OSGi, Eclipse Equinox, ECF, Virgo, Gemini, Apache Felix, Karaf, Aires, Camel, Eclipse RCP HBase, Hadoop, ZooKeeper, Cassandra Flex4, AS3, Swiz framework, GraniteDS, BlazeDS etc. There is nothing that software can't fix. Unfortunately, there is also nothing that software can't completely fuck up. That gap is called talent. About Me
Adobe ROME是一款完全由ActionScript编写,基于Flex框架,可运行在浏览器和桌面(AIR)的跨平台多功能出版工具。 使用Adobe ROME可以创建和发布动画,Flash网站,名片,演示稿,唱片封面等等。 这届的Adobe MAX大会上演示了部分ROME的功能,包括:
posted on 2009-10-12 22:20 gembin 阅读(408) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 所属分类: Flex 、ActionScript3
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