浏览一个设计精美的网站或博客,总能让人赏心悦目。尤其对于一个设计爱好者来说,尽管我也有一个CSS gallery的网站,主要收集一些博客和CMS的主题模板和精美的博客及网站设计。但我暂时还没有那个闲功夫去挑出几十个自己最喜欢的搞个专题。还好,有达人愿意这样做。
Nick la的Best of CSS Design专门收集最具创意最富视觉冲击力最有技术含量的CSS网页设计和Flash网页设计作品。年终,他从中挑选了50个在2007年里最佳的CSS网页设计-Best of CSS design 2007。喜欢发现美欣赏美的你,不要错过。
Beautifully designed single page site.

Impressive design by a graphic arts student, Dominik Lenk.

Love the red color applied on the tinted background.

The torn paper and grunge effects are nicely put together. If you like my previous artistic design collection, you will like this site.

How can a plumbing website be so artistic (check out the header
artwork)? If the contrast on the text area is higher, it would be a
perfect design.

Love the semi-transparent effects applied on the wood texture.

Very cooperative, yet friendly.

Another artsy site.

A Mac application site with nice icons and layout structure.

Good use of web typography and grid layout.

A beautiful web-app frontpage.

Single page portfolio site of Marius Roosendaal. Don’t forget to check out both “Day” and “Night” theme.

I particularly like the details spent on the typography of Trale.

Very well-done on the header design.

Mmm yummy… both the design and chocolate bars. Another good design site powered by WordPress.

Nice 2-column homepage.

Very unique layout structure and nice background images throughout the site.

I like the design a lot, but I’m not sure if this design/style work for a financial related site.

New Zealand’s web conference website.

Simple, clean, and comfortable layout.

A blog by John dedicated to typography.

Simple, large bold font, great color contrast…

Very unique illustration style and color theme.

A classic beautiful site.

One of my favorite ecommerce sites. The amount of details spent on this site is incredible.

The wish/tag cloud in the background is simply creative!

Another artsy design.

Nice use of Javascript and CSS (I mean the scrolling effects).

Very clean and boxy layout.

Site of Andy Clarke.

Designed by Miguel Ripoll
(one of my favorite designers). He has great sense of web typography.
The layout looks very chaotic, yet the content is organized.

One word, beautiful.

A very nice design within the box.

A design blog by Elliot Jay Stocks. He is a very talented designer with great personality (based on my personal conversations with him).

Good design and great content (freelance related).

Retro style in collage form.

I’m loving the watercolor effects.

I’m not a big fan of liquid design, but this is a good one.

Nice and clean 2-column blog design.

Another great example of single-page site.

A nice design blog by Matt Brett, he is a designer gamer.

A beautiful blog design by Larissa Meek, formerly a model, now she is an art director at AgencyNet.

Nice use of color contrast.

A blog by Terry and Tami Ng (celebrity and entertainment news).

Another nice design blog.

Another sketchy design.

Another retro/collage approach.

Nice icon.

Another classic beautiful blog.

Blog and design portfolio of Jesse Bennett-Chamberlain.