="com.esri.adf.web.faces.event.ZoomInToolAction" clientAction="EsriMapRectangle" clientPostBack="true" />
[Copy to clipboard]CODE: <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>ToolClass</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-class>com.brsc.MyToolClass</managed-bean-class> <managed-bean-scope>request</managed-bean-scope> <managed-property> <property-name>webContext</property-name> <value>#{mapContext}</value> </managed-property> </managed-bean>
四、注释: 1. JSP的Tag中serverAction写入继承MapToolAction接口的类(全称),代表对于此工具服务器端要进行的操作[ execute(MapEvent event)] 用户也可以使用任何Managed Bean的函数作为工具对应的方法,只要这个函数使用如下声明: public void anyMethodName(MapEvent event) JSP标签使用serverMethod ,如下: <ags:tool serverMethod="#{bean.anyMethodName}" ... /> 这样,MapControl也会将适当的MapEvent 事件传入此函数。
2. JSP的Tag中clientAction写入客户端鼠标选择的方式:
[Copy to clipboard]CODE: EsriMapPoint 点选 EsriMapLine 线 EsriMapRectangle 四边形 EsriMapCircle 圆 EsriMapOval 椭圆 EsriMapPolyline 多线 EsriMapPolygon 多边形 EsriMapPan 移动
3. MapEvent代表客户端进行操作产生的事件,一般会用到MapEvent的 public WebGeometry getWebGeometry()函数来得到客户端输入的几何形状 //Returns the WebGeometry in screen coordinates corresponding to //the client action performed by the user. 来获得客户端产生的形状,这些Geomentry一般都是screen坐标,需要用toMapGeometry(WebMap)转换为 地图坐标 。 一般操作如下:
[Copy to clipboard]CODE: public void myToolMethod(MapEvent event) { WebContext ctx = event.getWebContext(); WebGeometry screenGeom = event.getWebGeometry(); WebGeometry mapGeom = screen.toMapGeometry(ctx.getWebMap()); ... }
4. JSP的Tag中clientPostBack l 设置为false,刷新地图,并且刷新页面; l 设置为true,只刷新地图,不刷新页面;
posted on 2007-08-16 11:15
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