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JMS -- Java Messaging System
JMX -- Java Management Extension
JMX allows you to remote access other application from within your application. Imagine a local Java application calling a remote server to start jobs, getting information or do what ever you like.  JMX allows you to connect your application between multiple servers across the Internet or a LAN.

AOP -- Aspect Oriented Programming and Inversion of Control
Cross Cutting Concerns -- 横切关注点

  面向对象的分析和设计引入了继承、抽象和多态等概念,由此为我们提供了降低软件复杂性的工具。但是,开发人员在软件设计过程中仍然经常会面对无法用面向对象软件开发技术轻易解决的问题。这些问题之一就是如何处理应用程序中的横切关注点(Cross-cutting concerns)。










The rest is needed but hhmm.. do I need the rest here? It makes the code difficult to read and even more difficult to test.This is where Aspect Oriented Programming comes on the scene.(on the scene出现, 到场, 在场)

Spring allows you to use so-called(adj.所谓的, 号称的) POJO (Plain Old Java Objects) for your domain classes
(domain class = e.g. a class Book representing a entity book) or your business logic. This will keep your code clean and easily to understand.

This is true to some extend (in some measure – to some extend or degree在某种程度上:His failure is in some measure due to lack of confidence.她的失败在某种程度上是由于缺乏信心。in great/large measure在很大的程度上)  but in my opinion at least the user should not see a Java stack trace from an exception when using the application. 
mediocre (adj. 普普通通的) developers as me
This is by far too much.
(by far 最,显然:到达极为明显的程度:到目前为止。
She is by far the best executive in the company.
posted on 2006-09-08 10:22 Hardy虚掩的门 阅读(146) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏

