JFormDesigner 3.0.4 released


New Features

  • Updated JRE 6.0 in Windows setup to JRE 6.0 Update 1.
  • Updated JRE 1.4 in Windows setup to JRE 1.4.2_14.

Bugs fixed

  • IntelliJ IDEA plug-in: Fixed NoSuchMethodError errors when using IntelliJ IDEA 7.0 EAP build 6913 (or later).
  • IntelliJ IDEA plug-in: Fixed exceptions when drag-and-drop components in Structure view in IntelliJ IDEA 7.0 M1 EAP (or later).
  • Eclipse plug-in: Fixed occasional activating Eclipse window when switching to another application (since 3.0.1).
  • Java code generator: Parser reported syntax error if component field annotation parameters contains '{' and '}' (Java 5).
  • Java code generator: Fixed missing "bundle" variable when localizing only TitledBorder or JGoodies factory components (since 3.0.1).
  • Java code generator: Insert event handler methods before javadoc of initComponents() method.
  • Minor performance improvements for initializing "Choose Bean" dialog.

JFormDesigner 3.0.4 is free of charge for existing customers if your period of free updates is not yet over. Check whether the "Free updates until" date in your license key is 2006-11-30 or later. Note: Because JFormDesigner 3.0.4 is a bug fix release for 3.0, all users that can use 3.0, can also use 3.0.4.

from: http://www.formdev.com/news/#3_0_4

updated  2007-08-10 :

 JFormDesigner 3.0.5 released

New Features

  • Updated JRE 6.0 in Windows setup to JRE 6.0 Update 2.
  • Updated JRE 5.0 in Windows setup to JRE 5.0 Update 12.
  • Updated JRE 1.4 in Windows setup to JRE 1.4.2_15.

Bugs fixed

  • Java code generator: Fixed missing import statement for javax.swing.JLayeredPane when generating explicit imports.
  • Java parser reported missing opening curly bracket for some field initialization code.
  • Linux: Fixed NullPointerException on drag-and-drop in Structure view.
  • Eclipse plug-in: Failed to open forms if something is wrong in the project's classpath.
  • Eclipse plug-in: Failed to open forms under some circumstances with following message: "Attempted to beginRule: R/, does not match outer scope rule".
  • IntelliJ IDEA plug-in: Fixed assertion when using Perforce VCS.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

posted on 2007-05-07 20:57 XiaoLi 阅读(1385) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Eclipse





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