

posted @ 2011-10-30 18:56 simplelove 阅读(215) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Attended Scrum training theses two days.

Some highlights from the training:

  1. Scrum master is a facilitator, does not assign task. Team owns tasks itself.
  2. Each feature has a unique rank, decided by product owner and scrum master and the team. Always finish rank high feature first, before continue rank low feature.
  3. Scrum always encourage communication and collaboration.
  4. Scrum is not a project management, but a framework for all the teams to do the things in same way. Project management methodology is still needed in Scrum.
  5. Scrum deliver value sooner than waterfall method.
  6. Scrum fits the product/project that requirements are not so fixed.
  7. Each team/person has its own customer.
  8. Successful software development projects are mainly based on people interactions.
  9. Advocate zero defect in iterations, ready to release after each iteration.
  10. XP is next level of Agile after Scrum.
posted @ 2010-08-18 10:48 simplelove 阅读(268) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

I upgraded to IntelliJ IDEA 7.0 the day it came out and was, at first, let down by how poorly it performed on my machine. Since then, I tweaked a bunch of settings, and now have it performing just as fast as IDEA 5 ever did on the same box. Enjoy, and happy coding!
1. Change your Look and Feel
Change your look and feel to something other than native. On Windows, the “IDEA (4.5 Default)” look and feel performs much better than the native one. On Mac, just pick something other than the native. The new graphics will bother you for about 30 minutes and then you’ll forget all about them. This setting is in the Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Appearance (B) dialog. (Tip courtesy of Howard Lewis Ship)
2. Use Structure View Instead of Project View
In IDEA 7.0.2 on Windows, I seem to pay a heavy performance price for the Project View (Alt+1), especially with autoscrolling to and from source enabled. My alternative is to use the Structure View (Alt+2) as my default sidebar and rely on the Navigation Bar (View->Navigation Bar) for project navigation. I find I actually prefer this setup and 7.0.2 performs noticeably faster.
3. Turn off Synchronize Files
When you activate the IDEA frame, IDEA will scan the disk for file changes, giving you a nice progress bar to wait for. If you’re not editing files outside of IDEA then turn this feature off in Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> General (A). Uncheck “Synchronize Files on Frame Activation”. Now you’ll have to manually synchronize the files using Ctrl+Alt+Y (File->Synchronize on the menu). (Tip courtesy of Tyler)
4. Disable Spring Model Validation on Build
I used to get a progress bar every time I ran or debugged my project, with the message “Validating Spring Model”. I don’t need this feature except when I’m working on the Spring files, so I turned it off. Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Project Settings (1) -> Modules… then click Spring, then click the Options Tab. Deselect the checkbox for “Enable Spring model validation on build”.
5. Disable Unused Plugins
Disable all of the plugins you are not currently using. For example, if you’re not using Geronimo, Commander or Jabber, then turn them off. Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Plugins (T). Uncheck anything you have installed that is unused (Tip courtesy of Carl)
6. Use Scopes to Speed Up Searches
I rarely really want to search my entire project for a string or reference. Any search dialog allows you to pick a custom scope, such as production files or test files. But “Changed Files” is a helpful option too. On large, monolithic projects you may want to define your own to only search certain packages. A little time creating new scopes will save you a lot of time in waiting for searches to complete. Define scopes in Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Scopes (5).
7. Increase Your Heap Size
Several sources include directions on increasing your heap size in IDEA. This is changed in your idea.exe.vmoptions file.
8. Always Get the Latest Version
I’ve already suggested this, so I’ll be brief. Each minor release seems to have good performance improvements.
9. Reduce Size of Local History
Another blog recommended that you turn off or reduce Local History. I love this feature so I’ll never turn it off, but the default is to save 3 days worth of work. I typically check in to version control more often than that, so I trimmed it up to 1 day of history. Do this in Settings (Ctrl+Alt+S) -> Local History (J).
10. Optimize Your Disk?
I haven’t tried this myself, but the tip came directly from JetBrains. Beyond just defragmenting, you can also optimize the MFT tables, disk folder structure, and the paging file. Direction appear on their site. Simply upgrading to a newer hard drive is find at home, but I don’t have that much control of my work machine. It’s Friday, so I’ll try this today. If things go horribly wrong I’ll redact the entry!
IntelliJ IDEA Performance
There're some concerns about IntelliJ IDEA Performance. And here is the tips that I used to make mine run fast. Some of them come from my own experience, some of them come from the know-everything internet.
    * Make sure you have all your libraries on your local harddrive (as opposed to mounted network drive). After I moved all my libraries from a network drive to local harddrive, the time for a 'make' on the project is reduced from around 60 seconds to just 5-7 seconds!
    * Defragment your Disk and reboot your computer. IDEA creates lots of small files and too much fragmentation is a nightmare.
    * Turn off Anti Virus completely. Yes I mean completely. It affects the performance dramatically.
    * Turning off Local History or even reducing the number of history days improved the performance significantly.
    * Adjust VM settings. Here is my idea.exe.vmoptions file (on windows):
Change it as you see fit per your hardware configuration.
More information is available at http://blogs.jetbrains.com/idea/2006/04/configuring-intellij-idea-vm-options/.
    * The Debugger in IDEA may work slowly if the Force classic VM option is not selected in the File Project Properties Debugger dialog. Using Method Breakpoints may also slow down the debugging process. I had two breakpoints on the method name instead of the first line of the method. It was taking a half hour to get to the breakpoint Changing these to line breakpoints gave me two orders of magniture
    * You may notice IDEA hang for several seconds when you switch to it from other applicationDisable Settings General Synchronize files on frame activation.
    * Disable windows paging file if you have enough memory. Get more memory if you don't have enough. Swapping is a performance nightmare.
    * Turn off windows indexing services, either set it to Disabled or Manual unless you do lots of file system search (even you do, I recommend Google Desktop Search). IDEA use lots of small files so background indexing can have a big negative effect on it's performance.
    * Control Panel/System/Properties/Advanced/Visual Effcts, Adjust for best performance. Unless you're willing to sacrify performance for visual effects like windows animation, fading/sliding etc.

posted @ 2010-07-30 01:40 simplelove 阅读(1409) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏











  这个数列是意大利中世纪数学家斐波那契在<算盘全书>中提出的,这个级数的通项公式,除了具有a(n+2)=an+a(n+1)/的性质外,还可以证明通项公式为:an=1/√5[(1/2+√5/2)^ n-(1/2-√5/2)^ n](n=1,2,3.....)(√5表示根号5)


posted @ 2010-06-30 09:17 simplelove 阅读(297) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

If you want the entry to be garbage collected, use WeakHashMap. Once the key is not strongly referenced, the entry will be automatically reclaimed.


Here is a good article to understand this:


posted @ 2010-06-08 20:40 simplelove 阅读(293) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

附录 A. 需要搞清楚几个问题
A.1. Maven2的优点
  只要用了Maven2就不用再为每个项目复制spring.jar和hibernate.jar了,Maven2会在你需要的时候,自动把这些第三方依赖库找到,你需要编译,Maven2就把这些jar包放到classpath里,你需要打包,Maven2就帮你把需要的jar包都复制到WEB- INF/lib/目录下。
  Maven2把软件开发的过程划分成了几个经典阶段,比如你先要生成一些java代码,再把这些代码复制到特定位置,然后编译代码,复制需要放到 classpath下的资源,再进行单元测试,单元测试都通过了才能进行打包,发布。
  不过,如果比插件的易用性,Ant的插件实际上更简单方便,与之相比,在Maven2中配置插件的步骤太复杂了,既要配置groupId和 artifactId,还要配置绑定在哪个阶段运行。
  如果说Ant可以使用ivy实现第三方依赖库的统一管理,如果说Ant可以自己统一项目的目录结果,如果说Ant支持插件更灵活,那么这个特性绝对是 Ant无法比拟的。
  Maven2 可以自动为项目生成一个网站,里面包含了项目信息,参与人,项目管理相关的资源,第三方依赖库,使用的插件,以及通过其他扩展插件生成的各种报表。Ant 使用某些插件也可以生成html格式的报表,但是各个报表之间都没什么关联,不像Maven2中将网站和报表都关联在一起,查看起来十分方便。
A.2. Maven2的问题
  Maven- 2.1.0本身只有2.844M,可是这只是一个核心,实际使用时,还需要去公网上的资源库下载各种插件,然后才能实现各种功能,问题是公网上的资源库一般都是在国外,网路速度稍慢就无法完成下载,没法下载就没法使用Maven2里提供的那些功能,Maven2就用不起来。
  Maven2 尝试通过一些约定解决这个版本混乱的问题,但实际上并没有达到预想中的效果。例如,commons.apache.org中的项目,本来应该放在 org/apache/commons/目录下,现在却都各自放在commons-logging,commons-lang,commons- beanutils目录下,估计这是因为刚开始使用Maven2的那些人,懒得把常用包放到那么深的目录结构中,偷懒放到了顶级目录下。可随着 Maven2的发展,加入资源库的包越来越多,他们又把新发布的依赖包按照正常的方式,放到了org/apache/commons/目录下,而旧依赖还有很多人在用,所以也不能删除,这就造成了现在这种一种依赖库多种存放形式的问题。
  每次在资源库上找依赖都要花费很多时间,因为你不清楚它究竟使用的哪种目录形式,比如sourceforge.net上的项目就有两种目录形式,一些项目放在net/sf /目录下,而另一些例子放在net/sourceforge/目录下,所以你就算知道项目的网站地址,也要在多个目录下都找一遍。
  实际上Maven2的教程一直是一块短板,就算是国外的两本书《Maven: The Definitive Guide 》和《Better Build With Maven》也没有涉及到富含价值高级技术。
  在这种情况下,我们只能自己在本地资源库中安装需要的依赖了,造成的问题是,如果相关的项目使用了Maven2的项目管理文件,那么可以使用Maven2 将项目发布到本地库中,这样一来就可以获得项目自身的依赖设置。如果相关项目没有使用Maven2的项目管理文件,那么需要自己再去为这个项目找到所需要的依赖,并配置到对应的pom文件中,着实非常麻烦。
  本身我们没有使用m2eclipse,而是使用maven2 + editplus的组合,不过介于广大开发者还是要用eclipse的,所以稍后我们还是会讨论到m2eclipse的相关知识。

posted @ 2010-06-04 15:49 simplelove 阅读(5582) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

follow steps 不用netbean,按照下文的指示手工操作。



在执行 ant -f build.xml setup的时候会报一个错误
连接到端口1527上的服务器localhost 时出错,消息未connetion refused:connect


原因是java derby db 没有启动。


<glassfish_dir>/bin/asadmin start-database


posted @ 2010-05-23 15:51 simplelove 阅读(337) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


I got above error notes shows google take serious consideration about its security.

posted @ 2010-04-16 11:26 simplelove 阅读(152) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
  • must end with a new line
  • Main-Class attribute is case sensitive
  • file name is random, file extension is mf, eg. mymanifest.mf
  • example jar command to package a app: jar cfm myapp.jar MANIFEST.MF *.*

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: ButtonTest

posted @ 2010-02-20 14:15 simplelove 阅读(738) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

When developing a Java program it is important to select the appropriate Java Graphical User Interface (GUI) components. There are two basic sets of components that you will most likely build your Java programs with. These two groups of components are called the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) and Swing. Both of these groups of components are part of the Java Foundation Classes (JFC).

An Overview of the AWT

AWT stands for Abstract Window ToolKit. The Abstract Window Toolkit supports GUI Java programming. It is a portable GUI library for stand-alone applications and/or applets. The Abstract Window Toolkit provides the connection between your application and the native GUI. The AWT provides a high level of abstraction for your Java program since it hides you from the underlying details of the GUI your program will be running on.

AWT features include:

  • A rich set of user interface components.
  • A robust event-handling model.
  • Graphics and imaging tools, including shape, color, and font classes.
  • Layout managers, for flexible window layouts that don't depend on a particular window size or screen resolution.
  • Data transfer classes, for cut-and-paste through the native platform clipboard.

The AWT components depend on native code counterparts (called peers) to handle their functionality. Thus, these components are often called "heavyweight" components.

An Overview of Swing

Swing implements a set of GUI components that build on AWT technology and provide a pluggable look and feel. Swing is implemented entirely in the Java programming language, and is based on the JDK 1.1 Lightweight UI Framework.

Swing features include:

  • All the features of AWT.
  • 100% Pure Java certified versions of the existing AWT component set (Button, Scrollbar, Label, etc.).
  • A rich set of higher-level components (such as tree view, list box, and tabbed panes).
  • Pure Java design, no reliance on peers.
  • Pluggable Look and Feel.

Swing components do not depend on peers to handle their functionality. Thus, these components are often called "lightweight" components.

AWT vs. Swing

There are, of course, both pros and cons to using either set of components from the JFC in your Java applications. Here is a summary:


  • Speed: use of native peers speeds component performance.
  • Applet Portability: most Web browsers support AWT classes so AWT applets can run without the Java plugin.
  • Look and Feel: AWT components more closely reflect the look and feel of the OS they run on.
  • Portability: use of native peers creates platform specific limitations. Some components may not function at all on some platforms.
  • Third Party Development: the majority of component makers, including Borland and Sun, base new component development on Swing components. There is a much smaller set of AWT components available, thus placing the burden on the programmer to create his or her own AWT-based components.
  • Features: AWT components do not support features like icons and tool-tips.


  • Portability: Pure Java design provides for fewer platform specific limitations.
  • Behavior: Pure Java design allows for a greater range of behavior for Swing components since they are not limited by the native peers that AWT uses.
  • Features: Swing supports a wider range of features like icons and pop-up tool-tips for components.
  • Vendor Support: Swing development is more active. Sun puts much more energy into making Swing robust.
  • Look and Feel: The pluggable look and feel lets you design a single set of GUI components that can automatically have the look and feel of any OS platform (Microsoft Windows, Solaris, Macintosh, etc.). It also makes it easier to make global changes to your Java programs that provide greater accessibility (like picking a hi-contrast color scheme or changing all the fonts in all dialogs, etc.).
  • Applet Portability: Most Web browsers do not include the Swing classes, so the Java plugin must be used.
  • Performance: Swing components are generally slower and buggier than AWT, due to both the fact that they are pure Java and to video issues on various platforms. Since Swing components handle their own painting (rather than using native API's like DirectX on Windows) you may run into graphical glitches.
  • Look and Feel: Even when Swing components are set to use the look and feel of the OS they are run on, they may not look like their native counterparts.
posted @ 2010-02-15 10:58 simplelove 阅读(682) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
  • System event
    • system timer
    • system finish on an asynchronous event
  • user event
    • user move mouse
    • user click mouse
    • user input via keyboard
posted @ 2010-02-15 10:50 simplelove 阅读(243) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
posted @ 2010-02-15 09:05 simplelove 阅读(186) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
posted @ 2010-02-11 05:48 simplelove 阅读(133) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏































posted @ 2010-01-06 18:04 simplelove 阅读(126) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Following is the syntax of vararg method.

public void testVar(int count, String... vargs) { }

String.. .   actualy is a list of String.

You may use for(String s : vargs) to iterate through it.

Mainly used in Reflection API, when you do not know exactly how many parameters of a method has.

posted @ 2009-11-24 21:30 simplelove 阅读(297) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

    When evaluating open-source software for an enterprise Web or application
    platform, the following are important considerations:
    • Size and activity level of the open-source community. There is a lot happening in open source and the most popular projects (determined by downloads and community involvement numbers) are the ones that will likely survive and thrive, providing a steady stream of innovation
    • Open-source license (not just free). Projects must have an open-source license (GPL, CDDL, Apache, etc.) that is endorsed by the Open Source Initiative (OSI—
    http://www.opensource.org/) This is the only way to determine if it is truly open source; otherwise, it is just another proprietary license
    • Active deployments. Are there other customers using this in production? You probably don’t want to be first unless there are compelling business reasons.

posted @ 2009-11-10 13:27 simplelove 阅读(264) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Linux + Apache + Mysql + PHP

posted @ 2009-11-10 12:56 simplelove 阅读(96) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏
May use the AOP function to modify the bytecode for java applications.
posted @ 2009-10-24 08:43 simplelove 阅读(77) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏









