摘要: ince Eclipse adopted the OSGi runtime in version 3.0, there has been some tension between the Extension Registry, which has been a feature of Eclipse from its beginning, and the Service Layer, which came from OSGi and pre- existed the involvement of Eclipse. The cause of the tension is that these two models overlap somewhat, and because they are both intended to solve very similar problems. However “the Devil is in the details”, and these two models are different enough to make it impractical fo
摘要: clipse has been enormously popular as a tooling platform. With the use of Eclipse as a Rich Client Platform (RCP), Eclipse made a step towards being a runtime platform. Now, with the emergence of Eclipse on the server, Eclipse clearly has leapt into the runtime world. So what makes Eclipse capable of adapting to these different environments – what makes Eclipse tick?
摘要: 大多数 Java™ 编程语言开发人员通过作为 IDE 的功能认识了 Eclipse。Eclipse IDE 实际上由叫做插件 的交互式组件的集合组成。这些插件组成了 IDE 的基础,它们还可用于创建其他桌面应用程序。创建基于 Eclipse 的应用程序所需的最小插件集称为 Eclipse Rich Client Platform(RCP)。但是,插件本身不能启动。它们需要在一个环境中启动和操作。Eclipse 使用 OSGi R4 规范的实现提供了该环境。
摘要: 扩展(Extension)是Eclipse中一个关键的机制,plug-in利用扩展向Eclipse平台添加新功能。Eclipse平台提供了一些扩展点,可以使用下列扩展点来扩展平台基础结构的功能: