贤仁居 George Gong
It's never too late to learn
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General SCP Properties



Applicable values: numerical


Sets the version number of the SkillSoft Course Player installed on the server. This is a three digit number (e.g. 5.1.1). The last digit of this number should be incremented anytime changes are made to the PagePlayer.properties file, or if a new version of the software has been installed. SCM client machines will then be prompted to download new software installed on the server.



Applicable values: true, false


true: Enables exit from SCORM 1.2.

false: Disables exit from SCORM 1.2.

The following General properties apply to ALL Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables the debug messages in the Java console.

false: Disables the debug messages in the Java console.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables the animation debug messages in the Java console.

false: Disables the animation debug messages in the Java console.



Applicable values: numerical

Not supported in SCP 6.0



Applicable values: true, false

true: Turns off the audio feature. The property overrides the NON_AUDIO_OS property below.

false: No action

Note: If you are a Sun operating system/Unix Solaris user or you are receiving poor audio quality, you may want to set this parameter to false. Then, add the NON_AUDIO_OS=SunOS setting as described below to disable audio for your platform.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Disables any animated GIF images in the course.  Static background images will be displayed instead.

false: Allows animated GIF images in the course.

Note: This property should not be edited on the server. It is set by the Player during the user's course play session according to the Web Accessibility selections made by the user. Editing the property on the server would make the property take effect for all users, including those not using Web Accessibility.



Applicable values: true, false

Sets the PREFETCHER commands to detect your connection speed.

true: Disables prefetching of content which improves performence when paging through content. This overrides LOCALLY_DISABLE_PREFETCHER and NON_PREFETCHER_OS.

false: Enables prefetching of content.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Disables the Work In Progress indicator.

false: Enables the Work In Progress indicator.

Note: This property should not be edited on the server. It is set by the Player during the user's course play session according to the Web Accessibility selections made by the user. Editing the property on the server would make the property take effect for all users, including those not using Web Accessibility.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Disables the Work In Progress indicator when browser is configured with MSVM.

false: Enables the Work In Progress indicator when browser is configured with MSVM.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Disables the Work In Progress indicator when browser is configured with a Sun JRE.

false: Enables the Work In Progress indicator when browser is configured with a Sun JRE.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Text descriptions are shown for all graphics that appear in the course content.

false: Text descriptions are not shown.

Note: This property should not be edited on the server. It is set by the Player during the user's course play session according to the Web Accessibility selections made by the user. Editing the property on the server would make the property take effect for all users, including those not using Web Accessibility.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The student name will be displayed on the test preview and summary pages and on the Test Score Report.

false: The student name will not be displayed on the test preview and summary pages and on the Test Score Report.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The current course score will be displayed on the course map.

false: The current course score will not be displayed on the course map.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player cannot launch custom sized windows
(such as Help, SkillBriefs, etc) if the browser has a popup blocker
enabled. In this case, this property is set to true so that the Player
does not attempt to set custom window sizes when launching windows.

false: Enables the SkillSoft Course Player to launch windows such as Help, SkillBriefs, etc even if a popup blocker is running in the browser. However, the windows will not have a custom size or shape (the Player launches the windows using Java instead of JavaScript)



Applicable values: numeric

Defines a timeout threshold that, when exceeded, closes the SkillSoft Course Player and ends the Player session. If this property causes the Player to close, a dialog (set by the URL_LAUNCH_AFTER_SESSION _TIMEOUT property) displays explaining that the Player closed because of inactivity.



true: The page prefetcher is disabled when the player is launched with file protocol.

false: The page prefetcher is enabled when the player is launched with file protocol.

Note: This property is deprecated.



Applicable values: true, false

true: If the certifications.properties file also has this parameter set to true, NASBA is enabled.

false: NASBA is not enabled.



Applicable values:

Disables audio on a specific OS specify it in the space separated list; where the operating system name is to the right side of the equal sign.

For example: NON_AUDIO_OS="Solaris Windows 95 Windows NT HP-UX" would disable the audio on those operating systems. The name must match the value returned from the os.name property

Note: From within Netscape on Solaris the os.name is reported as SunOS while from a Java application on Solaris the os.name is reported as Solaris.



Applicable values:

Disables the prefetcher on a specific OS specify it below in the space separate list

For example: NON_PREFETCHER_OS="Solaris Windows 95 Windows NT" would disable the prefetcher on those OS's.  The name must match the value returned from the os.name property



Applicable values: numerical

Specifies how many times to retry accessing content after an IO error. This also applies to the number of times the player will retry failed LMS data posts.



Applicable values: numerical (milliseconds)

Sets how many milliseconds to wait before the next retry to access content after an IO error.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The Player will shutdown at startup if a valid AICC_SID launch parameter is not found or if communication with the LMS fails.

false: the player will not shutdown at startup if a valid AICC_SID launch parameter is not found or if communication with the LMS fails.



Applicable values: numerical (milliseconds)

Sets a delay, in milliseconds, to be used between sequential drawing of text to the screen. This delay is required for correct operation with some screen readers. The delay is only used when SCREEN_READER is true.

URL_LAUNCH_AFTER_SESSION _TIMEOUT=assets/html/exitSession.htm

URL_LAUNCH_AFTER_SESSION _TIMEOUT=assets/html/exitSession.htm

Applicable values: a valid html file path

Specifies an HTML file to launch after the IDLE_SESSION_SECONDS value expires.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Closes Summary page upon course exit.

false: No action



a URL designating a graphical skin to override the default graphical skin.



Alters the default URL if the following error message appears: Error communicating with LMS.

For example: http://www.<servername>.com/error.htm

Code Judge Specific Properties



The URL that will be used to perform code evaluation in CCA Code Judge courses.

The following General properties apply only to Business Skills Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

This property is for development use only.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables the SKILLBRIEF link, allowing it to be placed into the list of resources within the SkillSoft Course Player.

false: Disables the SKILLBRIEF link, keeping it from being placed within the SkillSoft Course Player.

The following Testing properties apply only to Business Skills Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Course testing is enabled in the Player for Business Skills courses. When course testing is enabled, the Take Course Test link (or Take Course Pre-Test if ALLOW_PRE_TEST=true and the learner has not taken a test in the course already) appears on the course menu. If the course has assessments, this link is enabled. If the course does not have assessments or if some lessons are disabled (for example, not downloaded in the SCM), the link is grayed out.

The ALLOW_PRE_TEST property also has an effect on the Take Course Test link. If both the ALLOW_COURSE_TESTING and ALLOW_PRE_TEST are set to true, course pre-testing is enabled. A course pre-test is available until the learner takes any test (lesson or course test). When the course pre-test is available, the test link is labeled Take Course Pre-test. Once the learner takes any test, the course pre-test is no longer available and the link label changes to Take Course Test.

false: Course testing is disabled in the player for business skills courses. When course testing is disabled, the Take Course Test link does not display.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Lesson testing is enabled in the player for Business Skills courses. When lesson testing is enabled, the Take Test link displays on the course menu in the right-most column of the course menu beside each lesson. If the lesson has an assessment, this link is enabled. If the lesson does not have an assessment or if the lesson is disabled (for example, downloaded in the SCM), the link is grayed out.

Note: The ALLOW_PRE_TEST property has an effect on the course menu. If both the ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and ALLOW_PRE_TEST are set to true, lesson pre-testing is enabled and an additional row displays under the lesson on the course tree between the lesson overview and the first topic. This new item is titled Lesson Pre-test and is selectable just like an enabled

topic link. A lesson pre-test is available until the learner takes any test for that particular lesson. Once the learner has taken a lesson test, the lesson pre-test is no longer available and the link is dimmed and disabled. The learner can start a lesson pretest by selecting Lesson Pretest in the course tree or by selecting the Take Test link on the right next to the lesson title. When pre- testing is enabled, the first attempt at the lesson test is labeled Pretest Score on the test summary page; when pre-testing is disabled, the first attempt at the lesson test is labeled First Score.

The ALLOW_POST_TEST property also has an effect on the course menu. If both the ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and ALLOW_POST_TEST are set to true, lesson post-testing is enabled and an additional row is added under the lesson on the course tree after the last topic in the lesson. This new item is titled Lesson Post-test and is selectable just like an enabled topic link. The learner can start a lesson post- test by selecting the Lesson Post-test item in the course tree or, if the pretest is not enabled, by selecting the Take Test link on the right next to the lesson title.

false: Lesson testing is disabled in the Player for Business Skills courses. When lesson testing is disabled, the Take Test links beside each lesson title in the course menu are not displayed.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables Pre-tests. Learners can take pre-tests at the lesson and/or course level (if ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and/or ALLOW_COURSE_TESTING equals true) from the Course Menu. If ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING=true, learners are also be prompted to take a lesson pretest when navigating through the course.

false: Disables pre-tests.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables Post-tests. Learners can take post-tests at the lesson and/or course level (if ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and/or ALLOW_COURSE_TESTING equal true) from the Course Menu. If ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING=true, learners are also prompted to take a lesson post-test when navigating throughout the course.

false: Disables post-tests.



Applicable values: true, false

true: After a learner takes a course or lesson test, he or she can launch a topic test of any of the topics taken in the previous test by selecting the Retake Test link from the test summary screen.

false: A learner cannot launch a topic test after completing a lesson or course test.

The following Testing properties apply only to e3 and IT Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables course testing for IT courses. When course testing is enabled, a Take Course Test link displays in the Course Menu. If the course has assessments, this link is enabled. If the course does not have an assessment, the link is grayed out.

false: Disables course testing in the Player for IT courses. When course testing is disabled, the Take Course Test link does not display.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables topic testing in the Player for IT courses. When topic testing is enabled, a Take Test link appears on the course menu in the right-most column of the course menu beside each topic. If the topic has an assessment, this link is enabled. If the topic does not have an assessment or if the topic is disabled (perhaps not downloaded in the SCM), the link is grayed out.

false: Disables topic testing for IT courses. When topic testing is disabled, the Take Test links beside each topic title in the course menu does not display.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The "Take Failed/Incomplete" button will be enabled for E3 IT Courses.

false: The "Take Failed/Incomplete" button will be disabled for E3 IT Courses.


The following Testing properties apply only to CCA Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables course testing for CCA courses. When course testing is enabled, a Take Course Test link displays in the Course Menu. If the course has assessments, this link is enabled. If the course does not have an assessment, the link is grayed out.

false: Disables course testing in the Player for CCA courses. When course testing is disabled, the Take Course Test link does not display.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Lesson testing is enabled in the player for CCA courses. When lesson testing is enabled, the Take Test link displays on the course menu in the right-most column of the course menu beside each lesson. If the lesson has an assessment, this link is enabled. If the lesson does not have an assessment or if the lesson is disabled (for example, downloaded in the SCM), the link is grayed out.

Note: The CCA_ALLOW_PRE_TEST property has an effect on the course menu. If both the CCA_ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and CCA_ALLOW_PRE_TEST are set to true, lesson pre-testing is enabled and an additional row displays as the first node under the lesson on the course. This new item is titled Lesson Pre-test and is selectable just like an enabled topic link. A lesson pre-test is available until the learner takes any test for that particular lesson. Once the learner has taken a lesson test, the lesson pre-test is no longer available and the link is dimmed and disabled. The learner can start a lesson pretest by selecting Lesson Pretest in the course tree or by selecting the Take Test link on the right next to the lesson title. When pre-testing is enabled, the first attempt at the lesson test is labeled Pretest Score on the test summary page; when pre-testing is disabled, the first attempt at the lesson test is labeled First Score.

The CCA_ALLOW_POST_TEST property also has an effect on the course menu. If both the CCA_ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and CCA_ALLOW_POST_TEST are set to true, lesson post-testing is enabled and an additional row is added under the lesson on the course tree after the last topic in the lesson. This new item is titled Lesson Post-test and is selectable just like an enabled topic link. The learner can start a lesson post-test by selecting the Lesson Post-test item in the course tree or, if the pretest is not enabled, by selecting the Take Test link on the right next to the lesson title.

false: Lesson testing is disabled in the Player for CCA courses. When lesson testing is disabled, the Take Test links beside each lesson title in the course menu are not displayed.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables topic testing in the Player for CCA courses. When topic testing is enabled, a Take Test link appears on the course menu in the right-most column of the course menu beside each topic. If the topic has an assessment, this link is enabled. If the topic does not have an assessment or if the topic is disabled (perhaps not downloaded in the SCM), the link is grayed out.

false: Disables topic testing for CCA courses. When topic testing is disabled, the Take Test links beside each topic title in the course menu does not display.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables Pre-tests in CCA courses. Learners can take pre-tests at the lesson and/or course level (if ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and/or ALLOW_COURSE_TESTING equals true) from the Course Menu. If ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING=true, learners are also be prompted to take a lesson pretest when navigating through the course.

false: Disables pre-tests for CCA courses.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables Post-tests for CCA courses. Learners can take post-tests at the lesson and/or course level (if CCA_ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and/or CCA_ALLOW_COURSE_TESTING equal true) from the Course Menu. If CCA_ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING=true, learners are also prompted to take a lesson post-test when navigating throughout the course.

false: Disables post-tests for CCA courses.



Applicable values: true, false

true: After a learner takes a CCA course or lesson test, he or she can launch a topic test of any of the topics taken in the previous test by selecting the Retake Test link from the test summary screen.

false: In a CCA course, a learner cannot launch a topic test after completing a lesson or course test.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables standard auto advance feature for CCA content. This switch is independent of CCA Dialog Auto Advance.

false: Disables standard auto advance feature for CCA content. This switch is independent of CCA Dialog Auto Advance.



Applicable values: true, false

true: When question randomization is enabled, the Player will display objective questions which have not been displayed in any previous test attempt in the current Player session. Once all questions for an objective have been displayed, the previous questions may be repeated in subsequent test attempts.

false: Questions can be repeated before the pool of questions has been depleted.

The following Scoring/Progress properties apply only to AICC Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player reports AICC [objectives_status] information within the AICC [core_lesson] block. This aids an LMS that does not support the optional portion of the AICC specification to track results (of SkillSoft content) correctly.

false: No action



Applicable values: true, false

Note: This field applies to Business Skills content only.

This property sets the location of the time stamp that the SCM uses for data synchronization between the SCP,SCM, and LMS

true: The timestamp is stored in the AICC Core_Vendor field.

false:The timestamp is stored in the AICC Core_Lesson field



Applicable values: true, false

true:The course score that the SkillSoft Course Player sends to the LMS represents the course score calculated by the SkillSoft Course Player.

false: The course score that the SkillSoft Course Player sends to the LMS represents the percent complete of a course.



Applicable values: true, false

This property sets the method in which the SkillSoft Course Player determines best topic scores and best lesson scores.

true: When a learner takes a lesson test, the Player compares the current lesson score to the best lesson score. If the current score is greater than or equal to the best lesson score, the Player makes each topic score for that attempt the new best scores for each topic.

false: After a learner completes a lesson test, the Player compares the score for each topic in the lesson test against the previous best topic scores on any previous attempt. If any topic score is greater than the best topic score, it becomes the new best topic score. The Player then determines the best lesson score by averaging all of the objective scores within each best topic scores for that lesson.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player computes the course score as the average of the lesson scores. Each lesson score is rounded to the nearest integer (as displayed in the Player) prior to
using in the computation. This is the method used and reported by SkillPort.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player computes the course score as the average of all objective scores in the course. If the number of objectives per lesson is the same throughout a course, then each method yields the same result.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player posts a complete [Objective_Status] block every time it writes AICC data in the HTTP transport (to an LMS).

false: The SkillSoft Course Player writes only changes to objective status (and scores) since the last post.



Applicable values: 0 - 100

Controls how completion is determined for the AICC Core "Lesson_Status" or SCORM cmi.core.lesson_status.

0 A course is considered completed if every topic has been mastered OR every page in the topic has been navigated through.

a value between 1 and 100: the course is considered Completed if all assessments have been attempted AND the current course score average is greater than the value of this property.



Applicable values: alphanumeric

This property allows you to add custom properties for SkillSoft Course Player use with a third party LMS. If an LMS requires extra properties to be forwarded with LMS communication (e.g. password), then they are configured here.



Applicable values: true, false

true:The SkillSoft Course Player includes lesson summary item information in the AICC data that is posted during course play.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player does not include lesson summary item information in the AICC data that is posted during course play.



Applicable values: alphanumeric

Customizes player responses for a specific vendor.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables partial credit for all courses and all users. This functionality changes the 0 or 100 scoring method used in the standard Player configuration. Partial credit grading is used for an assessment if the PARTIAL_CREDIT property is enabled and the assessment has more than one correct answer.

false: Disables partial credit. The SkillSoft Course Player uses a 0 or 100 scoring method for each question.

Note: CCA content does not allow partial credit to be disabled.



Applicable values: true, false

The SkillSoft Course Player always rounds scores to the nearest integer in the display that the learner sees. This property only applies to scoring data that is sent to an LMS when LMS_AICC_VERSION=2.X.

true: If LMS_AICC_VERSION=2.X, the SkillSoft Course Player rounds the scores to the nearest integer and sends them to the LMS.

false: If LMS_AICC_VERSION=2.X, the SkillSoft Course Player truncates the scores and sends them to the LMS. If the LMS_AICC_VERSION equals any other value, this property has no effect.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player reports SCORM 'cmi.objectives' information within the SCORM 'cmi.suspend_data'. This aids an LMS that does not support the optional portion of the SCORM specification to track results (of SkillSoft content) correctly.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player does not report SCORM 'cmi.objectives' information.

The following Scoring/Progress properties apply only to e3 and IT Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Topic level score and status information is included in
the optional AICC Objectives_status block, in addition to the
progress data contained in the"Core_Lesson block. For SCORM LMS's,
topic level data is included in cmi.objectives.<n>.status and
cmi.objectives.<n>.score.raw fields in addition to the
cmi.suspend_data field.

false: All progress data is contained only in the AICC Core_Lesson
block, or cmi.suspend_data field for SCORM LMS's.



Applicable values: 2.2 or 3.5

Sets the AICC specification version that will be used to transmit results to the LMS for IT Skills courses.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The topic completion status displayed in the Course Menu and completion data sent to the LMS is based on topic mastery. A topic is
considered mastered if the learner achieves a score greater than or equal to the mastery_score value (either the default of 70, or the value passed by the LMS). The course is considered completed if all topic assessments have been completed and each topic score achieved is greater than or equal to the mastery_score.

false:The topic completion status displayed in the Course Menu and completion data sent to the LMS is based on topic content visitation. A
topic is considered completed if the user views every page of content
in the topic. The course is considered completed if all topics have
been completed.



Applicable values: numerical 1-100

Specifies the minimal topic score a user must achieve for each topic in order to be given credit for the completion.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The player will send detailed cmi.objectives information to SCORM LMS's for E3 IT content.

false: The player will not send detailed cmi.objectives information to SCORM LMS's for E3 IT content.

The following Scoring/Progress properties apply only to e3, IT and Business Skills Courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Applies CCA course completion criteria to legacy E3 and Business Skills content.

false: Uses course completion criteria specified for each content type.

The following Scoring/Progress properties apply only to CCA and Business Skills Courses:



Applicable values: numerical (seconds)

Sets the timeout value to retry HTTP connections.



Applicable values: 2.2 or 3.5

Sets the AICC specification version that will be used to transmit results to the LMS.



Applicable values: numeric

Sets how often (count of pages, not time) the current results and bookmark is written out to the proper storage medium.

The following Scoring/Progress properties apply only to CCA courses:



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables special formatting of scoring data sent to an LMS to indicate if the score reflects a pre-test score. Learners can take pre-tests at the lesson and/or course level (if ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING and/or ALLOW_COURSE_TESTING equals true) from the Course Menu. If ALLOW_LESSON_TESTING=true, learners are also be prompted to take a lesson pretest when navigating through the course.

false: Disables special formatting of scoring data sent to an LMS to indicate if the score is the result of a pretest.



Applicable values: true, false

true: All SCORM TPLMS CCA topic content launches will be tracked at the topic level. Only the topic content will be available during this type of player session. The course map would not be available.

false: Any topic level CCA content launches will be tracked at the course level. The player would launch to the topic page designated by the CBTLAUNCH parameter, but the full course content would also be accessible from the course map.



Applicable values: true, false

true: CMI.OBJECTIVES data will be included in any player data posts to a SCORM LMS.

false: CMI.OBJECTIVES data will not be included in any player data posts to a SCORM LMS.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The player will send detailed Objectives_status information to an AICC LMS for CCA courses.

false: The player will not send detailed Objectives_status information to an AICC LMS for CCA courses.

The following completion criteria properties apply only to CCA Courses or legacy content when USE_CCA_COMPLETION_MODEL_FOR_LEGACY=true:



Applicable values: integer between 0 and 100

Specifies the minimum score which must be attained in order to mark the course as Complete.



Applicable values: NO, AND, OR, ONLY

NO: Content visitation does not count towards course completion.

AND: The user must page through the content AND the specified threshold (min. score) must be met.

OR: The use must page through the content OR achieve the specified threshold (min. score).

ONLY: The user must page through all content in order to get credit for completion. The users course score is not taken into consideration regarding course completion.



Applicable values: true, false

true: This requires all assessments to be completed in order to attain a Completed status.

false: This allows a user to get a Completed status without answering all the questions as long as the minimum score was attained.



Applicable values: OVERALL or LESSON

OVERALL: This applies the CCA_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD value to the overall (Course Level) score.

LESSON: This applies the CCA_COMPLETION_THRESHOLD value to the Lesson scores.

Note: This also applies to Topic scores if CCA criteria are used for E3 content.



Applicable values: true, false

Note: For USER_COMPLETION_NOTIFICATION to work appropriately when using non-CCA content (Business Skills/e3), you must first configure USE_CCA_COMPLETION_MODEL_FOR_LEGACY to 'true' and ensure the completion criteria for CCA is adjusted properly.

true: The SkillSoft Course Player must display completion status.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player will not display completion status.


The following Scoring/Progress properties apply to ALL Courses:



Applicable values: numerical (seconds)

Sets the number of seconds the player remains idle before it stops counting the learner's time spent taking the current course.



Applicable values: true, false

This property gives support for sending null course score to the LMS rather than a score of 0.0. A null score is sent as an empty string ("score=") in the AICC "[core]" block.

true: The SkillSoft Course Player determines an overall course score if at least one assessment is taken. For example, if 1 out of 4 assessments in the course was attempted and the score for that assessment was 100, then the Player sends an overall course score of 25 to the LMS. If no assessments have been taken, the Player sends a null score to the LMS.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player only computes an overall score if ALL assessments have been attempted, otherwise it sends a nullscore to the LMS.



Applicable values: true, false, 2

true: Enables detailed LMS related information, such as connection and results tracking data, to be logged in the Java Console or the SCM log file.

false: Disables detailed LMS related information, such as connection and results tracking data, to be logged in the Java Console or the SCM log file.

2: Enables very detailed LMS related information, such as connection and results tracking data, to be logged in the Java Console or the SCM log file.



Applicable values: true, false, 2

true: Displays an error dialog to the learner if the SkillSoft Course Player is unable to communicate to the LMS.

false: Does not display an error dialog to the learner if the SkillSoft Course Player is unable to communicate to the LMS.

2: Displays more error dialog information (more detailed than if this parameter equals true) to the learner if the SkillSoft Course Player is unable to communicate to the LMS.

Warning: If this property is set to false, the learner is not notified if the SkillSoft Course Player loses communication with the LMS (for example if the Player is left idle and the LMS connection times out while the Player window is still open). In this scenario, the LMS can not save the results of the current course play session, so the learner loses the scoring data for the current session without realizing the score isn't being counted.



This property sets the SkillSoft Content Player to use a relayer to transmit results to an LMS on a separate machine (from the content).



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player sets the protocol on any URL connections to https instead of http.  This is only done in the HTTP Transport to set up the connection to the LMS.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player always uses the http protocol.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Course score is NOT published to LMS.

false: Course score is published to LMS.



Applicable values: true, false

true: Disables writing and reading results.

false: Enables results to be written and read.



Applicable values: numerical (seconds)

Sets the timeout used only when USE_SCORM_API is
enabled. The timeout is used to define how long the SkillSoft Course Player waits for an LMS to respond initially to a prompt for initialization.



Applicable values: true, false

true: The SkillSoft Course Player transmits results data via SCORM instead of AICC.

false: The SkillSoft Course Player transmits results data via AICC.

Other Properties



Applicable values: true, false

true: Enables The player to shutdown if it was launched in signed mode and the user did not choose to accept the certificate.

false: Disables the player from shutting down if it was launched in signed mode and the user did not choose to accept the certificate.



Displays debug information concerning communication between the applet and javascript. This is for development use only so it is not published in the file.

Last Updated: 2/25/2009 4:24:16 AM

posted on 2009-05-20 16:08 George Gong 阅读(591) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: AICC&&SCORM&&LMS

