
Java Beginner



As its name indicates, KeyStore is used for storage of keys (keys’ shelter). In windows platform, KeyStore is represented by a file with a suffix called .keystore. Additionally, there is a utility with the name keytool which assists us with the creation, modification/management of keystores.

For instance

1. Creation 

An instance of generating a new keystore file comes next:


You’re supposed to be pay attention to those options of keytool.





Abbreviation of “Generate key”, meaning that we intend to get a key generated


The alias name of this key which can be exploited to refer this key


The location of this keystore. If this option isn’t provided, the default keystore will be used. The default keystore is located in the ${user.lib} directory and merely has a suffix. In my windows system, it is “C:\Documents and Settings\GuoZhang\.keystore”.


   KeyStores are password-protected, which means that you will be authenticated before you have the authority to access it. In our example, WorldHello is assigned to be the password of HelloWorld keystore. In addition, I set HelloWorld123 as the password of “HelloWorld” key.

    Graphically, the demonstrated example has following hierarchy:


   Warning: Location is not a attribute of keystore. A keystore can be stored in any directory if you like.

2. List

To see what on earth does a keystore store, we can make use of keytool as well (using the –list option can achieve the goal):


3. Add more entries

    Once knowing the password of a keystore, you are able to add more entries into that store (Of course, keytool utility will do it for you):



   In this example, I put a HelloKeytool key into the keystore. Now, the keystore becomes:


4. Export a certificate

    Taking advantage of keytool, you can export an X.509 certificate:


   The key point here is the –export option, which forces keytool to create a certificate via a key (specified by the –alias option) in the keystore (as the –keystore option indicates). The generated certificate is in common used form—X.509.


    As you might know, this certificate is a self-signed certificate for it has the same issuer and subject.

5. Retrieve info from X.509 certificate programmatically

   JCA (Java Certificate Architecture) provides some useful classes for programmers to retrieve information from an X.509 certificate. Here is an example:



       *   Created on 2005-10-15


       * author: Zhang Guo


        package org.zg.cert;









       public class X509CertificateDumper {

           public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

        String certFile = "C:\\Documents and Settings\\ZhangGuo\\桌面
\                                                                        \HelloKeytool.cer"; 

        if(args.length > 0)

              certFile = args[0];


        FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(certFile);


        CertificateFactory cf =  CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");

        X509Certificate x509Cert = (X509Certificate)





     public static void printX509Certificate(X509Certificate
                                                                  x509Cert) throws Exception{

            System.out.println("版本:   V" + x509Cert.getVersion());

            System.out.println("序列号:  "  +


            System.out.println("签名算法:  " + x509Cert.getSigAlgName());

            System.out.println("颁发者:  " + x509Cert.getIssuerDN());

            System.out.println("有效起始时间:  " + x509Cert.getNotBefore());

            System.out.println("有效终止时间:  " + x509Cert.getNotAfter());

            System.out.println("主题:  " + x509Cert.getSubjectDN());

            System.out.println("公钥:  " +

                   byteArray2HexString(x509Cert.getPublicKey().getEncoded())) ;
             System.out.println("签名:  " + 

            System.out.println("认证指纹(MD5): " + 
                                                      x509Cert.getEncoded(), "MD5"), ":"));

            System.out.println("认证指纹(SHA): " +
                                                      x509Cert.getEncoded(), "SHA"), ":"));



     public static byte[] doFingerPrint(byte[] data, String algorithm) 

throws NoSuchAlgorithmException{

           return MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm).digest(data);



     public static String byteArray2HexString(byte[] data, String delimiter) {

          StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();

          for(int i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++)

                buffer.append(byte2HexString(data[i]) + delimiter);

          buffer.append(byte2HexString(data[data.length - 1]));


          return buffer.toString();




     public static String byteArray2HexString(byte[] data) {

         return byteArray2HexString(data, " ");



     public static String byte2HexString(byte byt) {

          String result = Integer.toHexString(byt & 0xff);

          return (result.length() == 1) ? ("0" + result) : result;




The snippet above is rather intuitive. So is the output:

版本:   V1

序列号:  43 50 b8 e5

签名算法:  SHA1withDSA

颁发者:  CN= , OU=人工智能实验室, O=电子科技大学计算机系, L=成都市, ST=四川省, C=CN

有效起始时间:  Sat Oct 15 16:08:05 CST 2005

有效终止时间:  Fri Jan 13 16:08:05 CST 2006

主题:  CN= , OU=人工智能实验室, O=电子科技大学计算机系, L=成都市, ST=四川省, C=CN

公钥:  30 82 01 b8 30 82 01 2c 06 07 2a 86 48 ce 38 04 01 30 82 01 1f 02 81 81 00 fd 7f 53 81 1d 75 12 29 52 df 4a 9c 2e ec e4 e7 f6 11 b7 52 3c ef 44 00 c3 1e 3f 80 b6 51 26 69 45 5d 40 22 51 fb 59 3d 8d 58 fa bf c5 f5 ba 30 f6 cb 9b 55 6c d7 81 3b 80 1d 34 6f f2 66 60 b7 6b 99 50 a5 a4 9f 9f e8 04 7b 10 22 c2 4f bb a9 d7 fe b7 c6 1b f8 3b 57 e7 c6 a8 a6 15 0f 04 fb 83 f6 d3 c5 1e c3 02 35 54 13 5a 16 91 32 f6 75 f3 ae 2b 61 d7 2a ef f2 22 03 19 9d d1 48 01 c7 02 15 00 97 60 50 8f 15 23 0b cc b2 92 b9 82 a2 eb 84 0b f0 58 1c f5 02 81 81 00 f7 e1 a0 85 d6 9b 3d de cb bc ab 5c 36 b8 57 b9 79 94 af bb fa 3a ea 82 f9 57 4c 0b 3d 07 82 67 51 59 57 8e ba d4 59 4f e6 71 07 10 81 80 b4 49 16 71 23 e8 4c 28 16 13 b7 cf 09 32 8c c8 a6 e1 3c 16 7a 8b 54 7c 8d 28 e0 a3 ae 1e 2b b3 a6 75 91 6e a3 7f 0b fa 21 35 62 f1 fb 62 7a 01 24 3b cc a4 f1 be a8 51 90 89 a8 83 df e1 5a e5 9f 06 92 8b 66 5e 80 7b 55 25 64 01 4c 3b fe cf 49 2a 03 81 85 00 02 81 81 00 d9 5b 4c e4 f9 3b 52 69 91 2d 3c e2 01 af de 86 c9 55 ab c5 c8 c1 f6 c9 f5 6a 30 f5 ce 6a c7 d6 5a 4e 1e 99 c8 2e 72 34 17 76 bb f5 24 db bd bf b5 0e f2 19 71 08 87 84 eb 38 08 b1 d5 cc 71 8e db 2b cb d2 93 42 28 37 b4 0e 50 77 5e f7 94 6e 86 e4 8d 4c 5b 64 00 d5 fd 39 4e 03 2e e3 cc f7 b7 bd f0 cf 5b d6 3a 09 2f d7 9e da ad 11 b8 ab 87 df f6 43 cb 96 ac 39 a9 ed 37 13 00 f6 b0 16

签名:  30 2c 02 14 50 e7 82 89 55 19 b6 fb 4f c7 fb 4f e5 cd 17 d3 2e d6 27 d3 02 14 65 3c af cb 56 45 82 d2 8e b5 79 02 1b 09 15 e5 84 ec ae fe

认证指纹(MD5): df:89:1f:c9:f1:27:75:3c:2c:f6:14:f3:94:f9:7a:35




  If you compare the output with what you see in the certificate in windows platform, you might wonder why the two public keys don’t go with each other. Actually, what you see in windows is the last 132 bytes of the whole public key’s encoded form. That is, the previous program I developed will get all the encoded form (full contents) of the public key.

   In addition, the snippet retrieves the finger print of the certificate, which can be got by keytool utility as well:



    As a matter of fact, the toString() method of X509Certificate class is quite nice for dumping itself. The following output is the behavior of X509Certificate’s toString(): 

toString() of X509Certificate class



  Version: V1

  Subject: CN= , OU=人工智能实验室, O=电子科技大学计算机系, L=成都市, ST=四川省, C=CN

  Signature Algorithm: SHA1withDSA, OID = 1.2.840.10040.4.3


  Key:  Sun DSA Public Key


    p:     fd7f5381 1d751229 52df4a9c 2eece4e7 f611b752 3cef4400 c31e3f80 b6512669

    455d4022 51fb593d 8d58fabf c5f5ba30 f6cb9b55 6cd7813b 801d346f f26660b7

    6b9950a5 a49f9fe8 047b1022 c24fbba9 d7feb7c6 1bf83b57 e7c6a8a6 150f04fb

    83f6d3c5 1ec30235 54135a16 9132f675 f3ae2b61 d72aeff2 2203199d d14801c7

    q:     9760508f 15230bcc b292b982 a2eb840b f0581cf5

    g:     f7e1a085 d69b3dde cbbcab5c 36b857b9 7994afbb fa3aea82 f9574c0b 3d078267

    5159578e bad4594f e6710710 8180b449 167123e8 4c281613 b7cf0932 8cc8a6e1

    3c167a8b 547c8d28 e0a3ae1e 2bb3a675 916ea37f 0bfa2135 62f1fb62 7a01243b

    cca4f1be a8519089 a883dfe1 5ae59f06 928b665e 807b5525 64014c3b fecf492a



    d95b4ce4 f93b5269 912d3ce2 01afde86 c955abc5 c8c1f6c9 f56a30f5 ce6ac7d6

    5a4e1e99 c82e7234 1776bbf5 24dbbdbf b50ef219 71088784 eb3808b1 d5cc718e

    db2bcbd2 93422837 b40e5077 5ef7946e 86e48d4c 5b6400d5 fd394e03 2ee3ccf7

    b7bdf0cf 5bd63a09 2fd79eda ad11b8ab 87dff643 cb96ac39 a9ed3713 00f6b016


  Validity: [From: Sat Oct 15 16:08:05 CST 2005,

               To: Fri Jan 13 16:08:05 CST 2006]

  Issuer: CN= , OU=人工智能实验室, O=电子科技大学计算机系, L=成都市, ST=四川省, C=CN

  SerialNumber: [    4350b8e5]



  Algorithm: [SHA1withDSA]


0000: 30 2C 02 14 50 E7 82 89   55 19 B6 FB 4F C7 FB 4F  0,..P...U...O..O

0010: E5 CD 17 D3 2E D6 27 D3   02 14 65 3C AF CB 56 45  ......'...e<..VE

0020: 82 D2 8E B5 79 02 1B 09   15 E5 84 EC AE FE        ....y.........



6. Dump KeyStore

    As mentioned previously, KeyStore is a set of keys. To dump it, the key point is to obtain an instance of KeyStore, which can be achieved by invoking KeyStore’s getInstance() method. Given the type of the KeyStore, getInstance() will return an instance of KeyStore:

KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(“JKS”);

For password-protected KeyStores on windows, “JKS” might be their types. In fact, “JKS” is the default keystore type and can be found by calling KeyStore class’ static method--getDefaultType(). The default keystore type is defined in <JRE_HOME>\lib\security\



# Default keystore type.



  By the way, type is case-insensitive. That is, “JKS”, “jKs”, “JkS” and so on will be treated as counterparts.

Once gaining a instance of KeyStore, you’re capable of extracting as much information as you like. You, however, are supposed to load the ks from a certain certificate file. A keystore cannot be used before it’s loaded:


ks.load(new FileInputStream(“MyKeyStore.keystore”), “WorldHello”.toCharArray());


The above fragment loads the ks from MyKeyStore.keystore with its corresponding password—WorldHello.

Next can we do some extraction. For instance, I’d like to get some information about “HelloKeytool” key:


Key key = ks.getKey(“HelloKeytool”, “KeytoolHello123”);

    The key object is a private key. You can get it through its alias name and password. If you intend to get the Certificate info about “HelloKeytool”, you may write:


Certificate cert = ks.getCertificate(“HelloKeytool”);

    It’s not necessary to generate a certificate file before you use the Certificate object. What’s more, extracting info from a certificate need no password since it’s “public”.  Certificates are made to be distributed, sent to others and make others have a idea of them.


posted on 2005-12-21 16:24 Guo Zhang 阅读(1812) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Java














