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TDD(3) --转自http://www.blogjava.net/yandazhi


programming by intention


Use nouns or noun phrases for class names

public class Movie {

public class MovieRatingComparator implements Comparator {

public class XMLMovieListReader implements MovieListReader {

Use either adjectives or generic nouns and noun phrases for interfaces

public interface Serializable {

public interface MovieListWriter {
void write(MovieList movieList) throws IOException;

Use verbs and verb phrases for method names

private int calculateAverageRating() {
int totalRating = calculateTotalRating();
return totalRating / ratings.size();

Use accepted conventions for accessors and mutators

public Category getCategory() {
return category;

public void setCategory(Category aCategory) {
= aCategory;

public boolean isOfCategory(Category aCategory) {
return category.equals(aCategory);

public boolean isRated() {
return !ratings.isEmpty();

public boolean hasRating() {
return !ratings.isEmpty();

public int size() {
return movies.size();

Don't put redundant information in method names

public void add(Movie movieToAdd) throws DuplicateMovieException {
if (this.contains(movieToAdd)) {
throw new DuplicateMovieException(movieToAdd.getName());

There are always exceptions. Sometimes it is just clearer, and reads better, if you have type information in the method name.

public void addRating(Rating ratingToAdd) {

Use nouns and noun phrases for variable names.

public class Movie {
private String name = "";
private Category category = Category.UNCATEGORIZED;
private List ratings = null;



包括使用隐喻,测试优先,重构,作出假定,让编译器告诉你下一步做什么 这几种技巧。

公用词汇表 帮助你理解这个领域。


Incomplete code

// TODO: The tree should be balanced after doing the insertion.
// CODE DEBT: the looping structure is a bit convoluted, could use
// some method extraction.

Refactoring doesn't make it clear enough

// NEEDS WORK: I tried extract method, but it's still awkward.
// Maybe refactoring to a Strategy would clean it up?

Use of an unusual algorithm

// I used an AVL Tree algorithm here to keep the tree balanced.

Use of a published algorithm

// This AVL alorithm was based on Brad Appleton's implementation at
// http://www.enteract.com/~bradapp/ftp/src/libs/C++/AvlTrees.html

Performance tuning

// A circular queue is used here for performance reasons: to avoid
// having to move elements around.

Class comment

 * This class represents a single movie title. It is responsible for
 * maintaining its own ratings, reviews, etc.

posted on 2005-07-25 12:28 阅读(207) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Test-Driven Development


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