07 2008 档案
摘要: PDOM stands for Persistent Document Object Model.
摘要: The XQuery 1.0 specification describes a powerful language for accessing and manipulating XML. In its initial form XQuery lacks two interesting features: fast token-based text search and node-level update. Specifications for these features are under development at the W3C with release dates after XQuery 1.0. This paper looks at the mechanisms by which XQuery can support search and update based on our experience at Mark Logic implementing these features.
摘要: Defines a (logical) model for an XML document -- as opposed to the data in that document -- and stores and retrieves documents according to that model. At a minimum, the model must include elements, attributes, PCDATA, and document order. Examples of such models are the XPath data model, the XML Infoset, and the models implied by the DOM and the events in SAX 1.0.
摘要: Software AG是德国的一家多年从事系统软件、ERP、电子商务产品和应用解决方案的软件厂商。
摘要: 硬盘的DMA模式大家应该都知道吧,硬盘的PATA模式有DMA33、DMA66、DMA100和DMA133,最新的SATA-150都出来了!一般来说现在大多数人用的还是PATA模式的硬盘,硬盘使用DMA模式相比以前的PIO模式传输的速度要快2~8倍。DMA模式的起用对系统的性能起到了实质的作用。以前有很多文章介绍过如何打开DMA模式,我在这里也就不多说了。
摘要: Restlet项目(http://www.restlet.org)为“建立REST概念与Java类之间的映射”提供了一个轻量级而全面的框架。它可用于实现任何种类的REST式系统,而不仅仅是REST式Web服务;而且,事实证明它自从2005年诞生之时起,就是一个可靠的软件
摘要: Relational and object databases lack many data management features required by modern applications, such as versioning, rich data references, inheritence, or fine-grained security. Content repositories extend databases with such additional capabilities. The Java Content Repository API (JSR 170) defines a standard to access content repositories from Java code, and promises to greatly simplify Java database programming. This article reviews the Java Content Repository API and its open-source imple
摘要: the Java Content Repository specification (JSR-170) focuses on "content services," where these not only manage data, but offer author based versioning, full-text searches, fine grained access control, content categorization and content event monitoring.
摘要: 本文提供了对 JSR-170 规范所提供特性的广泛介绍。在 2005 年 6 月 17 日通过的规范的最终发行版中,已有两个商业实现:Day Software 的 CRX 和 Obinary 的 Magnolia Power Pack。JSR-170 的引入也导致了企业开源门户和内容管理系统(如 Magnolia 和 eXo 平台)的增多。最重要的是,JSR-170 拥有来自行业领导者(包括 SAP AG、Macromedia 和 IBM)的强大支持,从而在企业阵营建立起了它自己的应用和重要性。就像对象关系映射框架改变了数据库编程一样,JCR API 也有可能极大地改变我们思考和开发内容应用程序的方式。
摘要: Sun Grid Engine软件是用来在一个分布式环境里优化利用软硬件资源的分布式计算管理软件...
摘要: Cloud computing refers to computing resources being accessed which are typically owned and operated by a third-party provider on a consolidated basis in Data Center locations. Consumers of cloud computing services purchase computing capacity on-demand and are not generally concerned with the underlying technologies used to achieve the increase in server capability. There are however increasing options for developers that allow for platform services in the cloud where developers do care about the
摘要: OSGI:Class Loading Architecture
摘要: Java创始人认为JSR 311应更名...