用语句设置sqlserver的信息的语言: set language 'us_english' 上面是把语言设置成美国英语. set
language 'Simplified Chinese' 上面是把语言设置成简体中文.
安装了 SQL Server
用英语表示的名称 NT LCID SQL Server 消息组 ID English
1033 1033 German 1031 1031 French 1036 1036 Japanese 1041 1041
Danish 1030 1030 Spanish 3082 3082 Italian 1040 1040 Dutch 1043
1043 Norwegian 2068 2068 Portuguese 2070 2070 Finnish 1035 1035
Swedish 1053 1053 Czech 1029 1029 Hungarian 1038 1038 Polish
1045 1045 Romanian 1048 1048 Croatian 1050 1050 Slovak 1051 1051
Slovene 1060 1060 Greek 1032 1032 Bulgarian 1026 1026 Russian
1049 1049 Turkish 1055 1055 British English 2057 1033 Estonian 1061
1061 Latvian 1062 1062 Lithuanian 1063 1063 Brazilian 1046 1046
Traditional Chinese 1028 1028 Korean 1042 1042 Simplified Chinese
2052 2052 Arabic 1025 1025 Thai 1054 1054
CREATE TABLE #test (f_int INT,f_varchar
VARCHAR(255)) 上面创建了一张临时表.
临时表 SQL Server 支持临时表。临时表就是那些名称以井号 (#)
开头的表。如果当用户断开连接时没有除去临时表,SQL Server 将自动除去临时表。临时表不存储在当前数据库内,而是存储在系统数据库 tempdb
本地临时表 以一个井号 (#)
全局临时表 以两个井号 (##)
table 数据类型的变量替换。
Test 这是所有类型的测试类都必须实现的接口.在目前的框架中只有两个这样的类:TestCase和TestSuite. TestCase
这个类是大家在编写自己的测试时要扩展(extend)的主要的类.它是最简单的Test类型.TestCase的具体类(也就是扩展TestCase的类)包含实现各种测试的方法以及可选的setUp和tearDown方法. TestSuite
这是Test的另一个子类.其目的就是把各种Test(测试)集中在一起,这包括TestCase,其他的TestSuite以及这二者的任意组合. Assert
这是TestCase的超类,它提供在编写测试时要用到的所有assert方法. TestFailure
这个类简单封装了测试运行过程中产生的错误(error)或失败(failure).它记录了失败的Test(测试)以及引发错误或失败的例外(exception)(对于失败的情况,就是AssertionFailedError). TestResult
断言 当你在编写测试方法的时候,将会大量使用从Assert继承下来(通过TestCase)的各种功能. fail fail是最简单的方法. void
fail() void fail(String message) 调用fail()会导致测试立刻失败.
1.调用构造函数的例子 /** * Invoke a constructor on a class using
reflection. * * @param klass The class. * @param classes
The classes in the parameter list. * @param objects The objects to be
used as parameters. * @return The object constructed.
*/ public static Object invokeConstructor(final Class klass, final
Class[] classes, final Object[] objects) { try
{ Constructor constructor; try
{ constructor =
klass.getDeclaredConstructor(classes); } catch
(NoSuchMethodException e) { constructor =
klass.getConstructor(classes); } constructor.setAccessible(true); return
constructor.newInstance(objects); } catch
(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(InstantiationException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(InvocationTargetException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getTargetException().getMessage()); } }
2.调用域的例子 /**
* Get the value of an instance field on an object using reflection.
* * @param instance The instance of the object. * @param
fieldName The name of the field. * @return The object returned by
getting the field. */ public static Object
invokeGetInstanceField(final Object instance, final String fieldName)
{ try { Field field; try
{ field =
instance.getClass().getField(fieldName); } catch
(NoSuchFieldException e) { field =
instance.getClass().getDeclaredField(fieldName); } field.setAccessible(true); return
field.get(instance); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e)
{ throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } }
3.调用类方法的例子 /**
* Invoke an instance method on an object using reflection. * *
@param instance The instance of the object. * @param methodName The name
of the method. * @param classes The classes in the parameter
list. * @param objects The objects to be used as parameters. *
@return The object returned by invoking the method. */ public
static Object invokeInstanceMethod( final Object instance, final
String methodName, final Class[] classes, final Object[] objects)
try { Method method; try
{ method = instance.getClass().getDeclaredMethod(methodName,
classes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
{ method = instance.getClass().getMethod(methodName,
classes); } method.setAccessible(true); return
method.invoke(instance, objects); } catch
(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(InvocationTargetException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getTargetException().getMessage()); } }
4.调用静态方法的例子 /**
* Invoke a static method on a class using reflection. * * @param
klass The class. * @param methodName The name of the method. *
@param classes The classes in the parameter list. * @param objects The
objects to be used as parameters. * @return The object returned by
invoking the method. */ public static Object
invokeStaticMethod( final Class klass, final String methodName,
final Class[] classes, final Object[] objects) {
{ Method method; try { method =
classes); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e)
{ method = klass.getMethod(methodName,
classes); } method.setAccessible(true); return
method.invoke(klass, objects); } catch
(NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(IllegalAccessException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch
(InvocationTargetException e) { throw new
RuntimeException(e.getTargetException().getMessage()); } }
constructor =
klass.getDeclaredConstructor(classes); 上面的函数形式如下: Constructor
getDeclaredConstructor(Class []
argumentTypes); 得到公共或非公共的指定构造函数,其实参与argumentTypes中所列类型匹配.
下面的也需要列出参数,这里的objects就是参数: return
对反射API的访问由安全管理器所控制.Field,Method和Constructor类都是由一个名为AccessibleObject的基类扩展的.AccessibleObject类有一个主要的方法,名为setAccessible(),由此可以在访问特定的类成员时解除平常所设定的安全性.Javadoc说明如下: setAccessible
void setAccessible(boolean flag) throws
Set the accessible flag for this object to the
indicated boolean value. A value of true indicates that the reflected object
should suppress Java language access checking when it is used. A value of false
indicates that the reflected object should enforce Java language access
First, if there is a security manager, its checkPermission
method is called with a ReflectPermission("suppressAccessChecks")
A SecurityException is raised if flag is true but
accessibility of this object may not be changed (for example, if this element
object is a Constructor object for the class Class).
SecurityException is raised if this object is a Constructor object for the class
java.lang.Class, and flag is true.
Parameters: flag - the
new value for the accessible flag Throws: SecurityException -
if the request is denied. See
Also: SecurityManager.checkPermission(java.security.Permission),
Class类提供了两组方法来得到每一种特性.其中一组允许访问类的公共特性(其中包括由其超类所继承得到的成员),而另一组则允许访问在类中直接声明的任何公共或非公共成员(而不包括继承得来的成员),这要取决于有何安全性考虑.以下是一些例子: .getFields()将返回一个Field对象数组,它表示一个类的所有公共变量,其中包括继承得到的公共变量. .getDeclareFields()将返回一个数组,以表示类中声明的所有变量,而不论其访问修饰符如何(不包括安全管理器不允许看到的变量),但是不包括继承得到的变量. .对于构造函数,"所有构造函数"和"所声明构造函数"之间无所谓差别(类不会继承构造函数),因此getConstructors()和getDeclaredConstructors()的唯一区别在于,前者返回的是公共构造函数,而后者则返回类的所有构造函数.
package net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc;
java.text.MessageFormat; import java.util.Enumeration; import
java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle;
public final class
Messages { private static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE =
"net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Messages"; //默认得资源 private static
ResourceBundle defaultResource; //和locale的绑定
private Messages()
{ }
public static String get(String key) { return
get(key, null); }
public static String get(String key, Object
param1) { Object args[] = {param1}; return get(key,
args); }
static String get(String key, Object param1, Object
param2) { Object args[] = {param1, param2}; return
get(key, args); }
private static String get(String key,
Object[] arguments) { try { ResourceBundle bundle =
loadResourceBundle(); String formatString =
bundle.getString(key); // No need for any formatting if no
parameters are specified if (arguments == null ||
arguments.length == 0) { return
formatString; } else { MessageFormat formatter
= new MessageFormat(formatString); return
formatter.format(arguments); } } catch
(java.util.MissingResourceException mre) { throw new
RuntimeException("No message resource found for message property " +
key); } }
private static ResourceBundle
loadResourceBundle() { if (defaultResource == null)
{ defaultResource =
ResourceBundle.getBundle(DEFAULT_RESOURCE); } return
defaultResource; }
static void loadDriverProperties(Map
propertyMap, Map descriptionMap) { final ResourceBundle bundle =
loadResourceBundle(); final Enumeration keys =
bundle.getKeys(); while (keys.hasMoreElements())
{ final String key = (String)
keys.nextElement(); final String descriptionPrefix =
"prop.desc."; final String propertyPrefix =
"prop."; if (key.startsWith(descriptionPrefix))
{ descriptionMap.put(key.substring(descriptionPrefix.length()),
bundle.getString(key)); } else if
{ propertyMap.put(key.substring(propertyPrefix.length()),
bundle.getString(key)); } } } }
上面代码中默认得绑定名为:"net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Messages".其实就是以工程为根目录,寻找文件Messages.properties.这里查找的方式和类是一样的.比如:"net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Messages",就是工程根目录下的net/sourceforge/jtds/jdbc/下的Messages.properties文件. 这个文件定义很多的属性,要得到只要用get方法.
= ResourceBundle.getBundle(DEFAULT_RESOURCE,
关于java.text.MessageFormat类,下面通过一个例子就可以说明: MessageFormat
mf = new MessageFormat("You have {0} messages."); Object[] arguments =
{"no"}; System.out.println(mf.format(arguments)); //"You have no
关于String.startsWith(String prex)是测试字符串是否以prex开头.
private static int nextToken(String url, int pos, StringBuffer token)
{ token.setLength(0);
while (pos < url.length())
{ char ch = url.charAt(pos++);
if (ch == ':'
|| ch == ';') { break; }
(ch == '/') { if (pos < url.length() &&
url.charAt(pos) == '/')
{ pos++; }
break; }
token.append(ch); }
pos; }
上面代码中token.setLength(0);的作用是每次都把字符串缓冲区清空,也就是重置的作用. 上面代码作用是每次得到指定的一段.例如"jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://hostname/dbname" token为jdbc,jtds,sqlserver,hostname,dbname
public boolean
equalsIgnoreCase(String anotherString) 函数是忽略大小写的比较两个字符串.