勤奋的 litaocheng 同学,在每日超负荷的加班工作之余,仍然刻苦学习笔耕不辍,为我们不断带来劲爆文章,这一篇《Erlang的Unicode支持》为我们介绍了 R13 的最新特性,也是最被大家期望的特性——内置的 Unicode 支持。废话少说,直接上正文。
在R13A中, Erlang加入了对Unicode的支持。本文涉及到的数据类型包括:list, binary, 涉及到的模块包括stdlib/unicode, stdlib/io, kernel/file。
Binary的type属性增加了utf相关的type:utf8, utf16, utf32,其分别对应UTF8, UTF16,UTF32编码。
Binary Constructing
在Binary构建时, 如果指定了utf相关类型,那么对应的integer的Value必须位于:0..16#D7FF, 16#E000..16#FFFD, 或者 16#10000..16#10FFFF这三个区间中。否则将会提示’bad argument’,参数错误。根据指定的的utf类型不同,同一个数据产生的binary不同。
比如, 使用unicode为1024的字符A, 构建一个binary:
1> <<1024/utf8>>.
2> <<1024/utf16>>.
3> <<1024/utf32>>.
Binary Match
当进行Binary Match时,如果指定utf相关类型,变量成功匹配后,将拥有一个位于:0..16#D7FF, 16#E000..16#FFFD, 或者 16#10000..16#10FFFF这三个区间中的integer。
- utf8匹配1-4个bytes(参考RFC-2279)
- utf16匹配2 或 4 个bytes (参考 RFC-2781)
- utf32匹配4个 bytes
4> Bin = <<1024/utf8>>.
5> <<U/utf8>> = Bin.
6> U.
这个例子中,U匹配了2个bytes。对于utf相关类型,不能指定unit spec。
在list中,每个unicode字符采用integer来表示,因此与latin1的list相比,unicode list中,element的数值可以大于255。下面就是一个有效的unicode list: [1024, 1025]
我们可以通过unicode 模块实现 list到binary的转换。
unicode module
unicode_binary() = binary() with characters encoded in UTF-8 coding standard
unicode_char() = integer() representing valid unicode codepoint
chardata() = charlist() | unicode_binary()
charlist() = [unicode_char() | unicode_binary() | charlist()]
a unicode_binary is allowed as the tail of the list
external_unicode_binary() = binary() with characters coded in a user specified Unicode encoding other than UTF-8 (UTF-16 or UTF-32)
external_chardata() = external_charlist() | external_unicode_binary()
external_charlist() = [unicode_char() | external_unicode_binary() | external_charlist()]
an external_unicode_binary is allowed as the tail of the list
latin1_binary() = binary() with characters coded in iso-latin-1
latin1_char() = integer() representing valid latin1 character (0-255)
latin1_chardata() = latin1_charlist() | latin1_binary()
latin1_charlist() = [latin1_char() | latin1_binary() | latin1_charlist()]
a latin1_binary is allowed as the tail of the list
我们可以调用unicode:characters_to_list/1 将chardata或latin1_chardata或external_chardata()转化成一个unicode list。
如果参数为latin1_chardata,那么Data参数就是一个iodata. 返回的结果list中,每个element为一个integer。默认情况 unicode:characters_to_list/1调用unicode:characters_to_list(Data, unicode)
如果我们的CharData为其他类型,我们可以指明InEncoding type。如果此函数执行成功,返回{ok, List},如果失败返回{error, list(), RestData}, 其中list为转化成功的部分,RestData为发生错误的位置。
我们也可以调用unicode:characters_to_binary/1,将chardata或latin1_chardata或 external_chardata()转化成一个binary。这个函数和unicode:characters_to_list类似,只是结果保存为 binary。
如果Data为latin1_chardata, 那么unicode:characters_to_binary/1和 erlang:iolist_to_binary/1功能相同
1, 打开utf8保存的文件
{desc, "这是一个测试文件"},
{author, "litaocheng"}
其格式为erlang term,保存时选择utf8编码。
- %% read content from the file
- test1() ->
- {ok, [Terms]} = file:consult("test.txt"),
- Desc = proplists:get_value(desc, Terms),
- _Author = proplists:get_value(author, Terms),
- % out put the Desc and Author
- DescUniBin = iolist_to_binary(Desc),
- DescUniList = unicode:characters_to_list(DescUniBin),
- io:format("desc bin : ~ts~ndesc bin : ~p~n",[DescUniBin,DescUniBin]),
- io:format("desc list: ~ts~ndesc list: ~p~n", [DescUniList,DescUniList]).
desc bin : 这是一个测试文件
desc bin : <<232,191,153,230,152,175,228,184,128,228,184,170,230,181,139,232,
desc list: 这是一个测试文件
desc list: [36825,26159,19968,20010,27979,35797,25991,20214]
首先将内容从list转换为binary, DescUniBin 便是对应的unicode binary。随后通过unicode:characters_to_list/1转化为unicode list最后输出。
我们可以看到 unicode list中所有的element为integer, unicode binary中unicode string采用uft8编码。
2, 将数据保存成uft8格式
- %% save the binary in utf8 format
- test2() ->
- [DescList] = io_lib:format("~ts", ["这是一个测试文件"]),
- DescBin = erlang:iolist_to_binary(DescList),
- DescList2 = unicode:characters_to_list(DescBin),
- List = lists:concat(["[{desc,\"", DescList2, "\"}, {author,\"litaocheng\"}]."]),
- Bin = unicode:characters_to_binary(List),
- io:format("bin is:~ts~n", [Bin]),
- file:write_file("test_out.txt", Bin).
- -module(unicode_test).
- -compile([export_all]).
- %%
- %% the test.txt content:
- %% [
- %% {desc, "这是一个测试文件"},
- %% {author, "litaocheng"}
- %% ].
- %%
- test() ->
- test2(),
- test1().
- %% read content from the file
- test1() ->
- {ok, [Term]} = file:consult("test_out.txt"),
- Desc = proplists:get_value(desc, Term),
- _Author = proplists:get_value(author, Term),
- % out put the Desc and Author
- DescUniBin = iolist_to_binary(Desc),
- DescUniList = unicode:characters_to_list(DescUniBin),
- io:format("desc bin : ~ts~ndesc bin : ~p~n",[DescUniBin,DescUniBin]),
- io:format("desc list: ~ts~ndesc list: ~p~n", [DescUniList,DescUniList]).
- %% save the binary in utf8 format
- test2() ->
- [DescList] = io_lib:format("~ts", ["这是一个测试文件"]),
- DescBin = erlang:iolist_to_binary(DescList),
- DescList2 = unicode:characters_to_list(DescBin),
- List = lists:concat(["[{desc,\"", DescList2, "\"}, {author,\"litaocheng\"}]."]),
- Bin = unicode:characters_to_binary(List),
- io:format("bin is:~ts~n", [Bin]),
- file:write_file("test_out.txt", Bin).