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It seems, the DataGrid component is a depreted component.
So I will try to use the DataGridView component.

using  System;
using  System.Collections.Generic;
using  System.ComponentModel;
using  System.Data;
using  System.Drawing;
using  System.Text;
using  System.Windows.Forms;

namespace  CATS
public  partial  class  QueryResumeForm : Form

private  System.Data.DataTable dt  =   new  System.Data.DataTable();
        DataGrid dataGrid 
=   new  DataGrid();

public  QueryResumeForm(CATS.CatsAppForm parent)
this .MdiParent  =  parent;
this .CreateTableStruct();

private   void  CreateTableStruct()
" textbox1 " , System.Type.GetType( " System.String " ));
" textbox2 " , System.Type.GetType( " System.String " ));
" textbox3 " , System.Type.GetType( " System.String " ));

private   void  queryButton_Click( object  sender, EventArgs e)
            System.Data.DataRow dr 
=  dt.NewRow();
" textbox1 " =   " a " ;
" textbox2 " =   " bb " ;
" textbox3 " =   " ccc " ;


this .dataGrid.SetDataBinding(dt,  "" );
this .dataGrid.Parent  =   this ;

this .dataGrid.SetBounds( 10 50 500 300 );
this .dataGrid.Show();


posted on 2009-01-03 22:40 Robin's Programming World 阅读(515) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: .Net

