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posted @ 2009-11-02 15:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(1262) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


  曲:顾嘉辉 词:黄沾
















posted @ 2009-09-28 09:39 java世界畅谈 阅读(1236) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-09-21 09:46 java世界畅谈 阅读(1244) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-09-08 15:56 java世界畅谈 阅读(1175) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-07-27 09:58 java世界畅谈 阅读(1147) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-07-20 13:20 java世界畅谈 阅读(1211) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-06-09 11:28 java世界畅谈 阅读(1128) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-06-02 11:20 java世界畅谈 阅读(1067) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-05-31 17:25 java世界畅谈 阅读(986) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-05-11 10:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(996) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-05-06 11:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(134) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-05-06 11:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(185) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-04-16 13:27 java世界畅谈 阅读(123) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-04-15 16:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(114) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-04-11 11:14 java世界畅谈 阅读(133) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-04-06 12:34 java世界畅谈 阅读(148) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

(1)BS软件还是CS软件,或者混合架构的方式。CS在Windows窗体的表现方面有得天独厚的优势,且采用RAD的方式开发效率极高。BS在基于Internet的方式下,采用Thin Client的IE浏览器作为客户端,表现力不足,且开发效率比较高。但是在低维护成本、软件实时性等方面有具有一定的优势。

posted @ 2009-04-04 23:15 java世界畅谈 阅读(139) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-03-24 19:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(162) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


系统ToBe流程:<主体流程图及相应描述 参考角色图>
posted @ 2009-03-20 11:45 java世界畅谈 阅读(205) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-03-20 09:39 java世界畅谈 阅读(77) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2009-03-18 14:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(103) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-03-14 10:12 java世界畅谈 阅读(121) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-03-06 09:14 java世界畅谈 阅读(154) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏







posted @ 2009-03-04 10:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(241) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

We also introduced some core JBI concepts:

  • JBI container 
  • JBI components  
    • Service Engines (SE) provide additional ways of building business services  
    • Binding Components (BC) add the necessary transports to have our ESB communicate with the rest of the world
  • Service assemblies (SA), which contain service units (SU
  • Internal and external endpoints
    components: SE BC
posted @ 2009-03-03 15:03 java世界畅谈 阅读(185) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

agent 代理
A service such as the Mule JMX agent that is used by or associated with Mule but is not a Mule-managed
service component. An agent is registered with the Mule Manager and has the same lifecycle as the Mule
instance, so you can initialize and destroy resources when the Mule instance starts or stops.
application 应用
Any program that sends data through Mule. An application can be a web application, back office system,
application server, or another Mule instance.『应用程序、后台办公系统、应用程序服务器或其它Mule实例』
channel 通道
A logical pathway on which messages are sent
on a messaging framework. Channels connect
services together as well as different Mule nodes
across a local network or the Internet.
configuration builder 配置构造器
A class that knows how to parse a given configuration file. The default configuration builder is the
org.mule.config.MuleXmlConfigurationBuilder class that knows how to parse a Mule XML configuration file.
connector 连接器
The heart of a transport that maintains the configuration and state for the transport.
endpoint  端点
A configuration entity specifying how and where
a message should be routed. The endpoint is
configured in an inbound or outbound router
and specifies where the message should be
sent or from where it should be received, using
which transport (and optionally which connector
in that transport), and which filters should be
applied before routing the message.
Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)
An architecture that allows different applications to communicate with each other by acting as a
transit system for carrying data between applications within or outside your intranet. An ESB provides
transaction management, routing, security, and other functionality for the messages.
Specifies logic for determining which messages
are routed to a component. You can set filters
on an inbound router to filter which messages
that service component can receive, or you can
set filters on an outbound router to indicate how
you want to route messages after they have been
processed by the service component.
inbound router 入站路由
A Java class that you configure in the Mule configuration file to determine how a service component will
receive messages. The inbound router includes an endpoint that indicates where the messages will come
interceptor 拦截器
A Java class that is used to intercept message flow into a service component. An interceptor can be used
to trigger or monitor events or interrupt the flow of the message.
posted @ 2009-03-02 20:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(242) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Transforms 转换消息格式,针对已注册的服务提供者的需求将消息从一种格式转换到另一种格式。
Routes 路由消息,将消息传输到已注册的服务,并保证传输的服务质量、服务层的特性。
Augments 扩展信息,在传输的内容中添加额外信息,比如关于消息请求者的元数据。在消息中增加新的通信协议内容以满足服务提供者的需求。
Notifies 通知消息监听者的特性消息请求。
Secures 安全传输,对于传输的消息增加消息认证、授权、不可否认性、机密性等机制。
posted @ 2009-03-02 13:32 java世界畅谈 阅读(260) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

SLD(Style Layer Descriptor)样式层描述符


1. SLD Hello World
1.1 Create the SLD File----OK
1.2 Load Your New SLD  ----OK
1.3 Give a FeatureType Your New SLD---OK
View the Style---OK

2. SLD Text Symbolizers 文本符号----OK 存在问题:使用中国地图显示异常,请求样式不适用于图层,进一步操作??????
Modify the SLD File to Include Text Symbolizers
<Label>: What label to give each rendered object. Here we use an attribute of the object, "TYPE". The property name is case sensitive. 标签
<Font>: The font and size the label will have. 字体
<Fill>: The color that we will fill the font with 填充
3. Outlines and Filters -----OK


The halo is essentially a buffer outline of the text.  halo文本的晕环

4. What SLDs are, a text approach
SLD (Styled Layer Descriptor) is a specification put out by the OGC, that defines an XML language to allow users to define symbolization of their feature data. It was written to be a complement to their Web Map Service (WMS) specification, by extending it to allow users a way to define how they want to visualize their features.

Then there are 5 types of symbolizers you can use to actually portray the features,
(1)line,  线
(2)polygon, 多边形
A Polygon Symbolizer has a geometry and a stroke, just like a line symbolizer, but also has a 'fill', defining what color to put in the center. Can be straight color, or a graphic, of varying opacity and the like.
(3)point, 点
A point symbolizer is made up of a geometry and a Graphic. A graphic is made of either an External Graphic, or a Mark, and has an opacity, a size, and a rotation. Opacity is the same as for the other symbolizers, Size is the absolute size of the graphic in pixels (default is to be dynamic), and rotation defines the rotation of the graphic in the clockwise dimension in decimal degrees. A Mark has a well known name (like square, circle, star, ect.), and a fill and a stroke. An External Graphic uses an xlink to refer to the location of an resource on the web to use to represent the point.
(4)text, 文本
A text symbolizer is made up of a Geometry, a Label, a Font, a LabelPlacement, a Halo, and a Fill.
(5)and raster. 光栅
A raster symbolizer consists of a Geometry(几何学), opacity(透明度), channel selection(路线选择), overlap behavior(交叠事件), color map(颜色地图), contrast enhancement(对照增强), shaded relief(阴影浮雕) and image outline(图像轮廓).


posted @ 2009-02-21 12:07 java世界畅谈 阅读(856) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-02-20 14:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(539) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

STEP 1. Start GeoServer and Login---- OK

密  码:geoserver

STEP 2. Create a DataStore -------OK

STEP 3. Create The FeatureType---- OK
3415  PROJCS["WGS 72BE / South China Sea Lambert",
    DATUM["WGS 72 Transit Broadcast Ephemeris",
      SPHEROID["WGS 72", 6378135.0, 298.26, AUTHORITY["EPSG","7043"]],
      TOWGS84[0.0, 0.0, 1.9, 0.0, 0.0, 0.814, -0.07838062637389662],
    PRIMEM["Greenwich", 0.0, AUTHORITY["EPSG","8901"]],
    UNIT["degree", 0.017453292519943295],
    AXIS["Geodetic longitude", EAST],
    AXIS["Geodetic latitude", NORTH],
  PROJECTION["Lambert Conic Conformal (2SP)", AUTHORITY["EPSG","9802"]],
  PARAMETER["central_meridian", 114.0],
  PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin", 21.0],
  PARAMETER["standard_parallel_1", 18.0],
  PARAMETER["false_easting", 500000.0],
  PARAMETER["false_northing", 500000.0],
  PARAMETER["standard_parallel_2", 24.0],
  UNIT["m", 1.0],
  AXIS["Easting", EAST],
  AXIS["Northing", NORTH],

STEP 4. Try It Out----Exception

(1)The requested Style can not be used with this layer.  The style specifies an attribute of PERSONS and the layer is: topp:world_adm0


posted @ 2009-02-19 15:38 java世界畅谈 阅读(557) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Geoserver 下载后运行有比较弱智的问题:
在运行startup.bat后,系统没有正常运行起来。原因是因为java_home的放在Program Files下,郁闷了小半天,移动了一下位置,终于运行起来了。

posted @ 2009-02-18 17:39 java世界畅谈 阅读(239) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-02-16 15:01 java世界畅谈 阅读(99) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-02-10 09:44 java世界畅谈 阅读(158) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-02-09 09:12 java世界畅谈 阅读(223) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-02-07 05:36 java世界畅谈 阅读(93) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-01-26 22:45 java世界畅谈 阅读(199) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2009-01-25 10:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(192) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-01-18 13:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(197) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

(1)事情越来越多,在项目中的有N多To Do List的,如何静心?


posted @ 2009-01-16 10:30 java世界畅谈 阅读(228) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  1、 分级管理客户需求
  一级需求(或变更)是关键性的需求,这种需求如果不满足,意味着整个项目不能正常交付使用,前期工作也会被全部否定。这个级别的需求是必须满足的,否则就意味着否定自已的项目成员和成员的所有努力,所以定为“Urgent”。 这通常是属于补救性的debug类型,要救火。
  三级需求是后续重要的需求,如果不被满足会令整体项目工作的价值下降,为了体现项目价值,也是开发人员自已的技术价值的证明,所以定为“Needed”。一般性的重大的有价值的全新模块开发,属于这个级别。  项目管理者联盟,项目管理问题。

  (1) 项目启动阶段的变更预防
  (2) 项目实施阶段的需求变更


posted @ 2009-01-15 16:30 java世界畅谈 阅读(498) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-01-14 18:38 java世界畅谈 阅读(108) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-01-09 09:48 java世界畅谈 阅读(151) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-01-05 10:09 java世界畅谈 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2009-01-03 14:36 java世界畅谈 阅读(170) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-12-29 09:41 java世界畅谈 阅读(87) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-12-24 00:14 java世界畅谈 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-12-23 09:46 java世界畅谈 阅读(106) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  常言道:“疑人不用,用人不疑。”而今在企 业管理中却流行一个新观点:“疑人也用,用人也疑。”这个问题的焦点是“疑”和“用”。“用”是目的,“疑”的手段。如果只是用而不疑,那企业迟早必乱; 如果只疑而不用,那企业的人才必定越来越少。疑和用本来就是矛盾的统一,诸葛亮用魏征难道不疑?既然疑为什么还要用他?“取其勇也”!
  其实企业的用人,也是一种“风险投资”。选聘人总不太可能一潭水望到底,况且人也在发展变化着,只能说基本符合条件,至于今后是否出色,还有待于实践的检 验。虽有“他究竟能否干好”的疑虑,也还要用着看看,这便是“疑人也用”。疑人也用,是广开招纳人才大门之举,只要是有用人才,皆可以用。三国演义中甘宁 曾在黄祖处任职,黄祖以“宁可劫江贼”而不重用,后甘宁投奔东吴,破黄祖而立大功;田丰为袁绍手下的谋士,由于袁绍听信谣言疑而不用,还杀了他,最后招致 大败。疑人是主观的东西,人才却是客观存在的。如果稍有怀疑就不用,那世间还有什么人才可用? 中国物流博客 I0[z$en:D [H4B

  而“用人不疑”,说的是企业管理中必需的监督机制。企业管理中,既要有激励机制,又要有监督制约的机制,这是企业管理不可或缺的“两个轮子”。没有监督机 制的管理,名为“放手”,实为“放羊”。想当初英国的巴林银行对驻新加坡的里森“用人不疑”,结果三年中他一直做假帐隐瞒亏损,最后造成8亿多英磅的损 失,迫使有200多年历史的老牌巴林银行破产。“用人也疑”的监督制约机制,体现着企业的运行机制的完善。对任何人来说,没有监督制约机制,就等于没有有 效的管理,“用人不疑”也就建立在盲目无序的基础之上,最后难免要出现这样那样的问题,甚至是灭顶之灾。


posted @ 2008-12-17 09:39 java世界畅谈 阅读(168) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

沧海一声笑   滔滔两岸潮
浮沉随浪     只记今朝
苍天笑       纷纷世上潮
谁负谁胜出   天知晓
江山笑       烟雨遥
涛浪汹尽     红尘俗世几多娇
清风笑       竟惹寂寥
苍生笑       不寂寥
啦 啦 …… …… ……
posted @ 2008-12-13 10:19 java世界畅谈 阅读(110) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


学习一下律师!!严密的逻辑 + 静

posted @ 2008-12-11 17:58 java世界畅谈 阅读(97) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

专注于项目整体生命周期(PLM 包括设计、设计、开发、测试、实施、运维)效率的提升
posted @ 2008-12-08 09:21 java世界畅谈 阅读(186) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-12-06 09:39 java世界畅谈 阅读(14516) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-12-05 10:00 java世界畅谈 阅读(185) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

答:掌握足够的信息  一个人不可能成为全才,但是一个人可以做为信息整合专家。快速汇总、分类、整理、模块化、可编写方案、可演示功能。
posted @ 2008-12-05 09:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(172) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-12-04 11:13 java世界畅谈 阅读(173) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏











posted @ 2008-12-01 12:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(121) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-11-28 13:21 java世界畅谈 阅读(103) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2008-11-27 09:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(116) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-11-26 11:48 java世界畅谈 阅读(133) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


  曲:顾嘉辉 词:黄沾
















posted @ 2008-11-24 18:13 java世界畅谈 阅读(123) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-11-22 14:31 java世界畅谈 阅读(101) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-11-14 09:27 java世界畅谈 阅读(140) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



  大家应该了解的另一件事是,在我们有限的投资者面前,我们再次显得山穷水尽了。我们在互联网泡沫破裂时也曾遭遇类似的危机,当时,我们过于自信,在那种情况下还坚持投资了Webvan和eToys。尽管我们的创始人唐•瓦伦丁(Don Valentine)早在1999年中期就预测“将有许多互联网公司破产”,但我们仍做出这些投资。现在全世界都知道,我们是惨败而归。我们不得不站在所有投资者面前,对我们如此愚蠢的行为表示歉意。想想吧,红杉资本竟然公开道歉!

  也许,一系列投资的成功冲昏了我们的头脑,让我们不知不觉放松了警惕。我们在YouTube的投资带来了8亿美元的回报,投资其他Web 2.0公司也让我们获利数百万美元。我们本应该更早敲响警钟,现在,我们想提醒大家再次注意红杉资本对我们所投资的公司的各项要求:

  1. 市场规模和时机就是一切!我们不会花钱去告诉人们,他们为何要喜欢你们的产品。很多VC在刚起步的公司身上浪费了几十亿美元,这些公司在市场尚未形成之前便去开发产品。

  2. 我们还要重申一下第一点的重要性,也就是说,市场规模比你们本人更加重要。正如我们一向说的那样,你们不能改变市场机遇,但可以撤换CEO。

  3. 我们的投资理念是,仅仅用一根火柴点燃地狱般的火海。假如你们不理解这个类比,我们再解释一遍,那就是产品一定要做到节约,节约,再节约!任何刚刚起步的公司只有两项任务:一是“生产产品”,一是“销售产品”。如果你们的团队中有人做不到这两点,那就炒他的鱿鱼。

  4. 不要租用昂贵的办公楼,不要铺张浪费。

  5. 聘请一些年轻聪慧的移民。他们的薪水比最低工资水平稍高,每周可以工作100个小时以上——相信我们。红杉资本有个秘密:过去15年,在我们多数最划算的投资交易中,对方的创业团队中都有二十出头、很有拼劲的年轻移民,例如谷歌的塞吉•布林(Sergey Brin)和YouTube的陈士骏。

  6. 一旦产品开发出来,你们就应该考虑减少工程师数量,因为他们中很多人已不再有用。工程效率才是至关重要的!

  7. 管理层每一个人都应参与产品销售,这样,管理人员才能真正了解自己所销售的产品以及如何成功进行销售。这件事情必须在扩大销售团队之前进行。

  8. 解散吃得肥头大耳的销售团队,硅谷到处充斥着这些拿着高额底薪和奖金的销售人员。把底薪控制在最低水平,在销售人员实现较高的销售目标后再给予他们大量奖励。

  9. 要明察市场,打击竞争对手,揭露他们的缺陷,在经济不景气的情况下更要如此。他们受伤了,才会安静下来。绝不能像他们一样。要么进攻,要么等死。

  10. 现金比你妈妈更重要!(你们已经领会到这一点了吗?)

  现在的确已到了危急时刻。与其它所有投资集团一样,我们也通过PowerPoint解释当前世界上正在发生的事情,但我们也不知道到底怎么了。我们唯一清楚的是,将类似YouTube这样一家已没有多大盈利空间的公司以超过16亿美元价格卖给谷歌的日子已经一去不复返了,至少现在来说是这样的。如果你们仍对自己的公司抱有这种幻想,那么在下一轮融资行动中,你们可能要到Kleiner Perkins碰运气了,我们将不再向你们提供资金。


posted @ 2008-10-26 22:51 java世界畅谈 阅读(141) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-10-24 09:05 java世界畅谈 阅读(119) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-10-20 17:04 java世界畅谈 阅读(95) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-09-20 15:32 java世界畅谈 阅读(121) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏














posted @ 2008-09-14 09:08 java世界畅谈 阅读(554) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-09-03 09:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(314) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-09-01 16:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(127) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-08-25 10:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(94) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

入 业务 出 业务
入 技术 出 技术
入 代买 出 代码
 游 刃 有 余
posted @ 2008-08-21 14:24 java世界畅谈 阅读(124) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

1判断select选项中 是否存在Value="paraValue"的Item 
 2向select选项中 加入一个Item 
 3从select选项中 删除一个Item 
 5修改select选项中 value

js 代码
// 1.判断select选项中 是否存在Value="paraValue"的Item        
function jsSelectIsExitItem(objSelect, objItemValue) {        
var isExit = false;        
for (var i = 0; i < objSelect.options.length; i++) {        
if (objSelect.options[i].value == objItemValue) {        
= true;        
return isExit;        
// 2.向select选项中 加入一个Item        
function jsAddItemToSelect(objSelect, objItemText, objItemValue) {        
    if (jsSelectIsExitItem(objSelect, objItemValue)) {        
else {        
var varItem = new Option(objItemText, objItemValue);      
// 3.从select选项中 删除一个Item        
function jsRemoveItemFromSelect(objSelect, objItemValue) {        
    if (jsSelectIsExitItem(objSelect, objItemValue)) {        
for (var i = 0; i < objSelect.options.length; i++) {        
if (objSelect.options[i].value == objItemValue) {        
else {        
"该select中 不存在该项");        
// 4.删除select中选中的项    
function jsRemoveSelectedItemFromSelect(objSelect) {        
var length = objSelect.options.length - 1;    
for(var i = length; i >= 0; i--){    
if(objSelect[i].selected == true){    
= null;    
// 5.修改select选项中 value="paraValue"的text为"paraText"        
function jsUpdateItemToSelect(objSelect, objItemText, objItemValue) {        
    if (jsSelectIsExitItem(objSelect, objItemValue)) {        
for (var i = 0; i < objSelect.options.length; i++) {        
if (objSelect.options[i].value == objItemValue) {        
= objItemText;        
else {        
"该select中 不存在该项");        
// 6.设置select中text="paraText"的第一个Item为选中        
function jsSelectItemByValue(objSelect, objItemText) {            
    var isExit = false;        
for (var i = 0; i < objSelect.options.length; i++) {        
if (objSelect.options[i].text == objItemText) {        
= true;        
= true;        
    if (isExit) {        
else {        
"该select中 不存在该项");        
// 7.设置select中value="paraValue"的Item为选中    
document.all.objSelect.value = objItemValue;    
// 8.得到select的当前选中项的value    
var currSelectValue = document.all.objSelect.value;    
// 9.得到select的当前选中项的text    
var currSelectText = document.all.objSelect.options[document.all.objSelect.selectedIndex].text;    
// 10.得到select的当前选中项的Index    
var currSelectIndex = document.all.objSelect.selectedIndex;    
// 11.清空select的项    
document.all.objSelect.options.length = 0;  
posted @ 2008-08-17 11:50 java世界畅谈 阅读(240) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-08-12 00:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(140) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-07-27 09:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(169) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-07-15 10:04 java世界畅谈 阅读(188) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

  难得有时间玩一把魔兽, 输了,有些可惜。把录像仔细看了一下有以下经验教训:
posted @ 2008-06-30 23:28 java世界畅谈 阅读(200) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


重新设计操作和支持流程 The redesign of operational & support processes
更干的业务导向型的首席信息官A business-oriented highly capable CIO “the IT leader must be a full player” "the CIO must know the business"  商业的机会和许多特定的商业战略
承诺对信息技术进行投资 A commitment to invest in IT.
变革的有效管理 The effective management of change
posted @ 2008-06-29 10:33 java世界畅谈 阅读(173) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-06-25 10:05 java世界畅谈 阅读(196) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Lot for Lot--按需订货

ROUNDING PROFILE:是用来定议订购单位是否有小数位。比如:订购单位为KPC,我们允许它有小数位,就设置ROUNDING PROFILE为0002;如果是其它订购单位的,假如我们不允许它们有小数位,我们就设置它为0001。
posted @ 2008-06-20 22:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(1067) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

For each order proposal, the system calculates the date that it must be converted into either a purchase order or a production order so that the purchase order can be sent to the vendor on time or the production order can be transferred to production on time. Naturally, the vendor can only deliver the ordered quantity punctually if he receives the purchase order on time. The same applies to production - the ordered quantity can only be produced according to schedule if the production order is received on time.

posted @ 2008-06-19 23:00 java世界畅谈 阅读(212) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2008-06-13 10:31 java世界畅谈 阅读(251) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-06-12 09:45 java世界畅谈 阅读(297) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

To look over, study, or examine again.
To examine with an eye to criticism or correction:
reviewed the research findings.
  Review什么:a.描述问题 b.缺少内容 c.半成品 d.流程图 e.编号问题 f.格式 g.是否达到下一阶段目的
  Review 的方式:a.交叉Review (多轮)   b.项目负责人Review    c.会议室Review
posted @ 2008-06-11 12:17 java世界畅谈 阅读(199) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-06-06 09:28 java世界畅谈 阅读(220) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-06-05 09:46 java世界畅谈 阅读(273) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-06-04 18:13 java世界畅谈 阅读(182) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-06-04 16:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(481) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

沟通---OK 作为经常在客户现场沟通过程中的,已经都是OK的。

posted @ 2008-06-04 16:21 java世界畅谈 阅读(224) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-06-02 13:58 java世界畅谈 阅读(217) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-06-02 11:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(182) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


  这个阶段通常叫CRP(Conference room pilot)测试,分为单元测试和整体测试,单元测试发现和解决单个模块的问题,通过整体测试来发现和解决各个模块连接的问题。在这里我要重点强调的是整体测试,这个测试必须要请全体项目组参加,而不仅仅是局限在几个关键用户范围内,CRP整体测试必须包括所有的高层领导、中层领导,因为这个测试也是对管理层的一次重要培训,一般在项目实施过程中,中高层没有太多的时间参与具体设计,因此有许多地方他们在CRP测试之前是不明白的。必须通过这样的形式和方法让中高层看到系统演示的结果,让他们看看用系统管理和手工管理的差异,亲身体会一下整个系统连环运作的过程。


posted @ 2008-05-31 09:24 java世界畅谈 阅读(3067) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

The SAP HU is used for tracking the handling units used by the materials.  Some common handling units are packagings materials like cartons, pallets etc.

In the SAP system, the handling unit (HU) expands on the shipping unit. Handling units can be nested and you can also create new handling units from several handling units as often as you like. At the material item level, HUs contain the complete material identification, the quantity, and, in the case of serial numbers, the respective object list. Handling units have unique,
scannable identification numbers that can be developed according to standards such as EAN 128 or SSCC.

Handling units contain all inventory management information of the materials they contain that are maintained in Inventory Management. There are also status messages that you can call up at any time that indicate whether a handling unit is only planned or if the ship-to party has been notified of the arrival of this handling unit, or whether it is in the warehouse or has already been posted to goods issue. The integrated history function also records each business process in
the life cycle of each handling unit, meaning that you can track the handling unit’s path and development at any time.
Refer to : Logistics -> Central Functions -> Handling Unit Management

In HU-managed storage locations, all goods movements are executed through the specification of the respective HUs, and Inventory Management is performed through the handling units. If you are working without HU-managed storage locations, you can work with handling units (without stock information) as before in the delivery and in the shipment.

In HU-managed storage locations, materials can be managed in HUs only. Mixed stock made up of packed and non-packed materials within the same storage location are not supported. HUs can also be managed in interim storage types. Unpacking a material from a HU means that the stock of the material is posted to a storage location that is not HU-managed.

If you call up normal material movements in connection with an HU-managed storage location, a delivery is created, rather than a direct material posting, which has been the procedure up to now.

Please note that if you want to use 311 to move the material already in stock, but in a non HUM Storage Location and you want to transfer those materials into a HUM Storage Location 304.  If this is the case you can use the transaction VLMOVE with the destination plant and storage location. Before that you have to create the HU with the transaction code HU02 Storage location: where the material is and the status: in stock.

Handling units are unique at client level in at least one system. Using an indicator at client level, you can control whether you are going to work with the HU functions. Since the handling unit is a physical unit, the central logistics processes are controlled through the input of the handling unit identification. These processes include putaway, picking, and stock transfers, as well as goods receipts and goods issues.

A handling unit’s mobility can be limited if quality checks are active. Changes in the stock category caused by a quality inspection are made using a posting change in the handling unit.

There is also a report available that you can use to find and display handling units using different selection criteria such as material, packing instruction, or storage location.

Although the handling unit is basically a unit that remains constant in the system, you can change it by repacking the materials it contains. All the packing functions, such as packing, repacking, and unpacking, are completely supported by the handling unit functionality. In this way, handling units can be created in production, during goods receipt, or in the packing areas of the warehouse. If you have automatic packing, the handling unit is created from the packaging proposals defined in the system (from the packing instructions, for example).

posted @ 2008-05-30 22:00 java世界畅谈 阅读(3076) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-05-28 10:38 java世界畅谈 阅读(115) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-05-28 09:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(139) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

(4)角色 业务流程 操作流程 操作时间 异常
posted @ 2008-05-20 13:17 java世界畅谈 阅读(175) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-05-07 14:31 java世界畅谈 阅读(113) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-05-05 11:09 java世界畅谈 阅读(142) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-04-28 09:38 java世界畅谈 阅读(126) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-04-26 17:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(126) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-04-22 09:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(130) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-04-22 09:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(162) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Prove it! 

posted @ 2008-04-18 15:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(128) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-04-17 10:25 java世界畅谈 阅读(233) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-04-14 11:08 java世界畅谈 阅读(157) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-04-14 10:19 java世界畅谈 阅读(134) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-04-10 11:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(110) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-04-09 07:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(118) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

one ...two...three..... do your job!

posted @ 2008-04-02 13:09 java世界畅谈 阅读(128) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-04-01 21:47 java世界畅谈 阅读(184) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

沉着 冷静

posted @ 2008-03-31 10:58 java世界畅谈 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

走动式管理... ....
日志管理... ...
posted @ 2008-03-27 09:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(197) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-03-26 18:47 java世界畅谈 阅读(156) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-03-24 13:03 java世界畅谈 阅读(116) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

事找人,不是人找事。--- ---

posted @ 2008-03-24 12:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(164) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-03-18 09:06 java世界畅谈 阅读(170) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

(6)在前期的项目接单过程中,也要强调团队协作,需要一个总体的协作或者售前的Team Leader。特别是对应大的客户。

posted @ 2008-03-15 09:41 java世界畅谈 阅读(127) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

      客户需要的是运营经验+管理系统的支持。一般很少有公司说,我们运营模式很不错,但是IT有些差,我来给你完善的需求你来给我们实现。更多的是要你的系统能给运营本身带来什么东西?能够给管理带来什么提升? ...提升...
     强调研发是对的,但是更多的是你已经实现了什么?你的产品功能如何?如何来提升价值?运营咨询+IT技术支持+ 产品研发

posted @ 2008-03-12 09:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(193) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-03-11 15:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(183) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Excel 电子表格文档... ...
posted @ 2008-03-10 12:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(152) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

... ...

posted @ 2008-03-10 09:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(142) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

要能够保持自己的一份安静,你在资源贫乏的情况下,如何做?安静 冷静 敏锐 拓展
posted @ 2008-03-05 18:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(154) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏





系统的背景是怎么样?系统的建设目标是怎么样?  业务流程是怎么样? 运作的关键点是什么?
posted @ 2008-03-03 14:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(263) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Budget ----年前

posted @ 2008-02-25 15:01 java世界畅谈 阅读(143) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


I  Best
U & I best
I better 
posted @ 2008-02-22 20:50 java世界畅谈 阅读(155) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-02-22 18:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(143) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-02-22 14:26 java世界畅谈 阅读(176) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-02-22 10:27 java世界畅谈 阅读(257) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

思维专一 行为专一

posted @ 2008-02-22 09:40 java世界畅谈 阅读(92) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

流程 延至 标准.....
方法 延至 策略.....

posted @ 2008-02-21 10:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(129) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-29 10:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(155) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-26 13:30 java世界畅谈 阅读(153) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-23 11:00 java世界畅谈 阅读(152) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-21 14:12 java世界畅谈 阅读(130) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-21 10:32 java世界畅谈 阅读(163) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-19 13:37 java世界畅谈 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-14 15:09 java世界畅谈 阅读(157) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-10 09:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(178) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-09 17:41 java世界畅谈 阅读(122) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Hungry--------------------Do it!

posted @ 2008-01-09 13:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(155) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-07 15:26 java世界畅谈 阅读(162) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-07 12:24 java世界畅谈 阅读(153) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-05 19:46 java世界畅谈 阅读(114) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

 change control & scope management有时间我再写。

posted @ 2008-01-05 14:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(140) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-04 09:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(198) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-03 13:40 java世界畅谈 阅读(109) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-03 12:41 java世界畅谈 阅读(119) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2008-01-02 16:04 java世界畅谈 阅读(169) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2008-01-02 14:03 java世界畅谈 阅读(115) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-12-27 14:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(106) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-12-24 15:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(133) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

关注新产品的研发及新技术的使用  R&D

项目管理的操作规范化      pm operation standard
培训及带出一支将军团队 training and lead a group of leader
posted @ 2007-12-22 14:14 java世界畅谈 阅读(139) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-12-22 12:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(135) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

壳子决定入围 ...规模...管理...
果子决定结果 ...内容...运营操作...

posted @ 2007-12-21 17:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(135) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-12-17 12:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(175) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-12-13 12:48 java世界畅谈 阅读(98) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

--可用  客户可用接受,可用进行操作 强调系统的稳健性。
--易用 用户操作方便。
--智能 系统智能化,通过规则库,系统变形金刚
posted @ 2007-12-12 10:00 java世界畅谈 阅读(117) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-12-07 11:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(188) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2007-12-06 11:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(109) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-12-03 18:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(160) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-12-03 17:24 java世界畅谈 阅读(132) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-11-29 11:11 java世界畅谈 阅读(139) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-11-25 11:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(129) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-22 16:58 java世界畅谈 阅读(151) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-11-22 10:28 java世界畅谈 阅读(188) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-21 15:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(123) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-19 11:21 java世界畅谈 阅读(137) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-18 21:00 java世界畅谈 阅读(239) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-12 15:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(287) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

   沉淀---不要梦想一下子就将所有事情都搞定;将事情很快搞定是有时间、精力、资源的沉淀而获得,Just Do It!
posted @ 2007-11-10 13:59 java世界畅谈 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  注意事前的准备工作。数据 流程 讲解顺序。 
posted @ 2007-11-08 10:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(168) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

WMS: Web Map Service. Displays geographic data as raster images (maps).
------Web地图服务 作为光栅图片(地图)显示地理信息
WFS: Web Feature Service. Communicates real geographic data (roads, rivers etc.) to and from the user in the form og GML.
-----web特征服务。 通讯地理数据(道路、河流等)以GML的形式
WFS-T: Web Map Service-Transactional. Allows the users to edit geographic data in transaction blocks.
-----Web地图服务-- 事务的。 允许用户在事务块中编辑地图数据。
GML: Geography Markup Language. A brand of XML that describes geographic data.

posted @ 2007-11-07 18:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(322) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-11-06 13:20 java世界畅谈 阅读(114) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-11-05 17:40 java世界畅谈 阅读(199) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-11-05 13:19 java世界畅谈 阅读(126) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-11-01 15:20 java世界畅谈 阅读(104) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-10-31 14:30 java世界畅谈 阅读(125) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-10-30 17:12 java世界畅谈 阅读(193) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

房子 老婆 孩子 工作 事业 客户 小贩......
posted @ 2007-10-29 16:05 java世界畅谈 阅读(132) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-10-29 13:30 java世界畅谈 阅读(137) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-10-27 14:41 java世界畅谈 阅读(106) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

 如果你在 或者 的网站上敲进 Business Analyst进行关键字搜索,你会发现有上百个相关职位。其中涉及的行业从金融、电讯到医疗、保险不等。首先澄清一下,我们这里提及的BA,是IT相关的BA,有时也称做 Business System Analyst,Business Specialist, Business Consultant or Business System Consultant。



协助project manager的项目管理工作,如项目scoping,planning
准备External Design文档和进行可行性调查
准备和实施Test Plans

为什么要在客户和开发人员之间加上一道程序,让他们直接对话岂不更好吗?我个人认为有以下几个原因:首先就是分工细化的要求。IT项目越来越庞大,客户需求也愈加复杂,IT开发人员已无更多精力,这样就要有专门的人员来担当此任。其次,BA的需求分析工作不是简单地坐在那里听客户讲,然后记录下来并组织成文档。在业务分析中会有许多的挑战,需要BA应用特殊的技巧来将客户脑中潜在的需求挖掘出来。BA要做系统的分析,如业务流程分析,要了解客户及其他相关人员和组织。这期间需要付出大量的精力和时间,而不是开几个会再用Word记录下来那样简单。用一个流行的话讲,BA的工作要add value。







应当说BA的薪水是相当不错的。Junior BA与类似经验的 Developer的收入持平或略高一些。一两年经验的BA 年薪一般能达到五万元,高级 BA 和 Consultant 能拿到7到9万元不等。如果做Contract的话,收入就会更高一些。

从职业发展上看,BA可以向Business Consultant或者Project Manager等方向发展,都是不错的选择。当然也有些BA向Business方向转换的,比如做Financial Analyst或者Process Analyst。





首先BA工作不乏味。通过做不同的项目,你会接触到许多新鲜的东西,最起码你不会厌烦反复做同样的事情。其次,BA工作使你能接触到公司中许多不同的人和各种业务,既有助于发展人际关系,也有助你了解了公司是如何运转的。最后,在当今 IT外包势不可挡的情况下,BA这个职业也显示了其特有的优势。由于BA的工作性质是同客户打交道,必须要贴近业务和客户,因此所受影响就微乎其微。


posted @ 2007-10-27 07:33 java世界畅谈 阅读(5857) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-10-25 13:08 java世界畅谈 阅读(162) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

编写公司宣传册的goal是:TOP Requirement:接单。

posted @ 2007-10-24 13:28 java世界畅谈 阅读(1380) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2007-10-22 11:51 java世界畅谈 阅读(135) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏




posted @ 2007-10-19 15:18 java世界畅谈 阅读(243) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

(1)Receving Order                 寻找水源
(2)Commuciation & Training   挖井过程
(3)Deliver                         最后十米

posted @ 2007-10-18 12:56 java世界畅谈 阅读(155) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


----------My Method
posted @ 2007-10-05 15:03 java世界畅谈 阅读(146) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

悲观 => 快乐
束缚自己 => 释放自己

posted @ 2007-09-07 14:12 java世界畅谈 阅读(148) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-09-05 17:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(159) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-08-27 16:33 java世界畅谈 阅读(509) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-08-06 15:38 java世界畅谈 阅读(161) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-08-03 13:06 java世界畅谈 阅读(214) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  代码浏览。作为一个PM,可能大段的写代码的时间可能少了一些,但是还是要经常做一些code review的工作。因为研发的代码质量要保证,每个开发人员的层次是不一样的,代码编写可能有一些问题的,还有一个对业务理解上的把握。

posted @ 2007-07-05 16:51 java世界畅谈 阅读(220) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-07-04 21:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(223) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-07-03 14:51 java世界畅谈 阅读(167) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-07-02 09:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(209) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-07-01 22:01 java世界畅谈 阅读(188) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2007-06-08 17:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(192) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-06-08 17:39 java世界畅谈 阅读(150) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏





posted @ 2007-05-31 18:20 java世界畅谈 阅读(386) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

1.业务建模(需求)  架构
2.技术架构            总体把握
3.数据库设计        提升
4.PM 能力             文档

posted @ 2007-02-26 15:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(250) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

14 Key Principles for PM Success
This web-published article by Michael Greer is an excerpt from "Chapter 6: Planning and Managing Human Performance Technology Projects," Handbook of Human Performance Technology, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1999


1. Project managers must focus on three dimensions of project success. Simply put, project success means completing all project deliverables on time, within budget, and to a level of quality that is acceptable to sponsors and stakeholders. The project manager must keep the team''s attention focused on achieving these broad goals. 

2. Planning is everything -- and ongoing. On one thing all PM texts and authorities agree: The single most important activity that project managers engage in is planning -- detailed, systematic, team-involved plans are the only foundation for project success. And when real-world events conspire to change the plan, project managers must make a new one to reflect the changes. So planning and replanning must be a way of life for project managers. 

3. Project managers must feel, and transmit to their team members, a sense of urgency. Because projects are finite endeavors with limited time, money, and other resources available, they must be kept moving toward completion. Since most team members have lots of other priorities, it''s up to the project manager to keep their attention on project deliverables and deadlines. Regular status checks, meetings, and reminders are essential. 

4. Successful projects use a time-tested, proven project life cycle. We know what works. Models such as the standard ISD model and others described in this text can help ensure that professional standards and best practices are built into our project plans. Not only do these models typically support quality, they help to minimize rework. So when time or budget pressures seem to encourage taking short cuts, it''s up to the project manager to identify and defend the best project life cycle for the job. 

5. All project deliverables and all project activities must be visualized and communicated in vivid detail. In short, the project manager and project team must early on create a tangible picture of the finished deliverables in the minds of everyone involved so that all effort is focused in the same direction. Avoid vague descriptions at all costs; spell it out, picture it, prototype it, and make sure everyone agrees to it. 

6. Deliverables must evolve gradually, in successive approximations. It simply costs too much and risks too much time spent in rework to jump in with both feet and begin building all project deliverables. Build a little at a time, obtain incremental reviews and approvals, and maintain a controlled evolution. 

7. Projects require clear approvals and sign-off by sponsors. Clear approval points, accompanied by formal sign-off by sponsors, SMEs, and other key stakeholders, should be demarcation points in the evolution of project deliverables. It''s this simple: anyone who has the power to reject or to demand revision of deliverables after they are complete must be required to examine and approve them as they are being built. 

8. Project success is correlated with thorough analyses of the need for project deliverables. Our research has shown that when a project results in deliverables that are designed to meet a thoroughly documented need, then there is a greater likelihood of project success. So managers should insist that there is a documented business need for the project before they agree to consume organizational resources in completing it. 

9. Project managers must fight for time to do things right. In our work with project managers we often hear this complaint: "We always seem to have time to do the project over; I just wish we had taken the time to do it right in the first place!" Projects must have available enough time to "do it right the first time." And project managers must fight for this time by demonstrating to sponsors and top managers why it''s necessary and how time spent will result in quality deliverables. 

10. Project manager responsibility must be matched by equivalent authority. It''s not enough to be held responsible for project outcomes; project managers must ask for and obtain enough authority to execute their responsibilities. Specifically, managers must have the authority to acquire and coordinate resources, request and receive SME cooperation, and make appropriate, binding decisions which have an impact on the success of the project. 

11. Project sponsors and stakeholders must be active participants, not passive customers. Most project sponsors and stakeholders rightfully demand the authority to approve project deliverables, either wholly or in part. Along with this authority comes the responsibility to be an active participant in the early stages of the project (helping to define deliverables), to complete reviews of interim deliverables in a timely fashion (keeping the project moving), and to help expedite the project manager''s access to SMEs, members of the target audience, and essential documentation. 

12. Projects typically must be sold, and resold. There are times when the project manager must function as salesperson to maintain the commitment of stakeholders and sponsors. With project plans in hand, project managers may need to periodically remind people about the business need that is being met and that their contributions are essential to help meet this need. 

13. Project managers should acquire the best people they can and then do whatever it takes to keep the garbage out of their way. By acquiring the best people -- the most skilled, the most experienced, the best qualified -- the project manager can often compensate for too little time or money or other project constraints. Project managers should serve as an advocate for these valuable team members, helping to protect them from outside interruptions and helping them acquire the tools and working conditions necessary to apply their talents. 

14. Top management must actively set priorities. In today''s leaner, self-managing organizations, it is not uncommon for project team members to be expected to play active roles on many project teams at the same time. Ultimately, there comes a time when resources are stretched to their limits and there are simply too many projects to be completed successfully. In response, some organizations have established a Project Office comprised of top managers from all departments to act as a clearinghouse for projects and project requests. The Project Office reviews the organization''s overall mission and strategies, establishes criteria for project selection and funding, monitors resource workloads, and determines which projects are of high enough priority to be approved. In this way top management provides the leadership necessary to prevent multi-project log jams. 

posted @ 2007-01-19 13:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(288) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Features and Contents of Control File
Is a binary file that is necessary for the database to start and operate successfully.
Every time an instance mounts an Oracle database, it reads the control file to locate the data files and online redo log files.
Is updated continuously during database use and must be available whenever the database is mounted or opened.
Provides information about database consistency used during recovery.
If any of the control files currently being used by the database becomes unavailable , then the database cannot function properly.
In summary, control file contains the following information
--Database name
--Data file location
--Redo log file location
--Tablespace names
--Current log sequence number
--Checkpoint information
--Log history
--Backup information

A tablespace can belong to only one database.
Each tablespace consists of one or more operating stystem files.
Tablespaces can be brought online while the database is running.
Except for the SYSTEM tablespace or a tablespace with an active rollback segment, tablespaces can be taken offline, leaving the database running.
Tablespaces can be swtiched between read-write and read-only status.
Controlling space allocation and assigning space quotas to users.
Controlling availability of data by taking individual tablespaces online or offline
Distributing data storage across devices to improve I/O performance and to reduce I/O contention agsinst a single disk.
Performing partial backup and partial recovery operations.
Keeping large amounts of static data on read-only devices.

Data Files
Each tablespace in a Oracle consists of one or more files called data files. These are physical structures that conform with the operating system on which the Oracle Server us running.
An Oracle server creates a data file for a tablespace by allocating the specified amount of disk space plus a small overhead.
The database administrator can change the size of a data file after its creation or can specify that a data file should dynamically grow as objects in the tablespace grow.
A segment is the space allocated for a specific type of logical storage structure within a tablespace. The following are example of segments:
--Table segment
--Index segment
--Temporary segment
--Rollback segment
A segment such as a data segment may span multiple files that belong to the same tablespace.

An extends is a set contiguous number of blocks.
Each type of segment is made up of one or more extents.
An extent may not span a data file, but muts exist in one data file.

Data Blocks
At the finest level of granularity , the data in an Oracle database is stored in data blocks.
One data block corresponds to one or more physical file blocks allocated from an existing data file.
Data block size is specified for each Oracle database by the initialization parameter DB_BLOCK_SIZE when the database is created.
The samllest unit of input-output.


SYSTEM and Non-SYSTEM Tablespaces
SYSTEM Tablespace
Automatic created after the database is created
Required in all databases for database operation.
Contains data dictionary information, definitions of stored procedures, packages, and database triggers.
Contains the SYSTEM rollback segment.
Should not contain use data although it is allowed.

Non-SYSTEM Tablespace
Enable more flexibility in database administration
Can store rollback segments,temporary segments, application data, and application indexes.

DATAFILE '/DISK4/app01.dbf' SIZE 100M,
         '/DISK5/app02.dbf' SIZE 100M
                NEXT    500K
                MINEXTENTS 3
                MAXEXTENTS 500
                PCTINCREASE 50);

Method 1: Adding Data Files to a Tablespace
 '/DISK5/app03.dbf' SIZE 200M;

Method 2: Enabling Automatic Extension of new created Data Files
'/DISK6/app04.dbf'  SIZE 200M
Method 3: Enabling Automatic Extension of existing Data Files
DATAFILE '/DISK5/app03.dbf'

Method 4:Changing the Size of Data Files Manually

READ-ONLY tablespace
Making tablespaces read-only prevents further write operations on the data files. The purpose of read-only tablespaces is to ensure that on changes are made and to eliminate the need to perform backup and recovery of large, static portions of a database. The Oracle server never updates the files of a read-only tablespace, and therefore the files can reside on read-only media, such as CD ROMs or WORM drives.

Making tablespace APP_DATA only available for read operations.


Storage Structure and Relationships


select a.segment_name,a.tablespace_name,a.extents,a.blocks
 from dba_segments a
 where owner='TPL'
 select a.extent_id,a.file_id,a.block_id,a.blocks from dba_extents a where owner='TPL'
select tablespace_name  ,count(*),max(blocks),sum(blocks)
from dba_free_space
group by tablespace_name

Rollback Segment
Purpose of Rollback Segment

Transaction Rollback

When a transaction makes changes to a row in a table, the old image is saved in the rollback segment. If the transaction is rolled back, the value in the rollback segment is written back to the row, restoring the original value.

Read Consistency
When transactions are in progress, other users in the database should not see any uncommitted changes made by these transactions. In addition, a statement should not see any changes that were committed after the statement commences execution. The old values in the rollback segments are also used to provide the readers a consistent image for a given statement.

Transaction Recovery
If the instance  fails when transactions are in progress, Oracle server needs to rollback the uncommitted changes when the database is opened again. This rollback is known as transaction recovery and is only possible if changes made to the rollback segment are also protected  by the redo log files.

How transactions use Rollback Segment
1.When a transaction begins, a rollback segment needs to be assigned to this transaction.
2.A transaction may request a specific rollback segment using the following command:
3.If no such request is made, the Oracle server chooses the rollback segment with the fewest transactions, and assigns it to the transaction.
4.Transactions use extends of a rollback segment in an ordered circular fashion, moving from one to the next after the current extent is full.
5.The pointer or the head of the rollback segment moves to the next extent when the current extet is full.
6.The OPTIMAL parameter specifies the size in bytes that a rollback segment must shrink to, if possible. Specifying OPTIMAL minimizes the waste of space in a rollback segment. If the OPTIMAL parameter is specified, a rollback segment can release space on completion of transactions that caused the growth.

create rollback segment rbs01
tablespace USERS
storage (initial 100k
         next    100k
         optimal 4M
         minextents 20
         maxextents 100);

alter rollback segment rsb01 online;

alter rollback segment rsb01 offline;

drop rollback segment rsb01;

select a.USN,a.EXTENTS,a.OPTSIZE,a.HWMSIZE,a.XACTS,a.STATUS from v$rollstat a

Temporary Segment
Temporary segment are used when statement such as the following are executed and the Oracle server cannot perform the sorting needed in memory because it is bigger that SORT_AREA_SIZE.
The amount of memory used by a process for sorting  is determined by the SORT_AREA_SIZE initialization parameter. If the sort volume exceeds this size, serveral sort runs are needed, and intermedidate results are stored on disk.
Temporary segments are created and used by the Oracle server in the tablespace that has been assigned to the user for sorting.

Temporary Segments in a Temporary Tablespace
Known as sort segments
Only one segment per tablespace per instance
Created when the first disk sort occurs in the instance after startup
Reused by serveral transactions based on information in the SORT Extent Pool
Release on instance shutdown.

select *from v$sort_segment

select * from v$sort_usage

Managing Indexes

B-Tree Index

posted @ 2007-01-08 17:51 java世界畅谈 阅读(544) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2007-01-04 17:45 java世界畅谈 阅读(231) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2006-10-14 04:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(229) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


在路上 用我心灵的呼声
在路上 只为伴着我的人
在路上 是我生命的远行
在路上 只为温暖我的人


在路上  用我心灵的呼声
在路上 只为伴着我的人
在路上 是我生命的远行
在路上 只为温暖我的人

在路上 用我心灵的呼声
在路上 只为伴着我的人
在路上 是我生命的运行
在路上 只为温暖我的人
posted @ 2006-10-09 10:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(394) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2006-09-30 15:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(297) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2006-09-08 10:08 java世界畅谈 阅读(247) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2006-07-26 13:32 java世界畅谈 阅读(360) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Understanding Your Own Footprint

Every useful system carries the imprint of its designers. From bridges to spoons, the expression of a builder's skill, philosophies, and production constraints are exposed in the final product. Software is no different, except in its propensity to change. Software mutates in response to users needs, and in that change, a continual re-impriting of a designer's skill and sense of taste takes place.
This has the potential to cause continuity problems for others, be they end users or other developers. Reducing these confusing aspects (cognitive load) allows software consumers of every type to feel better about a block of code. With every interaction, their pre-conceived notions of how the thing will behave serve them instead of forming an obstacle for them to overcome. Their instincts are turned into a valuable tool by elegantly and consistently designed software.
Dojo, as a project, should meet expectations in this way. This doesn't mean that you have to agree with every design decision that's been made in the project (dissent is healthy) or that the guiding principles outlined here are written in stone. They should, however, capture the way design choices have been made to date and serve as a guide for making future decisions.

Dojo Guiding Principles

Reduce barriers to adoption.
Simply put, do not give users reasons not to choose your code. This affects everything from design to licensing to packaging.
Simple first, fast later
Make it simple to use first, make it fast when it's approprite. Simple here means simple for users, not for us. We should work as hard as necessary to make things simple for end users. This principle goes to reducing barriers to adoption. Things should be as easy as possible for the common case but transparently "upgradeable" to a faster code path if the end user is willing to learn about the performance dials and knobs.
首要的简单使用,当它是适合的将它打上结。 简单这里意味这对用户简单,不是对我们。我们应该使工作对最终用户尽可能的变得简单。这些原则定位在采用减少障碍的原则。事情应该尽可能容易对共同的情形但是明显“可升级的”对一个快速的代码路径 如果终端用户想要了解执行的表盘和旋钮。
Bend to the constraints of your environment
Do not bludgeon a problem to death with code. If the environment can do most of something, let it. Fill in as necessary, but do not re-invent. Make the path smooth for users, but do not introduce your own idioms where they aren't required.

Improving From Here

Dojo may not yet completely embody the principles outlined here, but it is their purpose to serve as a guide for the project when making determinations how things should change.
If you think that Dojo has not yet met one or more of these goals in a particular way, please raise the issue on one of the project mailing lists or file a bug.
posted @ 2006-07-07 16:46 java世界畅谈 阅读(1013) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

daunting  令人畏缩的
dispel 【dis.pel】 驱散
pertinent 【per.ti.nent】有关的

skeleton  【skel.e.ton】 构架,支持结构或构架
myriad  【】 无数的
slam (使劲地)往下放(扔)
likewise 同样地
nowadays 现在的 当前的
forgo 『for.go』 作罢 放弃
progressive 『pro.gres.sive』 前进的 进步的
scare 『scare』 恐惧
drawback 『draw.back』劣势 缺点
With all the books around nowadays citing these issues as a major drawback of new technology,many web developers forgo progressive design because these books have scared them.

timid 『』 胆小的
borther with 为...而费心 以...而烦忧


bulky  容量大的

Package Essentials:

essential  『es.sen.tial』本质

posted @ 2006-05-06 18:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(388) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

headquarter [head.quar.ter] 设公司于...
convince 【con.vince】 使确信、使信服

That said, the reason you're probably  looking the at Dojo is to fill a need specifically reated to areas where Javascript falls short, the areas where Dojo shines.

assistance 『as.sis.tance』协助
convention 【con.ven.tion】 大会、协定
descendant 【de.scen.dant】 子孙、后代、后裔  派生物
in itself 本质上

realm 领域

philosophy 【phi.los.o.phy】哲学体系
posted @ 2006-05-05 15:08 java世界畅谈 阅读(340) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


In software development, a framework is a defined support structure in which other project can be organized and developed. A framework typically consists of several smaller components; support programs, libraries, and a scripting language. There may also be other software involved to aid in development and meshing of the different components of a project. As you can see, dojo could be part of a framework, but it isn't a framework in itself.

在软件开发中,一个框架是一个被定义的支持结构,在其中其他项目可以被组织和开发。一个框架代表性地包含需要小的组件、支持程序、类库、和一个脚本 语言。这些也可能是其他软件包括帮助开发和不同的项目组件编制。如你看到的,dojo可能是框架的一部分,但是本质上它本身不是一个框架。


A library is defined as a collection of related functions and subroutines used to develop software. They are distinguished from executables in that they are not independant programs; rather, they are "helper" code that provide access to common functions in one easy to manage location. After reading this you are probably saying, "Hey! dojo is a collection of libraries!", and you would be correct; however, dojo is much more than just a collection of libraries.
库被定义为一个相关功能和被用来开发软件的子程序的集合。他们区别于执行,在其中他们不是独立的程序;更适合的,他们是“助手”代码,用来支持通过通用 成为一体的功能容易来进行管理。在读完这些,你可能说,“嗨!dojo是一个库的集合”,你可能是正确的,然而,dojo不仅仅是做为一个库的集合。


Now on to toolkits. A toolkit is generally used in reference to graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits. Basically, a library that is mainly focused on creating a GUI. Yes, dojo could also fall under this category, in fact our name implies it. Why do we call dojo a toolkit? Certainly not because it focuses mainly on GUI development, right? Well quite simply, because dojo is so much more than just a collection of libraries.

现在说说toolkits. 一个工具通常被用在参考图形用户界面工具。基础地,一个类库主要集中在创建一个GUI。是地,dojo可被归入这个类别,实际上我们命名暗示了它,为什么 我们叫dojo是一个工具?当然不是因为它主要集中在GUI开发,正确么?很好,其实很简单,因为pojo不仅仅是一个库的集合。

posted @ 2006-05-05 13:22 java世界畅谈 阅读(972) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Dojo is an Open Source DHTML toolkit written in JavaScript. It builds on several contributed code bases (nWidgets, Burstlib, f(m)), which is why we refer to it sometimes as a "unified" toolkit. Dojo aims to solve some long-standing historical problems with DHTML which prevented mass adoption of dynamic web application development.

    Dojo是一个使用Javascript编写的开源DHTML工具。它建立于很多已捐献的代码基础(nWidgets、Burstlib、f(m)),这 是为什么我们谈到它有时是一个"统一"的工具。Dojo致力于解决一些长期存在的伴随DHTML的历史问题,趟阻止大多数采用动态web应用程序开发。

Dojo allows you to easily build dynamic capabilities into web pages and any other environment that supports JavaScript sanely. You can use the components that Dojo provides to make your web sites more useable, responsive, and functional  With Dojo you can build degradeable user interfaces more easily, prototype interactive widgets quickly, and animate transitions.  You can use the lower-level APIs and compatibility layers from Dojo to write portable JavaScript and simplify complex scripts. Dojo's event system, I/O APIs, and generic language enhancement form the basis of a powerful programming environment. You can use the Dojo build tools to write command-line unit-tests for your JavaScript code.  You can use the Dojo package system to make your code easier to maintain and less platform dependent.  The Dojo build process helps you optimize your JavaScript for deployment by grouping sets of files together and reuse those groups through "profiles".

Dojo允许你容易地建立动态性能到web页面和其他稳健支持javascript地环境中。.你可以使用Dojo支持组件,它使你的web站点更有可用行的。伴随dojo,你可以更容易地建立degradeable用户界面,迅速地原型交互饰件和动画转变。你可以使用底层地api和兼容层,从Dojo到写轻便的Javascript和简单复杂教本。Dojo的事件系统,I/O api,和泛型语言增强组成强大的程序环境的基础。 你可以使用dojo建造工具来为你的Javascript代码写命令行单元测试。你可以使用Dojo 包系统来使得你的代码更容易去维护和更少平台依赖。 Dojo建造过程帮助你优化你的Javascript为你的部署,它通过一起分组文件集合和通过"profile"重用这些组。

Dojo does all of these things by layering capabilities onto a very small core which provides the package system and little else. When you write scripts with Dojo, you can include as little or as much of the available APIs as you need to suit your needs. Dojo provides MultiplePointsOfEntry, InterpreterIndependence, ForwardLookingAPIs, and focuses on ReducingBarriersToAdoption.

Dojo处理所有这些事情,通过分层能力分解成一些非常小的和核心,它支持包系统和其他更少的。单你写是使用Dojo写脚本,你可以包含作为很少或 者同样多可用的api作为你需要满足你的需要的。Dojo支持MutiplePointsOfEntry, InterprerterIndependence, ForwardLookingAPIs, 和集中ReducingBarriersToAdoption.

Dojo is being built around a single markup language that will provide application authors with a (more) simple way of declaring and using responsive DHTML interface components. Renderings may be made available in several rendering contexts (such as SVG, or perhaps even the desktop or Flash), but the markup language (DojoML) and scripting language (JavaScript) will not change. Better yet, the DojoML parser accepts extended HTML and SVG as valid input, and can be used to easily create DegradeableResponsiveApplications.

Dojo是一个被建造在一个单一的标记语言,它将支持应用程序作者采用一个(多个)简单方法来声明和使用作出响应的DHTML界面组件。表现在许多表现上下文(例 如:SVG,或甚至可能桌面或flash)可能被合法化,但是标记语言(DojoML)和脚本语言(Javascript)将不改变。然而更好的, DojoML 解析器接受已扩展的HTML和SVG作为一个合法的输入,并且可以被容易的创建DegradeableResponsiveApplications.

posted @ 2006-05-05 11:29 java世界畅谈 阅读(1140) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

simplicity (sim.plic.i.ty)  简单 简易
fundamental(  基础的
extraction(ex.trac.tion)  摘要
transformation(  转变
verbatim( 逐字的
substantial (sub.stan.tial) 坚实的
posted @ 2006-04-19 23:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(295) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

3.Jsp Editor,其实这个东西,我们一般是不做使用的。以前的版本出现的经常性打开很慢的情况。
posted @ 2006-04-19 22:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(374) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

The MyEclipse JavaScript Debugger is the first fully integrated client-side Eclipse debugger for JavaScript. Feature highlights include:
MyEc Javascript 调试器试首个为Javascript。完整集成客户端Eclipse调试器。特征主要包含:

  • Debug any web page containing JavaScript source or included JavaScript files, or standalone JavaScript files
  • 调试任何web页面包含Javascript 源代码或包含Javascript 文件,或者单独的Javascript文件
  • Operations: Pause, Resume, Step Into, Step Over, Step to Return, Terminate
  • 操作:暂停、重新开始、进入、跳出、跳入返回、终止
  • Views: 视图
    • Web Browser View (web 浏览器视图)
    • Call Stack View  (呼叫堆栈视图)
    • Variables View (变量视图)
    • Console View  (控制台视图)
  • Set JavaScript breakpoints in: 设置javascript断点
    • JavaScript files (Javascript文件)
    • HTML with embedded JavaScript and linked JavaScript files (包含内置的javascript和关联的javascript文件的HTML)
    • JSP files (jsp 文件)
    • Conditional breakpoints planned for MyEclipse 4.1.1 (为MyEC的有条件的断点计划)
  • Integrates with Eclipse Launch Manager (集成Eclipse发行管理器)
    • Quick launch from context-menu using "Debug As" (使用Debug As 迅速调用上下文按钮)
    • Launch from Eclipse Debug toolbar action (从Eclipse 调试工具条行为中调用)
    • Use Launch Profile to modify launch configuration ()
    • Launch JavaScript resource from project location or deployed MyEclipse web-application
posted @ 2006-04-19 22:24 java世界畅谈 阅读(5886) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2006-04-18 22:53 java世界畅谈 阅读(227) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


I am rendering a chart to the output stream. Instead of streaming it directly to the response.out, I create a ChartResult , and let webwork do the chaining for me.

I generate the chart in one class, and I render it out in another class, efftectively decoupling the view from the actions. You can easily render it out to file or some view other than a web response.out if you wish.

xwork.xml -result-types definitions
   <result-type name="chart" class="myapp.webwork.extensions.chartResult"/>
xwork.xml -action definitions
<action name="viewModerationChart" class="myapp.webwork.actions.ViewModerationChartAction">
   <result name="success" type="chart">
      <param name="width">400</param>
      <param name="height">300</param>

Source Codes
My result class search for a "chart" in the ValueStack and renders it out...

public class ChartResult implements  Result{
   private int width;
   private int height;
   public void execute(ActionInvocation invocation)throws Exception{
       JFreeChart chart = (JFreeChart)invocation.getStack().findValue("chart");
       HttpServeletResponse response = ServeletActionContext.getResponse();
       OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
   public void setHeight(int height){
   public void setWidth(int width){

public class ViewModerationChartAction extends ActionSupport{
   private JFreeChart chart;
   public String execute() throws Exception{
      //chart creation logic ...
      XYSeries dataSeries = new XYSeries(new Integer(1));
      for(int i=0;i<=100;i++){
      XYSeriesCollection xyDataset = new XYSeriesCollection(dataSeries);
      ValueAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis("Raw Marks");
      ValueAxis yAxis = new NumberXxis("Moderated Marks");
      chart = new JFreeChart(
                      "Moderation Function",
                      new XYPlot(
   public JFreeChart getChart(){
      return chart;

posted @ 2006-04-11 11:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(313) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



posted @ 2006-04-04 16:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(145) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

The JBoss server configuration directory structure
conf   The conf dirctory contains the jboss-service.xml bootstrap descriptor file for a given server configuration. This defines the core services that fixed for the lifetime of the server.
data   The data directory is avaliable for use by services that want to store cotent in the file system.
deploy  The delploy dirctory is the default location the hot deployment service looks to for dynamic deployment content. This may be overridden through the URLDeployScanner URLs attribute.
log     The log directory is the directory log files are wrriten to. Thie may be overridden through the conf/log4j.xml configuration file.
tmp     The tmp directory is used by JBoss to store temporarily files such as unpacked deployments.
posted @ 2006-03-23 13:36 java世界畅谈 阅读(522) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

A  web browser provides two input mechanisms out of the box:hyperlinks and

HTML forms.

Second, the requests themselves are asynchronous,meaning that the

contextual links, zoom control , and the other page features remain

accessible while the map is gathering new data.

The four main components of Ajax:Javascript defines business rules and

program flow. The Document Object Model and Cascading Style Sheets allow

the application to reorgnize its appearance in response to data feteched in

the background from the server by the XMLHttpRequest object or its close


We've hightlighted a few more here , to demonstrate the breadth of concerns

to which CSS can be applied:
(1)on-screen placement
(2)texturing elements
(3)assisting in layout of elements
(4)placing text relative to accompanying graphics

The DOM presents an HTML document as a tree structure , with each element

representing a tag in the HTML markup.

Working with the DOM using Javascript

An Example:
   var hello=document.getElementById('hello');

   var empty = document.getElementById('empty');
   addNode(empty,"reader of");
   addNode(empty,"Ajax in action");

   var children = empty.childNodes;
   for (var i=0;i<children.length;i++){
   }'solid green 2px';'200px';

function addNode(el,text){
   var childEl = document.createElement('div'); --create new element
   var txtNode=document.createTextNode(txt); --create text element

A third method worth mentioning allows us to make a shortcut through

documets that we haven't tagged with unique IDs. DOM nodes can also be
searched for based on their HTML tag type,usinf getElementByTagName(). For

example , document.getElementByTagName('UL') will return an array of all

<UL> tags in the document.


Adding styles to your document:
hello.className='declared';"solid green 2px";


refactoring 重构

Working with DOM elements
A web page is exposed to Javascript through the Document Object Model

(DOM),a tree-like structure whose elements correspond to the tags of an

HTML document. When manipulating a DOM tree progarmmatically ,it is quite

common to want to find out an element's position on the page.

Unfortunately,browser vendors have provided various nonstandard methods for

doing so over the years,making it diffcult to write fail-safe cross-browser

code to accommplish the task.

window.onloadListeners = new Array();

   for(var i=0;i<window.onloadListeners.length;i++){
     var func = window.onloadListeners[i];

Reusing user action handlers:命令模式

function buttonOnClickHandler(event){
  var data = new Array();
  var newRow = createTableRow(dataTable);
  for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){

Keeping only one reference to a resource:Singleton pattern

function TradingMode(){



TradingMode.instance = new TradingMode();

var TradingMode={









Scriptaculous、Rico和Rubt on Rail.

function Vehicle(numWheels,maxSpeed){
  this.numWheels = numWheels;
  this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;



var passTrain = new Vehicle(24,100);
passTrain.carriageCount = 12;
passTrain.addCarriage = function(){





function CarriagePuller(carriageCount){
  this.carriageCount = carriageCount;

var parent = new Vehicle(24,100);
var extension = new CarriagePuller(12);
var passTrain = Object.extend(parent,extension);








,例如: var req = new Ajax.Request('myData.xml');




The View in an Ajax application
Keepling the logic out of the View 将View分离出logic

The Rico framework has a concept of Behavior objects that target specific

sections of a DOM tree and add interactivity to them.

Keeping the view out of logic


posted @ 2006-02-22 18:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(609) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

10条通向快速Web 站点现实的步骤
   60-100K 页面大小 保持教小的文件
  避免join. 查询缓存
10. 增加服务器
posted @ 2006-02-11 13:48 java世界畅谈 阅读(411) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Ten good practices for writing JavaScript in 2005

1. Make sure your JavaScript code is in balance with its environment

Web Standards are a three-legged stool, or without metaphors(暗喻), a threesome(三人一组) of technologies that should live together in harmony(和睦相处). (X)HTML adds structure and semantics to your content, CSS is responsible for (为...负责)its presentation, and the DOM provides an interface to add behavior. You keep your Web pages flexible (or: easier to understand, maintain, restyle<改变样式> and update behavior) by separating all three layers; structure and content from presentation, structure and content from behavior and presentation from behavior. To accomplish this, try to avoid inline behavior and use unobtrusive techniques instead.

主要表述了三种技术的综合使用,html为细节结构和语法 css为表现负责  dom支持增加事件行为的接口。

When you attach behavior on page load, you may have to work around some known issues. First, you may encounter differences in cross-browser event handling. Second, make sure you don't overwrite existing onload handlers. Last, but not least, you may encounter a delay in the attachment of your behavior. The underlying (潜在的)problem is that a window onload event will only execute after the whole document, including all page assets like images and objects, is loaded. If your script needs to respond immediately after an element has loaded or if you work with a lot of content, a series of images or a slow server, you may be forced to look for a solution. You can either hide your content until the behavior is attached or attach the behavior via a script call after your elements are loaded, like at the end of the body element.

Choose your markup wisely, so you can take full advantage of the power of the DOM.<充分利用dom的力量> For example, when you use nested lists to build a navigation bar, you can use the structure of the DOM tree instead of a replicated(复制) structure in arrays.<list dom tree> Scripting should be avoided in some cases where you can use markup or CSS to create behavior. This may sound a bit contradictory(反对), however built-in behavior enabled by (X)HTML attributes (e.g. disabling a form field or setting a max length on an input field) and CSS pseudo-classes (e.g. when building rollovers or drop downs) are regarded to be wider supported and easier to implement than using JavaScript. ToughQuiz on Quirksmode illustrates the discussion and the fine line between the uses of CSS generated content and regular markup and behavior.

In those cases where CSS currently lacks<缺乏> cross-browser support or is missing features for adding presentation, DOM based scripting can supplement<补充> CSS. Presentational scripting will probably be replaced in a few years, when browsers have better CSS2.1 compliance<顺从> and with the support of CSS3. Please realize that, because of the interrelationship<相互影响> of the different Web Standards and because both Web Standards and Web clients are constantly evolving<进化>, some good practices for using the DOM and JavaScript will change over time<随着时间的过去>.

2. Create accessible<可理解的、易受影响的> JavaScript

JavaScript is accessible when a page's navigation, content and main functionality (e.g. submitting a form) is available to your whole target audience, independent of their Web client or input device. This includes:

  • People who use assistive<帮助> technologies, like screen readers
  • People who don't use a mouse for navigation
  • People who have no JavaScript support (e.g. some mobile clients), have JavaScript disabled, or have partial<部分的> DOM or JavaScript support
  • Machines, like search engines

The most common way to create accessible JavaScript is to use unobtrusive techniques that are mouse independent and enhance your already accessible markup with behavior. Progressive enhancement and its predecessor graceful degradation are good strategies to create Web pages that are accessible to the most common denominator, while providing a better user experience for a smaller group of people with more advanced devices or Web clients. No matter what strategy you use, make sure that you always design for multiple scenarios.

3. Create usable(便于使用的) JavaScript

The usability of a Web page is often determined by a good information architecture, clear and intuitive(直觉的) visual design and well designed functionality. One of the main arguments to enhance your markup using unobtrusive JavaScript is to improve the usability of a Web page by supporting these usability attributes. If you add JavaScript and don't enhance the usability of a Web page, you should rethink if you should apply it at all.

4. Create easy applicable(可适用的) JavaScript

Unobtrusive scripting bridges the gap between 'designers' and 'coders'. There is a big group of people in today's industry that does know how to write (X)HTML and CSS but doesn't feel very comfortable with the DOM and JavaScript. Unobtrusive behavior introduced a mechanism to easily apply small portable scripts to a Web page: "Just make sure your markup looks like A, include this script B, and as a result you have a page that can do C".

Try to create small pieces of independent code. The disadvantages of a lot of existing JavaScript code libraries are that you often have to include a lot more code than you really need and that they are harder to understand and maintain if you didn't create them yourself. Because the functions in these libraries are often grouped and reused by other scripts, it often feels like they are spaghetti-coded. A library with small unobtrusive scripts has the advantage of being light-weight, easy to be understood and easy to be adjusted for more specific implementations.

Create reusable code. If you find yourself duplicating code snippets(片段), create functions. If you find yourself duplicating(复制) similar code snippets, try to abstract your code to the level that you can reuse it for multiple purposes.

Document your code well. If you work together with other people, like to share your code with others, or still want to know why you did certain things one year from now, good documentation is key.

5. Create future-proof JavaScript

Avoid browser detection, because it is almost impossible to maintain in the future. Feature testing or object detection offers a browser independent and future-proof technique to test to what extent your Web client supports JavaScript.

XHTML (if not used in backwards-compatible mode) introduces media type application/xhtml+xml (currently unsupported by Internet Explorer), which has a huge impact on how we write JavaScript code:

  • The HTML DOM is case-insensitive, the XML DOM is case-sensitive (区分大小写)
  • Elements need to be referenced in lowercase, e.g. document.getElementsByTagName("p")
  • document.body is deprecated, instead reference it by id or use document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0)
  • Collections like document.images, document.applets, document.links, document.forms and document.anchors do not exist when serving XHTML as XML, instead use document.getElementsByTagName()
  • innerHTML and document.write cannot be used anymore, instead use DOM methods, e.g. document.createElementNS("", "div")

If you want to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest developments, there are a lot of initiatives from different organisations that will impact the ways we use JavaScript and the DOM in the near future:

  • W3C
    • DOM 3 provides further XML and XPath integration
    • XHTML 2 includes XML Events, which introduces a declarative way to hook up event observers via markup, and XForms, which will change the way how we add behavior to forms
    • CSS3 introduces new pseudo-elements
  • ECMA
  • Browser vendors
    • Standards support, e.g. at the moment it is still a big question if Microsoft will ever fully support existing Web Standards and is going to support future standards
    • The addition of proprietary methods and attributes, e.g. innerHTML, Microsoft.XMLHTTP and XMLHttpRequest
    • Collaborations like the WHAT WG aimed to create new standards in shorter timeframes, e.g. the submission of Web Forms 2 to become a W3C recommendation and Web Applications, which in the future may standardise XMLHttpRequest

6. Know JavaScript's weaknesses(弱点), limitations(限制) and bugs

Although JavaScript is generally well supported by most modern Web clients, support still remains its biggest weakness. Because from the first days of the Web users were often harassed(疲倦的) by all kinds of annoying(讨厌的) behavior, browser makers decided to make it easy to switch JavaScript off (Windows XP Service Pack 2 even disables some JavaScript by default, because it regards it as active scripting). If you compare JavaScript with its little stepbrother ActionScript (which is supported when the Flash plug-in is installed and cannot be switched off), you will find that the main difference is that you can rely on its behavior to accomplish certain tasks. Because it is just too easy to switch JavaScript off, simple tasks like form validation always need to be duplicated at the server side. It will be for this reason that in the future most client-side form validation will be replaced by markup and 'built-in behavior'.

As mentioned earlier, the onload event handler is insufficient to get the best out of unobtrusive techniques. I hope that the people of the W3C will respond to this feedback from the JavaScript community and add new handlers like onElementLoad and onDOMLoad to future DOM specifications.

The JavaScript implementations of Internet Explorer and Safari suffer from memory leaks when using circular references like closures. When using circular references, make sure you remove event handlers when a page is unloaded.

7. Often there is more than one good solution

JavaScript is a very flexible language and as a result you often have multiple ways of doing things. You could choose for either a procedural(程序上) or an object oriented way of coding. For your unobtrusive behavior you can either use custom attributes or use class attributes as triggers to fully control the behavior of your site. Flexibility implies that you have to make certain choices, however often one solution is not necessarily better or worse than another. Base your decisions on the context in which you have to use your scripts and your own philosophy or taste and try to use a consistent coding style.

8. Write your own scripts or reuse code from trusted places

Currently a lot of outdated(过期的) and badly written code is available on the Internet. Many scripts are plagued by browser detection, are using proprietary features that don't work cross-browser, are inaccessible or are not separating behavior from structure, because they rely on inline event handlers and scripts. It seems that Web Standards, Web clients and the practice of writing good JavaScript have evolved so quickly in the past two years, that it is hard to keep up with the latest good practices. This on its turn makes it hard to reuse code from others or reuse code you wrote yourself a year ago. Because some parts of older scripts may still contain valid code constructs, it is best to review them and rewrite the parts that don't suffice anymore. You will probably often find that a complete rewrite will do best.

So how do less experienced DOM and JavaScript users tell the difference between good and bad code on the Internet? There are some experts on the Internet that advocate modern ways of scripting and there are communities that discuss and rate new scripts and techniques. Some examples are:

DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM is the first title of a new range of books focusing on the application of modern JavaScript and unobtrusive scripting techniques.

9. Optimize your JavaScript code for performance

Optimize your scripts for both download speed and execution speed. <下载速度和执行速度>Some tips:

  • Avoid fat code libraries and make sure your scripts stay lean and mean (or: small, independent and straightforward)
  • Write efficient code and avoid constructs that execute slow
  • Keep developer versions of your scripts that include full comments and use a compression<压缩> tool (like JavaScript cruncher or JavaScript Crunchinator) to strip out all comments and white-spaces to create a version for deployment.

10. Use tools to optimize your work process

A selection of tools that make life much easier:

  • Mozilla or Firefox browser
    • Includes the good old Netscape JavaScript console by default (Tools > Web Development > JavaScript Console for Mozilla and Tools > JavaScript Console for Firefox), e.g. to view errors and warnings that make sense
    • The Web Developer Toolbar extension, e.g. to quickly enable or disable your scripts
    • The Mozilla DOM Inspector and the Firefox DOM Inspector extension, to inspect and edit the live DOM of any Web document
    • Venkman, the JavaScript debugger (the Venkman extension for Firefox)
  • JSDoc, a tool that parses inline documentation in JavaScript source files, and produces an HTML summary
  • JSLint, a JavaScript verifier to check for syntax and programming errors.


posted @ 2006-02-08 23:06 java世界畅谈 阅读(528) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

to help software teams build products that customers want to buy.

2 parts requirements management
1 part development expricence
1 part commerical practices
1 part marketing(measure close carefully)


posted @ 2006-01-25 16:01 java世界畅谈 阅读(333) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

The Navigator object (named after the Netscape web browser, of course) has variables that specify the name and version of the browser that is running, as well as variables that identify the platform on which it is running. These variables allow scripts to customize their behavior based on browser or platform, so that they can take advantage of extra capabilities supported by some versions or work around bugs that exist on some platforms.

   The string that the browser sends in its USER-AGENT HTTP header.This property typically contains all the information in both appName and appVersion.

 this.isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") >= 0;

posted @ 2006-01-14 09:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(366) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

name: Function.bindAsEventListener

This provides a new method to the core class Function. The method,called bindAsEventListener(),is used to do bind methods to event handlers.

这为核心class 函数支持了一个新的方法。这个方法叫bindAsEventListener(),是用来绑定方法给事件处理器的。
var obj = new SomeClass();
var closure = obj.someMethod.bindAsEventListener(this);
element.onclick = closure;

posted @ 2006-01-14 09:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(730) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

<Connector port="8080"
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
               connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" URIEncoding="utf-8"/>
    <!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
     to 0 -->
     其中关键是增加:URIEncoding="utf-8" 这样中文名也就支持了
posted @ 2005-12-30 18:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(301) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  这些天在细看《J2EE Development without EJB》书,感受颇多。说起来做J2EE方面开发也有几年,自己认为自己还是有一定实力的。但是看完以后,再针对我们项目的开发感觉很多地方做的确实有很多问题。因为一直都这样做,没有人提出异议。闷着头做事情,有时候确实不好,要交流,特别是要倾听那些经验丰富的前辈的教诲。

posted @ 2005-10-19 23:47 java世界畅谈 阅读(957) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2005-10-16 23:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(868) | 评论 (5)编辑 收藏

The Drools move to JBoss really is a good thing for everyone, with no down sides, key Drools developers were consulted throughout the process and all are more than happy with the situation.


Rule engines are a specialised field, this is recognised by JBoss, and they trust us as the experts so we retain full control of development. I now get to work full time on Drools and we will hopefully be hiring another full time Drools developer. Bob McWhirter will continue to be involved in Drools, in an official JBoss capacity under a part time basis, as he continues to have other responsibilities. This will really accelerate the development process; which benefits everyone.
Rule引擎是一个专门的领域,这是被JBoss承认,并且它们信任我们作为专家,所以我们保留所有的开发控制。我现在开始在Drools上全职开发并且我们将希望雇佣其他全职的Drools开发者。Bob McWhirter将继续保持在Drools,在一个官方的JBoss地位 under a part time basis,所以他继续拥有其他责任。他们将真正的促进开发流程;我们收益于每个人。

Drools will continue to work as a standalone product, as part of the JBoss JEMS stack. We will of course work on great JBoss AS integration, especially with jBPM - however we will continue to fully support other AS. I want Drools to be used absolutely everywhere and will do everything I can to achieve this; I want NO artificial barriers to adoption - this has always been important to me and the main reason for not going LGPL. The license will stay BSDish, although we may change it to a standardised BSD/ASF/MIT license ?this has been planned for a while and will help to avoid confusion.

Drools将继续作为一个独立的项目工作,作为JBoss JEMS stack的一部分。我们将当然继续工作JBoss AS 集成,特别是jBPM-然而我们将继续全面支持其他AS.我想让Drools用来被使用绝对每个地方并且做我可以去完成这个的任何事情;我想没有假的障碍来采用--这总是对我来说很重要并且没有进行LGPL的主要原因。这个license仍然逗留在BSDish,虽然我们可以修改他成一个标准化的BSD/ASF/MIT 的license?这已经计划了一段时间并且帮助我们避免混乱。

Now that Drools is part of JBoss we can work on strong jBPM integration. We will bring standardised and easily understandable solutions to Workflow/BPM and Business Rules integration to the masses. I have already met with Tom Baeyens and we have identified some initial areas to work on for our first product release in Q1 2006. This is exciting work and will provide new ways of being able to build better affordable solutions without the high costs of existing specialised systems.

On a more personal note neither I nor Bob McWhirter are corporate type people, in fact Bob is famous for it!!! I would not have joined JBoss without full autonomy in an environment that would fully support my vision and the Drools community. We expected JBoss to take bully boy tactics in negotiations; however they were quite the contrary - this was unexpected and very refreshing and one of the key factors in my decision. Throughout the entire process they were surprisingly flexible; they listened to all our concerns and responded supportively - this was especially demonstrated in licensing talks, I hope the community takes note of that. While JBoss would have liked us to LGPL they respected our reasoning and never put any undue pressure on us. Since joining I have been continually asked about community feedback and response from all key JBoss people, Marc Fleury has taken a personal interest in this and repeatedly asked me if there is anything more he can do. This concern has been truly genuine and very much appreciated by me. Luckily the response has been great; we have had overwhelmingly positive feedback, especially once we clarified the licensing.

It would take 24+ months for a small company without an existing track record or infrastructure to try and build a strong brand around Drools, with all the support/consultancy/training/partner infrastructure that is needed for enterprise systems - this is a huge risk and one that I and Iterion were very much aware of. With JBoss we can achieve these in 6 months to a far greater effect, with negligible risk; as JBoss depends heavily on partners this will result in a larger ROI, due to scaling, with far less risk for them.


posted @ 2005-10-13 23:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(648) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

public class PriorityQueue<E>extends AbstractQueue<E>implements Serializable
An unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap. This queue orders elements according to an order specified at construction time, which is specified either according to their natural order (see Comparable), or according to a Comparator, depending on which constructor is used. A priority queue does not permit null elements. A priority queue relying on natural ordering also does not permit insertion of non-comparable objects (doing so may result in ClassCastException).

The head of this queue is the least element with respect to the specified ordering. If multiple elements are tied for least value, the head is one of those elements -- ties are broken arbitrarily. The queue retrieval operations poll, remove, peek, and element access the element at the head of the queue.
  这个队列头是最小的元素伴随期望限定的排序。如果多个元素为最小的值约束,头是这些元素中的一个---约束是任意打断的。队列获得操作poll(推),remove(移除),peek 和在队列头部的元素

A priority queue is unbounded, but has an internal capacity governing the size of an array used to store the elements on the queue. It is always at least as large as the queue size. As elements are added to a priority queue, its capacity grows automatically. The details of the growth policy are not specified.

This class and its iterator implement all of the optional methods of the Collection and Iterator interfaces. The Iterator provided in method iterator() is not guaranteed to traverse the elements of the PriorityQueue in any particular order. If you need ordered traversal, consider using Arrays.sort(pq.toArray()).

Note that this implementation is not synchronized. Multiple threads should not access a PriorityQueue instance concurrently if any of the threads modifies the list structurally. Instead, use the thread-safe PriorityBlockingQueue class.

Implementation note: this implementation provides O(log(n)) time for the insertion methods (offer, poll, remove() and add) methods; linear time for the remove(Object) and contains(Object) methods; and constant time for the retrieval methods (peek, element, and size).

This class is a member of the Java Collections Framework.


See Also:
Serialized Form

posted @ 2005-10-09 23:10 java世界畅谈 阅读(908) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Package java.util.concurrent(并发) Description

Utility classes commonly useful in concurrent programming. This package includes a few small standardized extensible frameworks, as well as some classes that provide useful functionality and are otherwise tedious(沉闷的) or difficult to implement. Here are brief(摘要的) descriptions of the main components. See also the locks(锁) and atomic(原子的) packages.

Interfaces. Executor is a simple standardized interface for defining custom thread-like subsystems(子系统), including thread pools(线程池), asynchronous IO(异步IO), and lightweight task frameworks(轻量级任务框架). Depending on which concrete Executor class is being used, tasks may execute in a newly(以新的方式) created thread, an existing task-execution thread, or the thread calling execute(), and may execute sequentially(继续地) or concurrently(并发地). ExecutorService provides a more complete asynchronous(异步的) task execution framework. An ExecutorService manages queuing(队列) and scheduling(行程安排) of tasks, and allows controlled shutdown. The ScheduledExecutorService subinterface adds support for delayed(延时的) and periodic(定期的) task execution. ExecutorServices provide methods arranging(安排的) asynchronous execution of any function expressed as Callable, the result-bearing analog(类似物) of Runnable. A Future returns the results of a function, allows determination of whether execution has completed, and provides a means to cancel execution.
Implementations. Classes ThreadPoolExecutor and ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor provide tunable(可调的), flexible(灵活的) thread pools. The Executors class provides factory methods for the most common kinds and configurations of Executors, as well as a few utility methods for using them. Other utilities based on Executors include the concrete class FutureTask providing a common extensible implementation of Futures, and ExecutorCompletionService, that assists in coordinating(计算调配中心) the processing of groups of asynchronous(异步的) tasks.
[Executor  ExecutorService ScheduledExecutorService ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor ExecutionCompletionService]

The java.util.concurrent ConcurrentLinkedQueue class supplies an efficient scalable(可升级的) thread-safe(线程安全) non-blocking(非模块化) FIFO queue. Five implementations in java.util.concurrent support the extended BlockingQueue interface, that defines blocking versions of put and take: LinkedBlockingQueue, ArrayBlockingQueue, SynchronousQueue, PriorityBlockingQueue, and DelayQueue. The different classes cover the most common usage contexts for producer-consumer, messaging, parallel tasking, and related concurrent designs.
[LinkedBlockingQueue ArrayBlockingQueue SynchronousQueue PriorityBlockingQueue DelayQueue]

The TimeUnit class provides multiple granularities<间隔尺寸> (including nanoseconds十亿分之一秒) for specifying and controlling time-out(暂停) based operations. Most classes in the package contain operations based on time-outs in addition to(除...以外) indefinite(不确定的) waits. In all cases that time-outs are used, the time-out specifies the minimum time that the method should wait before indicating(指出) that it timed-out. Implementations make a "best effort" to detect(察觉) time-outs as soon as possible after they occur. However, an indefinite(模糊的) amount of time may elapse(流逝) between a time-out being detected and a thread actually executing again after that time-out.

Four classes aid(帮助) common special-purpose synchronization idioms(语法). Semaphore(旗语) is a classic concurrency tool. CountDownLatch(Countdown 倒数计秒  latch门插销) is a very simple yet very common utility for blocking until a given number of signals, events, or conditions hold. A CyclicBarrier(cyclic 循环的 barrier 屏障) is a resettable(可重置的) multiway(多路的) synchronization point useful in some styles of parallel programming. An Exchanger allows two threads to exchange(交换) objects at a rendezvous point(集合点), and is useful in several pipeline(管道) designs.

Concurrent Collections(并发集合)
Besides Queues, this package supplies a few Collection implementations designed for use in multithreaded contexts: ConcurrentHashMap, CopyOnWriteArrayList, and CopyOnWriteArraySet.
The "Concurrent" prefix used with some classes in this package is a shorthand(速记) indicating several differences from similar "synchronized" classes. For example java.util.Hashtable and Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap()) are synchronized. But ConcurrentHashMap is "concurrent". A concurrent collection is thread-safe, but not governed by a single exclusion lock. In the particular case of ConcurrentHashMap, it safely permits any number of concurrent reads as well as a tunable number of concurrent writes. "Synchronized" classes can be useful when you need to prevent all access to a collection via a single lock, at the expense of poorer scalability. In other cases in which multiple threads are expected to access a common collection, "concurrent" versions are normally preferable. And unsynchronized collections are preferable when either collections are unshared, or are accessible only when holding other locks.

Most concurrent Collection implementations (including most Queues) also differ from the usual java.util conventions in that their Iterators provide weakly consistent rather than fast-fail traversal. A weakly consistent iterator is thread-safe, but does not necessarily freeze the collection while iterating, so it may (or may not) reflect any updates since the iterator was created.



posted @ 2005-10-08 10:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(907) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

1.jboss(EJB JMS JNDI Jboss知识),感觉自己这方面很是缺少,也没有相应的开发经验,jBpm中使用了jms的东东。以前做的东西大都运行在Tomcat下,但是对高端的应用服务器还不是很了解。有必要好好学习。
posted @ 2005-10-05 12:21 java世界畅谈 阅读(373) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

            name="className"  //子类的全名
            discriminator-value="discriminator-value" //辨别标识,一个用于区分每个独立的子类的值
            proxy="proxyInterface" //指定一个类或接口,在延迟加载时作为代理使用
           <property ..../>

    <discriminator type="char" column="CLASS_"/>
    <!-- M : org.jbpm.module.def.ModuleDefinition -->
    <!-- C : org.jbpm.context.def.ContextDefinition -->
    <!-- F : org.jbpm.file.def.FileDefinition -->
    <!-- L : org.jbpm.logging.def.LoggingDefinition -->
    <!-- I : org.jbpm.scheduler.def.SchedulerDefinition -->
    <!-- T : org.jbpm.taskmgmt.def.TaskMgmtDefinition -->
    <!--  :  -->
    <!--  :  -->
  <class name="org.jbpm.module.def.ModuleDefinition"
  <subclass name="org.jbpm.context.def.ContextDefinition"
posted @ 2005-10-03 10:22 java世界畅谈 阅读(4584) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

  首先声明了一个static properties(静态属性)的实例properties,然后使用静态方法getProperties(),为properties获得具体的值(取。
  public static String getString(String key)
  public static String getString( String key, String defaultValue ) //如果没有这个值,默认返回的是defaultValue
  public static long getLong( String key, long defaultValue )
  public static boolean getBoolean(String key, boolean defaultValue)
  public static Object getObject(String key)
  public static Object getObject(String key, Object defaultValue)   

posted @ 2005-10-02 10:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(2121) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  以前的做分隔符获取一个个字符串很是麻烦,其实JDK中的String 类已经很好的解决了这个问题。正则表达式确实是个好东西!


public String[] split(String regex)
Splits this string around matches of the given regular expression.

This method works as if by invoking the two-argument split method with the given expression and a limit argument of zero. Trailing empty strings are therefore not included in the resulting array.

The string "boo:and:foo", for example, yields the following results with these expressions:

Regex Result
: { "boo", "and", "foo" }
o { "b", "", ":and:f" }

regex - the delimiting regular expression
the array of strings computed by splitting this string around matches of the given regular expression
PatternSyntaxException - if the regular expression's syntax is invalid
See Also:
posted @ 2005-09-29 16:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(1778) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var http_request = false;
function makeRequest(url) {
http_request = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { // Mozilla, Safari,...
http_request = new XMLHttpRequest();
} else if (window.ActiveXObject) { // IE
try {
http_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {
try {
http_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} catch (e) {}
if (!http_request) {
alert('Giving up Sad Cannot create an XMLHTTP instance');
return false;
http_request.onreadystatechange = alertContents;'GET', url, true);
function alertContents() {
if (http_request.readyState == 4) {
if (http_request.status == 200) {
} else {
alert('There was a problem with the request.');
<span style="cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline" onclick="makeRequest('test.html')"> 发出请求</span>

posted @ 2005-09-26 12:58 java世界畅谈 阅读(535) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Task management 任务管理
The core business of jBPM is the ability to persist the execution of a process. A situation in which this feature is extremely useful is the management of tasks and tasklists for people. jBPM allows to specify a piece of software describing an overall process which can have wait states for human tasks.

9.1. Tasks 任务
Tasks are part of the process definition and they define how task instances must be created and assigned during process executions.

Tasks can be defined in task-nodes and in the process-definition. The most common way is to define one or more tasks in a task-node. In that case the task-node represents a task to be done by the user and the process execution should wait until the actor completes the task. When the actor completes the task, process execution should continue. When more tasks are specified in a task-node, the default behaviour is to wait for all the tasks to complete.

Tasks can also be specified on the process-definition. Tasks specified on the process definition can be looked up by name and referenced from within task-nodes or used from inside actions. In fact, all tasks (also in task-nodes) that are given a name can be looked up by name in the process-definition.

Task names must be unique in the whole process definition. Tasks can be given a priority. This priority will be used as the initial priority for each task instance that is created for this task. TaskInstances can change this initial priority afterwards.

9.2. Task instances
A task instance can be assigned to an actorId (java.lang.String). All task instances are stored in one table of the database (JBPM_TASKINSTANCE). By querying this table for all task instances for a given actorId, you get the task list for that perticular user.

The jBPM task list mechanism can combine jBPM tasks with other tasks, even when those tasks are unrelated to a process execution. That way jBPM developers can easily combine jBPM-process-tasks with tasks of other applications in one centralized task-list-repository.


9.2.1. Task instance life cycle
The task instance lifecycle is straightforward: After creation, task instances can optionally be started. Then, task instances can be ended, which means that the task instance is marked as completed.

Note that for flexibility, assignment is not part of the life cycle. So task instances can be assigned or not assigned. Task instance assignment does not have an influence on the task instance life cycle.


Task instances are typically created by the process execution entering a task-node (with the method TaskMgmtInstance.createTaskInstance(...)). Then, a user interface component will query the database for the tasklists using the TaskMgmtSession.findTaskInstancesByActorId(...). Then, after collecting input from the user, the UI component calls TaskInstance.assign(String), TaskInstance.start() or TaskInstance.end(...).


A task instance maintains it's state by means of date-properties : create, start and end. Those properties can be accessed by their respective getters on the TaskInstance.
一个任务实例维护它的状态借助于日期属性:create,start 和end. 这些属性可以在任务实例中通过他们分别的getter获得通道。

Currently, completed task instances are marked with an end date so that they are not fetched with subsequent(随后) queries for tasks lists. But they remain in the JBPM_TASKINSTANCE table. JBPM_TASKINSTANCE.

9.2.2. Task instances and graph execution 任务实例和图形执行
Task instances are the items in an actor's tasklist. Task instances can be signalling. A signalling task instance is a task instance that, when completed, can send a signal to its token to continue the process execution. Task instances can be blocking, meaning that the related token (=path of execution) is not allowed to leave the task-node before the task instance is completed. By default task instances are signalling and non-blocking.

In case(以防) more than one task instance are associated with a task-node, the process developer can specify how completion of the task instances affects continuation of the process. Following is the list of values that can be given to the signal-property of a task-node.

last: This is the default. Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.
last-wait: Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.
first: Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.
first-wait: Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.
unsynchronized: Execution always continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.
never: Execution never continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.
Task instance creation might be based upon a runtime calculation. In that case, add an ActionHandler on the node-enter event of the task-node and set the attribute create-tasks="false". Here is an example of such an action handler implementation:

public class CreateTasks implements ActionHandler {
  public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws Exception {
    Token token = executionContext.getToken();
    TaskMgmtInstance tmi = executionContext.getTaskMgmtInstance();
    TaskNode taskNode = (TaskNode) executionContext.getNode();
    Task changeNappy = taskNode.getTask("change nappy");

    // now, 2 task instances are created for the same task.
    tmi.createTaskInstance(changeNappy, token);
    tmi.createTaskInstance(changeNappy, token);
As shown in the example the tasks to be created can be specified in the task-node. They could also be specified in the process-definition and fetched from the TaskMgmtDefinition. TaskMgmtDefinition extends the ProcessDefinition with task management information.

The API method for marking task instances as completed is TaskInstance.end(). Optionally, you can specify a transition in the end method. In case the completion of this task instance triggers continuation of the execution, the task-node is left over(延迟) the specified transition.


posted @ 2005-09-22 18:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(2030) | 评论 (7)编辑 收藏


  <event type="node-enter">
        System.out.println("this script is enering node"+node);


  <event type="process-end">
      a = b+c;
    <variable name="XXX" access="write" mapped-name="a"/>
    <variable name="YYY" access="read" mapped-name="b"/>
    <variable name="ZZZ" access="read" mapped-name="c"/>



posted @ 2005-09-20 15:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(897) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Nodetype task-node 节点类型 任务节点
A task node represents one or more tasks that are to be performed by humans. So when execution arrives in a task node, task instances will be created in the task lists of the workflow participants. After that, the node will behave as a wait state. So when the users perform their task, the task completion will trigger the resuming of the execution. In other words, that leads to a new signal being called on the token.

7.3.3. Nodetype state  节点类型 状态
A state is a bare-bones wait state. The difference with a task node is that no task instances will be created in any task list. This can be usefull if the process should wait for an external system. E.g. upon entry of the node (via an action on the node-enter event), a message could be sent to the external system. After that, the process will go into a wait state. When the external system send a response message, this can lead to a token.signal(), which triggers resuming of the process execution.

7.3.4. Nodetype decision 节点类型 决定
Actually there are 2 ways to model a decision. The distinction between the two is based on *who* is making the decision. Should the decision made by the process (read: specified in the process definition). Or should an external entity provide the result of the decision.
  实际上这里有两种方法来创建一个决定。两者的区别是基谁在做这个决定。 应该被流程来决定。(限定在流程定义中)或者应该一个外部实体支持决定的结果。

When the decision is to be taken by the process, a decision node should be used. There are basically 2 ways to specify the decision criteria. Simplest is by adding condition elements on the transitions. Conditions are beanshell script expressions that return a boolean. At runtime the decision node will loop over its leaving transitions (in the order as specified in the xml), and evaluate each condition. The first transition for which the conditions resolves to 'true' will be taken. Alternatively, an implementation of the DecisionHandler can be specified. Then the decision is calculated in a java class and the selected leaving transition is returned by the decide-method of the DecisionHandler implementation.

When the decision is taken by an external party (meaning: not part of the process definition), you should use multiple transitions leaving a state or wait state node. Then the leaving transition can be provided in the external trigger that resumes execution after the wait state is finished. E.g. Token.signal(String transitionName) and TaskInstance.end(String transitionName).
  当这个决定被外部执行(意味着:不是流程定义部分),你应该使用多跃迁离开一个状态或等待节点。那么这个离开跃迁在外部的除法器可以被支持恢复执行,在等待状态完成后。例如,Token.signal(String transitionName) 和TaskInstance.end(String transitionName).
7.3.5. Nodetype fork 节点类型 叉
A fork splits one path of execution into multiple concurrent paths of execution. The default fork behaviour is to create a child token for each transition that leaves the fork, creating a parent-child relation between the token that arrives in the fork.

7.3.6. Nodetype join 节点类型 合并
The default join assumes that all tokens that arrive in the join are children of the same parent. This situation is created when using the fork as mentioned above and when all tokens created by a fork arrive in the same join. A join will end every token that enters the join. Then the join will examine the parent-child relation of the token that enters the join. When all sibling tokens have arrived in the join, the parent token will be propagated over the (unique!) leaving transition. When there are still sibling tokens active, the join will behave as a wait state.
缺省的合并假设所有的token到达合并点,这些都都是相同父的子。这个情形被创建如我们以上提到的使用叉并且当所有被fork创建的所有token到达相同的join. 一个join将结束每个进入join的token. 那么这个join将检查进入join的token父-子关系。当所有的兄弟姐们tokens激活,这个离开的跃迁join将传播。当这里还有兄弟tokens激活,这个join将作为一个等待状态。

7.3.7. Nodetype node 节点类型 节点
The type node serves the situation where you want to write your own code in a node. The nodetype node expects one subelement action. The action is executed when the execution arrives in the node. The code you write in the actionhandler can do anything you want but it is also responsible for propagating the execution.

This node can be used if you want to use a JavaAPI to implement some functional logic that is important for the business analyst. By using a node, the node is visible in the graphical representation of the process. For comparison, actions --covered next-- will allow you to add code that is invisible in the graphical representation of the process, in case that logic is not important for the business analyst.
这个节点可以被使用,如果你将使用JavaAPI来实现一些功能逻辑,对逻辑分析是重要的. 作为使用一个node,node 是可以视的在流程图形表现中。为对比,actions-convered next--将允许在流程图形表现中增加不可见的代码,万一对你逻辑分析是不重要的


posted @ 2005-09-20 10:25 java世界畅谈 阅读(1619) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏

1. List  entities
2. Map user
3. Map groups
users用户列表  Map列表  name<key>,user<value>。 user : name email password
组列表   Map列表  name<key>,group<value>。 group : name type

这个类主要用来解析XML流中的用户 组 父组 以及会员等等操作的。

posted @ 2005-09-19 21:51 java世界畅谈 阅读(485) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Class Token
represents one path of execution and maintains a pointer to a node in the ProcessDefinition. Most common way to get a hold of the token objects is with ProcessInstance.getRootToken() or ProcessInstance.findToken(String).

    provides a signal to the token. this method activates this token and leaves the current state over the default transition.
Class ProcessInstance
is one execution of a ProcessDefinition. To create a new process execution of a process definition, just use the ProcessInstance(ProcessDefinition).
Class ProcssDefinition
parseParResource(String parResource)
parseParZipInputStream(ZipInputStream zipInputStream)
parseXmlInputStream(InputStream inputStream)
parseXmlReader(Reader reader)
parseXmlResource(String resource)
parseXmlString(String string)
Class ContextInstance
maintains all the key-variable pairs for a process instance. You can obtain a ContextInstance from a processInstance from a process instance like this :
 ProcessInstance processInstance = ...;
 ContextInstance contextInstance = processInstance.getContextInstance();

ContextInstance  contextInstance = ProcessInstance.getContextInstance();
contextInstance.setVariable("amount",new Integer(500));
contextInstance.setVariable("reason","I met my deadline");

<task-node name="t">
  <task name="change nappy">
    <assignment  class="org.jbpm.tutorial.taskmgmt.NappyAssignmentHandler"/>
  <transition to="end">

TaskInstance taskInstance = (TaskInstance)processInstance.getTaskMgmtInstance().getTaskInstances().iterator().next();

taskInstance.end(); //标志这个任务已经结束


posted @ 2005-09-19 11:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(945) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

public interface LoginModule

LoginModule describes the interface implemented by authentication technology providers. LoginModules are plugged in under applications to provide a particular type of authentication.

While applications write to the LoginContext API, authentication technology providers implement the LoginModule interface. A Configuration specifies the LoginModule(s) to be used with a particular login application. Therefore different LoginModules can be plugged in under the application without requiring any modifications to the application itself.

The LoginContext is responsible<负责> for reading the Configuration and instantiating the appropriate<适当的> LoginModules. Each LoginModule is initialized with a Subject, a CallbackHandler, shared LoginModule state, and LoginModule-specific options. The Subject represents the Subject currently being authenticated and is updated with relevant<相关> Credentials<凭证> if authentication succeeds. LoginModules use the CallbackHandler to communicate with users. The CallbackHandler may be used to prompt for usernames and passwords, for example. Note that the CallbackHandler may be null. LoginModules which absolutely require a CallbackHandler to authenticate<认证> the Subject may throw a LoginException. LoginModules optionally use the shared state to share information or data among themselves.


The LoginModule-specific options represent the options configured for this LoginModule by an administrator or user in the login Configuration. The options are defined by the LoginModule itself and control the behavior within it. For example, a LoginModule may define options to support debugging/testing capabilities<能力>. Options are defined using a key-value syntax, such as debug=true. The LoginModule stores the options as a Map so that the values may be retrieved using the key. Note that there is no limit to the number of options a LoginModule chooses to define.

The calling application sees the authentication process as a single operation. However, the authentication process within the LoginModule proceeds in two distinct phases. In the first phase, the LoginModule's login method gets invoked by the LoginContext's login method. The login method for the LoginModule then performs the actual authentication (prompt for and verify a password for example) and saves its authentication status as private state information. Once finished, the LoginModule's login method either returns true (if it succeeded) or false (if it should be ignored), or throws a LoginException to specify a failure. In the failure case, the LoginModule must not retry the authentication or introduce delays. The responsibility of such tasks belongs to the application. If the application attempts to retry the authentication, the LoginModule's login method will be called again.

In the second phase, if the LoginContext's overall<全面> authentication succeeded (the relevant REQUIRED, REQUISITE<需求>, SUFFICIENT<足够> and OPTIONAL LoginModules succeeded), then the commit method for the LoginModule gets invoked. The commit method for a LoginModule checks its privately saved state to see if its own authentication succeeded. If the overall LoginContext authentication succeeded and the LoginModule's own authentication succeeded, then the commit method associates the relevant<相关> Principals (authenticated identities) and Credentials<凭证> (authentication data such as cryptographic keys) with the Subject located within the LoginModule.

If the LoginContext's overall authentication failed (the relevant REQUIRED, REQUISITE, SUFFICIENT and OPTIONAL LoginModules did not succeed), then the abort(异常) method for each LoginModule gets invoked. In this case, the LoginModule removes/destroys any authentication state originally saved.

Logging out a Subject involves only one phase. The LoginContext invokes the LoginModule's logout method. The logout method for the LoginModule then performs the logout procedures, such as removing Principals or Credentials from the Subject or logging session information.

A LoginModule implementation must have a constructor with no arguments<无参数构造子>. This allows classes which load the LoginModule to instantiate it.

posted @ 2005-09-18 21:44 java世界畅谈 阅读(364) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

一、AuthenticatedUser认证用户类:其中很简单,就是gettter和setter 方法,设置和获取authenticatedUser。
五、Password和Usename JavaBean

This class provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable. ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g., a user ID or Transaction ID).
这支持支持thread-local 变量。这些变量不同于它们常用的对应物,在那每一个线程获得一个(依靠get或set方法)拥有它自己的,独立地初始化复制这个变量。ThreadLocal实例是典型地私有静态字段,它希望联系状态使用线程(例如;一个用户ID或事务ID)。

posted @ 2005-09-18 21:26 java世界畅谈 阅读(676) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

一、ExpressionAssignmentException类:表达式赋值异常类 扩展了RuntimeException
二、ExpressionAssignmentHandler类: 表达式赋值处理器类 实现AssignmentHandler接口。
   1.String expression;
            2.ExecutionContext executionContext
      3.TermTokenizer tokenizer
            4.Entity entity
   语法:syntax : first-term --> next-term --> next-term --> ... --> next-term
   first-term ::= previous |
 *                swimlane(swimlane-name) |
 *                variable(variable-name) |
 *                user(user-name) |
 *                group(group-name)

* next-term ::= group(group-type) |
 *               member(role-name)


posted @ 2005-09-18 14:08 java世界畅谈 阅读(640) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

其中实现的是一个String[] 数据类型,其中将Java的Permission对象和这个数据类型绑定在一起。

<set name="permissions" cascade="all" table="JBPM_ID_PERMISSIONS">
      <key column="ENTITY_" foreign-key="none" />
      <element type="org.jbpm.identity.hibernate.PermissionUserType">
        <column name="CLASS_"/>
        <column name="NAME_"/>
        <column name="ACTION_"/>
posted @ 2005-09-18 13:45 java世界畅谈 阅读(607) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

IdentitySessionFactory类基本上类似于Hibernate 的SessionFactory,Jbpm中很多采用了类似于SessionFactory的机制。其中有获取IndentitySession的几个方法。其中还有一个evictCachedIdentities()也不知道有什么用法,可能是将缓存中的数据进行清空的操作。
posted @ 2005-09-18 12:16 java世界畅谈 阅读(514) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

校验用户方法:Object verify(String userName, String pwd);
根据用户id获得User:User getUserById(Object userId);
 Group getGroupByName(String groupName);
User getUserByName(String userName);
  Session session
        Transaction transaction
1.其中的verify(String userName,String pwd)的处理是通过传递用户名和密码获得一个User列表,如果为空或者size()为0,返回异常,否则get(0)获得对象(User)。
posted @ 2005-09-18 12:05 java世界畅谈 阅读(811) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  IdentitySchema 类主要用来生成SQL脚本<删除、创建、清除>建立数据表以及其他相关的数据库表的操作:
  delimiter 定界符
  private static final String IDENTITY_TABLE_PREFIX = "JBPM_ID_";
  Configuration configuration = null;
  Properties properties = null;
  Dialect dialect = null;
  Mapping mapping = null; 
  String[] createSql = null; //创建SQL脚本
  String[] dropSql = null; //删除SQL脚本
  String[] cleanSql = null; //清除SQL脚本

posted @ 2005-09-18 11:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(502) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

一、Entity 实体类:这个类作为users<用户>groups<组>和memberships<成员>的超类,用来管理名称和权限的增加删除和获取。其中用到了jdk的Permission类。目前还不知道这个对具体权限的控制有什么作用?
     protected String type = null;
     protected Group parent = null; //父就是自己
     protected Set children = null; //子是一个集合,其中的元素也是Group
     protected Set memberships = null; //会员
    public Set getUsersForMembershipName(String membershipName) 很容易理解为通过membershipName来获得所有的用户。 这个内不仅仅是简单的JavaBean的setter和getter,而是进行一些引申的操作,例如获取用户以及addXXX等操作。
   (3)与之相对应的hibernate Mapping文件Group.hbm.xml其中也有几个地方,值得注意,其实这个在Jbpm中是大量使用的:
protected  String role = null;
protected Group group = null;
protected User user = null;
四、User类:包含有三个字段:password email  以及Set memeberships。
  public Set getGroupsForGroupType(String groupType)
  public Set getGroupsForMembershipName(String membershipName)

  通过观察,我们发现这里其实有以下几个对象:Entity Group Memebership User Permission。其中Group、Memebership、User都是Entity都是子类和父类的关系。Entity和Permission是一对多的关系,表示一个实体拥有各种不同的权限,同样其他的Group等子类,也与Permission都是一对多的关系。Group 和Memeber是一对多的,一个组具有不同的角色(成员)。Membership与User和Group是多对一的关系。User和Membership之间是一对多的关系。


posted @ 2005-09-17 21:33 java世界畅谈 阅读(1247) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Guidelines for serialVersionUID : (serialVersionUID的指导纲要)

  • always include it as a field, for example: "private static final long serialVersionUID = 7526472295622776147L; " include this field even in the first version of the class, as a reminder(提示) of its importance
  • do not change the value of this field in future versions, unless you are knowingly(老练地) making changes to the class which will render(使..变成) it incompatible(不相容的) with old serialized objects
  • new versions of Serializable classes may or may not be able to read old serialized objects;  it depends upon the nature of the change; provide a pointer to Sun's guidelines for what constitutes a compatible(兼容地) change, as a convenience to future maintainers
posted @ 2005-09-17 21:15 java世界畅谈 阅读(502) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  1. package gongfei.cmc.articles.onlinecounter;
  2. public class OnlineCounter {
  3.     private static long online = 0;    
  4.     public static long getOnline() {
  5.         return online;
  6.     }    
  7.     public static void raise(){
  8.         online++;
  9.     } 
  10.     public static void reduce(){
  11.         online--;
  12.    }
  13. }

  1. package gongfei.cmc.articles.onlinecounter;
  2. import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent;
  3. import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener;
  4. public class OnlineCounterListener implements HttpSessionListener {
  5.     public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent hse) {
  6.         OnlineCounter.raise();
  7.     }
  8.     public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent hse) {
  9.         OnlineCounter.reduce();
  10.     }
  11. }

  1. <web-app>
  2.     ……
  3.     <listener>
  4.         <listener-class>
  5.             gongfei.cmc.articles.example.OnlineCounterListener
  6.         </listener-class>
  7.     </listener>
  8.     ……
  9. </web-app>


posted @ 2005-09-12 16:06 java世界畅谈 阅读(1008) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2005-09-11 11:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(171) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏


What is it?  它是什么?

Mantis is a web-based bugtracking system. It is written in the PHP scripting language and

requires the MySQL database and a webserver. Mantis has been installed on Windows, MacOS,

OS/2, and a variety of Unix operating systems. Almost any web browser should be able to

function as a client. It is released under the terms of the GNU General Public License

Nantis 是一个基于web bug追踪系统。它使用php脚本语言和需要Mysql 数据库和一个web服务器。Mantis



Mantis is free to use and modify. It is free to redistribute as long as you abide by the
distribution terms of the GPL.


History 历史

Mantis started as an internal bug tracking tool for a pet project (video game). Good, free

packages were lacking at the time so a bugtracker was written. Since then, Mantis has been

totally re-written and make it available to the public.



Goals 目标

The goals for this project are to produce and maintain a lightweight and simple bugtracking

system. Additions of complexity and/or features are modular and configurable so that users

can be shielded from unwanted clutter.



The product is designed to be easily modifiable, customizable, and upgradeable. Anyone with

intermediate PHP and MySQL experience should be able to customize Mantis to suit their




Features and Benefits 特性和用处

Free  免费
Easy installation  容易安装
Web based   基于web
Platform independent  平台独立
Multiple projects   多项目
Multiple languages  多语言
Emailing     邮件
Simple Search  简单搜索
Viewing filters   过滤显示
PHP    php


Upcoming Features 将来的特征

Check the Roadmap for a more detailed and sometimes up to date list of items.


The release numbering convention used is major.minor.micro (eg. 0.18.2).

Major - Indicates a very large change in the core package. Rewrites or major milestones.
Minor - Significant amount of feature addition/modification.
Micro - Usually bug fixes or minor features
How to Help

Report real bugs to the Development Bugtracker
Suggest (reasonable) features
Contribute code or tell us where to look.
Let us know if you find it useful. We won't publish the information without permission, but

we appreciate the feedback!

posted @ 2005-08-05 17:30 java世界畅谈 阅读(1161) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Sending Email with Spring mail abstraction layer
18.1. Introduction
Spring provides a higher level of abstraction for sending electronic mail which shields the user from the specifics of underlying mailing system and is responsible for a low level resource handling on behalf of the client.

Spring 支持一个更高层的抽象用来发送电子邮件,它隐藏底层邮件系统的细节并且代表客户端对低级别的控制 。

18.2. Spring mail abstraction structure
The main package of Spring mail abstraction layer is org.springframework.mail package. It contains central interface for sending emails called MailSender and the value object which encapsulates properties of a simple mail such as from, to, cc, subject, text called SimpleMailMessage. This package also contains a hierarchy of checked exceptions which provide a higher level of abstraction over the lower level mail system exceptions with the root exception being MailException.Please refer to JavaDocs for more information on mail exception hierarchy.

Sring邮件抽象层的主要包是:org.springframework.mail 包。它包含叫MailSender为发送邮件的核心接口和包含简单邮件属性例如from,to,cc,subject,text叫SimpleMailMessage的值对象. 这个包也包含一个检查异常的层次,它支持一个更高级别的抽象超过低级别的邮件系统异常伴随根异常存在MailException. 请参考JavaDocs为更多的信息杂邮件异常层次。

Spring also provides a sub-interface of MailSender for specialized JavaMail features such as MIME messages, namely org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender It also provides a callback interface for preparation of JavaMail MIME messages, namely org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessagePreparator

Spring也支持一个MailSender的专用于JavaMail特征例如MIME消息子接口,命名为org.springframework.javamail.JavaMailerSener。它也支持一个为JavaMail MIME信息的准备回调接口,命名为org.springframework.mail.JavaMail.MimeMessagePreparator.


public interface MailSender {

     * Send the given simple mail message.
     * @param simpleMessage message to send
     * @throws MailException in case of message, authentication, or send errors
     * 发送给定的简单邮件信息
     * @参数 simpleMessage  发送的信息
     * @throws MailException 假设信息,证明或发送错误
    public void send(SimpleMailMessage simpleMessage) throws MailException;

     * Send the given array of simple mail messages in batch.
     * @param simpleMessages messages to send
     * @throws MailException in case of message, authentication, or send errors
    public void send(SimpleMailMessage[] simpleMessages) throws MailException;



public interface JavaMailSender extends MailSender {

     * Create a new JavaMail MimeMessage for the underlying JavaMail Session
     * of this sender. Needs to be called to create MimeMessage instances
     * that can be prepared by the client and passed to send(MimeMessage).
     * @return the new MimeMessage instance
     * @see #send(MimeMessage)
     * @see #send(MimeMessage[])
     * 创建一个新的JavaMail MimeMessage 为潜在的JavaMail的发送者的会话.
     * 需要被调用来创建MimeMessage实例,它可以被客户准备并且被传递发送(MimeMessage).
     * @return 这个新的MimeMessage 实例
     * @see #send(Message)
     * @sess #send(MimeMessage[])
    public MimeMessage createMimeMessage();

     * Send the given JavaMail MIME message.
     * The message needs to have been created with createMimeMessage.
     * @param mimeMessage message to send
     * @throws MailException in case of message, authentication, or send errors
     * @see #createMimeMessage
    public void send(MimeMessage mimeMessage) throws MailException;

     * Send the given array of JavaMail MIME messages in batch.
     * The messages need to have been created with createMimeMessage.
     * @param mimeMessages messages to send
     * @throws MailException in case of message, authentication, or send errors
     * @see #createMimeMessage
    public void send(MimeMessage[] mimeMessages) throws MailException;

     * Send the JavaMail MIME message prepared by the given MimeMessagePreparator.
     * Alternative way to prepare MimeMessage instances, instead of createMimeMessage
     * and send(MimeMessage) calls. Takes care of proper exception conversion.
     * @param mimeMessagePreparator the preparator to use
     * @throws MailException in case of message, authentication, or send errors
    public void send(MimeMessagePreparator mimeMessagePreparator) throws MailException;

     * Send the JavaMail MIME messages prepared by the given MimeMessagePreparators.
     * Alternative way to prepare MimeMessage instances, instead of createMimeMessage
     * and send(MimeMessage[]) calls. Takes care of proper exception conversion.
     * @param mimeMessagePreparators the preparator to use
     * @throws MailException in case of message, authentication, or send errors
    public void send(MimeMessagePreparator[] mimeMessagePreparators) throws MailException;


public interface MimeMessagePreparator {

     * Prepare the given new MimeMessage instance.
     * @param mimeMessage the message to prepare
     * @throws MessagingException passing any exceptions thrown by MimeMessage
     * methods through for automatic conversion to the MailException hierarchy
    void prepare(MimeMessage mimeMessage) throws MessagingException;


18.3. Using Spring mail abstraction
Let's assume there is a business interface called OrderManager

public interface OrderManager {

    void placeOrder(Order order);

and there is a use case that says that an email message with order number would need to be generated and sent to a customer placing that order. So for this purpose we want to use MailSender and SimpleMailMessage

Please note that as usual, we work with interfaces in the business code and let Spring IoC container take care of wiring of all the collaborators for us.

请注意照常,我们工作使用在商业代码中的接口并且让Spring Ioc 容器关心为我们的所有合作者。

Here is the implementation of OrderManager

import org.springframework.mail.MailException;
import org.springframework.mail.MailSender;
import org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage;

public class OrderManagerImpl implements OrderManager {

    private MailSender mailSender;
    private SimpleMailMessage message;

    public void setMailSender(MailSender mailSender) {
        this.mailSender = mailSender;

    public void setMessage(SimpleMailMessage message) {
        this.message = message;

    public void placeOrder(Order order) {

        //... * Do the business calculations....
        //... * Call the collaborators to persist the order

        //Create a thread safe "sandbox" of the message
        SimpleMailMessage msg = new SimpleMailMessage(this.message);
            "Dear "
                + order.getCustomer().getFirstName()
                + order.getCustomer().getLastName()
                + ", thank you for placing order. Your order number is "
                + order.getOrderNumber());
        catch(MailException ex) {
            //log it and go on
Here is what the bean definitions for the code above would look like:

<bean id="mailSender"
    <property name="host"><value></value></property>

<bean id="mailMessage"
    <property name="from"><value></value></property>
    <property name="subject"><value>Your order</value></property>

<bean id="orderManager"
    <property name="mailSender"><ref bean="mailSender"/></property>
    <property name="message"><ref bean="mailMessage"/></property>
Here is the implementation of OrderManager using MimeMessagePreparator callback interface. Please note that the mailSender property is of type JavaMailSender in this case in order to be able to use JavaMail MimeMessage:

import javax.mail.Message;
import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;

import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
import org.springframework.mail.MailException;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender;
import org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessagePreparator;

public class OrderManagerImpl implements OrderManager {
    private JavaMailSender mailSender;
    public void setMailSender(JavaMailSender mailSender) {
        this.mailSender = mailSender;

    public void placeOrder(final Order order) {

        //... * Do the business calculations....
        //... * Call the collaborators to persist the order
        MimeMessagePreparator preparator = new MimeMessagePreparator() {
            public void prepare(MimeMessage mimeMessage) throws MessagingException {
                        new InternetAddress(order.getCustomer().getEmailAddress()));
                mimeMessage.setFrom(new InternetAddress(""));
                    "Dear "
                        + order.getCustomer().getFirstName()
                        + order.getCustomer().getLastName()
                        + ", thank you for placing order. Your order number is "
                        + order.getOrderNumber());
        catch(MailException ex) {
            //log it and go on
If you want to use JavaMail MimeMessage to the full power, the MimeMessagePreparator is available at your fingertips.
如果你想使用JavaMail  MimeMessage来使得足够强大,MimeMessagePreparator 是可以利用的。

Please note that the mail code is a crosscutting(横切的) concern(关注)  and is a perfect candidate(候选) for refactoring into a custom Spring AOP advice, which then could easily be applied to OrderManager target. Please see the AOP chapter.

18.3.1. Pluggable MailSender implementations
Spring comes with two MailSender implementations out of the box - the JavaMail implementation and the implementation on top of Jason Hunter's MailMessage class that's included in (com.oreilly.servlet). Please refer to JavaDocs for more information.

18.4. Using the JavaMail MimeMessageHelper
One of the components that comes in pretty handy when dealing with JavaMail messages is the org.springframework.mail.javamail.MimeMessageHelper. It prevents you from having to use the nasty APIs the the javax.mail.internet classes. A couple of possible scenarios:

18.4.1. Creating a simple MimeMessage and sending it
Using the MimeMessageHelper it's pretty easy to setup and send a MimeMessage:

// of course you would setup the mail sender using
// DI in any real-world cases
JavaMailSenderImpl sender = new JavaMailSenderImpl();

MimeMessage message = sender.createMimeMesage();
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message);
helper.setText("Thank you for ordering!");


18.4.2. Sending attachments and inline resources
Email allow for attachments, but also for inline resources in multipart messages. Inline resources could for example be images or stylesheet you want to use in your message, but don't want displayed as attachment. The following shows you how to use the MimeMessageHelper to send an email along with an inline image.

JavaMailSenderImpl sender = new JavaMailSenderImpl();

MimeMessage message = sender.createMimeMesage();

// use the true flag to indicate you need a multipart message
MimeMessageHelper helper = new MimeMessageHelper(message, true);

// use the true flag to indicate the text included is HTML
  "<html><body><img src='cid:identifier1234'></body></html>"

// let's include the infamous windows Sample file (this time copied to c:/)
FileSystemResource res = new FileSystemResource(new File("c:/Sample.jpg"));
helper.addInline("identifier1234", res);

// if you would need to include the file as an attachment, use
// addAttachment() methods on the MimeMessageHelper

Inline resources are added to the mime message using the Content-ID specified as you've seen just now (identifier1234 in this case). The order in which you're adding the text and the resource are VERY important. First add the text and after that the resources. If you're doing it the other way around, it won't work!


posted @ 2005-07-25 11:32 java世界畅谈 阅读(894) | 评论 (3)编辑 收藏

Using the MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean
Often you just need to invoke a method on a specific object. Using the MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean you can do exactly this:

<bean id="methodInvokingJobDetail"
    <property name="targetObject"><ref bean="exampleBusinessObject"/></property>
    <property name="targetMethod"><value>doIt</value></property>

The above example will result in the doIt being called on the exampleBusinessObject (see below):

public class BusinessObject {
  // properties and collaborators
  public void doIt() {
    // do the actual work

<bean id="exampleBusinessObject" class="examples.ExampleBusinessObject"/>
Using the MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean you don't need to create one-line jobs that just invoke a method, and you only need to create the actual business object and wire up the detail object.
使用MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean 你不需要创建一个在线的jobs,仅仅调用它的方法,你可以仅仅只需要创建一个实际的逻辑对象并且把它绑定到细节对象。

By default, Quartz Jobs are stateless, resulting in the possibility of jobs interfering with each other. If you specify two triggers for the same JobDetail, it might be possible that before the first job has finished, the second one will start. If JobDetail objects implement the Stateful interface, this won't happen. The second job will not start before the first one has finished. To make jobs resulting from the MethodInvokingJobDetailFactoryBean non-concurrent, set the concurrent flag to false.

缺省地,Quartz jobs是无状态的,在jobs的可能性作为结果影响彼此。如果你限定两个触发器为同一个JohDetail,它在第一个job已经完成时是可能的,第二个将会开始。如果JobDetail实现了状态接口,它将不会发生。
<bean id="methodInvokingJobDetail"
    <property name="targetObject"><ref bean="exampleBusinessObject"/></property>
    <property name="targetMethod"><value>doIt</value></property>
    <property name="concurrent"><value>false</value></property>
Note: By default, jobs will run in a concurrent fashion.


posted @ 2005-07-22 11:23 java世界畅谈 阅读(3133) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏



    <bean id="methodInvokingJobDetail"
        <property name="targetObject"><ref bean="financeDAO"/></property>
        <property name="targetMethod"><value>confirmOrder</value></property>

    <bean id="cronTrigger" class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.CronTriggerBean">
        <property name="jobDetail">
            <ref bean="methodInvokingJobDetail"/>
        <property name="cronExpression">
            <value>0 0 6,12,20 * * ?</value>
    <bean class="org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean">
        <property name="triggers">
            <list><ref local="cronTrigger"/></list>



字段   允许值   允许的特殊字符
  0-59   , - * /
  0-59   , - * /
小时   0-23   , - * /
日期   1-31   , - * ? / L W C
月份   1-12 或者 JAN-DEC   , - * /
星期   1-7 或者 SUN-SAT   , - * ? / L C #
年(可选)   留空, 1970-2099   , - * /

posted @ 2005-07-20 21:37 java世界畅谈 阅读(15600) | 评论 (42)编辑 收藏

TriggerListeners and JobListeners
Listeners are objects that you create to perform actions based on events occuring within the scheduler. As you can probably guess, TriggerListeners receive events related to trigger,and JobListners receive events related to jobs.

Trigger-related events include: trigger firings,trigger mis-firings(discussed in the "Triggers" sections of this document),and trigger completions (the jobs fired off by the trigger is finished).

To create a listener,simply create an object the implements either the org.quartz.TriggerListener and/or org.quartz.JobListener interface. Listeners are then registered with the scheduler during run time ,and must be given a name(or rather ,they must advertise their own name via their getName()method.  Listeners can be registered as either "global" or "non-global". Global listeners receive events for ALL triggers/jobs, and non-global listeners receive events only for the specific triggers/jobs that explicitely name the listener in their getTriggerListenerNames() or getJobListenerNames() properties.

Listeners are not used by most users of Quartz,but are handy when application requirements create the need for the notification of events,without the Job itself explicitly nofifying the application.

posted @ 2005-07-20 21:27 java世界畅谈 阅读(416) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

More About CronTrigger

CronTriggers are often more useful than SimpleTrigger, if you need a job-firing schedule that recurs based on calendar-like notions, rather than on the exactly specified intervals of SimpleTrigger.
CronTriggers 比SimpleTrigger经常更加有用,如果你需要一个基于像日历概念的重复 job-firing 调度,而不是在一个SimpleTrigger特定的间隔。

With CronTrigger, you can specify firing-schedules such as "every Friday at noon", or "every weekday and 9:30 am", or even "every 5 minutes between 9:00 am and 10:00 am on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday".
使用CronTrigger,你可以限定firing-schedulers例如 “每天中午“,或者”,”每天周日上午9:30“,或者甚至 “每5分钟在上午9:00 到 10:00 每周一、周三、周五”

Cron Expressions
Cron 表达式

Cron-Expressions are used to configure instances of CronTrigger. Cron-Expressions are strings that are actually made up of six sub-expressions, that describe individual details of the schedule. These sub-expression are separated with white-space, and represent:
Cron 表达式被用来注册CronTrigger实例的。Cron表达式是字符串,它由六个子表达式组成,它描述了不同的调度细节。这些子表达式被白色表达式隔开,表现:

Seconds  秒
Minutes  分
Hours    时
Day-of-Month  日
Month         月
Day-of-Week   周

An example of a complete cron-expression is the string "0 0 12 ? * WED" - which means "every Wednesday at 12:00 pm".
一个完整的Cron 表达式例子是字符串“0 0 12 ? * WEB” 意味着每周三上午12:00。

Individual sub-expressions can contain ranges and/or lists. For example, the day of week field in the previous (which reads "WED") example could be replaces with "MON-FRI", "MON, WED, FRI", or even "MON-WED,SAT".
单独的子表达式可以包含平行的 和/或。例如,在上一个例子一周的一天字段(它读作"WED")可以被“MON-FRI”,"MON,WED,FRI",或者甚至"MON-WED,SAT"替换掉。

Wild-cards (the '*' character) can be used to say "every" possible value of this field. Therefore the '*' character in the "Month" field of the previous example simply means "every month". A '*' in the Day-Of-Week field would obviously mean "every day of the week".
统配符("*"字符)可以被用来作为这个字段的"每一个"可能值。所以,在上一个例子月字段中的"*"字符表示每个月。 一个"*"在周天将明显意味着周的每一天。

All of the fields have a set of valid values that can be specified. These values should be fairly obvious - such as the numbers 0 to 59 for seconds and minutes, and the values 0 to 23 for hours. Day-of-Month can be any value 0-31, but you need to be careful about how many days are in a given month! Months can be specified as values between 0 and 11, or by using the strings JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV and DEC. Days-of-Week can be specified as vaules between 1 and 7 (1 = Sunday) or by using the strings SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI and SAT.

The '/' character can be used to specify increments to values. For example, if you put '0/15' in the Minutes field, it means 'every 15 minutes, starting at minute zero'. If you used '3/20' in the Minutes field, it would mean 'every 20 minutes during the hour, starting at minute three' - or in other words it is the same as specifying '3,23,43' in the Minutes field.
"/"字符可以内用来限定值的增加。例如,如果你将'0/15'放到分钟字段,它意味着"每15分钟,开始于0分钟"。如果你使用"3/20"在分钟字段中,你将意味着"一个小时内每20分钟,开始于3分钟"---  或者换言之,它和在分钟字段"3,23,43"限定是一样的。

The '?' character is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. It is used to specify "no specific value". This is useful when you need to specify something in one of the two fields, but not the other. See the examples below (and CronTrigger JavaDOC) for clarification.


The 'L' character is allowed for the day-of-month and day-of-week fields. This character is short-hand for "last", but it has different meaning in each of the two fields. For example, the value "L" in the day-of-month field means "the last day of the month" - day 31 for January, day 28 for February on non-leap years. If used in the day-of-week field by itself, it simply means "7" or "SAT". But if used in the day-of-week field after another value, it means "the last xxx day of the month" - for example "6L" or "FRIL" both mean "the last friday of the month". When using the 'L' option, it is important not to specify lists, or ranges of values, as you'll get confusing results.

"L"字符是允许用来月某天和周某天字段。这个字符是一个"last"的缩写,但是它有不同的意义在两个字段的其中之一。例如,这个值"L"在月字段的某一天意味着" 这个月的最后一天",31或者28等等。

Here are a few more examples of expressions and their meanings - you can find even more in the JavaDOC for CronTrigger

CronTrigger Example 1 - an expression to create a trigger that simply fires every 5 minutes

  "0 0/5 * * * ?"

CronTrigger Example 2 - an expression to create a trigger that fires every 5 minutes, at 10 seconds after the minute (i.e. 10:00:10 am, 10:05:10 am, etc.).

  "10 0/5 * * * ?"

CronTrigger Example 3 - an expression to create a trigger that fires at 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, and 13:30, on every Wednesday and Friday.

  "0 30 10-13 ? * WED,FRI"

CronTrigger Example 4 - an expression to create a trigger that fires every half hour between the hours of 8 am and 10 am on the 5th and 20th of every month. Note that the trigger will NOT fire at 10:00 am, just at 8:00, 8:30, 9:00 and 9:30

  "0 0/30 8-9 5,20 * ?"

Note that some scheduling requirements are too complicated to express with a single trigger - such as "every 5 minutes between 9:00 am and 10:00 am, and every 20 minutes between 1:00 pm and 10:00 pm". The solution in this scenario is to simply create two triggers, and register both of them to run the same job.

posted @ 2005-07-20 15:25 java世界畅谈 阅读(1328) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

What is Quartz? (什么是Quartz?)
Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components or EJBs. The Quartz Scheduler includes many enterprise-class features, such as JTA transactions and clustering.

Quartz 是一个功能齐全的、开源的job时间调度系统,它可以被结合的,或者伴随虚拟的任何J2EE或J2SE程序-从最小的独立的应用程序到最大的e-commerce系统被使用。Quartz可以用来创建简单或复杂的时间调度来执行十、百、千、甚至上万的jobs;获得的job被定义为一个标准的java组件或EJBs. 这个Quartz 时间调度包含很多企业类的特征,例如JTA事务和簇。

The licensing of Quartz versions 1.0 through 1.4.5 is similar to both the BSD and ASF (Apache) public licenses, which means it's free for use, even within commercial products.

Quartz 1.0版本到1.4.5版本的licensing 是类似与BSD和ASF(apache)公共licenses, 它意味着可以免费使用,甚至使用在商业产品中使用。
With the upcoming release of version 1.5.0, Quartz is moving to the Apache 2.0 license.
伴随1.5.0版本的发布,Quartz将转移向apache 2.0 的license.

What can Quartz do for you? (Quartz可以为你做什么?)
If your application has tasks that need to occur at given moments in time, or if your system has recurring maintenance jobs then Quartz may be your ideal solution.


Sample uses of job scheduling with Quartz:

Driving Workflow: As a new order is initially placed, schedule a Job to fire in exactly 2 hours, that will check the status of that order, and trigger a warning notification if an order confirmation message has not yet been received for the order, as well as changing the order's status to 'awaiting intervention'.
System Maintenance: Schedule a job to dump the contents of a database into an XML file every business day (all weekdays except holidays) at 11:30 PM.

系统维护:调度一个job来将数据库转化为XML文件 每商业日期(所有周末除了节假日)在下午11:30。


posted @ 2005-07-20 12:05 java世界畅谈 阅读(810) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏




posted @ 2005-07-18 09:48 java世界畅谈 阅读(467) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Using the ProxyFactoryBean to create AOP proxies
If you're using the Spring Ioc container (an applicationContext or BeanFactory) for you business object--and you should be!-- you will want to use one of Spring's AOP fatoryBeans.(Remeber that a factory bean introduces a layer of indirection, enabling it to create objects of different type).

The basic way to create an AOP proxy in Spring to use the org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean. This gives complete control over the pointcuts an advice that will apply, and theire ordering . However ,there are simpler options that are preferable(更可取的、更好的) if you don't need such control.

The proxyFactoryBean,like other Spring FactoryBean implementations,introduces a level of indirection(间接). If you define a ProxyFactoryBean with name foo,what objects referencing foo see is not the ProxyFactoryBean instance itself, but an object created by the ProxyFactoryBeans's implementation of the getObject() method. This method will create an AOP proxy wrapping a target object.

One of the most important benefits of using a ProxyFactoryBean or other IoC-aware to create AOP proxies, it that it means that advices and pointcuts can also be managed by IoC. This is a powerful feature , enabling certain approaches that are hard to achieve with other AOP frameworks. For example,an advice may itself reference application objects(besides the target , which should be available in any AOP framework),benefiting from all the pluggability provided by Dependency Injection.

JavaBean properties
Like most FactoryBean implementations provided with Spring, ProxyfactoryBean is itself a JavaBean. It properties are used to:
Specify the target you  want to proxy
Specify whether to use CGLIB

Some key properties are inherited from org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyConfig: the subclass for all AOP proxy factories. These include:
proxyTargetClass: true if we should proxy the target class,rather than its interfaces. If this  is true we need to use CGLIB.

optimize: whether to apply aggressive optimization to created proxies. Don't use this setting unless you  understand how the relevant(相关的) AOP proxy handles optimization. This is currently used only for CGLIB proxies;it has no effect with  JDK dynamic proxies(the default).

frozen:whether avice changes should be disallowed once the proxy factory has bean configured. Default is false.

exposeProxy: whether the current proxy should be exposed in a ThreadLocal so that it can be accessed by the target (It's available via the MethodInvocation without the need for a ThreadLocal) If a target needs to obtain the proxy and exposedProxy is true, the target can use the AopContext.currentProxy() method.

aopProxyFactory: the implementation of AopProxyFactory to use. Offers a way of customizing whether to use dynammic proxies,CGLIB or any other proxy strategy. The default implementation will choose dynamic proxies or CGLIB appropriately. There should be need to use this property, it's intended to allow the addition of new proxy types in spring 1.1.

Other properties specific to ProxyFactoryBean include:
.proxyInterfaces: array of String interface names.  If this isn't supplied, a CGLIB proxy for the target class will be used.
.interceptorNames:String array of Advisor,interceptor or other advice names to apply.Ordering is sugnicicant. first come,first serve that is. The first interceptor in the list will be the first to be able to interceptor the invocation (of course if it concerns a regular MethodInterceptor or BeforeAdvice. The names are bean names in the current factory , including  bean names from ancestor factories. You  can't mention bean references here since doing so would result iin the ProxyFactoryBean ignoring the singleton  setting of the advise. you can append an iinterceptor name with an asterisk(*).  This will result  in the application of all advisor beans withe names starting with the part before the asterisk to be applied.  An example of using this feature can be found below.

Singleton: whether or not the factory should return a single object, no matter how often the getObject() method is called. Server FactoryBean implementations offer such a method. Default value is true. If you want to use stateful advice --for example ,for stateful mixins-user prototype advices along withe s singleton value of false.

Proxying interfaces

<bean id="personTarget" class="com.mycompany.PersionImpl">
   <property name="name"><value>Tony</value></property>
   <property name="age"><value>51</value></property>  

<bean id="myAdvisor" class="com.mycompany.MyAdvisor">
   <property name="someProperty"><value>Custom string property value</value></property>

<bean id="debugInterceptor" class="org.springframework.aop.interceptor.DebugInteceptor" ></bean>

<bean id="person" class="org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactoryBean">
   <property name="proxyInterface"><value></value></property>
   <property name="target"><ref local="personTarget"/></property>
   <property name="interceptorNames">


posted @ 2005-07-07 10:43 java世界畅谈 阅读(471) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


posted @ 2005-07-06 10:13 java世界畅谈 阅读(148) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

 MS SQL有许多默认值是可以修改的,比如:MS SQL默认的用户连接数是15,一旦使用某数据库服务器的人多了的时候,特别是一些用户喜欢打开多个连接的时候,经常造成超过连接数而使一些人连接不上。
sp_configure语法:sp_configure [_name[,_value]]

---- 在MS SQL中,以"user connection"标记用户数目,所以作如下修改:

---- 1、以管理员帐号登录进MS SQL数据库服务器;

---- 2、运行sp_configure系统存储过程:在Isq_w或Enterprise Manager中的SQL Query Tool中敲入:

sp_configure "user connections", 150
go          --如果愿意选比150更大的数字当然可以。
4、关闭SQL服务,(在EnterPrise Manger中选中服务器,点右鼠标键,选stop,再选start.大功告成! 
为什么要执行第四步?Sp_configure所带的参数分两类,动态与静态,动态参数不需要重新启动服务器,运行sp_configure和recnfigure后就改变了,而静态参数要重新启动后才能改变。上面的"user connections"就是静态参数。 
posted @ 2005-07-01 13:52 java世界畅谈 阅读(925) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

我们使用jtds的SQL Server的驱动替代原来的SQL Server的驱动。后来出现在log中输出了这样的信息:
2005-06-30 09:42:10 [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] [http-8080-Processor24] [WARN] - SQL Warning: 5701, SQLState: 01000
2005-06-30 09:42:10 [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] [http-8080-Processor24] [WARN] - 已将数据库上下文改为 'logistics'。
2005-06-30 09:42:10 [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] [http-8080-Processor24] [WARN] - SQL Warning: 5703, SQLState: 01000
2005-06-30 09:42:10 [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] [http-8080-Processor24] [WARN] - 已将语言设置改为 简体中文。
     * Create a dianostic SQLException or SQLWarning.
     * @param number SQL Server error number.
     * @param state SQL Server state code.
     * @param serverity SQL Server serverity > 10 = error.
     * @param message SQL Server error message text.
     * @param server SQL Server name.
     * @param procName SQL Server stored procedure name.
     * @param line SQL Server error line number in SQL source.
    void addDiagnostic(int number,
                       int state,
                       int serverity,
                       String message,
                       String server,
                       String procName,
                       int line)
这里捕获了 SQL Server error number的,

Error 5701

Severity Level 10
Message Text

Changed database context to '%.*ls'.


This is an informational message indicating that the database context has changed. This message is returned anytime a USE database statement is executed.


None needed.


Indicates that SQL Server put the user's context into the default database defined in the data source, or into the default database defined for the login ID used in the connection if the data source did not have a default database.


Indicates the language being used on the server.

posted @ 2005-06-30 10:06 java世界畅谈 阅读(961) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

13.7. JasperReports
JasperReports ( is a powerful, open-source reporting engine that supports the creation of report designs using an easily understood XML file formats. JasperReports is capable of rendering reports output into four different formats: CSV, Excel, HTML and PDF.

13.7.1. Dependencies (依赖)
Your application will need to include the latest release of JasperReports, which at the time of writing was 0.6.1. JasperReports itself depends on the following projects:


Commons BeanUtils

Commons Collections

Commons Digester

Commons Logging



JasperReports also requires a JAXP compliant(适应的) XML parser.

13.7.2. Configuration(配置)
To configure JasperReports views in your ApplicationContext you have to define a ViewResolver to map view names to the appropriate view class depending on which format you want your report rendered in. Configuring the ViewResolver
Typically, you will use the ResourceBundleViewResolver to map view names to view classes and files in a properties file

<bean id="viewResolver" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBundleViewResolver">
    <property name="basename">
Here we've configured an instance of ResourceBundleViewResolver which will look for view mappings in the resource bundle with base name views. The exact contents of this file is described in the next section. Configuring the Views
Spring contains five different View implementations for JasperReports four of which corresponds to one of the four output formats supported by JasperReports and one that allows for the format to be determined at runtime:

JasperReport View Class
1.JasperReportsView           CSV
2.JasperReportsHtmlView       HTML
3.JasperReportsPdfView        PDF
4.JasperReportsXlsView        EXCEL

Mapping one of these classes to a view name and a report file is simply a matter of adding the appropriate entries into the resource bundle configured in the previous section as shown here:

Here you can see that the view with name, simpleReport, is mapped to the JasperReportsPdfView class. This will cause the output of this report to be rendered in PDF format. The url property of the view is set to the location of the underlying report file. About Report Files
JasperReports has two distinct types of report file: the design file, which has a .jrxml extension, and the compiled report file, which has a .jasper extension. Typically, you use the JasperReports Ant task to compile your .jrxml design file into a .jasper file before deploying it into your application. With Spring you can map either of these files to your report file and Spring will take care of compiling the .jrxml file on the fly for you. You should note that after a .jrxml file is compiled by Spring, the compiled report is cached for the life of the application. To make changes to the file you will need to restart your application.

JasperReports拥有两种不同的类型的报表文件:设计文件,它是一个拥有.jrxml 扩展的文件,和编译好的报表文件。一般,你使用ant任务在你部署到你的程序中之前来编译你的.jrxml设计报表文件。使用Spring 你可以影射这些文件中的任一到你的报表文件,Spring将会为你在空闲时照顾编译.jrxml文件。 你应当注意在一个.jrxml文件被编译之后,这个编译的报表是被缓存的在你的application生命周期中。如果这些文件修改了,你需要重新启动的你的程序。 Using JasperReportsMultiFormatView  使用JasperReportsMutiFormatView
The JasperReportsMultiFormatView allows for report format to be specified at runtime. The actual rendering of the report is delegated to one of the other JasperReports view classes - the JasperReportsMultiFormatView class simply adds a wrapper layer that allows for the exact implementation to be specified at runtime.

JasperReportsMutilFormatView允许你在运行时期指定报表的格式。报表的实际的表现是为委托到JasperReports 视图类的中的一个--JasperMutilFormatView类简单的加了一个包装层允许在运行时期正确的实现被指定。

The JasperReportsMultiFormatView class introduces two concepts: the format key and the discriminator key. The JasperReportsMultiFormatView class uses the mapping key to lookup the actual view implementation class and uses the format key to lookup up the mapping key. From a coding perspective you add an entry to your model with the formay key as the key and the mapping key as the value, for example:


public ModelAndView handleSimpleReportMulti(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {

  String uri = request.getRequestURI();
  String format = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);

  Map model = getModel();
  model.put("format", format);

  return new ModelAndView("simpleReportMulti", model);
In this example, the mapping key is determined from the extension of the request URI and is added to the model under the default format key: format. If you wish to use a different format key then you can configure this using the formatKey property of the JasperReportsMultiFormatView class.

By default the following mapping key mappings are configured in JasperReportsMultiFormatView:
Table 13.3. JasperReportsMultiFormatView Default Mapping Key Mappings

Mapping Key View Class
csv   JasperReportsCsvView
html  JasperReportsHtmlView
pdf   JasperReportsPdfView
xls   JasperReportsXlsView

So in the example above a request to URI /foo/myReport.pdf would be mapped to the JasperReportsPdfView class. You can override the mapping key to view class mappings using the formatMappings property of JasperReportsMultiFormatView.

posted @ 2005-06-29 10:24 java世界畅谈 阅读(3457) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

SQL Profiler Introduction

This is a quickly hacked tool to do statistics(统计) on SELECT queries in order to know where it is most efficient to create indexes.  目的是最有效的创建索引.

This small tool, released under an Apache-based license connects to the P6Spy JDBC logger and displays in real time the queries going to the database. It uses an integrated SQL parser to build statistics on the most accessed tables and columns and can generate SQL index creation files. Other information is also gathered and displayed, such as the request time for a single request, for a class of request, and for all the requests. Sorting may be done on these views to detect(察觉) database problems efficiently.

This tool can be very useful when you have a big volume of queries that you need to analyze not one by one一个接一个 (meaning that the specific time isn't that much of interest), but rather(若非) when you want to know what "group" of queries is taking a lot of time, such as queries on the same tables and columns but with different query values. The integrated SQL parser (built with ANTLR) is used to analyze the incoming SELECT queries.

The Swing GUI was based on Apache's Log4J Chainsaw, but all the bugs are mine. Also contributors are welcome to test, make new suggestions, give their opinion and submit patches.

posted @ 2005-06-28 14:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(377) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

Considerations when choosing a technology (当选择一个技术时候的考虑)
Each and every technology presented here has its drawbacks. You should carefully consider you needs, the services your exposing and the objects you'll be sending over the wire when choosing a technology.

When using RMI, it's not possible to access the objects through the HTTP protocol, unless you're tunneling the RMI traffic. RMI is a fairly heavy-weight protocol in that it support full-object serialization which is important when using a complex data model that needs serialization over the wire. However, RMI-JRMP is tied to Java clients: It is a Java-to-Java remoting solution.
当我们使用RMI,我们不可以通过http协议访问对象,除非你打通RMI交通的隧道。RMI 是一个非常重量级协议,在其中他支持的所有对象的序列化是非常重要的,当使用一个需要序列化关联的复杂的数据模型。然而,RMI-JRMP 是依赖java客户端的:它是java-to-java的远程解决方案。

Spring's HTTP invoker is a good choice if you need HTTP-based remoting but also rely on Java serialization. It shares the basic infrastructure with RMI invokers, just using HTTP as transport. Note that HTTP invokers are not only limited to Java-to-Java remoting but also to Spring on both the client and server side. (The latter also applies to Spring's RMI invoker for non-RMI interfaces.)
Spring 的HTTP invoker 是一个不错的选择,如果你需要基于HTTP的远程,而且需要java序列化回复。它使用RMI invoker分享了基础结构,仅仅使用HTTP作为传输。注意HTTP invoker不是仅仅限制给java-to-java的远程而且是在客户端和服务器端的Spring.(后面的也应用到Spring 的RMI invoker为非RMI的接口)。

Hessian and/or Burlap might provide significant value when operating in a heterogeneous environment, because they explicitly allow for non-Java clients. However, non-Java support is still limited. Known problems include the serialization of Hibernate objects in combination with lazily initializing collections. If you have such a data model, consider using RMI or HTTP invokers instead of Hessian.
Hessian 和或 Burlap可以支持重要的值,当在一个异质的环境操作,因为他们明确的允许为非java 对象。然而非java对象是受限制的,知道的问题包括hibernate对象序列化与懒汉初始化集合的结合上。如果你有这样的数据模型,考虑使用RMI或HTTP invokers而不是Hessioan.

JMS can be useful for providing clusters of services and allowing the JMS broker to take care of load balancing, discovery and auto-failover. By default Java serialization is used when using JMS remoting but the JMS provider could use a different mechanism for the wire formatting, such as XStream to allow servers to be implemented in other technologies.

Last but not least, EJB has an advantage over RMI in that it supports standard role-based authentication and authorization and remote transaction propagation. It is possible to get RMI invokers or HTTP invokers to support security context propagation as well, although this is not provided by core Spring: There are just appropriate hooks for plugging in third-party or custom solutions here.


posted @ 2005-06-24 10:15 java世界畅谈 阅读(659) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

20.2.1. 缓存映射(Cache mappings)


    usage="transactional|read-write|nonstrict-read-write|read-only"  (1)

usage说明了缓存的策略: transactionalread-writenonstrict-read-writeread-only

另外(首选?), 你可以在hibernate.cfg.xml中指定<class-cache><collection-cache> 元素。

这里的usage 属性指明了缓存并发策略(cache concurrency strategy)

20.2.2. 策略:只读缓存(Strategy: read only)

如果你的应用程序只需读取一个持久化类的实例,而无需对其修改, 那么就可以对其进行只读 缓存。这是最简单,也是实用性最好的方法。甚至在集群中,它也能完美地运作。

<class name="eg.Immutable" mutable="false">
    <cache usage="read-only"/>

20.2.3.  策略:读/写缓存(Strategy: read/write)

如果应用程序需要更新数据,那么使用读/写缓存 比较合适。 如果应用程序要求“序列化事务”的隔离级别(serializable transaction isolation level),那么就决不能使用这种缓存策略。 如果在JTA环境中使用缓存,你必须指定hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class属性的值, 通过它,Hibernate才能知道该应用程序中JTA的TransactionManager的具体策略。 在其它环境中,你必须保证在Session.close()、或Session.disconnect()调用前, 整个事务已经结束。 如果你想在集群环境中使用此策略,你必须保证底层的缓存实现支持锁定(locking)。Hibernate内置的缓存策略并不支持锁定功能。

<class name="eg.Cat" .... >
    <cache usage="read-write"/>
    <set name="kittens" ... >
        <cache usage="read-write"/>

20.2.4.  策略:非严格读/写缓存(Strategy: nonstrict read/write)

如果应用程序只偶尔需要更新数据(也就是说,两个事务同时更新同一记录的情况很不常见),也不需要十分严格的事务隔离, 那么比较适合使用非严格读/写缓存策略。如果在JTA环境中使用该策略, 你必须为其指定hibernate.transaction.manager_lookup_class属性的值, 在其它环境中,你必须保证在Session.close()、或Session.disconnect()调用前, 整个事务已经结束

在jBPM 中使用不少这样的非严格读/写缓存的处理:
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<!DOCTYPE hibernate-mapping PUBLIC
    "-//Hibernate/Hibernate Mapping DTD 3.0//EN"

<hibernate-mapping default-access="field">

  <class name="org.jbpm.context.def.VariableAccess"
    <cache usage="nonstrict-read-write"/>
    <id name="id" column="ID_"><generator class="native" /></id>
    <property name="variableName" column="VARIABLENAME_" />
    <property name="access" column="ACCESS_" />
    <property name="mappedName" column="MAPPEDNAME_" />


它的ehcache.xml 是这样配置的:

posted @ 2005-06-22 17:32 java世界畅谈 阅读(730) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

This is a preconfigured jboss 4.0.2 installation that contains jBPM.  

Deployed components
The jBPM service archive: The deploy directory contains a service archive that creates a JbpmSessionFactory at startup of the server and puts it in JNDI. To make use of this JbpmSessionFactory, you have to specify the property in your jBPM configuration (e.g. in the in your WEB-INF/classes in your web application).
这个jBPM 服务存档:这个部署目录包含一个服务归档,它创建一个JbpmSessionFactory 在服务器启动并且把它丢到JNDI中。为了使用这个JbpmSessionFactory,你不得不使用指定这个属性 在你的jBPM注册文件(例如在 在你的web程序中的 WEB-INF/classes 里)

The jBPM database: The server includes a hypersonic database that is preconfigured. with the jBPM database tables. Also an example process is already present in the database. The database can be accessed via a TCP connection to port 1701 with the hsqldb driver.
jBPM数据库:这个服务器包含一个原先配置好的hypersonic 数据库。使用这个jBPM数据库表。也可以使用已经数据库中设置好的.这个数据库可以通过 tcp连接1701端口使用这个hsqldb驱动器。

The jBPM web console application: The jBPM web console application is a simple webapplication that allows access to the jBPM database. Currently the functionality of the webapplication is still limited, but a lot of focus is going to go to the webapplication in the near future for making it easier to manage, maintain and monitor your business processes.
Other customizations
jBPM web控制台程序:这个jBPM web控制台程序是一个简单的web程序,它允许访问jBPM数据库。当前这个web程序的功能仍然是受限制的,但是很多焦点, 在不久的未来打算使它更容易管理、维护和监控你的商业流程。

For reducing download the minimal, default and all server configurations have been removed. Only the jbpm configuration is available. (start with run.bat -c jbpm).


For improving startup time, some of the default services have been removed.

posted @ 2005-06-22 14:38 java世界畅谈 阅读(903) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


jbpm.db build script  (jbpm.db 编译脚本)

The jbm.db build script consists of a few major sections(jbpm.db 编译脚本包含一些主要部分):

- general setup (普通安装)
- common tasks   (公用任务)
- database specific tasks (数据库特定任务)

A database specific task calls common tasks with the database name as a parameter
and carries out its duties. (一个数据库特定任务调用公有的任务使用数据库名作为一个参数,并且执行它的职责。)

The main tasks are the database script creation and the database test run.(主要的任务是数据库脚本创建和数据库测试运行)

Following is a explanation of the flow for both. They start off with the same steps.
The explanation with use hsqldb as an example.(下面是一个流程的说明。他们开始使用同样的步骤)

1. "prepare" target compiles all jbpm.3 classes ("prepare" 目标编译所有的jbpm3.classes )
2. "hsqldb.prepare" target calls the "db.prepare" target with the parameter "hsqldb" ("hsqldb.prepare" 目标调用"db.prepare"目标使用"hsqldb"参数)
3. "db.prepare" copies the resources tree from the jbpm.3 project and ()
4. sources the property file hsqldb/ and replaces the
   properties from the main project in the copied hibernate config file with
   properties from the file making it database specific to the test settings using
   "hibernate.replace". This differs per database.
   ("db.prepare"从jbpm.3项目和 hsqldb/ 属性文件复制资源目录,并从在复制的拥有从文件属性的hibernate配置文件中的主项目替换这些属性,使用数据库特定给test 的设置使用"hibernate.replace".这对每个数据库是不同的 。

After this preparation the scripts targets (在这准备脚本目标之后)

5. "hsqldb.scripts" target calls the "db.scripts" target with the hsqldb parameter ("hsqldb.script"目标调用"db.script"目标使用hsqldb 参数)
6. "db.scripts" target creates the scripts files in the build/hsqldb/scripts folder based
   on the db specific hibernate configuration
   ("db.scripts"目标创建脚本文件在db特定hibernate配置文件的build/hsql/scripts/目录 或test目标文件 )
or the the test targets

5. "hsqldb.test" target calls the "db.test" target with the hsqldb parameter ("hsqldb.test" 目标调用"db.test"目标使用hsqldb参数)
6. "db.test" target runs all tests against the hsqldb database and creates a test report
   in build/hsqldb/testresults
   ("db.test"目标运行所有的测试 靠着hsqldb 数据库和测试报告)

posted @ 2005-06-22 11:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(501) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

function dialogReturn(value1){
  window.parent.returnValue = value1;
window Object  Represents an open window in the browser. (表现在浏览器中打开一个窗口。)

Typically, the browser creates one window object when it opens an HTML document. However, if a document defines one or more frames (that is, contains one or more frame or iframe tags), the browser creates one window object for the original document and one additional window object for each frame. These additional objects are child windows of the original window and can be affected by actions that occur in the original. For example, closing the original window causes all child windows to close. You can also create new windows (and corresponding window objects) using methods such as open, showModalDialog, and showModelessDialog.
如果一个文档定义了一个或多个框架,浏览器为每一个框架创建一个window对象为这个源document和一个附加的window对象。 这些附加的对象是源文档的子windows,并且受源动作的影响。例如,关闭这个源窗体导致子窗体也被关闭。
returnValue Sets or retrieves the value returned from the modal dialog window.

posted @ 2005-06-21 17:47 java世界畅谈 阅读(415) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

<process-definition name="the scheduler process">
    <swimlane name="initiator"/>
    <start-state name="start" swimlane="initiator">
        <transition to="only state">       
    <state name="only state" swimlane="initator">
           <delegation class="org.jbpm.delegation.action.SchedulerJobActionHandler">
              <delegation class="org.jbpm.scheduler.LoggingActionHandler"/>
              <delay>0</delay> (延迟)
        <action event-type="state-leave">
          <delegation class="org.jbpm.delegation.action.CancelJobActionHandler">halleluya</delegation>
        <transition to="end"/>
    <end-state name="end"/>
posted @ 2005-06-16 14:17 java世界畅谈 阅读(463) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Fork : A fork spawns(产生) multiple concurrent(并发) paths of execution.
<process-definition name="the fork-in-loop process">
   <swimlane name="initiator"/>
   <start-state name="start" swimlane="initiator">
      <transition to="aFork"/>
   <fork name="aFork">
      <transition to="aState"/>
   <state name="aState" swimlane="initiator">
       <transition to="aJoin"/>
   <join name="aJoin">
      <transition to="aFork"/>
   <end-state name="end"/>
posted @ 2005-06-16 14:17 java世界畅谈 阅读(970) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Decision : A decision decides between multiple paths of execution which are exclusive(独占的)
<process-definition name="the decision process">
   <swimlane name="initiator"/>
   <start-state name="start" swimlane="initiator">
      <transition to="only descision">
   <decision name="only descision">
      <delegation class="org.jbpm.impl.DecisionTestDecisionHandler"/>
      <transition name="left" to="inside the left street"/>
      <transition name="right" to="inside the right street"/>
   <state name="inside the left street" swimlane="initiator">
      <transition to="end"/>
   <state name="inside the right street" swimlane="initiator">
      <transition to="end"/>
   <end-state name="end"/>
posted @ 2005-06-16 14:14 java世界畅谈 阅读(2776) | 评论 (4)编辑 收藏

9.4. Swimlanes(咏道)
A swimlane is a process role(角色). It is a mechanism to specify that multiple tasks in the process should be done by the same actor.(多个任务被同一个用户执行) So after the first task instance is created for a given swimlane, the actor should be remembered in the process for all subsequent(后来的) tasks that are in the same swimlane. A swimlane therefore has one assignment and all tasks that reference a swimlane should not specify an assignment.

When the first task in a given swimlane is created, the AssignmentHandler of the swimlane is called. The Assignable that is passed to the AssignmentHandler will be the SwimlaneInstance. Important to know is that all assignments that are done on the task instances in a given swimlane will propagate to the swimlane instance. This behaviour is implemented as the default because the person that takes a task to fulfilling(实行) a certain process role will have the knowledge of that perticular process. So all subsequent(并发的) assignements of task instances to that swimlane are done automatically to that user.

Swimlane is a terminology(术语) borrowed from UML activity(活动) diagrams.

9.5. Task events (任务事件)
Tasks can have actions associated with them. There are 4 standard event types defined for tasks: task-create, task-assign, task-start and task-end.

 is fired when a task instance is created.

is fired when a task instance is being assigned. Note that in actions that are executed on this event, you can access the previous actor with executionContext.getTaskInstance().getPreviousActorId();

is fired when TaskInstance.start() is called. This can be used to indicate(指示) that the user is actually starting to work on this task instance. Starting a task is optional.

 is fired when TaskInstance.end(...) is called. This marks the completion of the task. If the task is related to a process execution, this call might trigger the resuming(恢复) of the process execution.

Since tasks can have events and actions associated with them, also exception handlers can be specified on a task. For more information about exception handling, see Section 7.5, “Exception handling”.

9.6. Task timers(任务定时器)
As on nodes, timers can be specified(指定) on tasks. See Section 10.1, “Timers”.

The special(特别的) thing about timers for tasks is that the cancel-event for task timers can be customized(取消事件可以被定制). By default, a timer on a task will be cancelled when the task is ended (=completed). But with the cancel-event attribute on the timer, process developers can customize that to e.g. task-assign or task-start. The cancel-event supports multiple events.|取消事件支持多种事件| The cancel-event types can be combined by specifying them in a comma(逗号) separated list in the attribute.

9.7. Customizing task instances(定制任务实例)
Task instances can be customized. The easiest way to do this is to create a subclass of TaskInstance.|创建一个任务实例的子类| Then update the property jbpm.task.instance.class and specify the class name of your custom class that inherits from TaskInstance. Also create a hibernate mapping file for the subclass (using the hibernate extends="org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance"). Then add that mapping file to the list of mapping files in the hibernate.cfg.xml
(1)更新jbpm.task.instance.class 的属性
(3)创建一个子类的影射文件(使用 extends="org.jbpm.taskmgmt.exe.TaskInstance")
(4)将这个影射文件加到 hibernate.cfg.xml

9.8. The identity component(身份组件)
Management of users, groups and permissions is commonly known as identity management. jBPM includes an optional identity component that can be easily replaced by a company's own identity data store.

The jBPM identity management component includes knowledge of the organisational model. Task assignment is typically done with organisational knowledge. So this implies knowledge of an organisational model, describing the users, groups, systems and the relations between them. Optionally, permissions and roles can be included too in an organisational model. Various academic(理论的) research attempts failed, proving that no generic organisational model can be created that fits every organisation.

The way jBPM handles this is by defining an actor as an actual participant(参与者) in a process. An actor is identified by its ID called an actorId. jBPM has only knowledge(知道) about actorId's and they are represented as java.lang.Strings for maximum flexibility. So any knowledge about the organisational model and the structure of that data is outside the scope of the jBPM core engine.

As an extension to jBPM we will provide (in the future) a component to manage that simple user-roles model. This many to many relation between users and roles is the same model as is defined in the J2EE and the servlet specs and it could serve as a starting point in new developments. People interested in contributing should check the jboss jbpm jira issue tracker for more details. 用户和角色 (user-roles 模型)

Note that the user-roles model as it is used in the servlet, ejb and portlet specifications, is not sufficiently powerful for handling task assignments. That model is a many-to-many relation between users and roles. This doesn't include information about the teams and the organisational structure of users involved in a process.

The classes in yellow are the relevant(相关的) classes for the expression assignment handler that is discussed next.

A User represents a user or a service.|一个用户表现为一个用户或一个服务。| A Group is any kind of group of users.|一个组是任何种类用户组。| Groups can be nested to model the relation between a team, a business unit and the whole company.|组可以被内嵌到在团队、商业单元和整个公司的关系模型。 | Groups have a type to differentiate between the hierarchical groups and e.g. haircolor groups.|组可以有一个种类来区分分等级的组和haircolor组。| Memberships represent the many-to-many relation between users and groups. A membership can be used to represent a position in a company.|一个membership可以被用来表现在公司中的位置。| The name of the membership can be used to indicate(指出) the role that the user fullfills in the group.

9.8.2. Assignment expressions (分派表达式)
The identity component comes with one implementation that evaluates an expression for the calculation of actors during assignment of tasks. Here's an example of using the assignment expression in a process definition:

  <task-node name='a'>
    <task name='laundry'>
      <assignment expression='previous --> group(hierarchy) --> member(boss)' />
    <transition to='b' />
Syntax of the assignment expression is like this:

first-term --> next-term --> next-term --> ... --> next-term


first-term ::= previous |
               swimlane(swimlane-name) |
               variable(variable-name) |
               user(user-name) |


next-term ::= group(group-type) |
              member(role-name) First terms
An expression is resolved(分解) from left to right.|一个表达式被从左到右进行分解| The first-term specifies a User or Group in the identity model.|第一个项目是在身份模型中指定了一个用户或组| Subsequent terms calculate the next term from the intermediate(中间的) user or group.

previous means the task is assigned to the current authenticated actor. This means the actor that performed the previous step in the process.

swimlane(swimlane-name) means the user or group is taken from the specified swimlane instance.

variable(variable-name) means the user or group is taken from the specified variable instance. The variable instance can contain a java.lang.String, in which case that user or group is fetched from the identity component. Or the variable instance contains a User or Group object.

user(user-name) means the given user is taken from the identity component.

group(group-name) means the given group is taken from the identity component. Next terms
group(group-type) gets the group for a user. Meaning that previous terms must have resulted in a User. It searches for the the group with the given group-type in all the memberships for the user.

member(role-name) gets the user that performs a given role for a group. The previous terms must have resulted in a Group. This term searches for the user with a membership to the group for which the name of the membership matches the given role-name.

9.8.3. Removing the identity component
When you want to use your own datasource for organisational information such as your company's user database or ldap system, you can just rip out the jBPM identity component. The only thing you need to do is make sure that you delete the line ...

<mapping resource="org/jbpm/identity/hibernate/identitymappings.hbm.xml"/>
from the hibernate.cfg.xml

The ExpressionAssignmentHandler is dependent on the identity component so you will not be able to use it as is. In case you want to reuse the ExpressionAssignmentHandler and bind it to your user data store, you can extend from the ExpressionAssignmentHandler and override the method getExpressionSession.

protected ExpressionSession getExpressionSession(AssignmentContext assignmentContext);

posted @ 2005-06-15 13:42 java世界畅谈 阅读(958) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

A process definition contains can have task nodes. A task-node contains zero or more tasks. Tasks are a static description as part of the process definition. At runtime, tasks result(起源于) in the creation of task instances. A task instance corresponds to(相应) one entry in a person's task list.

With jBPM, push and pull model (see below) of task assignment can be applied in combination. The process can calculate(考虑) the responsible for a task and push it in his/her tasklist. Or alternatively(作为选择), a task can be assigned to a pool of actors, in which case each of the actors in the pool can pull the task and put it in the actor's personal tasklist.  {这里提到了一个行为池的概念 pool of actors}

9.3.1. Assignment interfaces
Assigning task instances is done via the interface AssignmentHandler: {任务实例分派是依靠AssignmentHandler来实现的}

public interface AssignmentHandler extends Serializable {
  void assign( Assignable assignable, ExecutionContext executionContext );
An assignment handler implementation is called when a task instance is created. At that time, the task instance can be assigned to one or more actors. The AssignmentHandler implementation should call the Assignable methods (setActorId or setPooledActors) to assign a task. The Assignable is either a TaskInstance or a SwimlaneInstance (=process role).

Assignable 流程角色:TaskInstance  SwimlaneInstance

public interface Assignable {
  public void setActorId(String actorId);
  public void setPooledActors(String[] pooledActors);

Both TaskInstances and SwimlaneInstances can be assigned to a specific user or to a pool of actors. To assign a TaskInstance to a user, call Assignable.setActorId(String actorId). To assign a TaskInstance to a pool of candidate(侯选) actors, call Assignable.setPooledActors(String[] actorIds).

分配给一个用户       Assignable.setActorId(String actorId);
分配给一个侯选用户池 Assignable.setPooledActors(String[] actorIds);

Each task in the process definition can be associated with an assignment handler implementation to perform the assignment at runtime.

When more then one task in a process should be assigned to the same person or group of actors, consider the usage of a swimlane


To allow for the creation of reusable AssignmentHandlers, each usage of an AssignmentHandler can be configured in the processdefinition.xml. See Section 13.2, “Delegation(委托)” for more information on how to add configuration to assignment handlers.

9.3.2. The assignment data model
The datamodel for managing assignments of task instances and swimlane instances to actors is the following. Each TaskInstance has an actorId and a set of pooled actors.

The actorId is the responsible for the task, while the set of pooled actors represents a collection of candidates that can become responsible if they would take the task. Both actorId and pooledActors are optional and can also be combined.

Pull model(拉模式)
On the other hand, the tasks of pooled tasks for a given user are the tasks for which the given user is referenced in the pooled actors.
Fetching the list of pooled tasks is typically a two step operation :
1) get all the groups for the given user from the identity component. and
2) get the list of all pooled tasks for the combined set of the user's actorId and the actorId's that reference the users' groups.
 Getting the list of pooled tasks that are offered to a given user can be done with the methods TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstances(String actorId) or TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstances(List actorIds). These methods will only return task instances for which the actorId is null and one of the given actorIds matches one of the pooled actors.

TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstance(String actorId)
TaskMgmtSession.findPooledTaskInstance(List actorIds)

To prevent multiple users working on the same pooled task, it is sufficient to update the actorId of the TaskInstance with the user's actorId. After that, the task instance will not appear in the list of pooled tasks, but only in the user's personal task list. Setting the actorId of a taskInstance to null will put the task instance back in the pooled tasks.

posted @ 2005-06-15 11:18 java世界畅谈 阅读(1554) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

9.2. Task instances|任务实例|
A task instance can be assigned to an actorId (java.lang.String).|任务实例被分派给一个行为ID。| All task instances are stored in one table of the database (JBPM_TASKINSTANCE).|所有的实例都被存储在数据库的一个表格里(JBPM_TASKINSTANCE)。| By querying this table for all task instances for a given actorId, you get the task list for that perticular user. |通过查询这个行为ID表的所有任务实例的表,你得到指定用户的任务列表。|

The jBPM task list mechanism can combine jBPM tasks with other tasks, even when those tasks are unrelated to a process execution.|jBPM任务列表机制可以与其它任务结合jBPM任务,甚至当这些任务与一个流程执行无关。| That way jBPM developers can easily combine jBPM-process-tasks with tasks of other applications in one centralized task-list-repository.|那种方法jBPM开发人员可以和容易的使jBPM流程任务在一个集中的任务列表库与其他程序中的任务|

9.2.1. Task instance life cycle |任务实例生命周期|
The task instance lifecycle is straightforward: After creation, task instances can optionally be started.|任务生命周期是 简单的:在创建之后,任务实例可以随意地被开始。| Then, task instances can be ended, which means that the task instance is marked as completed.|接着,任务实例可能被结束,它意味着任务实例已经被标志已完成。|

Note that for flexibility, assignment is not part of the life cycle.|注意适应性、委派不是生命周期的一部分。| So task instances can be assigned or not assigned.|所有任务实例可能被委派也可能不被委派。| Task instance assignment does not have an influence on the task instance life cycle.|任务实例委派不影响任务实例的生命周期。|

Task instances are typically created by the process execution entering a task-node (with the method TaskMgmtInstance.createTaskInstance(...)).|任务实例被进入一个任务节点流程执行代典型的创建(使用TaskMgmtInstance.createInstance(...)方法)| Then, a user interface component will query the database for the tasklists using the TaskMgmtSession.findTaskInstancesByActorId(...).|接着一个用户接口组件将要为任务列表查询数据库使用TaskMgmtSession.findTaskInstancesByActorId(...)| Then, after collecting input from the user, the UI component calls TaskInstance.assign(String), TaskInstance.start() or TaskInstance.end(...).|接着,在收集从用户收入之后,这个UI组件调用TaskIntsance.assign(String),TaskInstance.start() 或者 TaskInstance.end(...)。|

A task instance maintains it's state by means of date-properties : create, start and end.|一个任务实例依靠日期属性维护它的状态:创建、开始、结束。| Those properties can be accessed by their respective getters on the TaskInstance.|这些属性可以通过它们的各自在任务实例上的的getters被访问。|

Currently, completed task instances are marked with an end date so that they are not fetched with subsequent queries for tasks lists.|通常地,完成的任务实例被标志为结束状态,所以他们并不通过对任务列表的子查询获得。| But they remain in the JBPM_TASKINSTANCE table.|但是他们仍然保持在JBPM_TASKINGSTANCE表中。|

9.2.2. Task instances and graph execution|任务实例和图表执行|
Task instances are the items in an actor's tasklist.|任务实例是在行动者的任务列表中的项目。| Task instances can be signalling.|任务实例可以被发信号的| A signalling task instance is a task instance that, when completed, can send a signal to its token to continue the process execution.|一个发信号的任务实例是一个这样的任务实例,当被完成时候,可以发送一个信号给它的令牌以继续流程的执行。| Task instances can be blocking, meaning that the related token (=path of execution) is not allowed to leave the task-node before the task instance is completed.|任务实例可以被模块化,意味着有关系的令牌(执行路径)在任务实例完成之前允许离开任务节点。| By default task instances are signalling and non-blocking. |缺省的任务实例是被信号化且非模块化的。|

In case more than one task instance are associated with a task-node, the process developer can specify how completion of the task instances affects continuation of the process.|万一超过一个的任务实例与一个任务节点关联,这个流程开发者可以定义 任务实例的完成如何影响流程的继续。| Following is the list of values that can be given to the signal-property of a task-node.|接下来是值的列表可以指定给节点的信号属性。|

last: This is the default.|最后:这是缺省的。| Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed.|当最后流程执行完毕,继续进行执行。| When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.|当在这个的节点的入口没有任务被创建,在任务节点中执行等待直到这些任务被创建。|
last-wait: Proceeds execution when the last task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution waits in the task node till tasks are created.
first: Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.
first-wait: Proceeds execution when the first task instance is completed. When no tasks are created on entrance of this node, execution is continued.
unsynchronized: Execution always continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.
never: Execution never continues, regardless wether tasks are created or still unfinished.
Task instance creation might be based upon a runtime calculation. In that case, add an ActionHandler on the node-enter event of the task-node and set the attribute create-tasks="false". Here is an example of such an action handler implementation:

public class CreateTasks implements ActionHandler {
  public void execute(ExecutionContext executionContext) throws Exception {
    Token token = executionContext.getToken();
    TaskMgmtInstance tmi = executionContext.getTaskMgmtInstance();
    TaskNode taskNode = (TaskNode) executionContext.getNode();
    Task changeNappy = taskNode.getTask("change nappy");

    // now, 2 task instances are created for the same task.
    tmi.createTaskInstance(changeNappy, token);
    tmi.createTaskInstance(changeNappy, token);
As shown in the example the tasks to be created can be specified in the task-node. They could also be specified in the process-definition and fetched from the TaskMgmtDefinition. TaskMgmtDefinition extends the ProcessDefinition with task management information.

The API method for marking task instances as completed is TaskInstance.end(). Optionally, you can specify a transition in the end method. In case the completion of this task instance triggers continuation of the execution, the task-node is left over the specified transition.

posted @ 2005-06-15 10:33 java世界畅谈 阅读(708) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

Task management『任务管理』
The core business of jBPM is the ability to persist the execution of a process. 『jBPM的核心业务是有能力持久化流程的执行。』A situation in which this feature is extremely useful is the management of tasks and tasklists for people.『在这特征中的一个解决方案对人们任务或者任务列表的管理是非常有用的』 jBPM allows to specify a piece of software describing an overall process which can have wait states for human tasks.『jBPM 允许定义一块软件描述全部的流程,它可以为用户任务持有等待状态』

1. Tasks『任务』
Tasks are part of the process definition and they define how task instances must be created and assigned during process executions.『任务是 流程定义的一部分,并且它们定义了在流程执行中任务实例如何必须被创建和分派。 』

Tasks can be defined in task-nodes and in the process-definition.『任务可以被定义在task-nodes和流程定义的中』 The most common way is to define one or more tasks in a task-node.『最通用的方式是在task-node中定义一个或多个任务。』 In that case the task-node represents a task to be done by the user and the process execution should wait until the actor completes the task.『如果是那样的话这个任务节点表现了一个任务被用户执行并且这个流程执行应当等待直到行动者完成。』 When the actor completes the task, process execution should continue.『当行动者完成这个任务,流程执行应该继续。』 When more tasks are specified in a task-node, the default behaviour is to wait for all the tasks to complete.『当在任务节点中定义多个任务,缺省行为是等待所有所有任务完成。』

Tasks can also be specified on the process-definition.『任务也可以被定义在流程定义中。』 Tasks specified on the process definition can be looked up by name and referenced from within task-nodes or used from inside actions.『定义在流程定义中的任务可以通过名字查找和从任务节点内部参考或者从内部行为中使用。』 In fact, all tasks (also in task-nodes) that are given a name can be looked up by name in the process-definition. 『实际上,所有的任务(在任务节点中的也一样)可以在流程定义通过名字进行查找』

Task names must be unique in the whole process definition.『任务名称在整个流程定义中必须是不能重复的』


posted @ 2005-06-14 23:03 java世界畅谈 阅读(838) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

(2)plain java   JBpm对象模型  定义 执行 日志
(3)DataBase  定义 执行 日志
A process definition can be represented in 3 different forms : as xml, as java objects and as records in the jBPM database. Executional (=runtime) information and logging information can be represented in 2 forms : as java objects and as records in the jBPM database.{一个流程定义可以表现为三种不同的形态:XML 、java对象和jBpm数据库中的记录。执行(运行)信息和日志信息可以表现为两种形态:java对象和jBpm数据库中的记录}

For more information about the xml representation of process definitions and process archives, see Chapter 13, jBPM Process Definition Language (JPDL).{Process Definition Language JPDL}

This chapter will discuss the transformations done between the java objects and the jBPM database. To store java objects in the database and retrieve them, jBPM uses hibernate internally. While it is not strictly necessary to have hibernate knowledge for using jBPM, it is recommended. {这个章节将要讨论在java对象和jBPM数据库之间的转换。为了在数据库中存储对象和获取他们,jBPM使用内部使用了Hibernate。当然不是在使用jBPM中严格要拥有Hibernate的知识,它是建议的}

More information on how to deploy a process archive to the database can be found in Section 13.1.1, “Deploying a process archive” .


(四) The jBPM database classes

The jBPM persistence operations can be found in the named sessions like e.g. GraphSession, TaskMgmtSession and ContextSession,... The named sessions can be obtained from a JbpmSession. The JbpmSession in its turn can be obtained from a JbpmSessionFactory. {jBPM持久层操作可以发现被命名为sessions,例如想GraphSession TaskMgmtSession和ContextSession.... 这个命名sessions可以从JbpmSession中获得。JbmpSession可以从JbpmSessionFactory中获得}

A JbpmSessionFactory is threadsafe so in your application, you need one JbpmSessionFactory. That singleton can be referenced e.g. in a static variable with lazy initialization (beware about the issues around lazy initialization and double-checked locking). At creation time, the JbpmSessionFactory prepares all information in a way that JbpmSessions can be created super fast. {一个JbpmSessionFactory在你的程序中是线程安全的,你仅仅需要一个JbpmSessionFactory. 那个单例可以被参考在例如在lazy初始化下的静态变量(小心发布在Lazy 初始化并且双层检查锁定。在创建时刻,JbpmSessionFactory 在某种程度准备所有信息那样可以被快速创建)}

As a user, you should create one JbpmSession per thread or per request. The JbpmSession has a JDBC connection to the database. {作为一个用户,你应该创建一个JbpmSession 每一个线程或每一次请求。JbpmSession拥有一个连接数据库的Jdbc连接。}

The purpose of the JbpmSession and JbpmSessionFactory is only to wrap their hibernate counterparts. For advanced features such as detached objects or optimistic locking, see the hibernate documentation. {这个JbpmSession和JbpmSessionFactory的目的仅仅是为了包装Hibernate 副本。 对于高级特征 例如分离对象或乐观锁,看hibernate文档。}

public class PersistenceApiTest extends TestCase {

  static JbpmSessionFactory jbpmSessionFactory = JbpmSessionFactory.buildJbpmSessionFactory();

  public void testStartProcessInstance() {
    // obtain a session
    JbpmSession jbpmSession = jbpmSessionFactory.openJbpmSession();
    try {
      // start a user managed transaction

      // load information from the database
      // (note that process definitions will be cached in memory
      // in the second level cache of hibernate)
      ProcessDefinition auctionProcess =

      // perform a POJO workflow operation on the plain object model.
      ProcessInstance auctionInstance = new ProcessInstance(auctionProcess);
      // store the result in the database
      // commit the user transaction

    } finally {
      // close the session.

posted @ 2005-06-14 18:04 java世界畅谈 阅读(1826) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

      <transition to="s"/>
   <state name="s">
      <transition to="end">
         <action class="com....MyActionHandler"/>
   <end-state name="end"/>
      <transition to="s"/>
   <state name="s">
      <event type="node-enter">
         <action calss="com....MyActionHandler"/>
      <event type="node-leave">
         <action calss="com....MyActionHandler"/>
      <transition to="end"/>     
   <end-state name="end"/>
<process-definition name="the baby process">
      <transition name="baby cries" to="t"/>
   <task-node name="t">
      <task name="change nappy">
         <assignment class="com....NappyAssignmentHandler"/>
      <transition to="end" />
   <end-state name="end"/>

posted @ 2005-06-06 17:07 java世界畅谈 阅读(1363) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

JBPM_ACTION                                 action记录表
JBPM_DELEGATION                        委托表
JBPM_EVENT                                    事件表 处理进入或者离开事件
JBPM_ID_GROUP                             用户组表
JBPM_ID_MEMBERSHIP                 用户成员表   表现用户和组之间的多对多关系
JBPM_ID_PERMISSIONS                用户权限表
JBPM_ID_USER                                用户表
JBPM_MODULEINSTANCE            模块实例表
JBPM_NODE                                     流程节点表
JBPM_POOLEDACTOR                   汇集参与着表
JBPM_PROCESSFILE                       流程文件表
JBPM_RUNTIMEACTION               运行中行为表
JBPM_SCRIPTVARIABLES             脚本变量表
JBPM_SWIMLANE                          泳道表
JBPM_TASK                                     任务表
JBPM_TASKACTORPOOL             用户行为汇总
JBPM_TASKINSTANCE                 任务实例
JBPM_TIMER                                   计时表
JBPM_TOKEN                                 令牌表
JBPM_TRANSITION                        转换表
posted @ 2005-06-06 13:27 java世界畅谈 阅读(2627) | 评论 (8)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2005-06-06 13:02 java世界畅谈 阅读(831) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏