昨天盘点了2007年里50个最佳CSS网页设计,今天继续盘点,来自adii的My 53 Top Blog Designs of 2007.
1. Alex Buga
This is definitely my favourite blog design of the year - it
is just so extremely unique and well done! The etchings / scribbles
into the wood panels really gives it a personal touch, whilst I’ve got
to give Alex a lot of credit for pulling of the transparent effects on
the content boxes, as that is not overly easy.

2. Blogsolid
It’s a great honour for me, to include Blogsolid’s design as
#2 in this list, as it was designed by a fellow South African. Again, I
think that Imar (the owner and designer of BS) ventured into the
uniqueness territory, where most designers don’t want to go, and it
paid off, since Blogsolid has been featured on most of the design
galleries around the web. Great design!

3. Piktogramme und Icons
You don’t need to understand German (I think!) to adore this
super-clean design. I love the hand holding the business card in the
header and the rest of the design (looks like it is designed on a grid)
is just so functional, minimalistic and beautiful.

4. Carsonified
#4 is almost too love for this design, but the above 3 really
gives me warm fuzzy feelings… I really like the logo, the unique
featured section (again with the transparent images) and then the
content section, which is divided into 3 equal width columns. Great

5. Web Designer Wall
You definitely don’t get much more unique than this design.
It’s been featured and talked about all over the net andI don’t need to
say much more about this super artistic, creative and fun design that
smashed everyone’s ideas about what Web 2.0 looks like in 2007. Expect
more designs like this one in 2008…

6. The Geniant Blog
A touch of class… Very stylish and trendy, whilst very, very
appealing to the eye. I can’t find too many faults with this design -
can you?

7. Mark Forrester
Fun, fun, fun… That’s how I feel, when I look at Mark’s
extremely creative and colourful design. Mark is a fellow Saffa and
again, it’s great to see some of my fellow countrymen making a “mark”
(haha - excuse the pun) online.

8. Electric Pulp
That shade of red makes this design great on its own… And the
overall colour scheme is fantastic. Combine a textured background with
some transparent content boxes, and you’ve got Adii going gaga…

9. I Heart Luxe
Clean and stylish, with all the focus on the content - you don’t get much better minimalistic type designs than this…

10. Koller Media
I don’t really have words to explain why I like and rate this
design so highly… The header is pretty cool, whilst a love the gray
shading in the sidebars.

11. Simply Fired
The background images makes the design.

12. Elliot Jay Stocks
There’s no Web 2.0 trend graphics to be seen on this very
unique, grungy design by Carsonified’s leading designer. Risky
direction to go with a new design, but Elliot pulls it off with style!

13. Web Worker Daily
Warm fuzzies, warm fuzzies… The logo and navigation is awesome, whilst merging into the content areas beautifully!

14. Blog Action Day
Great design for a great cause! It’s not easy making a design
based on such a shaded colour scheme, look great, but this one is
absolutely brilliant!

15. Jesus Rodriguez Velasco
This is another design that got a lot of attention in the CSS
design galleries this year… Very unique, grungy feel and that for a
university professor - insane!!!

16. PSDTuts
Clean & Beautiful - the two best words to describe a great blog design!

17. TNT Pixel
The header makes a real splash (or is it a bang?) and the rest
of the layout / typography is really well thought-out with clever
attention to the smaller details.

18. Ideate
I’m not being biased, but this is the third South African
design in the Top 20 already… Doesn’t this design remind you of your
childhood days dressed up as your favourite superhero?

19. Dream Design
Beautiful personal design by a web designer / illustrator.
Very interesting colour scheme as well - you don’t see too many purple
/ pink designs out there.

20. Elitist Snob
This design really portraits the name of the blog very well
(in my opinion), since you do get a sense of snobism / elitism when
browsing around the design. The cartoon feel is also pretty cool…

21. Challies Dot Com

22. Bistrian Iosip

23. Clagnut

24. Simplebits
Beauty in simplicity.

25. Larissa Meek
A pretty design for an extremely pretty girl… I’ve previously featured Larissa in an interview on my blog.

26. Brian Jeremy
A Web Designer Wal-type layout and design… Just different and great in its own way!

27. Massive Press
Just because content is king, doesn’t mean you don’t need to
look after your blog’s design. Massive Press pulls off both the content
and design!

28. Joyeur

29. The Big Noob
Get lost in the blue… Great use of various different shades of blue, as well as a very prominent header image.

30. WebAppers
Old school and antique meets super trendy and slick.

31. FreelanceSwitch

32. Lee Munroe
I love it when I can sense a designer’s personality through a
design and this unique design by Lee Munroe makes me feel that I know
just a little bit about him already…

33. Super Awesome
The name says it all!

34. Bear Skin Rug
A wickedly, weird design.. But it definitely works!

35. Ordered List

36. Jina Bolton
What does CSS expert Jina Bolton like more you think - CSS or sushi?

37. Yesterday Is Here

38. Blog Perfume

39. Abduzeedo

40. Rob Goodlatte

41. Tim Ferris - Four Hour Work Week

42. Tingsek

43. Lokesh Dhakar

44. One Button Mouse

45. North x East

46. Rik Catlow

47. Bill C English

48. Dream Scape

49. Hyaline Skies

50. Bad Ass Ideas

51. Brian Gardner

52. Lee Dodd

53. Young Go Getter