create temporary tablespace test_temp
tempfile 'E:\oracle\test_temp01.dbf'
size 32m
autoextend on
next 32m maxsize 2048m
extent management local;
create tablespace test_data
datafile 'E:\oracle\test_data01.dbf'
size 32m
autoextend on
next 32m maxsize 2048m
extent management local;
create user 用户名 identified by 密码
default tablespace test_data
temporary tablespace test_temp;
grant connect,resource to 用户名
create cluster s_t_cluster(tid number(8));--创建索引簇
create table stu(
tid number(8),
sname varchar2(50),
sinfo varchar2(50),
constraint pk_tid primary key(tid)
)cluster s_t_cluster(tid)
create table sc(
tid number(8),
score number(8),
constraint fk_tid foreign key(tid) references stu(tid)
)cluster s_t_cluster(tid)
create index s_t_idx on cluster s_t_cluster;
insert into stu(tid,sname,sinfo)values(1,'haha','usa');
insert into stu(tid,sname,sinfo)values(2,'gaga','Japan');
insert into sc values(1,90);
insert into sc values(2,85);
select s.sname,s.sinfo,i.score from stu s,sc i where s.tid=i.tid
create sequence stu_SEQ
minvalue 1
maxvalue 99999999
start with 3
increment by 1
cache 20;
x number;
for x in 1..100000 loop
insert into stu values(stu_seq.nextval,'名字'||x,'地址'||x);
end loop;
x number;
for x in 1..10000 loop
insert into sc values(sc_seq.nextval,x+50);
end loop;
select s.sname,s.sinfo,i.score from stu s,sc i where s.tid=i.tid--未加索引时的普通查询太慢了
select s.sname,s.sinfo,i.score from stu s,sc i where s.tid=i.tid
create table test1(
tid number(8),
tname varchar2(50),
tbd date,
constraint pk_tid primary key(tid)
select * from test1
create sequence test1Seq --自定义的序列名
increment by 1 --每次加几个,即递增的间隔
start with 1 --从1开始计数
nomaxvalue --不设置最大值
nocycle --一直累加,不循环
cache 10;
insert into test1(tid,tname,tbd)values(test1Seq.Nextval,'ccc',sysdate);