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In software development, a framework is a defined support structure in which other project can be organized and developed. A framework typically consists of several smaller components; support programs, libraries, and a scripting language. There may also be other software involved to aid in development and meshing of the different components of a project. As you can see, dojo could be part of a framework, but it isn't a framework in itself.

在软件开发中,一个框架是一个被定义的支持结构,在其中其他项目可以被组织和开发。一个框架代表性地包含需要小的组件、支持程序、类库、和一个脚本 语言。这些也可能是其他软件包括帮助开发和不同的项目组件编制。如你看到的,dojo可能是框架的一部分,但是本质上它本身不是一个框架。


A library is defined as a collection of related functions and subroutines used to develop software. They are distinguished from executables in that they are not independant programs; rather, they are "helper" code that provide access to common functions in one easy to manage location. After reading this you are probably saying, "Hey! dojo is a collection of libraries!", and you would be correct; however, dojo is much more than just a collection of libraries.
库被定义为一个相关功能和被用来开发软件的子程序的集合。他们区别于执行,在其中他们不是独立的程序;更适合的,他们是“助手”代码,用来支持通过通用 成为一体的功能容易来进行管理。在读完这些,你可能说,“嗨!dojo是一个库的集合”,你可能是正确的,然而,dojo不仅仅是做为一个库的集合。


Now on to toolkits. A toolkit is generally used in reference to graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits. Basically, a library that is mainly focused on creating a GUI. Yes, dojo could also fall under this category, in fact our name implies it. Why do we call dojo a toolkit? Certainly not because it focuses mainly on GUI development, right? Well quite simply, because dojo is so much more than just a collection of libraries.

现在说说toolkits. 一个工具通常被用在参考图形用户界面工具。基础地,一个类库主要集中在创建一个GUI。是地,dojo可被归入这个类别,实际上我们命名暗示了它,为什么 我们叫dojo是一个工具?当然不是因为它主要集中在GUI开发,正确么?很好,其实很简单,因为pojo不仅仅是一个库的集合。

posted on 2006-05-05 13:22 java世界畅谈 阅读(972) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Javascript

