随笔-6  评论-0  文章-3  trackbacks-0

function XList() { 
 this.container = null; //container div
 this.table = null ; //contain headTable & bodyTable for table-layout:fixed;
 this.tableContainer = null; //for scroll table
 this.sequenced = true; // set sequence for rows or not
 this.colored = true; // set color for rows or not
 this.rowId = 'rowId';
 this.rowType = 'checkbox';
 //resize head column
 this.resizer = null;
 this.resizeable = true;
 this.resizing = false; // doing resize or not 
 this.resizeClientX = 0;
 this.resizeOffsetWidth = 0;
 this.resizeHead = null;
 this.columns = null;
 this.rows = [];
 this.orderByColumn = null;

 this.headColumn = null;  // exchange column order div
 this.exchangeTag = null;  // exchange tag div
 this.exchangeCell = null; // current be change column cell
 this.rowSequence = 0;
 this.handler = null; //all handler
 this.columnLength = 0;
 this.onOrderByHandler = null;
 this.onRowClickHandler = null;
 this.onRowDblClickHandler = null;
 var the = this;


XList.prototype.init = function(context) {
 this.container = $(context.container); 
 this.sequenced = (context.sequenced!=undefined) ? context.sequenced : true;
 this.colored = (context.colored!=undefined) ? context.colored : true; 
 this.rowId = (context.rowId) ? context.rowId : 'id';
 this.rowType = (context.rowType) ? context.rowType : 'checkbox';
 //this.columnExchangeable = (context.columnExchangeable!=undefined) ? context.columnExchangeable : true; 
 this.onOrderByHandler = (context.onOrderByHandler) ? context.onOrderByHandler : null; 
 this.onRowClickHandler = (context.onRowClickHandler) ? context.onRowClickHandler : null;
 this.onRowDblClickHandler = (context.onRowDblClickHandler) ? context.onRowDblClickHandler : null; 
 context = null;

XList.prototype.create = function(context, columns) {
 var the = this;
 //it must be 'table-layout:fixed;' for overflow auto;
 var s = []; 
 s[s.length] = '\n<table style="width:100%;height:100%;table-layout:fixed;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"><tr><td>';
 s[s.length] = '\n<div id="x_list_table_container" style="height:100%;width:100%;overflow:auto;">';
 s[s.length] = '\n<table id="x_list_table" style="table-layout:fixed;" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">';
 s[s.length] = '\n</table>';
 s[s.length] = '\n</div><div id="resizer" style="position:absolute;z-index:3;width:4;border:2 solid #000000;display:none;"></div>';
 s[s.length] = '\n</td></tr></table>';

 this.container.innerHTML = s.join('');
 s = null;
 this.tableContainer = this.container.all('x_list_table_container');
 this.table = this.container.all('x_list_table');
 this.resizer = this.container.all('resizer');
 this.resizer.onmouseup = function() {
  if(the.resizing && null!=the.resizeHead) {
   var newWidth = parseInt(the.resizeHead.offsetWidth) + (parseInt(event.clientX) - parseInt(the.resizeClientX));
   window.status = newWidth;
   if(newWidth < 5){
    newWidth = 5;
   var head = the.resizeHead;
   the.setHeadWidth(head, newWidth);
   this.style.display = 'none';
   the.resizing = false;
   the.resizeHead = null;
   the.table.style.cursor = '';
 if(columns) {

XList.prototype.isRowHandle = function() {
 return ('checkbox'==this.rowType) || ('radio'==this.rowType);

XList.prototype.setColumns = function(columns) {
 var the = this;

 this.columnLength = 0;
 this.columns = columns;
 var tBody, tRow, tHead;
 tBody = this.table.tBodies[0];
 tRow  = document.createElement('tr');

 tRow.className = 'x_list_head_row';
 if(this.isRowHandle()) {
  tHead = document.createElement('th');
  tHead.className = 'x_list_head_handle';
  if('checkbox' == this.rowType) {
   tHead.title = 'check/uncheck all';
  } else if('radio' == this.rowType) {
   tHead.title = 'uncheck all';
  var tInput = document.createElement('input');
  tInput.id = this.rowId + '_all'  
  tInput.name = tInput.id;
  tInput.type = this.rowType;
  // closure memory leak here !
  if('radio' == this.rowType) {
   tInput.onclick = function() {
    tInput.checked = false;
  } else {
   tInput.onclick = function() {
 if(this.sequenced) { 
  tHead = document.createElement('th');
  tHead.className = 'x_list_head_handle';
  tHead.innerHTML = '&nbsp;#&nbsp;';
 //header columns 
 var width = '';
 var name = '';
 var title = '';
 var text = '';
 var column = null;
 for(var i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
  column = this.columns[i];
  width = (column.width) ? (column.width) : '100';
  name = (column.name) ? (column.name) : '';
  text = column.text;
  title = (column.title) ? (column.title) : column.text;
  tHead = document.createElement('th');
  tHead.className = 'x_list_head_cell';
  tHead.id = name;
  tHead.name = name;
  tHead.orderBy = '';
  //tHead.innerHTML = '<div style="overflow: hidden; height: 18px; width:'+width+';">' + text + "</div>";
  tHead.style.width = width;
  if(null!=name && ''!=name && this.onOrderByHandler) {
   tHead.style.textDecoration = 'underline';
  //tHead.width = width;
  //tHead.innerHTML = '<span style="padding:0;overflow:hidden;height:18px;width:'+width+';">' + text + "</span>";
  tHead.innerHTML = text;
  // tHead.style.cursor = 'hand';
  tHead.onclick = function() {
   var src = window.event.srcElement;//maybe <html /> in head
   window.status = parseInt(src.offsetWidth) - parseInt(event.offsetX);
   if(parseInt(src.offsetWidth) - parseInt(event.offsetX) <= 3) {
   } else {
    if(the.resizing && null!=the.resizeHead) {
    } else {
     if(the.onOrderByHandler && null!=name && ''!=name) {
      var orderBy = (this.orderBy == 'asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';   
      if(null!=the.orderByColumn) {
       if(the.orderByColumn != this) {  
        the.orderByColumn.className = 'x_list_head_cell';      
        the.orderByColumn = this;
      } else {
       the.orderByColumn = this;
      this.className = 'x_list_head_' + orderBy;     
      this.orderBy = orderBy;
      (the.onOrderByHandler || Prototype.emptyFunction)({name:this.name, orderBy:orderBy});
  tHead.onmouseover = function() {
   var src = window.event.srcElement;   
   src.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';//'#F4F7F9';
   src.style.color = '#0000FF';
   var src = window.event.srcElement; 
  tHead.onmouseout = function() {
   var src = window.event.srcElement;    
   src.style.backgroundColor = '#E9F0F4';
   src.style.color = '07215F';
   src.style.borderColor = 'threedhighlight #688293 #688293 threedhighlight';
  tHead.onmousedown = function() {
   var src = window.event.srcElement;
   if(parseInt(src.offsetWidth) - parseInt(event.offsetX) <= 3) {
    the.resizing = true;
    the.resizeClientX = event.clientX;
    var p = Position.page(src);
    the.resizeHead = src;
    the.resizer.style.height = the.tableContainer.offsetHeight;
    the.resizer.style.top = parseInt(p[1]) + 2;
    the.resizer.style.left = parseInt(p[0]) + parseInt(src.offsetWidth);
    the.resizer.style.display = 'block';
    the.resizeOffsetWidth = the.resizer.style.left;//head.offsetWidth;
   } else {
    src.style.backgroundColor = '#D4DBDF';
    src.style.borderColor = 'black #CCCCCC #CCCCCC black';
  tHead.onmouseup = function() {
   var src = window.event.srcElement;
   src.style.backgroundColor = '#FFFFFF';
   src.style.borderColor = 'threedhighlight #688293 #688293 threedhighlight';
  tHead.onmousemove = function() {
   if(the.resizing && null!=the.resizeHead) {
    the.resizer.style.left = parseInt(the.resizeOffsetWidth) + (parseInt(event.clientX) - parseInt(the.resizeClientX));
   var src = window.event.srcElement;
   if(parseInt(src.offsetWidth) - parseInt(event.offsetX) <= 3) {
    the.table.style.cursor = 'e-resize';
   } else {
    the.table.style.cursor = '';

XList.prototype.setHeadWidth = function(head, newWidth) {
 head.style.width = newWidth;
 if(this.table.rows.length > 0) {
  var tRow = null;
  var index = this.table.rows[0].indexOf(head);
  for(var i = 1; i < this.table.rows.length; i++) {
   tRow = this.table.rows[i];   
   cells[index].style.width = newWidth;
 } */


var M_LIST_ROW_COLOR = '';

XList.prototype._i = function(rows) {
 var i = 0; 
 if('empty'!=this.rowType) {
 if(this.sequenced) { 
 return i;

XList.prototype.addRows = function(rows) {
 var scrollBottom = ('undefined'==typeof(scrollBottom)?false:scrollBottom)
 if(this.size()>0) {
  //scrollBottom = true;
 for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {  
  var result = this._addRow(rows[i], scrollBottom);
  if (result) { return result; }

XList.prototype.addRow = function(pRow) {
 this._addRow(pRow, true);
XList.prototype._addRow = function(pRow, scrollBottom) {
 var the = this;
 var tBody, tRow, tCell, i, len;
 /* Validate column count */
 //if (aRowData.length != this._cols) { return 1; }
 //var rowSequence = this.rowSequence++;
 var seq = this.size() + 1;
 /* Construct Body Row */ 
 tBody = this.table.tBodies[0];
 tRow  = document.createElement('tr'); 
 tRow.row = pRow;
 tRow.row.checked = (tRow.row.checked==true); 
 pRow.colored = false;
 if(this.colored) {   
  if(!pRow.bgColor) {
   pRow.bgColor = (seq % 2 ==1 ) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#F4F9FB';
  } else {
   pRow.colored = true;
 } else {
  pRow.bgColor = '#FFFFFF';
 if(pRow.checked) {
  tRow.style.backgroundColor = M_LIST_ROW_HIGHLIGHT;
 } else {
  tRow.style.backgroundColor = pRow.bgColor;
 var tInput = null;
 if('empty'!=this.rowType) {
  tCell = document.createElement('td');
  tCell.className = 'x_list_body_handle';
  tInput = document.createElement('input');
  tInput.type = this.rowType;
  tInput.id = this.rowId;  
  tInput.name = this.rowId;
  tInput.value = pRow.id;
 if(this.sequenced) {
  tCell = document.createElement('td');
  tCell.className = 'x_list_body_handle';   
 var text = null;
 if(pRow && pRow.data) {
  for (var i = 0; i < this.columnLength && i < pRow.data.length; i++) {
   tCell = document.createElement('td');
   tCell.className = 'x_list_body_cell';
   tCell.style.width = this.columns[i].width;
   if(''!=pRow.data[i]) {
    text = pRow.data[i];
   } else {
    text = '&nbsp;';
   tCell.innerHTML = '<div style="width: '+this.columns[i].width+'; height: 18px; white-space: nowrap; padding-right: 20px;">' + text + '</div>';
   tCell.title = text;//.escapeHTML();    
 if(pRow.checked) {
  tInput.checked = true; 
  tRow.row.checked = true;
 //event bind
 tRow.onclick = function() {  
  if(tInput) {
   if('radio'==the.rowType) {
   // get column index, starting from zero.
   var src = event.srcElement;
   var colIndex = 0;
   if('td' == src.tagName.toLowerCase())
     if('td' == src.previousSibling.tagName.toLowerCase())
      src = src.previousSibling;
      colIndex ++;
   // return false means that the row checkBox does not need to change status.
   if(false != (the.onRowClickHandler || Prototype.emptyFunction)({rowId:tInput.value, checked:!tRow.row.checked, colIndex:colIndex, row:tRow}))
    tRow.row.checked = !tRow.row.checked;
    tInput.checked = tRow.row.checked;   
   if(tInput.checked) {
    tRow.style.backgroundColor = M_LIST_ROW_LAST_HIGHLIGHT;
   } else {
    M_LIST_ROW_COLOR = tRow.row.bgColor;
 tRow.ondblclick = function() {
  if(the.onRowDblClickHandler) {
   (the.onRowDblClickHandler || Prototype.emptyFunction)({rowId:tInput.value, checked:!tRow.row.checked, row:tRow}); 
 //scroll down when add row
 if(scrollBottom) {
  this.tableContainer.scrollTop = this.tableContainer.scrollTop + this.size() * 22;

XList.prototype.color = function() {
 if(this.size()>0) {
  var bgColor = null;
  var rows = this.table.rows;
  var tRow = null;
  var row = null;
  var handler = null;
  for(var i = 1; i<rows.length; i++) {
   tRow = rows[i];
   handler = tRow.all(this.rowId);
   if(handler) {   
    row = tRow.row;
    row.checked = handler.checked;
    if(!row.colored) {
     row.bgColor = (i % 2 ==1 ) ? '#FFFFFF' : '#F4F9FB';
    if(row.checked) {
     tRow.style.backgroundColor = M_LIST_ROW_HIGHLIGHT;
    } else {
     tRow.style.backgroundColor = row.bgColor;
//remove selected rows
XList.prototype.remove = function() {
 var indexs = new Array();
 var tRow = null;
 for(var i=this.table.rows.length-1; i>0; i--) {
  tRow = this.table.rows[i];
  rowId = tRow.all(this.rowId);
  if(true == rowId.checked) {
   indexs[indexs.length] = i;
 if(indexs.length>0) {
  for(var i=0; i<indexs.length; i++) {
 if(this.size()==0) {
  this.container.all(this.rowId + '_all').checked = false;
 } else {

XList.prototype.value = function() {
 var values = new Array();
 if(this.size() > 1) {  
  var rowIds = this.container.all(this.rowId);  
  if(rowIds && rowIds.length) {
   for(var i=rowIds.length-1; i>=0; i--) {    
    if(true == rowIds[i].checked) {
     values[values.length] = rowIds[i].value;
 } else if(this.size() == 1) {
  var rowIds = this.container.all(this.rowId);
  if(true == rowIds.checked) {
   values[values.length] = rowIds.value;
 return values;

// get the selected row indices.
XList.prototype.rowIndices = function() {
 var rows = new Array();
 if(this.size() > 1) {  
  var rowIds = this.container.all(this.rowId);  
  if(rowIds && rowIds.length) {
   for(var i=rowIds.length-1; i>=0; i--) {    
    if(true == rowIds[i].checked) {
     rows[rows.length] = i;
 } else if(this.size() == 1) {
  var rowIds = this.container.all(this.rowId);
  if(true == rowIds.checked) {
   rows[rows.length] = 0;
 return rows;

XList.prototype.values = function() {
 var values = new Array();
 if(this.size()>1) { 
  var rowIds = this.container.all(this.rowId);
  if(rowIds && rowIds.length) {
   for(var i=rowIds.length-1; i>=0; i--) {
    tRowId = rowIds[i];
    values[values.length] = tRowId.value;
 } else if(this.size()==1) {
  var rowIds = this.container.all(this.rowId);
  values[values.length] = rowIds.value;
 return values;

XList.prototype.refresh = function() {
 if(this.sequenced) {  
  var index = 0;
  if('empty'!=this.rowType) {
  if(this.table.rows.length > 0) {
   var tRow = null;
   for(var i=1; i<this.table.rows.length; i++) {
    tRow = this.table.rows[i];
    cells = tRow.cells;
    cells[index].innerHTML = i;


XList.prototype.clear = function() { 
 for(var i = this.size(); i > 0; i--){
 if(this.container.all(this.rowId + '_all')) {
  this.container.all(this.rowId + '_all').checked = false;

XList.prototype.size = function() { 
 return this.table.rows.length - 1;
XList.prototype.orderBy = function() {
 var name = '';
 var orderBy = '';
 if(null!=this.orderByColumn) {
  name = this.orderByColumn.name;
  orderBy = this.orderByColumn.orderBy;
 return {name:name, orderBy:orderBy};

XList.prototype.cell = function(rowIndex, colIndex) {
 if(rowIndex < this.size() && colIndex < this.columnLength) {
  var tRow = this.table.rows[rowIndex+1];
  var cells = tRow.cells;  
  //alert('this._i() + colIndex'+ (this._i() + colIndex) );
  return cells[this._i() + colIndex];
 return null;

XList.prototype.serialize = function() {
 if('empty'!=this.rowType) {
  var value = this.value();
  var s = new Array();
  for(var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
   s[s.length] = this.rowId + '=' + value[i];
  return s.join('&');
 return '';
XList.prototype.serializeAll = function() {
 if('empty'!=this.rowType) {
  var value = this.values();
  var s = new Array();
  for(var i=0; i<value.length; i++) {
   s[s.length] = this.rowId + '=' + value[i];
  return s.join('&');
 return '';

XList.prototype.setOrderByContext = function(param) {
 if(null!=param) {
  if(null!=param.orderByName) {
   var head = this.table.rows[0];
   var column = null; 
   for(var i=0; i<head.cells.length; i++) {
    column = head.cells[i];
    if(column.name==param.orderByName) {
     this.orderByColumn = column;
     this.orderByColumn.name = param.orderByName;
     this.orderByColumn.orderBy = param.orderByType;
//     column.childNodes[0].innerHTML = this.orderByColumnWithinInnerHTML + '<span class="x_list_order_' + param.orderByType + '">&nbsp;</span>'

XList.prototype.dispose = function() {
 this.container = null; //container div
 this.table = null ;     //contain headTable & bodyTable for table-layout:fixed;
 this.tableContainer = null;
 this.sequenced = null;
 this.colored = null
 this.rowId = null
 this.rowType = null
 this.resizeable = null

 this.columns = null;
 this.rows = null;
 this.orderByColumn = null;
 this.orderByColumnInnerHTML = null;
 this.headColumn = null;  // exchange column order div
 this.exchangeTag = null;  // exchange tag div
 this.exchangeCell = null; // current be change column cell
 this.rowSequence = 0;
 this.handler = null; //all handler
 this.columnLength = 0;
 this.onRowClickHandler = null;
 this.onOrderByHandler = null;
 var the = null;
 this.columnExchangeable = null;
 this.onRowClickHandler = null;
 this.onOrderByHandler = null;
 this.onRowDblClickHandler = null;
 this.table = null;
 this.tableContainer = null;

.x_list_container { 

.x_list_head_row {
 top:expression(this.offsetParent.scrollTop); */

.x_list_head_handle { 
 font-family:Verdana, Simsun;
 border:1 solid;
 border-color:threedhighlight #688293 #688293 threedhighlight;


.x_list_head_asc  ,
.x_list_head_desc ,
.x_list_head_cell {
 border:1 solid;
 border-color:threedhighlight #688293 #688293 threedhighlight;
 font-family:Verdana, Simsun;

.x_list_head_asc  { background:url(../image/xlist/x_icon_asc.gif  ) no-repeat center right; }
.x_list_head_desc { background:url(../image/xlist/x_icon_desc.gif ) no-repeat center right; }


.x_list_head_cell_over {
 border:1 solid;
 /*border-color:threedhighlight #CCCCCC #CCCCCC threedhighlight;*/
 border-color:threedhighlight #688293 #688293 threedhighlight;
 font-family:Verdana, Simsun;
.x_list_head_cell_down {
 border:1 solid;
 border-color:#CCCCCC threedhighlight threedhighlight #CCCCCC;
 font-family:Verdana, Simsun;

.x_list_body_handle { 
 font-family:Verdana, Simsun;

.x_list_body_cell {
 font-family:Verdana, Simsun;


var XCheck = {
 checkAll: function(name) {
  var o = document.getElementsByName(name);
  var l = o.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
     o[i].checked = window.event.srcElement.checked;
 checkItem: function(name) {
  var e = window.event.srcElement;
    var o = document.getElementById(name);
    if (e.checked) {
   var items = document.getElementsByName(e.name);
   o.checked = true;
   var l = items.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    if (!items[i].checked) {
     o.checked = false;
    } else {
   o.checked = false;
 uncheckAll: function (name) {
  var o = document.getElementsByName(name);
  var l = o.length;
  for (var i=0; i < l; i++)
     o[i].checked = false;

var XOption = {
 selectAll: function(name) {
  var o = document.getElementsByName(name);
  var l = o.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < l; i++)
     o[i].checked = window.event.srcElement.checked;
 unSelectAll: function(name) {
  var e = window.event.srcElement;
    var o = document.getElementById(name);
    if (e.checked) {
   var items = document.getElementsByName(e.name);
   o.checked = true;
   var l = items.length;
      for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) {
    if (!items[i].checked) {
     o.checked = false;
    } else {
   o.checked = false;
 append: function (name) {
  var o = document.getElementsByName(name);
  var l = o.length;
  for (var i=0; i < l; i++)
     o[i].checked = false;
 remove: function (name) {
  var o = document.getElementsByName(name);
  var l = o.length;
  for (var i=0; i < l; i++)
     o[i].checked = false;

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></meta>

<link href="resource.prototype.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
<link href="../theme/default/style/index.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"></link>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" src="../../common/script/prototype.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" src="../../common/script/commons.js"></script>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript" src="../script/xlist.js"></script>


<body style="margin:0;overflow-x:hidden;" scroll="no">



<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function viewHtml(){
 $("result").innerHTML = '<xmp>' + $('container').outerHTML + '</xmp>';

function listCell(r, c) {
 var cell = list.cell(r , c); 
 if(cell) {
  $('result').innerHTML = 'cell.innerHTML = ' + cell.innerHTML;
 } else {
  $('result').innerHTML = 'cell not found';
var row = {id:'id_1', data:['id_1','department1department1department1department1department1','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']};
var row2 = {id:'id_2', data:['id_2','department1department1department1department1department1','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']};

var rows = [
 {id:'id_10', checked:false, data:['id_10','department1','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']},//<input />
 {id:'id_20', checked:false, data:['id_20','department2','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']},
 {id:'id_30', checked:false, data:['id_30','department3','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']},
 {id:'id_40', checked:true, data:['id_40','department4','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']},
 {id:'id_50', checked:false, bgColor:'#0000FF', data:['id_50','department5','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']},
 {id:'id_60', checked:true, bgColor:'#0000FF', data:['id_60','department6','name','sex','birthday','married','salar','title']}

function resizeContainer() {
 if(parseInt($('containerTd').style.width) == 480) {
  $('containerTd').style.width = 560;
  $('containerTd').style.height = 360;
 } else { 
  $('containerTd').style.width = 480;
  $('containerTd').style.height = 270;
function showResult(the, r) {
 $('result').innerHTML = the.value + ':<br />' + r;







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 <td style="width:1;height:100%;">
 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
 var list = new XList();
 var columns = [
  {name:'department',text:'department',width:'200'},//<input />
  {name:'user.name',text:'<span class="ss"></span>name',width:'100'},
  {name:'user.title', text:'title', width:'200'}
 var columns2 = [ 
  {name:'user.title', text:'title', width:'10%'},  
  {name:'department',text:'department',width:'10%'},//<input />
  {name:'user.name',text:'<span class="ss"></span>name',width:'30%'},
 var columns3 = [ 
  {name:'user.title', text:'title', width:'10%'},
  {name:'department',text:'department',width:'10%'},//<input />
  {name:'user.name',text:'<span class="ss"></span>name',width:'30%'},
 var context = {
 function onRowClick(param) {
  $('result').innerHTML = 'param.rowId=' + param.rowId + '<br />param.checked=' + param.checked + '<br />param.colIndex=' + param.colIndex + '<br />param.row=' + param.row;
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   $('result').innerHTML += '<br />' + param.row.cells[i].innerHTML;
 function onRowDblClick(param) {
  $('result').innerHTML = 'onRowDblClick:<br />param.rowId=' + param.rowId + '<br />param.checked=' + param.checked + '<br />param.row=' + param.row;
  for(var i=0; i<param.row.cells.length; i++) {
   $('result').innerHTML += '<br />' + param.row.cells[i].innerHTML;
 function onOrderBy(param) {
  $('result').innerHTML = 'param.name=' + param.name + '<br />param.orderBy=' + param.orderBy;
 list.create(context, columns);

<td style="width:200;" align="center" valign="top">
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  <input class="bn" type="button" value="addRows  添加多行" onclick="list.addRows(rows);" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="remove  删除选中记录" onclick="list.remove();" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="clear  删除全部记录" onclick="list.clear();" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="size  记录行数" onclick="showResult(this, 'size=' + list.size());" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="value  选中记录值" onclick="showResult(this, 'value.length=' + list.value().length + '\nvalue=' + list.value());" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="valueAll  全部记录值" onclick="showResult(this, 'values.length=' + list.values().length + '\nvalues=' + list.values());" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="orderBy  列表排序参数" onclick="showResult(this, 'orderBy.name=' + list.orderBy().name + '\norderBy.orderBy=' + list.orderBy().orderBy);" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="cell 2 , 0 定位单元格" onclick="listCell(2,0);" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="cell 2 , 1 定位单元格" onclick="listCell(2,1);" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="serialize 序列化选中记录值" onclick="showResult(this, 'serialize=' + list.serialize());" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="serializeAll 序列化全部记录值" onclick="showResult(this, 'serialize=' + list.serialize());" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="setColumns 重设置列头" onclick="list.setColumns(columns2);" />  
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="setOrderByContext" onclick="list.setOrderByContext({orderByName:'user.birthday',orderByType:'asc'});" />
  <input class="bn" type="button" value="viewHtml  查看源代码" onclick="viewHtml();" /> 
<td style="width:100%;height:100;border-top:1 solid #CCCCCC;" colspan="2">

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  <div id="result" style="width:100%;height:100%;overflow:auto;padding:2;table-layout:fixed;">result</div>





posted on 2006-12-11 00:49 frogfool 阅读(1374) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Ajax

