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Install Oracle 64Bit On Ubuntu

Creating A Listener For the New DB

It's not a requirement to create a Listener before you create a database, but it's a good idea to do so. A Listener is a process which listens on a well-known port for requests from remote users seeking to connect to the Oracle database. Without one, therefore, you'd only ever be able to connect to the database whilst directly logged onto the server itself, which is obviously a bit of a show-stopper!

To create a Listener, we use the Network Configuration Assistant. To invoke the Assistant, just issue the command netca (should be in path) as the oracle user in a new terminal session. Press "Next" to accept the defaults. After a bit you will get to "Finish" which is where you want to finish.


Creating a Database

First, find out the id of the oinstall group. You can find this from looking in System -> Admin -> Users and Groups -> Manage Groups. Alternatively, use:

cat /etc/group | grep oinstall

NB: The oinstall Group Id should be 1002 or similar. If the User/Group Applet is giving "0" then try double checking the Properties of the group. I've noticed that the Users/Groups Applet can be unreliable...

Then, as root, perform the following command. (NB: This can't be performed by sudo, you must be root)

echo "<dba_group_gid>" > /proc/sys/vm/hugetlb_shm_group

This allows the oinstall group access to hugetlbpages. Without this you will get error "ORA-27125: unable to create shared memory segment" when setting up the database.

Run the Database Configuration Assistant, or DBCA for short. You will need to be the Oracle user you set up earlier.


This is not a difficult thing to do: mostly, in our case, it involves clicking "Next" to walk through the wizard, accepting all defaults. You will be prompted when you actually need to enter something.

Just be sure to specify the correct database name (it should match what is set as your ORACLE_SID, but with a proper domain extension. By default the ORACLE_SID is orcl10, and can be found out by running the oraenv command in the oracle bin directory...

Use the password "oracle" for the password and write down the values it spits out at the end...!

NB: If you get a "ORA-12547- Lost Contact" error, make sure you have libaio1installed (sudo apt-get install libaio1)...
Well Done...!

If it all went well you now have an Oracle Db on your machine. Pat yourself on the back for getting this far and sticking with it. You still have a way to go before its all installed but go and have some tea to celebrate...! And then go on to Part 2...
Last Updated on Saturday, 16 January 2010 12:09

posted on 2011-01-13 16:51 ivaneeo 阅读(468) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: oralce-为什么这么强大

