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1 Overview

1. What is AspectJ?

AspectJ(tm) is a simple and practical extension to the Java(tm) programming language that adds to Java aspect-oriented programming (AOP) capabilities. AOP allows developers to reap the benefits of modularity for concerns that cut across the natural units of modularity. In object-oriented programs like Java, the natural unit of modularity is the class. In AspectJ, aspects modularize concerns that affect more than one class.

You compile your program using the AspectJ compiler (perhaps using the supported development environments) and then run it, supplying a small (< 100K) runtime library.

The AspectJ technologies include a compiler (ajc), a debugger (ajdb), a documentation generator (ajdoc), a program structure browser (ajbrowser), and integration with Eclipse, Sun-ONE/Netbeans, GNU Emacs/XEmacs, JBuilder, and Ant.

2. What are the benefits of using AspectJ?

AspectJ can be used to improve the modularity of software systems.

Using ordinary Java, it can be difficult to modularize design concerns such as

  • system-wide error-handling

  • contract enforcement

  • distribution concerns

  • feature variations

  • context-sensitive behavior

  • persistence

  • testing

The code for these concerns tends to be spread out across the system. Because these concerns won't stay inside of any one module boundary, we say that they crosscut the system's modularity.

AspectJ adds constructs to Java that enable the modular implementation of crosscutting concerns. This ability is particularly valuable because crosscutting concerns tend to be both complex and poorly localized, making them hard to deal with.

3. Can AspectJ work with any Java program?

AspectJ has been designed as a compatible extension to Java. By compatible, we mean

upward compatible All legal Java programs are legal AspectJ programs.
platform compatible All legal AspectJ programs run on standard Java virtual machines.
tool compatible Existing tools can be extended to work with AspectJ.
programmer compatible Programming in AspectJ feels natural to Java programmers.

The AspectJ tools run on any Java 2 Platform compatible platform. The AspectJ compiler produces classes that run on any Java 1.1 (or later) compatible platform.

4. How is AspectJ licensed?

AspectJ 1.1 source code and documentation is available under the Common Public License 1.0.

The AspectJ 1.0 tools are open-source software available under the Mozilla Public License 1.1. That documentation is available under a separate license that precludes for-profit or commercial redistribution.

Most users only want to use AspectJ to build programs they distribute. There are no restrictions here. When you distribute your program, be sure to include all the runtime classes from the aspectjrt.jar for that version of AspectJ. When distributing only the runtime classes, you need not provide any notice that the program was compiled with AspectJ or includes binaries from the AspectJ project, except as necessary to preserve the warranty disclaimers in our license.

5. What is the AspectJ Project?

AspectJ is based on over ten years of research at Xerox Palo Alto Research Center as funded by Xerox, a U.S. Government grant (NISTATP), and a DARPA contract.

It has evolved through open-source releases to a strong user community and now operates as an open source project at The AspectJ team works closely with the community to ensure AspectJ continues to evolve as an effective aspect-oriented programming language and tool set.

The latest release is 1.2 which can be downloaded from the AspectJ project page, including sources as described Q:How do I get and compile the source code for AspectJ?. Development is focused on supporting applications, improving quality and performance, enhancing integration with IDE's, and building the next generations of the language.

2 Quick Start

1. What Java versions does AspectJ require and support?

The AspectJ compiler produces programs for any released version of the Java platform (jdk1.1 and later). When running, your program classes must be able to reach classes in the small (< 100K) runtime library (aspectjrt.jar) from the distribution. The tools themselves require J2SE 1.3 or later to run, but the compiler can produce classes for any 1.1-compliant version of the Java platform.

2. How do I download and install AspectJ?

From AspectJ's web page , download the AspectJ distribution. The jar file is installed by executing

            java -jar jar file name

Do not try to extract the jar file contents and then attempt to execute java (A NoClassDefFoundError exception will be thrown.) The AspectJ distribution is not designed to be installed this way. Use the java -jar form shown above.

To uninstall, remove the files the installer wrote in your file system. In most cases, you can delete the top-level install directory (and all contained files), after you remove any new or updated files you want to keep. On Windows, no registry settings were added or changed, so nothing needs to be undone. Do not install over prior versions, which might have different files. Delete the prior version first.

3. How should I start using AspectJ?

Many users adopt AspectJ incrementally, first using it to understand and validate their systems (relying on it only in development) and then using it to implement crosscutting concerns in production systems. AspectJ has been designed to make each step discrete and beneficial.

In order of increasing reliance, you may use AspectJ:

  • In the development process Use AspectJ to trace or log interesting information. You can do this by adding simple AspectJ code that performs logging or tracing. This kind of addition may be removed ("unplugged") for the final build since it does not implement a design requirement; the functionality of the system is unaffected by the aspect.

  • As an ancillary part of your system Use AspectJ to more completely and accurately test the system. Add sophisticated code that can check contracts, provide debugging support, or implement test strategies. Like pure development aspects, this code may also be unplugged from production builds. However, the same code can often be helpful in diagnosing failures in deployed production systems, so you may design the functionality to be deployed but disabled, and enable it when debugging.

  • As an essential part of your system Use AspectJ to modularize crosscutting concerns in your system by design. This uses AspectJ to implement logic integral to a system and is delivered in production builds.


AspectJ是JAVA程序语言的简单并且实用的一种扩充。它增加了JAVA aspect-oriented progamming(AOP)即面向方面编程的工能。它能使程序员从模块单元的横切关系上获知益。像面向对象编语言JAVA,模块之间的一种自然的关联是建立在类。也就是class上的。在AspectJ中,这种关联会涉及到一多个模块。


AspectJ 技术包括一个编译器ajc,一个调式器ajdb,一个通用文档ajdoc,一个程序结构浏览器ajbrowser,还有一个支持这个架构的运行环境,Eclipse,SUN-ONE/Netbeans,GUNEmacs/XEmacs,JBuilder,和Ant.


使用JAVA语言,在 处理系统异常(system-wide error-handling),契约式编程(contract enforcement),分布式(distribution concerns),可变性(feature variations),上下文相关行为(context-sensitive behavior),持久化(persistence),测试(testing)在这些方面,模块之间的关联很难设计。在这些方面,代码不能分布在整个系统中,而不能封装在一个类中,这便是系统中的一种横切关系。










不要尝试分解jar文件的内容,或者分离工具包中的类。(NoClassDefFoundError exception 没有创建的类 这个异常会被抛出。 )不能这样安装.还是要按着解压后安装的方式,进行安装。








posted on 2005-04-01 15:58 HuYi's Blog 阅读(1011) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏


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