(from webwork in action).webwork in action的源代码建立了crudStack简化crud编程,
Alternatively, you can set up a Servlet container’s main method to be executed
directly like any other application and pass it the configuration information it
needs to automatically pick up your web application. For example, to set up
Resin 2.1 from Caucho (
www.caucho.com) as a standalone application pointing
to a project-specific configuration file, you would set parameters as follows:
Setting up your environment 387
■ Main class—com.caucho.server.http.HttpServer
■ VM parameters—-Dresin.home=. -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE
■ Program parameters—-conf resin.xml
■ Working directory—Root directory of your project
■ Classpath—Classpath of your project plus the Resin JARs
posted on 2006-02-08 11:36
femto 阅读(460)
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