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The Drools move to JBoss really is a good thing for everyone, with no down sides, key Drools developers were consulted throughout the process and all are more than happy with the situation.


Rule engines are a specialised field, this is recognised by JBoss, and they trust us as the experts so we retain full control of development. I now get to work full time on Drools and we will hopefully be hiring another full time Drools developer. Bob McWhirter will continue to be involved in Drools, in an official JBoss capacity under a part time basis, as he continues to have other responsibilities. This will really accelerate the development process; which benefits everyone.
Rule引擎是一个专门的领域,这是被JBoss承认,并且它们信任我们作为专家,所以我们保留所有的开发控制。我现在开始在Drools上全职开发并且我们将希望雇佣其他全职的Drools开发者。Bob McWhirter将继续保持在Drools,在一个官方的JBoss地位 under a part time basis,所以他继续拥有其他责任。他们将真正的促进开发流程;我们收益于每个人。

Drools will continue to work as a standalone product, as part of the JBoss JEMS stack. We will of course work on great JBoss AS integration, especially with jBPM - however we will continue to fully support other AS. I want Drools to be used absolutely everywhere and will do everything I can to achieve this; I want NO artificial barriers to adoption - this has always been important to me and the main reason for not going LGPL. The license will stay BSDish, although we may change it to a standardised BSD/ASF/MIT license ?this has been planned for a while and will help to avoid confusion.

Drools将继续作为一个独立的项目工作,作为JBoss JEMS stack的一部分。我们将当然继续工作JBoss AS 集成,特别是jBPM-然而我们将继续全面支持其他AS.我想让Drools用来被使用绝对每个地方并且做我可以去完成这个的任何事情;我想没有假的障碍来采用--这总是对我来说很重要并且没有进行LGPL的主要原因。这个license仍然逗留在BSDish,虽然我们可以修改他成一个标准化的BSD/ASF/MIT 的license?这已经计划了一段时间并且帮助我们避免混乱。

Now that Drools is part of JBoss we can work on strong jBPM integration. We will bring standardised and easily understandable solutions to Workflow/BPM and Business Rules integration to the masses. I have already met with Tom Baeyens and we have identified some initial areas to work on for our first product release in Q1 2006. This is exciting work and will provide new ways of being able to build better affordable solutions without the high costs of existing specialised systems.

On a more personal note neither I nor Bob McWhirter are corporate type people, in fact Bob is famous for it!!! I would not have joined JBoss without full autonomy in an environment that would fully support my vision and the Drools community. We expected JBoss to take bully boy tactics in negotiations; however they were quite the contrary - this was unexpected and very refreshing and one of the key factors in my decision. Throughout the entire process they were surprisingly flexible; they listened to all our concerns and responded supportively - this was especially demonstrated in licensing talks, I hope the community takes note of that. While JBoss would have liked us to LGPL they respected our reasoning and never put any undue pressure on us. Since joining I have been continually asked about community feedback and response from all key JBoss people, Marc Fleury has taken a personal interest in this and repeatedly asked me if there is anything more he can do. This concern has been truly genuine and very much appreciated by me. Luckily the response has been great; we have had overwhelmingly positive feedback, especially once we clarified the licensing.

It would take 24+ months for a small company without an existing track record or infrastructure to try and build a strong brand around Drools, with all the support/consultancy/training/partner infrastructure that is needed for enterprise systems - this is a huge risk and one that I and Iterion were very much aware of. With JBoss we can achieve these in 6 months to a far greater effect, with negligible risk; as JBoss depends heavily on partners this will result in a larger ROI, due to scaling, with far less risk for them.


posted on 2005-10-13 23:54 java世界畅谈 阅读(648) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: JBOSS

