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  诺基亚的执行副总裁Kai Oistamo表示,MeeGo适用于多种平台的能力使其显得与众不同,因此它不仅仅是一种新的手机操作系统。诺基亚公司近日宣布,除了最近即将上市的N8机型之外,所有其后上市的N系列旗舰手机将不再使用塞班操作系统,将转为使用基于Linux的MeeGo操作系统
.该MeeGo项目很高兴地宣布:“第一天”的MeeGo手机用户体验的项目。 你们中许多人会记得这个“从3月1日,当我们第一次提出的MeeGo核心操作系统的源代码,并开始向MeeGo 1.0版本的开发”的概念。 如今,手机的基准源代码是提供给开发社区,此代码是积极发展MeeGo 1.1,这是在10月推出。该小组已准备MeeGo Gitorious所有的来源和基础设施进行每周一次的1.1版本的MeeGo发展。 该MeeGo用户界面小组还忙于创造手机参考用户经验,并编写了MeeGo用户界面设计原则和互动准则 。 这一里程碑标志着在Moblin和Maemo操作为主要架构和技术的选择决定合并完成已确定。 今天,我们也开放MeeGo基础设施建设 。
MeeGo宣传短片,结合Qt和MeeGo触摸UI框架(MTF的) 手机的用户界面和应用子集参考 状态栏:时钟,网络,蓝牙,3G连接,通知,以及电池充电 Home Screen主屏幕 Lock Screen锁屏 Application Launcher应用程序启动器 Virtual Keyboard虚拟键盘 应用:拨号器,短信,浏览器,联系人和图片查看器 MeeGo核心操作系统(包括中间件) 英特尔原子的硬件为基础的手机(穆尔斯敦)和基于ARM的支持诺基亚的N900适应


它看到自己-检查出凉爽的用户界面手机第一天的截图和视频 。 或者更好的是,试试自己的设备上下载一个开发者预览图像或浏览源代码 。 第一天的MeeGo手机图片是作为一个社区的开发者预览,我们在一个非常早期和积极的发展状态。 虽然我们不建议您主要的手机上安装它只是还没有,我们邀请所有有兴趣的开发谁也看早期使用开发设备


MeeGo的意思是Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo,也就是诺基亚Maemo系统和英特尔Moblin平台的融合,支持Linux智能操作平台,非常适合Maemo系统的运行。
英特尔和诺基亚宣布,此前用于Maemo或Moblin运算环境的应用也将同样用于新的MeeGo操作系统。诺基亚还强调,创建MeeGo平台并不是意在取代诺基亚自己的Symbian操作系统。相反地,通过Qt应用以及UI框架,开发商可以将应用同时用于MeeGo以及包括Symbian的诸多其他平台。相关应用程序届时将通过诺基亚的Ovi Store发售,面向所有基于MeeGo和Symbian的诺基亚硬件设备,而英特尔的AppUp Center将面向基于MeeGo的英特尔设备。
两家公司将新操作系统MeeGo定位为一个挑战苹果iPhoneApp Store模式的开源平台。虽然英特尔和诺基亚并没有指名道姓地提到苹果的iPhone OS,但MeeGo的竞争指向性非常明显;两家公司表示,通过新操作系统,消费者就可以不必局限于某一制造商的某种产品系统。
AMD周一(2010年11月15日)在“2010年MeeGo大会”上宣布,已经加入Linux基金会旗下的“MeeGo开源Linux”项目,将提供专业的工程技术,旨在为下一代移动平台和嵌入式设备提供技术基础。 AMD负责软件开发的企业副总裁本·巴海姆(Ben Bar-Haim)称:“MeeGo是一款令人兴奋的开源移动操作系统,我们预计,随着时间的推移MeeGo将逐渐被手机和嵌入式设备厂商所采用。”
Linux基金会常务董事吉姆·泽姆林(Jim Zemlin)称:“针对新一代移动计算设备而开发,MeeGo将赋予AMD等公司及其合作伙伴无限商机,从而加速下一代计算创新。 作为Linux基金会当前成员,AMD将成为MeeGO项目重要、有价值的捐献者。”


MeeGo的意思是Maemo + Moblin = MeeGo,也就是诺基亚Maemo系统和英特尔Moblin平台的融合,支持Linux智能操作平台,非常适合Maemo系统的运行。
英特尔和诺基亚宣布,此前用于Maemo或Moblin运算环境的应用也将同样用于新的MeeGo操作系统。诺基亚还强调,创建MeeGo平台并不是意在取代诺基亚自己的Symbian操作系统。相反地,通过Qt应用以及UI框架,开发商可以将应用同时用于MeeGo以及包括Symbian的诸多其他平台。相关应用程序届时将通过诺基亚的Ovi Store发售,面向所有基于MeeGo和Symbian的诺基亚硬件设备,而英特尔的AppUp Center将面向基于MeeGo的英特尔设备。
两家公司将新操作系统MeeGo定位为一个挑战苹果iPhoneApp Store模式的开源平台。虽然英特尔和诺基亚并没有指名道姓地提到苹果的iPhone OS,但MeeGo的竞争指向性非常明显;两家公司表示,通过新操作系统,消费者就可以不必局限于某一制造商的某种产品系统。
AMD周一(2010年11月15日)在“2010年MeeGo大会”上宣布,已经加入Linux基金会旗下的“MeeGo开源Linux”项目,将提供专业的工程技术,旨在为下一代移动平台和嵌入式设备提供技术基础。 AMD负责软件开发的企业副总裁本·巴海姆(Ben Bar-Haim)称:“MeeGo是一款令人兴奋的开源移动操作系统,我们预计,随着时间的推移MeeGo将逐渐被手机和嵌入式设备厂商所采用。”
Linux基金会常务董事吉姆·泽姆林(Jim Zemlin)称:“针对新一代移动计算设备而开发,MeeGo将赋予AMD等公司及其合作伙伴无限商机,从而加速下一代计算创新。 作为Linux基金会当前成员,AMD将成为MeeGO项目重要、有价值的捐献者。”


在近日召开的英特尔IDF大会上,还公开了MeeGo智能手机和上网本的一些特征和UI界面设计。 MeeGo手持设备应该包括:内置摄像头和闪光灯,支持3G网络和Wi-Fi无线功能,内置VoIP网络电话和即时消息,并融合SNS社交网络、位置服务,以及股票、天气和新闻等信息。此外MeeGo手持设备将支持Fennec浏览器、媒体播放器以及数据同步等其他功能。






英特尔、诺基亚和芬兰奥卢大学(University of Oulu)今天宣布,三方将合作建立一个联合研究中心,专门研发用于移动设备的3D和虚拟现实软件。 该软件将由24名工程师在奥卢使用开放源代码MeeGo操作系统研发。MeeGo是英特尔和诺基亚于今年2月推出的操作系统,最早版本的MeeGo手机操作系统于6月底交付开发人员。英特尔和诺基亚在一次电话会议中表示,他们预见3D和虚拟现实软件将用于一系列移动设备,其中包括智能手机和平板电脑。


MeeGo官方网站主要为 终端用户、开发者提供资料和交流的地方。最新版本
MeeGo 1.1手机预览版(2010.7.1) 带UI触摸功能
MeeGo 1.0正式版(2010.5.27)

Meego 1.0


北京时间10月5日消息,据国外媒体报道,诺基亚MeeGo业务掌门阿里·贾克斯(Ari Jaaksi)已经离职。
市场研究公司Gartner分析师卡罗琳娜·米兰内西(Carolina Milanesi)表示,“诺基亚需要强化MeeGo业务。MeeGo源自Maemo,对于诺基亚的重要性更高。诺基亚需要对移动设备和PC理解更深刻,能成为公司高端智能手机形象代言人的MeeGo业务掌门。”


在苹果和谷歌专为智能手机设计的操作系统iOS及Android出现后,塞班的地位一直 摇摇欲坠—即使开源也不能解救它。咨询公司Canalys2010年三季度刚出炉的报告称,塞班市场份额为37%。Android市场份额已经达到17%,今年以来,Android的市场份额超越了RIM、苹果和微软的智能手机操作系统—它从零跃居到第二位只用了3年时间。
这一形势迫使今年9月走马上任的CEO Stephen Elop最终壮士断腕,做出了精简塞班的决定。塞班基金会宣布将于2010年12月17日关闭其网站,结束开放源代码吸引开发者和厂商的徒劳举动。而诺基亚2011年4月将从塞班基金会全面接管对塞班操作系统的控制权。Elop在10月宣布的裁员计划主要涉及的就是塞班智能手机研发部门。尽管诺基亚的管理人员仍旧宣称要在可见的将来生产基于塞班的中低端智能手机,但Elop已经把宝押在和英特尔联合开发的智能机操作系统MeeGo上—后者将用于高端智能手机或者平板电脑。
塞班成立,它是由爱立信、摩托罗拉、诺基亚等公司共同持股的独立私营公司,随后松下加入塞班,成为其股东和许可证持有者 。
Stephen Elop改变了塞班的命运
上任后,Elop计划最终让诺基亚硬件使用同一个操作系统。因此他力主精简塞班,将Symbian3和计划推出的Symbian 4合并为统一平台。未来,MeeGo有成为诺基亚唯一操作系统的可能。



MeeGo is intended to run on a variety of hardware platforms including handhelds, in-car devices, netbooks and televisions.[8] All platforms share the MeeGo core, with different “User Experience” (“UX”) layers for each type of device.

[edit]System requirements

MeeGo provides support for both ARM and Intel x86 processors with SSSE3 enabled [9] and uses btrfs as the default file system.[10]

[edit]User interfaces

Screenshot of MeeGo’s Netbook UX

Within the MeeGo project there are several graphical user interfaces – internally called User Experiences (“UX”).


The Netbook UX is a continuation of the Moblin interface. It is written using the Clutter-based Mx toolkit.

MeeGo’s netbook version uses several Linux applications in the background, such as Evolution (Email, calendar), Empathy(instant messaging), Gwibber (microblogging), Chromium (web browser), and Banshee (multimedia player), all integrated into the graphical user interface.


Handset UX from MeeGo 1.1 “Day 1”

The Handset UX is based on Qt, but GTK+ and Clutter will be included to provide compatibility for Moblin applications.[9] To support the hundreds of Hildon based Maemo applications, users have to install the Hildon library ported by the maemo.org community. Depending on the device, applications will be provided from either the Intel AppUp or the Nokia Ovi digital software distribution systems.[11]

The MeeGo Handset UX’s “Day 1” prerelease was on June 30, 2010. The preview was initially available for the Aava Mobile Intel Moorestown platform, and a ‘kickstart’ file provided for developers to build an image for the Nokia N900.[12][13]


MeeGo’s Tablet UX as a pre-alpha version

Intel demonstrated the Tablet UX on a Moorestown-based tablet PC at COMPUTEX Taipei in early June 2010.

Since then some information appeared on MeeGo website indicating there will be a Tablet UX part of the MeeGo project, but it is not known if this UX will be the one demonstrated by Intel. This Tablet UX will be fully open source like the rest of the MeeGo project and will be coded with Qt and the MeeGo Touch Framework.[14] Intel has revealed interest in combining Qt with Wayland display server instead of the often seen Qt/X11 combination in MeeGo Touch in order to utilize the latest graphics technologies supported by Linux kernel, which should improve user experiences and reduce system complexity.[15][16]

Minimum hardware requirements are currently unknown.

The WeTab runs MeeGo and is available since September 2010[17]

[edit]In-Vehicle Infotainment

MeeGo’s IVI UX as shipped with MeeGo 1.1

The GENIVI Alliance, a consortium of several car makers and their industry partners, uses Moblin with Qt as base for its 'GENIVI 1.0 Reference Platform' for In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) and automotive navigation system as a uniformed mobile computing platform. Graham Smethurst of GENIVI Alliance and BMW Group announced in April 2010 the switch from Moblin to MeeGo.[18][19]


MeeGo is a complex project that involves many vendors and organizations. Its license policy is mainly documented at the “MeeGo License Policy”[20] page. Considering the nature of MeeGo’s targeting markets – the mobile and handset sectors – which, unlike the desktop software market that tends to adopt one or two major software vendor’s operating systems, is highly diversified and hence differentiation is taken as of vital importance by both device makers and software vendors. Therefore MeeGo’s license policy is, at one hand, trying to encourage the fostering of derivative work while at the same time, keep the project as open as possible.

From the distribution point of view, MeeGo is a collection of open source software, which are distributed conforming to their respective licenses.

From the development point of view, which mainly address the way of adopting software from the free software community on account of license, MeeGo software can be classified into two categories: the Operating System (OS) software and User Experience (UX) software. The OS software should mainly be using a copyleft license to ensure the openness of the underlying system, while the UX software should be dominantly of BSD-style licenses, which do not preclude proprietary development and thus encourage device makers and OS vendors to make derivative work and differentiate their respective products.[20]

The licenses of MeeGo developed technologies, such as fast-boot, power and speed optimizations are of interest to derivative products and projects. Those technologies spread among the system and can’t be easily isolated out. For example, the fast-boot technology consists mainly of the fast and small Syslinux bootloader,[21] a new system service and software launcher called "uxlaunch", the optimized read-ahead component, little tweaking and tuning among many software services. The license policy is that these changes should follow the base work’s license upon which they are made, that is to say, the corresponding upstream project’s license policy. For example, MeeGo’s work on the Linux kernel is available under the license of the Linux kernel.

[edit]Technical foundations

[edit]Core OS

The MeeGo Core operating system is a Linux distribution, drawing on Nokia’s Debian-based Maemo and Intel’s Fedora-based Moblin.[22] MeeGo is one of the first Linux distributions to use the Btrfs file system as default, and uses RPM repositories.

[edit]Software development

The officially endorsed way to develop MeeGo applications is to use the Qt framework and Qt Creator as development environment, but writing GTK applications is also supported.[23]

openSUSE’s Build Service is used to compile the applications.[24]


As with Moblin before, MeeGo also serves as a technology pool that software vendors can access to build their products from. So far only ports of the graphical user interfaces to other Linux distributions have been announced.


Even though MeeGo was initiated as collaboration between Nokia and Intel, the collaboration was formed when Nokia was already developing the next incarnation of its Maemo Linux distribution. As a result, the Maemo 6 base operating system will be kept intact while the Handset UX will be shared, with the name changed to “MeeGo/Harmattan”.[7]

[edit]SUSE and Smeegol Linux

Novell has recently announced that they will soon ship a SUSE Linux incarnation with MeeGo’s Netbook UX (MeeGo User Experience) graphical user interface.[25]

An MeeGo-based Linux distribution with this user interface is already available from openSUSE's Goblin Team under the name Smeegol Linux, this project combines MeeGo with openSUSE to get a new netbook-designed Linux distribution. What makes Smeegol Linux unique when compared to the upstream MeeGo or openSUSE is that this distribution is at its core based on openSUSE but has the MeeGo User Experience as well as a few other changes such as adding the Mono-based Banshee media player,NetworkManager-powered network configuration, a newer version of Evolution Express, and more. Any end-users can also build their own customized Smeegol Linux OS using SUSE Studio.[26][5]


Version 14 of Fedora, scheduled to be released on 2 November 2010, will also use the MeeGo Netbook UX for a “spin”.[27]


Linpus Technologies is working on bringing their services on top of MeeGo Netbook and MeeGo Tablet.[28][29]


The latest version of the instant-on OS Splashtop-platform (by Splashtop Inc. which was previously named DeviceVM Inc.) is compliant with MeeGo, and future version of Splashtop will be based on MeeGo and will be available for commercial use in the first half of 2011.[30][31]

[edit]Release Schedule

It was announced at the Intel Developer Forum 2010 that MeeGo would follow a six month release schedule. Version 1.0 for Atom netbooks and a code drop for the Nokia N900 became available for download as of Wednesday, 26 May 2010.

VersionKernelversionRelease dateNotesDevices Supported (Netbooks)Devices Supported (Handsets)
MeeGo1.0 2.6.33[32] 26 May 2010[33] Primarily a Netbook release; only a code drop was released for mobile devices (the Nokia N900). Asus EeePC 901, 1000H, 1001P, 1005HA, 1005PE, 1008HA, Eeetop ET1602, Dell mini10v, Inspiron Mini 1012, Acer Aspire One D250, AO532-21S, Revo GN40, Aspire 5740-6025, Lenovo S10, MSI U100, U130, AE1900, HP mini 210-1044, Toshiba NB302. Nokia N900 (No handset UX).
1.01[34] July 2010[34] Update to MeeGo 1.0; Kernel updated to, USB device loading time improved, improved 3D performance, browser enhancements, resolved multiple e-mail client issue, enhanced netbook window manager, improved visuals, full support for GNOME proxy configuration in the media player, more control over DNS settings.[34] All Netbooks supported by MeeGo 1.0; see above. None
1.02[35] 9 August 2010[35] Update to MeeGo 1.0; X-Server Update, Connection Manager Update, Package Manager UI Update, Perl Update and several more.[35] All Netbooks supported by MeeGo 1.0; see above. None
1.03[36] 10 September 2010[36] Update to MeeGo 1.0; several Updates, e.g. Chromium browser, Connection Manager[36] All Netbooks supported by MeeGo 1.0; see above. None
1.04[37] 12 October 2010[37] Update to MeeGo 1.0; several security updates, better support for Lenovo S10-3 , ...[37] All Netbooks supported by MeeGo 1.0; see above. None
1.1 2.6.35[38] 28 October 2010[39] Touch-based devices support proposed with the Handset UX[40] Unknown Aava and Nokia N900
1.1.1 2.6.35[41] 28 November2010[41] Several Fixes and Updates[41] Unknown Aava and Nokia N900
1.2 TBA H1 2011[33] Unknown


MeeGo phones will not be available until the 1st half of 2011.[42]

posted on 2010-12-20 11:23 哼哼 阅读(302) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Mobile-Common

