举个例子:jquery - angular - react - vue
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2018-04-01 00:19 West Farmer 阅读(168) |
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\A, 但是^其实是指一行的开始,而不管一个字符串里面包含多少行,\A都只匹配第一行的开头。
static String convertStreamToString(java.io.InputStream is) {
java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A");
return s.hasNext() ? s.next() : "";
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2013-11-28 09:38 West Farmer 阅读(1013) |
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摘要: Gson is library created by google guys, it is used for java bean to json serialization/deserialization. Gson can serialize any java bean, collection, map to json, and don't need to care about the...
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2013-11-22 19:22 West Farmer 阅读(5322) |
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If we observe a property of SWT controls, and bind it to another observable value, you must take care of those method calls which will change the property indirectly.for example, we have a Combo whose "text" property is bound to a bean's "name" property like this:
IObservableValue nameObservable = BeansObservables.observeDetailValue(obserabedDriverProfile, "name", String.class);
ISWTObservableValue nameComboObservable = SWTObservables.observeText(driverClassCombo);
bindingContext.bindValue(nameComboObservable , nameObservable, new UpdateValueStrategy(UpdateValueStrategy.POLICY_UPDATE), null);
The variable "
obserabedDriverProfile" is a observed selection in a ListViewer, it's in a master-detail scenario. If we add some code like this:
obserabedDriverProfile.addValueChangeListener(new IValueChangeListener(){
public void handleValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
DriverProfile dp = (DriverProfile)event.diff.getNewValue();
every time you change the selection in the ListViewer, the selected bean's "name" property will be set to a empty string. Why? The
removeAll method of Combo will clear it's text, and combo's "text" property is bound to selected bean's "name" property. So, the right way is:
obserabedDriverProfile.addValueChangeListener(new IValueChangeListener(){
public void handleValueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) {
DriverProfile dp = (DriverProfile)event.diff.getNewValue();
String name = dp.getName;
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2013-04-14 15:24 West Farmer 阅读(249) |
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My English is at a very low level, don't care about this fact, just focus on the idea shared here.
The idea comes from the source code of
ConfigurationElement which is located in package
org.eclipse.core.internal.registry, If you read through the source code, you can also get it. But I found there is no documentation about this topic, so I wrote this.
Sometimes we need to contribute java class to a extension point. And we can use
createExecutableExtension(String attributeName) to create an instance of it, if such a class is just a normal class, eclipse will call
class#newInstance(). But there is obvious restriction for using this approach, can't pass parameter in to create instance for example.
There are three different way how eclipse create instance of your class.
- normal, call class#newInstance()
- if your calss implements IExecutableExtension interface, IExecutableExtension#setInitializationData(IConfigurationElement config, String propertyName, Object data) will be called on the instance returned by class#newInstance()
- if your calss implements IExecutableExtensionFactory interface, IExecutableExtensionFactory#create() will be called
When you use the second method or the third method, you can
pass in parameters, check the source code of
ConfigurationElement, you will know how to do that. :D forgive me, I'm lazy.
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2012-04-15 16:33 West Farmer 阅读(328) |
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