Google Web Toolkit (GWT)图书、IDES 介绍

Google Web Toolkit (GWT)图书介绍

Note :Google Web Toolkit( 简称 GWT)

GWT Google 推出的 Ajax 应用开发包,支持开发者使用 Java 语言开发 Ajax 应用。 GWT 框架本身是开源的,但是 GWT 中的开发工具仅仅提供开发用 License ,不允许分发。

   GWT 提供了一组基于 Java 语言的开发包,这个开发包的设计参考 Java AWT 包设计,类命名规则、接口设计、事件监听等都和 AWT 非常类似。熟悉 Java AWT 的开发者不需要花费多大的力气就能够快速的理解 GWT 开发工具包,将更多地时间投入到 GWT 应用的开发过程中。
1、Google Web Toolkit for Ajax
By Bruce W. Perry
January 2007 
Pages: 40

more details:

2、Google(TM) Web Toolkit Solutions: More Cool & Useful Stuff


Author: Geary, David,

Publisher: Prentice Hall

ISBN: 0131584650

Page :112 pages

Google Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful Stuff by David Geary

Note: This is just a ebook!

本书涉及到GWT 与 Spring/Hibernate/Maven 的整合,同时也涉及到了其他方面的高级主题。


Safari does


3、another GWT book:GWT Java AJAX Programming

The books approach is:

Each chapter covers a series of practical tasks, showing how to achieve a particular useful result - and then learn how it works so that you can apply your knowledge to your own unique situation.


Google Web Toolkit GWT Java AJAX Programming

4、 Yet another GWT bookGWT in Practice 

 Author: Robert Cooper ,Charles Collins.

   If you’re a web developer, you already know that you can use Ajax to add rich, user-friendly, dynamic features to your applications. With the Google Web Toolkit (GWT), a new Ajax tool from Google that automatically converts Java to JavaScript, you can build Ajax applications using the Java language. GWT lets you focus on application design and functionality, rather than on browser differences, and allows you to re-use code throughout the layers of your applications.
   GWT in Practice is an example-driven, code-rich book designed for web developers who have already learned the basics of GWT. After a quick review of GWT fundamentals, GWT in Practice presents scores of handy, reusable solutions to the problems you face when you need to move beyond "Hello World" and "proof of concept" applications.   
   This book skips the theory and looks at the way things really work when you’re building projects in GWT. You’ll learn: * How to create and customize widgets; * The ins and outs of RPC; * Packaging and building with Maven and Ant; * Using the Java Persistence API with GWT; * Effective internationalization. GWT in Practice shows you where GWT fits into the Enterprise Java developer's toolset.
   Written by expert authors Robert Cooper and Charlie Collins, this book combines sharp insight with hard-won experience. Readers will find thorough coverage of all aspects of GWT development from the basic GWT concepts and essentials to in-depth and complete real world example applications. If you know the basics and are ready to get your hands dirty, then you need this book.

以下是引用manning网站的GWT in Practice 对本书的介绍:

GWT in Practice is an example-driven, code-rich book designed for web developers who have already learned the basics of GWT. After a quick review of GWT fundamentals, GWT in Practice presents scores of handy, reusable solutions to the problems you face when you need to move beyond "Hello World" and "proof of concept" applications. This book skips the theory and looks at the way things really work when you're building projects in GWT.

NOT YET PUBLISHED (Planned - Aug, 2007)
更多内容参见:GWT in Practice 介绍

5、 Gwt in Action: Easy Ajax with the Google Web Toolkit

Author:Robert Hanson ,Adam Tacy

Publisher: Manning Publications (May 1, 2007)

Book Description
The Google Web Toolkit is a new technology that automatically translates Java into JavaScript, making Ajax applications easier to code and deploy. GWT in Action is a comprehensive tutorial for Java developers interested in building the next generation of rich, web-based applications. This book was written by Robert Hanson, creator of the popular GWT Widget Library and Adam Tacy a major contributor to the GWT Widget Library.

There is a new emphasis on building rich, web-based applications. These applications can be difficult to build because they rely on JavaScript, which lacks the sophisticated object-oriented structures and static typing of Java, they are tricky to debug, and they require you to manage numerous browser inconsistencies.

In May of 2006 Google released the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). GWT enables developers to create Ajax applications in Java. With GWT, you can build your applications using a real object-oriented language and take advantage of Java tools like Eclipse that are already available. Instead of trying to bring tool support to Ajax, Google brought Ajax to a place where the tools already existed.

GWT in Action shows you how to take advantage of these exciting new tools. Readers will follow an example running throughout the book and quickly master the basics of GWT: widgets, panels, and event handling. The book covers the full development cycle, from setting up your development environment, to building the application, then deploying it to the web server. The entire core GWT library is discussed, with details and examples on how it can be extended.

GWT helps you make the most of Ajax in your web applications and GWT in Action helps you get more out of GWT. Readers can download Early Access Chapters of GWT in Action now and participate in the Author Forum by visiting at the Manning site.

NOT YET PUBLISHED (Planned - Jun, 2007)


Manning: GWT in Practice
6、Google Web Toolkit by Bruce Johnson, Joel Webber 

Book Details

The book begins with a tour of the Google Web Toolkit that provides a comprehensive overview of the basic facilities and the key ideas that underlie GWT. The first part of the book explores GWT's role in web development and explains how GWT fits into a traditional web technology stack. This section also articulates the principles that guided GWT design decisions, including the importance of maintaining well-known web usability patterns, interoperability, monolithic compilation, static typing, and minimizing HTTP round-trips.

The second part of the book provides a canonical description of GWT concepts and mechanics from a "how to use it" perspective that covers everything from the nuts and bolts of Java-to-JavaScript translation, to concepts related to the development pattern that GWT provides. Part three provides the foundation for more in-depth coverage of GWT concepts and mechanics from a "how to extend it" perspective. This includes complete chapters on configuration concepts, user interface programming, the GWT history mechanism, Remote Procedure Calls (RPC), and Internationalization.

The fourth part focuses on design patterns and best practices and provides advice on real-world approaches to building systems with GWT, with substantial chapters covering web usability, Model/View/Controller (MVC), building large applications, and optimization.


7 Pro Google Web Toolkit: Rapid Ajax for Java Developers 

Book Description

Create cutting-edge Ajax-powered web sites easily using Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Because it comes with an impressive set of UI Widgets but doesnt require a deep knowledge of an underlying JavaScript to use them, GWT could be the Java developers ultimate tool for next-generation web development. Youll learn the basics of GWT development with Pro Google Web Toolkit, but unlike most others on the topic, youll go beyond beginner level and tackle more advanced techniques like Enterprise integration.

Youll begin by installing GWT, examining the GWT architecture, and putting together and debugging a basic application. Youll discover the full set of widgets, explained in detail, learn how to customize their appearance using CSS, and learn to write your own custom widgets, events, and listeners. Advanced topics involved with incorporating GWT front ends in enterprise applications are covered fully, including integrating GWT with JSPs, working effectively with designers and developers, source control, and using Ant for building, generation, and deployment. The book concludes with reference sections covering GWT classes, JSP tags, and Ajax classes, making it easy to look up information and help when you need it.

  • Maximize the potential of this exciting, new Java-based Ajax/web development technology from Google using this comprehensive guide.
  • Reference sections covering GWT classes, servlets, and tags offer fast and easy access to the information you need.
  • Take it to the next level with advanced instruction on customizing existing widgets, creating your own widgets, and integrating GWT with enterprise applications.

    What youll learn

    • The architecture of the GWT and how it works.
    • How to set up GWT and develop applications using it on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.
    • How to use all the standard features to build professional user interfaces.
    • How to extend GWT, customizing existing widgets (e.g., using CSS to change their appearance) and building your own.
    • How to integrate GWT UIs with enterprise applications.

    Who is this book for?

    This book is for anyone with Java experience who wants to learn how to use Google Web Toolkit in their web application development, enterprise or otherwise.

    About the Apress Pro Series

    The Apress Pro series books are practical, professional tutorials to keep you on and moving up the professional ladder.

    You have gotten the job, now you need to hone your skills in these tough competitive times. The Apress Pro series expands your skills and expertise in exactly the areas you need. Master the content of a Pro book, and you will always be able to get the job done in a professional development project. Written by experts in their field, Pro series books from Apress give you the hard-won solutions to problems you will face in your professional programming career.



    Googlipse is the Eclipse plugin for Google Web Toolkit (GWT). Although you can develop GWT applications without Googlipse, many times its a pain to do repeated tasks. Googlipse will help you in most of such tasks and helps you to increase your productivity.

    Googlipse Eclipse下的一个GWT插件。




    ØGooglipse是作为一个 WTP构面(WTP Facet)来执行的


    2、GWT Designer   

    GWT Designer is a GUI creator that supports GWT. Use GWT Designer's visual tools and wizards, and Java code will be generated for you. You don't need to write any lines of Java code, but you can fully edit the resulting Java if you wish.

  • GWT Designer是一个支持GWTGUI构建器. 开发者使用GWT Designer的可视化开发工具和向导,可以很方便地为你自动产生一些代码。你不必编写任何java代码,但是如果你愿意修改的话,也可以修改由它们自动生成的代码。Eric Clayberg Dan RubelEclipse: Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins (2nd Edition)一书的作者)曾经在他们的这本书中提到过这个基于GWTWYSIWYG(所见即所得的)开发工具。

    3、GWT Developer's Tools  

    gwtDeveloper is a WYSIWYG tool to design your GWT applications.
    It is a extension for JDeveloper.

    gwtDeveloper— GWT JDeveloper plug-in(可视化开发工具)



    Ø基于Oracle JDeveloper

    Ø是一个 WYSIWYG(所见即所得)的工具


    4、IntelliJ IDEA 
     Complete and intelligent Google Web Toolkit (GWT) support

    IntelliJ IDEA features the GWT Studio plugin that provides the native support for developing Web applications based on the freshly released Google Web Toolkit (GWT). As far as you might recall, Google GWT provides you the framework for simple and effective creating AJAX applications.

    5、VistaFei for Google Web Toolkit

    VistaFei for GWT is a visual Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for building AJAX apps based on Google Web Toolkit (GWT) for all AJAX-enabled platforms.

    VistaFei 是基于GWT的一个可视化开发工具,它可以在Ajax能应用的所有平台下构建Ajax应用程序。Wirelexsoft发布了基于GWT的可视化的VistaFei 开发工具

    你可以从一个Palette 上通过拖拽的方式来构建应用程序,实现“所见即所得的”功能。





  • 从正式发布的版本开始,分为两种:一种是社区版(Community Edition),一种是企业版(Enterprise Edition)。






posted on 2007-03-17 22:15 XiaoLi 阅读(3047) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Others





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