上周在Colorado,Martin Fowler 和 Bruce Eckel 邀请了一些“大腕”级的人物,如Rod Johnson,Floyd Marinescu等,开了一个“座谈会”(现场的一些照片在这里)。 其中讨论到:“企业级架构最关键的原则问题是什么”。 这些“大腕”一共总结出来40条,然后投票得出了最关键的5条 (Top 5 Principles of Enterprise Architecture):
- Use a layered architecture.
- Build Automated Regression Tests, which was tied with:
- Manage your application as you would a software product. eg: frequent and numbered releases, same rigor as a product.
- Use the smallest team you possibly can tied with:
- Attack the domain problem first (or - work on your domain model before other parts of the app).
与之对应的Top Bottom 5则是(从后往前):
- Use Model Driven Architecture.
- Determine all your requirements upfront.
and a three way tie between: (最后3个并列)
- Use EJBs.
- Prefer web based UI's.
- Prefer open source projects.
Floyd Marinescu关于这次“研讨会”更详细的blog。