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随着JPA得到众多厂商和开发人员的认同, 如同 Resin 的新闻中所说的那样:

2007-07-18 Resin 3.1.2 adds significant features

Resin 3.1.2 now includes an implementation of the Java Persistence API, which is a major feature of the Enterprise Java Beans 3.0 standard. New features have also been added to the Hessian 2.0 web services protocol that allow for better security and message compression. Resin's JAX-WS support continues to improve with better support for WSDL handling and handler chains. Both Resin and the Quercus Java-PHP engine also underwent major reliability tests making them even more solid than before.

"Before JPA, developers had to choose from an array of non-standard, incompatible API's to do object persistence. JPA standardizes this fundamental task and makes it easier for developers to get their applications written faster. Resin's JPA implementation is efficient and reliable, so our customers can start using this exciting new standard right away," said Emil Ong, Software Engineer at Caucho Technology.

Resin 的最新版也开始支持内置的 JPA 了. 像上面这段话上所说, JPA 最大的优点就是把开发人员从各种各样的包和API中解放出来, 例如你的程序不再需要导入 org.hibernate.*** 或者***, 而且便于随时切换底层引擎. 这就像 JDBC 所起的作用那样.


PS: Resin 是另一款性能和易用性上都超过 Tomcat 的 Java Web 服务器, 同时也支持 Java 实现的 PHP. 虽然 Tomcat 是标准的实现, 但是 Resin 在很多地方都比 Tomcat 优秀.

BeanSoft 2007-10-09 13:15 发表评论


