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public class BindStatus
extends Object

Simple adapter to expose the bind status of a field or object. Set as a variable both by the JSP bind tag and Velocity/FreeMarker macros.

  简单的适配器获取域或者是对象绑定状态, 同样适用于模板。
Obviously, object status representations (i.e. errors at the object level rather than the field level) do not have an expression and a value but only error codes and messages. For simplicity's sake and to be able to use the same tags and macros, the same status class is used for both scenarios.

Method Summary
 int doEndTag ()
 void doFinally ()
protected  int doStartTagInternal ()
          Called by doStartTag to perform the actual work.
 PropertyEditor getEditor ()
          Retrieve the PropertyEditor for the property that this tag is currently bound to.
 Errors getErrors ()
          Retrieve the Errors instance that this tag is currently bound to.
 String getPath ()
          Return the path that this tag applies to.
 String getProperty ()
          Retrieve the property that this tag is currently bound to, or null if bound to an object rather than a specific property.
 boolean isIgnoreNestedPath ()
          Return whether to ignore a nested path, if any.
 void setIgnoreNestedPath (boolean ignoreNestedPath)
          Set whether to ignore a nested path, if any.
 void setPath (String path)
          Set the path that this tag should apply.

大盘预测 国富论
posted on 2007-09-11 11:00 华梦行 阅读(243) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Spring

