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Flex 3 Compiler Design(from adobe)


Overall Flex Compiler Design
MmxlDocument Containment


The Flex compiler, which is often referred to as mxmlc, is a collection of subcompilers, used to create a SWF. The two main subcompilers are flex2.compiler.as3.Compiler, which compiles .as files, and flex2.compiler.mxml.Compiler, which compiles .mxml files. The is used to extract type information from precompiled ABC (ActionScript Byte Code), like from SWC files. The flex2.compiler.css.Compiler is used to compile Runtime CSS SWF's. The flex2.compiler.i18n.Compiler is used to compile translation files, usually .properties files.

Each of the subcompilers implements a common interface, flex2.compiler.Compiler. This interface declares a method for each phase of compilation: preprocess, parse1, parse2, analyze1, analyze2, analyze3, analyze4, generate, and postprocess. Historically most of these phases line up with how ASC is designed. A flex2.compiler.Source is passed into preprocess() and parse1(). It represents a single file from the CompilerSwcContext (flex2.compiler.CompilerSwcContext), FileSpec (flex2.compiler.FileSpec), SourceList (flex2.compiler.SourceList), or SourcePath (flex2.compiler.SourcePath). The parse1() is suppose to return a CompilationUnit, which is then passed into each of the following phase methods. The analyze phase methods register the type dependencies of the CompilationUnit. The generate phase method emits byte code.

Most of the subcompilers wrap an instance of flex2.compiler.as3.Compiler. In each of the phase methods, some work is potentially done and then the same phase method is called on the wrapped AS3 compiler. For example, in flex2.compiler.mxml.InterfaceCompiler.parse1(), the mxml document is parsed, an AS skeleton is generated, and then parse is called on the wrapped As3 compiler with the skeleton.


The orchestration of the subcompilers is handled by API (flex2.compiler.API). API has two algorithms, the original batch1, which is used when -conservative is set to true, and the newer batch2, which is the default. The batch1 algorithm starts by compiling the Sources in the FileSpec. As new type dependencies are discovered, they are added to the batch and caught up to CompilationUnit, which is furtheset in the phases. For example, if we are compiling A.mxml using batch1, API starts by parsing and analyzing A. If in analyze2, it's discovered that A depends B, API will parse and analyze B through analyze2. Then if in analyze4 of B, it's discovered by B depends on C, API will compile C through analyze4 before continuing with A and B. The main disadvantage with the batch1 algorithm is that it consumes alot of memory, because the syntax tree and other information built up prior to the generate phase can't be garbage collected until every CompilationUnit reaches the generate phase.

The batch2 algorithm addresses this problem, by compiling one or more of the dependent types to completion before continuing with the rest of the batch. In the above example, batch2 would potentially compile C through the generate phase before returning to B and it would potentially compile B through the generate phase before returning to A. It's just potentially, because the batch2 algorithm batches up dependent types using a budget algorithm. The budget algorithm using a configurable memory usage factor. This factor is a hidden configuration option and it's default is 1000. The size of each Mxml Source is multiplied by 4.5 and then divided by the factor. The size of each AS Source is divided by the factor. The results are summed and each Source is added to the batch until the maxBudget is reached. The default maxBudget is 100 and it's not configurable. This is all quite complicated, but it does a pretty good jump of compiling a set of Sources fast without using an excessive amount of memory.

The API class also handles persisting CompilationUnits, loading CompilationUnits, validating CompilationUnits, and resolving multinames.

CompilerSWCContext, FileSpec, ResourceContainer, SourceList, SourcePath

Each of these is a place where API looks when it tries to resolve a definition/type. CompilerSWCContext wraps a flex2.compiler.swc.SwcGroup and uses it to create Source objects for each definition. FileSpec represents a list of files, which are not required to follow the single public definition rule. It is used by compc's -include-sources option and by Flex Builder. It's similar to ASC's -include option. ResourceContainer represents a collection of the generated sources during a compilation. An example of a generated source is the class generated for an @Embed. SourceList represents a list of files, following the single public definition rule, and an associated path where dependencies can be found. For mxmlc, the SourceList will contain one file, ie the one specified on the command line. SourcePath represents a list of paths where dependencies, following the single public definition rule, can be resolved.

Mxml Compilation

The Mxml subcompiler is divided into two subsubcompilers, flex2.compiler.mxml.InterfaceCompiler and flex2.compiler.mxml.ImplementationCompiler. The InterfaceCompiler serves two purposes. First, it exposes the public signature at the same point in the compiler workflow as a native AS would. The public signature contains declarations for each Mxml child tag with an id attribute and user script code, which might include public declarations. Second, it forces all dependent types to be defined. These dependent types are used by the ImplementationCompiler in the second pass to disambiguate child tags.

As an example:

<mx:Button id="myButton" width="100" color="red"/>

The InterfaceCompiler will expose a variable named "myButton" with a type of Button. It will also force Button to be resolved and analyzed. This way ImplementationCompiler can lookup that width a public property of Button and color is a Button style. This information is necessary for ImplemenationCompiler to generate the full implementation.

During the parse1 phase, the InterfaceCompiler uses a JavaCC based parser (Grammar.jj) and a SAX based scanner (flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.Scanner) to create the syntax tree, which is an instance of flex2.compiler.mxml.dom.ApplicationNode.

During the parse2 phase, the InterfaceCompiler uses an InterfaceAnalyzer, which is a private inner class of InterfaceCompiler, to populate the DocumentInfo. The DocumentInfo is used by generateSkeleton(), which uses a Velocity template, InterfaceDef.vm, to create the generated ActionScript. As a performance optimization, the Velocity templates are precompiled by the build into .vms files.

During the generate phase, the InterfaceCompiler does not generate byte code. This signals to flex2.compiler.API that it should try compiling the CompilationUnit again. The second time through, the ImplementationCompiler kicks in. The ImplementationCompiler generates the full implementation.

The ImplementationCompiler reuses the ApplicationNode and DocumentInfo created by the InterfaceCompiler, but instead uses an flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ApplicationBuilder to populate a flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.MxmlDocument. See this diagram of the MxmlDocument. The DocumentInfo and MxmlDocument are used by generateImplementation(), which uses a Velocity template, ClassDef.vm, to create the generated ActionScript. ClassDef.vm uses numerous macros, which are defined in ClassDefLib.vm. During the generate phase, the ImplementationCompiler does generate byte code.

ApplicationBuilder is responsible for processing the root node attributes, see processAttributes(), and child nodes, see processChildren(). It does this by extending flex2.compiler.mxml.builder.ComponentBuilder, adding support for some special root attributes like backgroundColor, height, width, frameRate, etc. Most of these are special, because they are used when encoding the SWF and not by AS3 code. In processAttributes, the appropriate flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.AttributeHandler is used to handle each attribute. In processChildren(), the appropriate flex2.compiler.mxml.lang.ChildNodeHandler is used to handle each child node. One thing to note is that ApplicationBuilder handles every mxml document, not just ones with an Application root node.

Compiler Extensions

Compiler extensions are used to add additional AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) handling. They are added to instances of flex2.compiler.as3.Compiler via the addCompilerExtension() method. A compiler extension must implement flex2.compiler.as3.Extension which includes a method for each compiler phase. One example of a compiler extension is the flex2.compiler.as3.SignatureExtension.

Data Binding

There are two main aspects to data binding. The first is the inline data binding expressions, ie the curly brace expressions, and the <mx:Binding> tags. Each of these defines a source and destination. They are processed by and it's subclasses. The result of the processing is that a flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.BindingExpression is added to the MxmlDocument. In ImplementationCompiler.parse1(), we transfer the list of BindingExpressions to the as3Unit's context, to make them available to the flex2.compiler.as3.binding.DataBindingFirstPassEvaluator.

The second is the variables and properties decorated with Bindable metadata. Bindable metadata with an event attribute advertise to the DataBindingFirstPassEvaluator that data binding expressions, which include the variable or property in the source, can listen for that event as an indicator that a change has taken place. Bindable metadata without an event attribute first indicates to the flex2.compiler.as3.binding.BindableExtension that the variable or property should be wrapped in a new getter/setter pair which dispatches a change event when a change occurs. Once this takes place, the Bindable metadata behaves just like it had originally had an event attribute.

DataBindingFirstPassEvaluator is responsible for processing each BindingExpression source by looking for things that can be watched for changes. For each thing, a flex2.compiler.as3.binding.Watcher is created. The flex2.compiler.as3.binding.DataBindingExtension later uses these with the WatcherSetupUtil.vm Velocity template to create the WatcherSetupUtil helper class.


The embedding of assets has many layers and entry points. For mxml's @Embed, flex2.compiler.mxml.Builder.TextValueParser.embed() creates a new flex2.compiler.mxml.rep.AtEmbed object and adds it to the MxmlDocument. Then in ClassDef.vm, each AtEmbed is used to code gen a variable with Embed metadata.

For CSS's Embed(), flex2.compiler.css.StyleDef.processEmbed() creates a new AtEmbed object. If the CSS is inside a <mx:Style> tag, the AtEmbed is added to the MxmlDocument and handled like @Embed. If the CSS is inside of a global, theme, or defaults style sheet, it's added to the flex2.compiler.css.StyleContainer. When the StyleContainer generates it's code using the StyleDef.vm Velocity template, a variable with Embed metadata is created for each AtEmbed.

For translation file's Embed(), flex2.compiler.i18n.PropertyText.load() creates and stores an AtEmbed object. Then in flex2.compiler.i18n.Compiler.codegenAtEmbeds() a variable with Embed metadata is generated for each AtEmbed.

Downstream of each of those sits the flex2.compiler.as3.EmbedExtension, which processes the Embed metadata on each variable by creating a new Source using the EmbedClass.vm Velocity template. The created class has Embed metadata at the class level. Each of these new Source objects is added to the CompilationUnit's generatedSources, which is handled by API in a later batch. EmbedExtension also process the class level metadata. It does this by transcoding the asset using flex2.compiler.as3.EmbedUtil, which in turn uses a transcoder from the package. The generated class is associated with the transcoded asset when the SWF is encoded.


CSS can be used in three types of places. The first is in global, theme, and defaults style sheets. The second is in mxml <mx:Style> tags. These are processed by StyleContainer. The third is in flex2.compiler.css.Compiler. StyleContainer and flex2.compiler.css.Compiler use a flash.css.StyleSheet to handle the parsing. StyleSheet uses the Batik CSS parser. Once the CSS is parsed, it is used to generate AS3. For global, theme, and defaults style sheets, the code generation is done by the StyleDef.vm Velocity template. For <mx:Style> tags, the code generation is done by the ClassDefLib.vm Velocity template in the emitComponentStyleSettings macro. For flex2.compiler.css.Compiler, the StyleModule.vm Velocity template is used.

Compilation Unit Persistence

For incremental compilation, API uses flex2.compiler.PersistenceStore to persist and load CompilationUnits, the FileSpec, the SourceList, the SourcePath, the ResourceContainer, the ResourceBundlePath, and some other information like checksums. The PersistenceStore writes all this information out to a single file and uses Java serialization to do it.

Incremental Compilation

Incremental compilation works by first trying to read in a persistence store from a previous compile. If it's found, each compilation unit is validated to see if it is out of date. Then only the out of date compilation units and their dependent compilation units are recompiled. We try to be smart about compiling dependency by only recompiling them if the public signature or imports for a compilation unit change. See API.validateCompilationUnits() and API.computeSignatureChecksum(). If information from a previous compilation is not found, a full compilation is done. In both cases, after the compilation is done, a new persistence store is written out.

posted on 2008-09-10 11:01 gembin 阅读(789) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: FlashFlexActionScript3


















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