



表空间由各种段(segment)组成,常见的段有数据段、索引段等。Innodb是索引组织的,数据段就是clustered index的叶结点。需要注意的是,不是每个对象都有段。




Innodb是按行进行存放的,每个区最少可以保存2条记录,否则就成链式结构了。每行数据除了自定义列以外,还会增加事务id和回滚指针列。如果没有定义primary key也没有not nullunique,则会增加6字节的RowId列作为主键。




  除了VARCHAR, BLOBTEXT列,最大行长度稍微小于数据库页的一半。即,最大行长度大约8000字节。LONGBLOBLONGTEXT列必须小于4GB, 总的行长度,页包括BLOBTEXT列,必须小于4GBInnoDB在行中存储VARCHARBLOBTEXT列的前768字节,余下的存储的分散的页中。


·                mysql> CREATE TABLE t (a VARCHAR(8000), b VARCHAR(10000),

·                    -> c VARCHAR(10000), d VARCHAR(10000), e VARCHAR(10000),

·                    -> f VARCHAR(10000), g VARCHAR(10000));

·                ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large. The maximum row size for the

·                used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some

·                columns to TEXT or BLOBs







默认情况下Memory使用存储hash索引,但也支持b+tree索引。Hash索引只用于=或者<=>的等式比较,不能用来加速order by操作,只能通过关键字来搜索一行。innodb只支持b+树索引,进一步分为clustered index 与 secondary index。在一次查询中,只能使用一个索引。


Innodb是索引组织表,clustered index的叶结点保存着整行的数据。如果,定义了primary key,则clustered index就是primary key的索引;如果没有定义primary key mysql会选中第一个仅有not null列的unique索引作为主键,并把此索引当作clustered index使用;如果没找到这样的列,innodb会创建一个6字节的RowId作为主键。所以每张表有且只有一个clustered index


         Secondary index的叶结点不包括行的全部数据,包含键值以外还包括一个bookmark,可以告诉innodb到什么地方可以找到相对应的完整行数据,还保存了主键的健值。Secondary index包含主键,但不包含完整的行数据,所以innodb总是会先从secondary index的叶节点判断是否能得到所需的数据。如,

         Create table t(a int, b varchar(20), primary key(a), key(b));

Explain select * from t;



         复合索引是在多列(>=2)上建立的索引,又叫多列索引或联合索引。Innodb中的复合索引也是b+ tree结构。索引的数据包含多列(col1, col2, col3…),在索引中依次按照col1, col2, col3排序。如(1, 2), (1, 3),(2,0)…


         使用复合索引要充分利用最左前缀原则,顾名思义,就是最左优先。如创建索引ind_col1_col2(col1, col2),那么在查询where col1 = xxx and col2 = xx或者where col1 = xxx都可以走ind_col1_col2索引。



         可以通过DML语句操作innodb索引。因为innodb是索引组织的表,对索引的操作会造成锁表,先生成一张临时表,将数据从原始表中写到临时表,再将原始表删除,最后将临时表表名改为原始表表名!因增加、删除、修改字段会对主索引产生影响,所以也会锁表。对secondary indexInnodb plugin开始,支持快速索引创建的方法,在创建的过程中不需要重建表,所以速度会很快,同时引擎会在表上加S锁,在创建过程中只能进行读操作。


1.       搜索的索引列,不一定是所要选择的列。也就是说,最适合索引的列是出现在where子句中的列,或者连接子句中指定的列,而不是出现在select关键字后的选择列表中的列。

2.       使用唯一索引。考虑某列的分布,索引的列的基数越大,索引的效果越好。例如,对性别M/F列做索引没多大用处。

3.       使用短索引。如果是对字符串进行索引,如果有可能应该指定前缀长度。

4.       利用最左前缀。尽量将使用频繁且过滤效果好的字段放“左边”

5.       不要过度索引。

6.       Innodb默认会按照一定的顺序保存数据,如果明确定义了主键,则按照主键顺序保存。如果没有主键,但有唯一索引,就按照唯一索引的顺序保存。如果有几个列都是唯一的,都可以作为主键的时候,为了提高查询效率,应选择最常用访问的列作为主键。另外,innodbsecondary index都会保存主键的键值,所有主键要尽可能选择较短的数据类型。可以看出,应当尽量避免对主键的修改。经过dba的测试,保证主键的递增可以提高插入性能。



1.       对于创建的多列索引,只要查询的条件中用到了最左边的列,索引一般就会被使用。

2.       对于使用like的查询,后面如果是常量并且只有%号不在第一个字符,索引才可能被使用。

3.       如果对大文本进行搜索,应该使用全文索引,而不是使用like ‘%...%’. 但不幸的是innodb不支持全文索引。

4.       如果列名是索引,使用 index_column is null将使用索引。Oracle是不行的。

5.       如果mysql估计使用索引比全表扫描更慢,最不会使用索引。

6.       如果使用memory/head表并且where条件中不使用”=”进行索引列,那么不会用到索引。Head表只有在”=”的时候才会使用索引。

7.       or分割开的条件,如果or前的条件中的列有索引,而后面列中没有索引,那么涉及到的索引都不会被用到。

8.       不是多列索引的第一部分不会走索引。

9.       %开始的like不会走索引

10.   如果列是字符串,那么一定要在where条件中把字符串常量值用引号引起来,否则不能走索引。因为,mysql默认把输入的常量值进行转换以后才进行检索。

11.   经过普通运算或函数运算后的索引字段不能使用索引

12.   不等于操作不能使用索,<>not in

13.   Order by 优化:某些情况下,mysql可以使用一个索引满足order by,而不需要额外的排序。Where条件与order by 使用相同的索引,并且order by的顺序和索引顺序相同,并且order by的字段都是升序或者都是降序。

SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY key_part1,key_part2,... ;

SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE key_part1=1 ORDER BY key_part1 DESC, key_part2


SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY key_part1 DESC, key_part2 DESC;


SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY key_part1 DESC, key_part2 ASC

--order by 的字段混合 ASC DESC

SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE key2=constant ORDER BY key1

-- 用于查询行的关键字与 ORDER BY 中所使用的不相同

SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY key1, key2

-- 对不同的关键字使用 ORDER BY     



posted @ 2011-12-17 16:36 happyenjoylife 阅读(10188) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

Bridge methods in Java are synthetic methods, which are necessary to implement some of Java language features. The best known samples are covariant return type and a case in generics when erasure of base method's arguments differs from the actual method being invoked.

Have a look at following example:

public class SampleOne {
public static class A<T> {
public T getT() {
return null;

public static class  B extends A<String> {
public String getT() {
return null;

Which in reality is just an example of covariant return type and after erasure will look like following snippet:

public class SampleOne {
public static class A {
public Object getT() {
return null;

public static class  B extends A {
public String getT() {
return null;

And after the compilation decompiled result class "B" will be following:
public class SampleOne$B extends SampleOne$A {
public SampleOne$B();

public java.lang.String getT();
0:   aconst_null
1:   areturn
public java.lang.Object getT();
0:   aload_0
1:   invokevirtual   #2// Call to Method getT:()Ljava/lang/String;
4:   areturn

Above you can see there is new synthetic method "java.lang.Object getT()" which is not present in source code. That method acts as bridge method and all is does is delegating invocation to "java.lang.String getT()". Compiler has to do that, because in JVM method return type is part of method's signature, and creation of bridge method is the way to implement covariant return type.

Now have a look at following example which is generics-specific:
public class SampleTwo {
public static class A<T> {
public T getT(T args) {
return args;


public static class B extends A<String> {
public String getT(String args) {
return args;



after compilation class "B" will be transformed into following:
public class SampleThree$B extends SampleThree$A{
public SampleThree$B();

public java.lang.String getT(java.lang.String);
0:   aload_1
1:   areturn

public java.lang.Object getT(java.lang.Object);
0:   aload_0
1:   aload_1
2:   checkcast       #2//class java/lang/String
5:   invokevirtual   #3//Method getT:(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
8:   areturn

here, the bridge method, which overrides method from base class "A", not just calling one with string argument (#3), but also performs type cast to "java.lang.String" (#2). It means, that if you will execute following code, ignoring compiler's "unchecked" warning, the result will be ClassCastException thrown from the bridge method:
A a = new B();
new Object()));

These two examples are the best known cases where bridge methods are used, but there is, at least, one more, where bridge method is used to "change" visibility of base class's methods. Have a look at following sample and try to guess where compiler may need the bridge method to be created:
package samplefour;

public class SampleFour {
static class A {
public void foo() {


public static class C extends A {


public static class D extends A {
public void foo() {


If you will decompile class C, you will see method "foo" there, which overrides method from base class and delegates to it:
public class SampleFour$C extends SampleFour$A{

public void foo();
0:   aload_0
1:   invokespecial   #2//Method SampleFour$A.foo:()V
4:   return


compiler needs that method, because class A is not public and can't be accessed outside it's package, but class C is public and all inherited method have to become visible outside the package as well. Note, that class D will not have bridge method, because it overrides "foo" and there is no need to "increase" visibility.
It looks like, that type of bridge method, was introduced after bug which was fixed in Java 6. It means that before Java 6 that type of bridge method is not generated and method "C#foo" can't be called from package other than it's own via reflection, so following snippet causes IllegalAccessException, in cases when compiled on Java version < 1.6:
package samplefive;

class.getMethod("foo").invoke(new SampleFour.C());
Normal invocation, without using reflection, will work fine.

Probably there are some other cases where bridge methods are used, but there is no source of information about it. Also, there is no definition of bridge method, although you can guess it easily, it's pretty obvious from examples above, but still would be nice to have something in spec which states it clearly. In spite of the fact that method Method#isBridge() is part of public reflection API since Java1.5 and bridge flag is part of class file format, JVM and JLS specifications do not have any information what exactly is that and do not provide any rules when and how it should be used by compiler. All I could find is just reference in "Discussion" area here.
posted @ 2011-08-20 10:19 happyenjoylife 阅读(437) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏









