今天中午回宿舍习惯性的打开电脑,看看新闻(这几天特别的关注灾区,昨天刚捐完款),看看有没有新的邮件。打开邮箱的时候就看到了一封来自Sun公司的邮件说我在NetBeans博客大赛中 赢得了NetBeans T-Shirt 一件!看到这封邮件真的很开心。昨天还在看是谁获得了NetBeans 博客大赛的大奖呢,今天我就得知自己也成为了幸运儿!
We'd like to thank you for your participation in the NetBeans Blogging Contest! Your blog entry was
one of the top 100 entries received. You have qualified to receive a NetBeans T-shirt.
To claim your t-shirt, please send me your complete mailing address via email to: Tabitha.Scatena@sun.com
To see a list of the top 10 winners, visit http://www.netbeans.org/competition/blog-contest.html
Thank you again for your participation!
Best Regards,
Tabitha Scatena