是uncheck exception。
class ThreeException extends Exception{
public class FinallyWorks {
static int count = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {
throw new ThreeException();
System.out.println("No Exception");
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("In finally clause");
In finally clause
No Exception
In finally clause
class FourException extends Exception {
public class AlwaysFinally {
public static void main(String[] args){
System.out.println("Entering first try block");
try {
System.out.println("Entering second try block");
try {
throw new FourException();
} finally {
System.out.println("finally in 2nd try block");
} catch (FourException e) {
System.err.println("Caught FourException in 1st try block");
} finally {
System.err.println("finally in 1st try block");
Entering first try block
Entering second try block
finally in 2nd try block
Caught FourException in 1st try block
finally in 1st try block
package exceptiontest;
class VeryImportantException extends Exception {
public String toString() {
return "A very important exception!";
class HoHumException extends Exception {
public String toString() {
return "A trivial exception";
public class LostMessage {
void f() throws VeryImportantException {
throw new VeryImportantException();
void dispose() throws HoHumException {
throw new HoHumException();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
LostMessage lm = new LostMessage();
try {
} finally {
class InputFile {
private BufferedReader in;
public InputFile(String fname) throws Exception {
try {
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fname));
// Other code that might throw exceptions
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.err.println("Could not open " + fname);
// Wasn't open, so don't close it
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
// All other exceptions must close it
try {
} catch (IOException e2) {
System.err.println("in.close() unsuccessful");
throw e; // Rethrow
} finally {
// Don't close it here!!!
public String getLine() {
String s;
try {
s = in.readLine();
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("readLine() failed");
return s;
public void dispose() {
try {
System.out.println("dispose() successful");
} catch (IOException e2) {
throw new RuntimeException("in.close() failed");
public class Cleanup {
private static Test monitor = new Test();
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
InputFile in = new InputFile("");
String s;
int i = 1;
while ((s = in.getLine()) != null)
; // Perform line-by-line processing here
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("Caught Exception in main");
monitor.expect(new String[] { "dispose() successful" });
} // /:~
但是 java所特有的checked exception将这种情况变的稍微复杂些了,这是因为即使你不准备这么做,编译器也强制要求你在try的后面加上catch子句,于是这就导致了“错误地私吞harmful if swallowed”的问题了:
注意一下throw e.fillInStackTrace();的用法
package exceptiontest;
import java.util.Collections;
public class Rethrowing {
public static void f()throws Exception{
System.err.println("originating the exception n f()");
throw new Exception("throw from f()");
public static void g()throws Throwable{
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Inside g(),e.printlStackTrace()");
//throw e;
throw e.fillInStackTrace();
public static void h()throws Exception{
public static void main(String[] args)throws Throwable{
}catch(Exception e){
System.err.println("Caught in main,e.printStackTrace");
originating the exception n f()
Inside g(),e.printlStackTrace()
java.lang.Exception: throw from f()
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.f(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.g(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.main(
Caught in main,e.printStackTrace
java.lang.Exception: throw from f()
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.g(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.main(
throw e.fillInStackTrace(),而是throw e
originating the exception n f()
Inside g(),e.printlStackTrace()
java.lang.Exception: throw from f()
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.f(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.g(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.main(
Caught in main,e.printStackTrace
java.lang.Exception: throw from f()
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.f(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.g(
at exceptiontest.Rethrowing.main(
Exception chaining
Often you want to catch one exception and throw another, but still keep the information about the originating exception—this is called exception chaining. Prior to JDK 1.4, programmers had to write their own code to preserve the original exception information, but now all Throwable subclasses may take a cause object in their constructor. The cause is intended to be the originating exception, and by passing it in you maintain the stack trace back to its origin, even though you’re creating and throwing a new exception at this point.
It’s interesting to note that the only Throwable subclasses that provide the cause argument in the constructor are the three fundamental exception classes Error (used by the JVM to report system errors), Exception, and RuntimeException. If you want to chain any other exception types, you do it through the initCause( ) method rather than the constructor.
// A Class that dynamically adds fields to itself.
// Demonstrates exception chaining.
// {ThrowsException}
import com.bruceeckel.simpletest.*;
class DynamicFieldsException extends Exception {}
public class DynamicFields {
private static Test monitor = new Test();
private Object[][] fields;
public DynamicFields(int initialSize) {
fields = new Object[initialSize][2];
for(int i = 0; i < initialSize; i++)
fields[i] = new Object[] { null, null };
public String toString() {
StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
result.append(": ");
return result.toString();
private int hasField(String id) {
for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
return i;
return -1;
private int
getFieldNumber(String id) throws NoSuchFieldException {
int fieldNum = hasField(id);
if(fieldNum == -1)
throw new NoSuchFieldException();
return fieldNum;
private int makeField(String id) {
for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
if(fields[i][0] == null) {
fields[i][0] = id;
return i;
// No empty fields. Add one:
Object[][]tmp = new Object[fields.length + 1][2];
for(int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++)
tmp[i] = fields[i];
for(int i = fields.length; i < tmp.length; i++)
tmp[i] = new Object[] { null, null };
fields = tmp;
// Reursive call with expanded fields:
return makeField(id);
public Object
getField(String id) throws NoSuchFieldException {
return fields[getFieldNumber(id)][1];
public Object setField(String id, Object value)
throws DynamicFieldsException {
if(value == null) {
// Most exceptions don't have a "cause" constructor.
// In these cases you must use initCause(),
// available in all Throwable subclasses.
DynamicFieldsException dfe =
new DynamicFieldsException();
dfe.initCause(new NullPointerException());
throw dfe;
int fieldNumber = hasField(id);
if(fieldNumber == -1)
fieldNumber = makeField(id);
Object result = null;
try {
result = getField(id); // Get old value
} catch(NoSuchFieldException e) {
// Use constructor that takes "cause":
throw new RuntimeException(e);
fields[fieldNumber][1] = value;
return result;
public static void main(String[] args) {
DynamicFields df = new DynamicFields(3);
try {
df.setField("d", "A value for d");
df.setField("number", new Integer(47));
df.setField("number2", new Integer(48));
df.setField("d", "A new value for d");
df.setField("number3", new Integer(11));
Object field = df.getField("a3"); // Exception
} catch(NoSuchFieldException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
} catch(DynamicFieldsException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
monitor.expect(new String[] {
"null: null",
"null: null",
"null: null",
"d: A value for d",
"number: 47",
"number2: 48",
"d: A new value for d",
"number: 47",
"number2: 48",
"number3: 11",
"A value for d",
"Exception in thread \"main\" " +
"java.lang.RuntimeException: " +
"\tat DynamicFields.main(",
"Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException",
"\tat DynamicFields.getFieldNumber(" +
"\tat DynamicFields.getField(",
"\tat DynamicFields.main("
} ///:~
package exceptiontest;
//Overridden methods may throw only the exceptions
//specified in their base-class versions, or exceptions
//derived from the base-class exceptions.
class BaseballException extends Exception {
class Foul extends BaseballException {
class Strike extends BaseballException {
abstract class Inning {
public Inning() throws BaseballException {
public void event() throws BaseballException {
// Doesn't actually have to throw anything
public abstract void atBat() throws Strike, Foul;
public void walk() {
} // Throws no checked exceptions
class StormException extends Exception {
class RainedOut extends StormException {
class PopFoul extends Foul {
interface Storm {
public void event() throws RainedOut;
public void rainHard() throws RainedOut;
public class StormyInning extends Inning implements Storm {
// OK to add new exceptions for constructors, but you
// must deal with the base constructor exceptions:
public StormyInning() throws RainedOut, BaseballException {
public StormyInning(String s) throws Foul, BaseballException {
// Regular methods must conform to base class:
// ! void walk() throws PopFoul {} //Compile error
// Interface CANNOT add exceptions to existing
// methods from the base class:以基类为准而不是以接口为准
// ! public void event() throws RainedOut {}
// If the method doesn't already exist in the
// base class, the exception is OK:
public void rainHard() throws RainedOut {
// You can choose to not throw any exceptions,
// even if the base version does:
public void event() {
// Overridden methods can throw inherited exceptions:
public void atBat() throws PopFoul {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
StormyInning si = new StormyInning();
} catch (PopFoul e) {
System.err.println("Pop foul");
}catch(Foul e){
}catch (RainedOut e) {
System.err.println("Rained out");
} catch (BaseballException e) {
System.err.println("Generic baseball exception");
// Strike not thrown in derived version.
try {
// What happens if you upcast?
Inning i = new StormyInning();
// You must catch the exceptions from the
// base-class version of the method:
} catch (Strike e) {
} catch (Foul e) {
} catch (RainedOut e) {
System.err.println("Rained out");
} catch (BaseballException e) {
System.err.println("Generic baseball exception");
posted on 2009-06-18 23:40
Frank_Fang 阅读(1001)
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