jQuery 1.4.2
- IE 6.0+
- FF 2+
- Safari 3.0+
- Opera 9.0+
- Chrome
Dojo 1.4
- Firefox 2 support dropped. Firefox 3.0 through 3.6 supported.
- Latest Safari (Safari 4) and latest Chrome (Chrome 3) supported, but not previous versions.
- IE6, IE7, IE8 all supported.
- Latest Opera (Opera 10) (Dojo core only).
- Keyboard now supported in all supported browsers (previously it didn't work on Safari and on Chrome)
Extjs 3.2
- Internet Explorer 6+
- FireFox 1.5+ (PC, Mac)
- Safari 3+
- Opera 9+ (PC, Mac)
MooTools 1.2.4
- Safari 2+
- Internet Explorer 6+
- Firefox 2+ (and browsers based on gecko)
- Opera 9+
Prototype 1.6 没找到
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- Prototype
- script.aculo.us
- MooTools
- Dojo
- SWFObject
- Yahoo! 用户界面库 (YUI)
- Ext Core新增!
posted on 2010-04-07 09:51
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