- @wlws:webservice,used in the Javadoc for the class that implements your Web Service.
- @wlws:operation, used in the Javadoc for a method that you want to expose as a Web Service operation.
- @wlws:part partname, used in the Javadoc for a method that has been exposed as an operation and you want to customize the description of its parameters and return values
autotype:Generates the serialization class, Java representation, XML Schema representation, and data type mapping information for non-built-in data types used as parameters or return values to a WebLogic Web Service.
- weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.autotype.AutoTyper?
- webservices.jar
clientgen:Generates a client JAR file that contains a thin Java client used to invoke a Web Service.
- weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.clientgen.ClientGenTask
- webservices.jar
wsdl2service:Generates the components of a WebLogic Web Service from a WSDL file. The components include the web-services.xml deployment descriptor file and a Java source file that you can use as a starting point to implement the Web Service.
- weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.wsdl2service.WSDL2Service
- webservices.jar
wsdlgen:Generates a WSDL file from the EAR and WAR files that make up the Web Service.
- weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.wldlgen.WSDLGen
- webservices.jar
wspackage:Packages the components of a WebLogic Web Service into a deployable EAR file.
- weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.wspackage.WSPackage
- webservices.jar
posted on 2005-08-24 11:13
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