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TriggerListeners and JobListeners
Listeners are objects that you create to perform actions based on events occuring within the scheduler. As you can probably guess, TriggerListeners receive events related to trigger,and JobListners receive events related to jobs.

Trigger-related events include: trigger firings,trigger mis-firings(discussed in the "Triggers" sections of this document),and trigger completions (the jobs fired off by the trigger is finished).

To create a listener,simply create an object the implements either the org.quartz.TriggerListener and/or org.quartz.JobListener interface. Listeners are then registered with the scheduler during run time ,and must be given a name(or rather ,they must advertise their own name via their getName()method.  Listeners can be registered as either "global" or "non-global". Global listeners receive events for ALL triggers/jobs, and non-global listeners receive events only for the specific triggers/jobs that explicitely name the listener in their getTriggerListenerNames() or getJobListenerNames() properties.

Listeners are not used by most users of Quartz,but are handy when application requirements create the need for the notification of events,without the Job itself explicitly nofifying the application.

posted on 2005-07-20 21:27 java世界畅谈 阅读(416) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Spring

