
奇新Java控件---Java控件提供商和Java RIA, Web, J2ME解决方案开发商


JComponentPack 3.0 功能介绍

JComponentPack 是一个基于Java SwingGUI类库,一系列可视化的JavaBeans集合,它基于SwingMVC架构,是100%的纯Java类库,它包括20多个Swing 所没有的控件,如EXCEL风格Java的电子表格控件,读取数据库表的Java表格控件,日历控件,类似资源管理器的列表控件,向导框架等等,这些 JavaBeans可以直接拖动到您的图形用户界面,它可提高您的工作效率,加快您的项目开发过程。


· JBean应用程序框架




· JComponentSet控件集

JComponentSet是一个Java swing控件集,包括JWizardPane, JListView, Layout Suite (CellLayout, BoxLayout2, CardLayout2, GridLayout2), JDirChooser, JCalendar, JFontChooser, JLinkButton, JSidePane, JSideBar, JImageViewer, XTree, XCheckBox, JCardPane, JGridPane等一系列控件.

· 图形控件

提供了常见的图形, 2D图形和3D图形.

· 图表控件

支持3种不同的图表类型, 分别是饼形图,条形图和线形图.

· 核心公式框架


· JDataGrid核心控件

· 普通文件格式的输入和输出

支持输入和输出多种文件格式,包括csv, html, txt.

· JDataGrid电子表格控件

JDataGrid电子表格控件是了一个Java swing 电子表格控件,提供了基本的功能,如撤销和重做,合并单元格,拼写检查,Excel文件的输入和输出,打印和打印预览等,也包括了复杂的高级功能.

· 电子表格公式

支持许多函数,例如逻辑函数, 日期函数, 数学计算函数, 文本函数, 单元格函数, 和部分的统计函数.

· 高级文件格式的输入和输出

支持输入和输出多种文件格式,包括Excel xls, Excel xml, PDF.

· JDataGrid电子表格JavaFX控件


· JDataGrid电子表格JavaEE服务器端控件


· JDataGrid数据库控件



posted @ 2009-04-13 12:11 fralepg 阅读(380) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


     摘要: 新功能介绍:

  3.0版本添加了最新的JDataGrid电子表格服务器端控件,JDataGrid小程序直接支持最新的服务器端控件,您可以通过简单的设置,设置一个服务器端控件的URL,就能读取,保存,下载各种不同格式的电子表格文件, 所有的配置在服务器端完成。

  3.0版本添加了JDataGrid JavaFX 控件"DataGrid"和"DataGridBean",您可以在JavaFX脚本中直接调用 这些控件,这些JavaFX控件直接支持最新的JDataGrid电子表格服务器端控件。  阅读全文

posted @ 2009-04-10 14:47 fralepg 阅读(233) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


JCalendar new features in JComponentPack

  1. New property to control the action click count
  2. New client property to control the "today” button action behavior
  3. JCalendar works with AComboBox and add new calendar popup icon.

1. New property to control the action click count

JCalendar provides new property named “actionClickCount” since JComponentPack 1.1.0, use this property, you can set the mouse click count to fire the action event, JCalendar adds the following methods:

2. New client property to control the "today” button action behavior

With this new client property “JCalendar.todayButtonFireActionEventEnabled” since JComponentPack 1.1.0, the JCalendar can fire the action event when the today button clicked.

The above new features is very important when JCalendar working with the AComboBox, the the popup JCalendar make visible, by using the above property, the popup can hidden when use click a "today” button or select a specified day.

3. JCalendar works with AComboBox and add new calendar popup icon.

When AComBoBox set a Date value , the popup icon automatically became a calendar icon, this is a nice feature since JComponentPack 1.1.0, see the screenshot for this feature:

JCalendar - JComponentPack 1.1.0

posted @ 2009-02-26 09:39 fralepg 阅读(664) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


If you want to implements the Windows explorer like feature in Java swing application, the JListView component meets your requirements exactly.

The JListView component support the 5 different view modes: small icon, large icon, list, thumbnails, details, all these view mode can change on the fly, the methods “JListView.setViewMode” can change the view mode of JListView component.

The JListView component have the MVC design concept, a simple TableModel can be provided for it’s data, a simple CellProvider such IconProvider can be provided for it’s icon. Should write a DefaultCellRenderer subclass for its renderer and DefaultCellEditor subclass for it’s editor. The article “Introduce Cell Renderer” introduce why using the DefaultCellRenderer.

The JListView component use a ListSelectionModel as it’s selection model, you can change the selection model’s mode, it support single selection, single interval selection, multiple interval selection, you can use the following methods to get the selected values:

      JListView.getSelectedValue(); // get the lead selection value
       JListView.getSelectedValues(); // get all selected values

The JListView component provides several methods for it’s editing:
       JListView.isEditing(); // determines whether the JListView is being edited.
       JListView.cancelEditing(); // cancel current editing
       JListView.stopEditing(); // stop the current editing and apply the editing value
       JListView.startEditingAtIndex(); // start the editing at the specified index
       JListview.getEditingInex(); // get the current editing object’s index

The com.zfqjava.swing.model and com.zfqjava.swing.cell package have the FileTableModel and FileProvider, it support the directory list and file icon directly, the following code can create a explorer like GUI:

       JListView listView = new JListView();
       listView.setListData(new FileTableModel(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))));
       listView.setCellRenderer(new FileCellRenderer());
       listView.setCellEditor(new FileCellEditor());

The JListView component also support row sorting, the TableModel you provided for JListView only need implements the ColumnSorter interface, it can support the row sorting automatically, we want to improve this area after upgrade the JRE version to 1.6.

The JListView component provides several important client property:

JListView.rowSelectionAllowed” allow the full row can be selected
JListView.showVerticalLines” shows the vertical lines in details view mode.
JListView.showHorizontalLines” shows the horizontal lines in details view mode.
JListView.backgroundImage” sets the background image for JListView component.

For details, you can view the JListView JavaDoc API documentation.

The JListView also support the Drag and Drop, but in JComponentPack 1.1.0 and early version, implements this feature has trick and tips:

       // get JTable and JList
       BasicListViewUI ui = (BasicListViewUI)listView.getUI();
       JTable table = ui.getTable();
       JList list = ui.getList();
       TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {             
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;
              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;

In the upcoming version JComponentPack 1.2.0, we have improved this area, so in the new version, implements the drag and drop feature is very simple:

TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;

              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;
       listView. setTransferHandler(th);

If you want to implements the Windows explorer like feature in Java swing application, the JListView component meets your requirements exactly.

The JListView component support the 5 different view modes: small icon, large icon, list, thumbnails, details, all these view mode can change on the fly, the methods “JListView.setViewMode” can change the view mode of JListView component.

The JListView component have the MVC design concept, a simple TableModel can be provided for it’s data, a simple CellProvider such IconProvider can be provided for it’s icon. Should write a DefaultCellRenderer subclass for its renderer and DefaultCellEditor subclass for it’s editor. The article “Introduce Cell Renderer” introduce why using the DefaultCellRenderer.

The JListView component use a ListSelectionModel as it’s selection model, you can change the selection model’s mode, it support single selection, single interval selection, multiple interval selection, you can use the following methods to get the selected values:

      JListView.getSelectedValue(); // get the lead selection value
       JListView.getSelectedValues(); // get all selected values

The JListView component provides several methods for it’s editing:
       JListView.isEditing(); // determines whether the JListView is being edited.
       JListView.cancelEditing(); // cancel current editing
       JListView.stopEditing(); // stop the current editing and apply the editing value
       JListView.startEditingAtIndex(); // start the editing at the specified index
       JListview.getEditingInex(); // get the current editing object’s index

The com.zfqjava.swing.model and com.zfqjava.swing.cell package have the FileTableModel and FileProvider, it support the directory list and file icon directly, the following code can create a explorer like GUI:

       JListView listView = new JListView();
       listView.setListData(new FileTableModel(new File(System.getProperty("user.home"))));
       listView.setCellRenderer(new FileCellRenderer());
       listView.setCellEditor(new FileCellEditor());

The JListView component also support row sorting, the TableModel you provided for JListView only need implements the ColumnSorter interface, it can support the row sorting automatically, we want to improve this area after upgrade the JRE version to 1.6.

The JListView component provides several important client property:

JListView.rowSelectionAllowed” allow the full row can be selected
JListView.showVerticalLines” shows the vertical lines in details view mode.
JListView.showHorizontalLines” shows the horizontal lines in details view mode.
JListView.backgroundImage” sets the background image for JListView component.

For details, you can view the JListView JavaDoc API documentation.

The JListView also support the Drag and Drop, but in JComponentPack 1.1.0 and early version, implements this feature has trick and tips:

       // get JTable and JList
       BasicListViewUI ui = (BasicListViewUI)listView.getUI();
       JTable table = ui.getTable();
       JList list = ui.getList();
       TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {             
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;
              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;

In the upcoming version JComponentPack 1.2.0, we have improved this area, so in the new version, implements the drag and drop feature is very simple:

TransferHandler th = new TransferHandler() {
              public int getSourceActions(JComponent c) {
               return COPY;

              protected Transferable createTransferable(JComponent c) {
                  // just a test
                  Object o = listView.getSelectedValue();
                  if(o != null) {
                     return new StringSelection(o.toString());
                  return null;
       listView. setTransferHandler(th);

posted @ 2009-02-25 10:56 fralepg 阅读(517) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Introduce the cell renderer and editor in JComponentPack 1.1.0

1. ObjectCellRenderer and it’s subclass such as DateCellRenderer, NumberCellRenderer is used by JDataGrid or JTable component, if you want to write a cell renderer for JDataGrid, you should extend ObjectCellRenderer.The ObjectCellEditor and it’s subclass is used by JDataGrid or JTable component.

You can view these cell renderers in the com.zfqjava.swing.cell package before reinvent the wheel.
 The ObjectCellRenderer have the following subclass in com.zfqjava.swing.cell package:

The ObjectCellRenderer and ObjectCellEditor and it’s subclass are managed by CellManager object,
The JDataGrid use the CellManger object to mange all it’s cell renderer and editor, so you can add the renderer and editor for CellManager, you can also remove or replace the cell renderer or editor in CellManger.

 Write a ObjectCellRenderer subclass is very simple, generally you only need override it’s “setValue(java.lang.Object value)”method.

 Writer a ObjectCellEditor subclass, you can override it’s three methods:

protected  void  


protected  Object  


protected  void 

setValue(Object value)

If the editing have illegal value, you should override the “commitEdit()” method and throws a ParseException.
You can use the method setValue(Object value) to save the edited value, and
Override the method getValue() to return the new value.

You can use the protected field “label” to set the text, alignment, font, etc.

2. DefaultCellRenderer and it’s subclass such as FileCellRenderer is used by JListView component, DefaultCellEditor and it’s subclass such as FileCellEditor is used by JListView component, it works with the JListView component to provide the different view modes: small icon, large icon, list, thumbnails, details, so if you want to use JListView component, you can extend the DefaultCellRenderer.

Write the DefaultCellRenderer and DefaultCellEditor is same as the ObjectCellRenderer and ObjectCellEditor, the different is you should use the protected field “iconLabel” and “textLabel” to set the icon and text.

posted @ 2009-02-24 09:46 fralepg 阅读(332) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


How to use DefaultFileFilter in JComponentPack

DefaultFileFilter provide a default file filter.

It also provides some useful methods, for example:

Return all extension of this file filter as an array.
getExtensionName ()
Return the extension of the parameter.
It could accept 3 kinds of parameter, a File, a String, an URL.
getNameWithoutExtension(String name)
Returns the file name without extension, for example the file "readme.txt" will return "readme", include the absolute path.
Returns the preferred extension of this file filter, actually is the first extension of your extensions. It equal this operation getExtensionNames()[0].

It inherits from FileFilter, have two Constructors to create a instance of the FileFilter.

DefaultFileFilter(String ext, String description)
The first parameter is extension, the second parameter is description of extension.
DefaultFileFilter(String[] ext, String description)
The first parameter are extensions, the second parameter is description of extensions.

posted @ 2009-02-23 16:51 fralepg 阅读(289) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Use JBasicChart in JComponentPack

JBasicChart provides a basic chart component.
It could draw 3 styles graph, for example: PIE, LINE, BAR.

The following code demonstrates how to use JBasicChart.
JBasicChart basicChart = new JBasicChart();

private BasicChartModel createBasicChartModel_() {
        double[] yaxis = {1.000, 3.000, 2, 4, 0, 3.000, 0.000, 0.000, -5.000, 4.000, 3.000};
        int[] xaxis = {200701, 200612, 200611, 200610, 200609, 200608, 200607, 200606,200605, 200604, 200603};
        DefaultBasicChartModel model = new DefaultBasicChartModel();
        model.addSeries("a", yaxis);
        for (int i = 0; i < xaxis.length; i++) {
            model.setCategoryName("" + xaxis[i], i);
        return model;

It is easy to use JBasicChart, you could use method setModel(model) to change the data which displayed on the chart, and also you could use method setChartType(type) to change the style of the chart, the parameter type is one of the three values(ChartType.BAR、ChartType.LINE、ChartType.PIE).

To change the data of the chart, you should learn more about DefaultBasicChartModel.
addSeries(String name, double[] values),this method add a series values which will be y-axis value, each value have a category name, use the method setCategoryName(String name, int categoryIndex) to set it.
addSeries(String name, double[] values, int index),when you saw this method, you should know this model could add multi-series values to it.

It also have some other methods which are easy to use, for example:
getCategoryName(int categoryIndex)
getSeriesName(int seriesIndex)
removeSeries(int index)

For more information, please see DefaultBasicChartModel and JBasicChart.

posted @ 2009-02-21 18:18 fralepg 阅读(314) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Use JWizardPane in JComponentPack

JWizardPane is a Java wizard component in JComponentPack.

JWizardPane usage:

Sample code
JWizardPane wizardPane = new JWizardPane();
JPanel firstPage = new JPanel(); // firstPage: the page you want to show first.
JPanel secondPage = new JPanel();
JPanel thirdPage = new JPanel();
JPanel endPage = new JPanel();

If you want to do some operations on one page, you could implement WizardPage interface, its methods will be called automatic when click the Next and Finish button.
The WizardPage interface have two methods:

beforeAction(JWizardPane wizardPane, WizardAction arg0)
afterAction(JWizardPane wizardPane, WizardAction arg0)
Here is an example to implement beforeAction method.
public void beforeAction(JWizardPane wizardPane, WizardAction arg0) throws ActionVetoException
    if (arg0 == WizardAction.NEXT || arg0 == WizardAction.FINISH) {
        //write the code you want to do.
Also you could implement other operations use WizardListener, for more information, please see WizardListener in the JComponentPack.

You could obtain the Button in the wizard panel use the method getControlButton(int buttonType), parameter must be the following value.

JWizardPane.BACK_CONTROL,  for back button
JWizardPane.NEXT_CONTROL,  for next button
JWizardPane.FINISH_CONTROL,  for finish button
JWizardPane.HELP_CONTROL,   for help button
JWizardPane.CANCEL_CONTROL,  for cancel button.

It have two way to show.one is showDialog,the other is showFrame.
showDialog(Component parent)
Pops up a dialog contains the JWizardPane and parented to parent with the dialog having a default title.
showDialog(Component parent, String title)
Pops up a dialog contains the JWizardPane and parented to parent with the dialog use the special title.
Pops up a frame contains the JWizardPane with the frame having a default title
showFrame(String title)
Pops up a frame contains the JWizardPane and with the frame use the special title.
If you want to pause the wizard page at current page, just throw a ActionVetoException is ok.
throw new ActionVetoException();
It also provide other functions, For more information, please see JWizardPane .

posted @ 2009-02-20 18:20 fralepg 阅读(277) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

JComponentPack产品NetBeans IDE插件免费下载

JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE 6.5

    1. Download the JComponentPack Product and JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE from:  
       JComponentPack Product Evaluation Version: componentpack-1_5_0-eval.zip (Size: 5.10 MB)
         JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE: com-zfqjava-ide-netbeans.nbm (Size: 1.84 MB)

    2. Click “Tools -> Plugins” to open the Plug-in  Manager, then at “Downloaded” Tab add the plugin:

    3. Select the Plug-in “JComponentPack” and  then click “Install”.
     After Installation, restart the NetBeans  IDE, you will find the following changes:
    1. At the Toolbar, you will find the Plug-in  button:

     2. At the Library Manager, the Library named  “JComponentPack” has been added:
   3. At the Component Palette window, the “JComponentPack”  category has been added:
  You can drag the  component at the Palette to your form:

  Main Window
     Click the new added button on the Toolbar,  the following window will open:
You can configure the latest JComponentPack  version, just choose the JComponentPack product directory.
        License  Tool
     Request Evaluation License:
You can request a evaluation license, a free evaluation licensewillsend to your email box shortly, please input your real emailaddress toavoid cannot receive the license, we value your  privacy.
  Input  License:
       After  you receive the license, you can input the license data here.
  Generate  Java Code:
   Ifyou want to use our product on your project, you need configurethelicense correctly, this tool will help you generate a Java String.
  Then  invoke the following code:    // the code means the above license data
  Run  JComponentPack Demo:
You can run the several JComponentPack Demo at NetBeans IDEdirectly,you need configure the JComponentPack product home at first.Run JDataGridBean: This will launch the  JDataGridBean application.
    Run DataGridDemo: This will launch the many  JDataGrid Spreadsheet Edition demos.
    Run JDataTableBean: This will launch the  JDataTableBean application.
Run ComponentSetDemo: This will launch the individual component demo,such as JListView, JFontChooser, JCalendar, JWizardPane.

  NetBeans  IDE Integration:
  Add as Class Library: This will adds the  current JComponentPack product to the Class Library.
  There are several documents to help you  learning and using the JComponentPack product.
    If you configure the JComponentPack product home directory to thelicensed binary version, you will view the JavaDoc API in your codeeditor of NetBeans IDE directly, configure it to the licensed sourcecode version, you will view the source code and JavaDoc API in yourcode editor directly. After you configure the JComponentPack producthome directory, you should run "Add as Class Library" again to makeyour configuration works.
      How to get the JComponentPack product binary version or source version?
Get it Now!   
Configure it and the JComponentPack Plug-in for NetBeans IDE willaccelerate your project development process, save time, reducecosts for your team.


posted @ 2009-02-19 18:07 fralepg 阅读(385) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Use JPrintPreview and PrintFactory in JComponentPack

JPrintPreview is a Java Print Preview component in JComponentPack.
PrintFactory is a utility class in com.zfqjava.swing package to generate printable in JComponentPack.
PrintFactory usage. createPrintable(Component comp, Map map)
createPrintable(Image image, Map map)
It need two parameters, the first is a instance of Image or a instance of Component, the second parameter is a instance of Map, t

posted @ 2009-02-18 18:24 fralepg 阅读(452) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


How to import Excel file into JTable
Here are three way to do this.Use "JTableReadTableModelTask " to do this. ( recommended )Use "ReadTableModelTask" to do thisUse ModelIO to do this.
The first and second the way will run in the background thread, the third way will run in current thread.
1. Use "JTableReadTableModelTask "to do this. (recommended)
Here is the sample code to import excel file: JTable jTable = new JTable();
String excelFileName = "excelFileNa

posted @ 2009-02-14 22:17 fralepg 阅读(727) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Introduce the AComboBox component

The AComboBox is a drop down component in JComponentPack product, it’s different with the “JComboBox” component in the core JavaSwing package, it can set the popup icon, popup component, etc.
Main Features
1. Customize the popup icon
The AComboBox component have the method “setPopupIcon(Icon)”, you can change the popup icon for your requirements, see the screenshot:

2. Customize the popup

posted @ 2009-02-13 18:10 fralepg 阅读(79) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


How to use JLinkButton

JLinkButton inherit from JButton,it have all function of JButton, and it also have a additional function, you can open a Explorer via URL and that don’t need write code.
There are two ways to use this function:
1.JLinkButton linkButton = new JLinkButton(“www. baidu.com”);
URL url = new URL(“www.baidu.com”);
2. URL url = new URL(“www.baidu.com”);
JLinkButton linkButton = n

posted @ 2009-02-12 18:06 fralepg 阅读(75) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

介绍在NetBeans IDE中使用JComponentPack产品

How to use "JComponentPack" in the NetBeans IDE 6.11. right click on Palette window,and select 'Palette manager...' .2. click 'New Category' button,enter a name then click 'Ok' button.3. click 'Add from Library...' button, and select a lib from 'Available Libraries',then click next button.4. select the component you need to use,and click next.5. select the 'Palette Categories' you want put the component into,then click finishe

posted @ 2009-02-11 18:24 fralepg 阅读(91) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏





JComponentPack 3.0正式发布 功能介绍

JComponentPack 是一个基于Java SwingGUI类库,一系列可视化的JavaBeans集合,它基于SwingMVC架构,是100%的纯Java类库,它包括20多个Swing 所没有的控件








