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The JBoss server configuration directory structure
conf   The conf dirctory contains the jboss-service.xml bootstrap descriptor file for a given server configuration. This defines the core services that fixed for the lifetime of the server.
data   The data directory is avaliable for use by services that want to store cotent in the file system.
deploy  The delploy dirctory is the default location the hot deployment service looks to for dynamic deployment content. This may be overridden through the URLDeployScanner URLs attribute.
log     The log directory is the directory log files are wrriten to. Thie may be overridden through the conf/log4j.xml configuration file.
tmp     The tmp directory is used by JBoss to store temporarily files such as unpacked deployments.
posted @ 2006-03-23 13:36 java世界畅谈 阅读(522) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

A  web browser provides two input mechanisms out of the box:hyperlinks and

HTML forms.

Second, the requests themselves are asynchronous,meaning that the

contextual links, zoom control , and the other page features remain

accessible while the map is gathering new data.

The four main components of Ajax:Javascript defines business rules and

program flow. The Document Object Model and Cascading Style Sheets allow

the application to reorgnize its appearance in response to data feteched in

the background from the server by the XMLHttpRequest object or its close


We've hightlighted a few more here , to demonstrate the breadth of concerns

to which CSS can be applied:
(1)on-screen placement
(2)texturing elements
(3)assisting in layout of elements
(4)placing text relative to accompanying graphics

The DOM presents an HTML document as a tree structure , with each element

representing a tag in the HTML markup.

Working with the DOM using Javascript

An Example:
   var hello=document.getElementById('hello');

   var empty = document.getElementById('empty');
   addNode(empty,"reader of");
   addNode(empty,"Ajax in action");

   var children = empty.childNodes;
   for (var i=0;i<children.length;i++){
   }'solid green 2px';'200px';

function addNode(el,text){
   var childEl = document.createElement('div'); --create new element
   var txtNode=document.createTextNode(txt); --create text element

A third method worth mentioning allows us to make a shortcut through

documets that we haven't tagged with unique IDs. DOM nodes can also be
searched for based on their HTML tag type,usinf getElementByTagName(). For

example , document.getElementByTagName('UL') will return an array of all

<UL> tags in the document.


Adding styles to your document:
hello.className='declared';"solid green 2px";


refactoring 重构

Working with DOM elements
A web page is exposed to Javascript through the Document Object Model

(DOM),a tree-like structure whose elements correspond to the tags of an

HTML document. When manipulating a DOM tree progarmmatically ,it is quite

common to want to find out an element's position on the page.

Unfortunately,browser vendors have provided various nonstandard methods for

doing so over the years,making it diffcult to write fail-safe cross-browser

code to accommplish the task.

window.onloadListeners = new Array();

   for(var i=0;i<window.onloadListeners.length;i++){
     var func = window.onloadListeners[i];

Reusing user action handlers:命令模式

function buttonOnClickHandler(event){
  var data = new Array();
  var newRow = createTableRow(dataTable);
  for (var i=0;i<data.length;i++){

Keeping only one reference to a resource:Singleton pattern

function TradingMode(){



TradingMode.instance = new TradingMode();

var TradingMode={









Scriptaculous、Rico和Rubt on Rail.

function Vehicle(numWheels,maxSpeed){
  this.numWheels = numWheels;
  this.maxSpeed = maxSpeed;



var passTrain = new Vehicle(24,100);
passTrain.carriageCount = 12;
passTrain.addCarriage = function(){





function CarriagePuller(carriageCount){
  this.carriageCount = carriageCount;

var parent = new Vehicle(24,100);
var extension = new CarriagePuller(12);
var passTrain = Object.extend(parent,extension);








,例如: var req = new Ajax.Request('myData.xml');




The View in an Ajax application
Keepling the logic out of the View 将View分离出logic

The Rico framework has a concept of Behavior objects that target specific

sections of a DOM tree and add interactivity to them.

Keeping the view out of logic


posted @ 2006-02-22 18:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(608) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

10条通向快速Web 站点现实的步骤
   60-100K 页面大小 保持教小的文件
  避免join. 查询缓存
10. 增加服务器
posted @ 2006-02-11 13:48 java世界畅谈 阅读(404) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏


Ten good practices for writing JavaScript in 2005

1. Make sure your JavaScript code is in balance with its environment

Web Standards are a three-legged stool, or without metaphors(暗喻), a threesome(三人一组) of technologies that should live together in harmony(和睦相处). (X)HTML adds structure and semantics to your content, CSS is responsible for (为...负责)its presentation, and the DOM provides an interface to add behavior. You keep your Web pages flexible (or: easier to understand, maintain, restyle<改变样式> and update behavior) by separating all three layers; structure and content from presentation, structure and content from behavior and presentation from behavior. To accomplish this, try to avoid inline behavior and use unobtrusive techniques instead.

主要表述了三种技术的综合使用,html为细节结构和语法 css为表现负责  dom支持增加事件行为的接口。

When you attach behavior on page load, you may have to work around some known issues. First, you may encounter differences in cross-browser event handling. Second, make sure you don't overwrite existing onload handlers. Last, but not least, you may encounter a delay in the attachment of your behavior. The underlying (潜在的)problem is that a window onload event will only execute after the whole document, including all page assets like images and objects, is loaded. If your script needs to respond immediately after an element has loaded or if you work with a lot of content, a series of images or a slow server, you may be forced to look for a solution. You can either hide your content until the behavior is attached or attach the behavior via a script call after your elements are loaded, like at the end of the body element.

Choose your markup wisely, so you can take full advantage of the power of the DOM.<充分利用dom的力量> For example, when you use nested lists to build a navigation bar, you can use the structure of the DOM tree instead of a replicated(复制) structure in arrays.<list dom tree> Scripting should be avoided in some cases where you can use markup or CSS to create behavior. This may sound a bit contradictory(反对), however built-in behavior enabled by (X)HTML attributes (e.g. disabling a form field or setting a max length on an input field) and CSS pseudo-classes (e.g. when building rollovers or drop downs) are regarded to be wider supported and easier to implement than using JavaScript. ToughQuiz on Quirksmode illustrates the discussion and the fine line between the uses of CSS generated content and regular markup and behavior.

In those cases where CSS currently lacks<缺乏> cross-browser support or is missing features for adding presentation, DOM based scripting can supplement<补充> CSS. Presentational scripting will probably be replaced in a few years, when browsers have better CSS2.1 compliance<顺从> and with the support of CSS3. Please realize that, because of the interrelationship<相互影响> of the different Web Standards and because both Web Standards and Web clients are constantly evolving<进化>, some good practices for using the DOM and JavaScript will change over time<随着时间的过去>.

2. Create accessible<可理解的、易受影响的> JavaScript

JavaScript is accessible when a page's navigation, content and main functionality (e.g. submitting a form) is available to your whole target audience, independent of their Web client or input device. This includes:

  • People who use assistive<帮助> technologies, like screen readers
  • People who don't use a mouse for navigation
  • People who have no JavaScript support (e.g. some mobile clients), have JavaScript disabled, or have partial<部分的> DOM or JavaScript support
  • Machines, like search engines

The most common way to create accessible JavaScript is to use unobtrusive techniques that are mouse independent and enhance your already accessible markup with behavior. Progressive enhancement and its predecessor graceful degradation are good strategies to create Web pages that are accessible to the most common denominator, while providing a better user experience for a smaller group of people with more advanced devices or Web clients. No matter what strategy you use, make sure that you always design for multiple scenarios.

3. Create usable(便于使用的) JavaScript

The usability of a Web page is often determined by a good information architecture, clear and intuitive(直觉的) visual design and well designed functionality. One of the main arguments to enhance your markup using unobtrusive JavaScript is to improve the usability of a Web page by supporting these usability attributes. If you add JavaScript and don't enhance the usability of a Web page, you should rethink if you should apply it at all.

4. Create easy applicable(可适用的) JavaScript

Unobtrusive scripting bridges the gap between 'designers' and 'coders'. There is a big group of people in today's industry that does know how to write (X)HTML and CSS but doesn't feel very comfortable with the DOM and JavaScript. Unobtrusive behavior introduced a mechanism to easily apply small portable scripts to a Web page: "Just make sure your markup looks like A, include this script B, and as a result you have a page that can do C".

Try to create small pieces of independent code. The disadvantages of a lot of existing JavaScript code libraries are that you often have to include a lot more code than you really need and that they are harder to understand and maintain if you didn't create them yourself. Because the functions in these libraries are often grouped and reused by other scripts, it often feels like they are spaghetti-coded. A library with small unobtrusive scripts has the advantage of being light-weight, easy to be understood and easy to be adjusted for more specific implementations.

Create reusable code. If you find yourself duplicating code snippets(片段), create functions. If you find yourself duplicating(复制) similar code snippets, try to abstract your code to the level that you can reuse it for multiple purposes.

Document your code well. If you work together with other people, like to share your code with others, or still want to know why you did certain things one year from now, good documentation is key.

5. Create future-proof JavaScript

Avoid browser detection, because it is almost impossible to maintain in the future. Feature testing or object detection offers a browser independent and future-proof technique to test to what extent your Web client supports JavaScript.

XHTML (if not used in backwards-compatible mode) introduces media type application/xhtml+xml (currently unsupported by Internet Explorer), which has a huge impact on how we write JavaScript code:

  • The HTML DOM is case-insensitive, the XML DOM is case-sensitive (区分大小写)
  • Elements need to be referenced in lowercase, e.g. document.getElementsByTagName("p")
  • document.body is deprecated, instead reference it by id or use document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0)
  • Collections like document.images, document.applets, document.links, document.forms and document.anchors do not exist when serving XHTML as XML, instead use document.getElementsByTagName()
  • innerHTML and document.write cannot be used anymore, instead use DOM methods, e.g. document.createElementNS("", "div")

If you want to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest developments, there are a lot of initiatives from different organisations that will impact the ways we use JavaScript and the DOM in the near future:

  • W3C
    • DOM 3 provides further XML and XPath integration
    • XHTML 2 includes XML Events, which introduces a declarative way to hook up event observers via markup, and XForms, which will change the way how we add behavior to forms
    • CSS3 introduces new pseudo-elements
  • ECMA
  • Browser vendors
    • Standards support, e.g. at the moment it is still a big question if Microsoft will ever fully support existing Web Standards and is going to support future standards
    • The addition of proprietary methods and attributes, e.g. innerHTML, Microsoft.XMLHTTP and XMLHttpRequest
    • Collaborations like the WHAT WG aimed to create new standards in shorter timeframes, e.g. the submission of Web Forms 2 to become a W3C recommendation and Web Applications, which in the future may standardise XMLHttpRequest

6. Know JavaScript's weaknesses(弱点), limitations(限制) and bugs

Although JavaScript is generally well supported by most modern Web clients, support still remains its biggest weakness. Because from the first days of the Web users were often harassed(疲倦的) by all kinds of annoying(讨厌的) behavior, browser makers decided to make it easy to switch JavaScript off (Windows XP Service Pack 2 even disables some JavaScript by default, because it regards it as active scripting). If you compare JavaScript with its little stepbrother ActionScript (which is supported when the Flash plug-in is installed and cannot be switched off), you will find that the main difference is that you can rely on its behavior to accomplish certain tasks. Because it is just too easy to switch JavaScript off, simple tasks like form validation always need to be duplicated at the server side. It will be for this reason that in the future most client-side form validation will be replaced by markup and 'built-in behavior'.

As mentioned earlier, the onload event handler is insufficient to get the best out of unobtrusive techniques. I hope that the people of the W3C will respond to this feedback from the JavaScript community and add new handlers like onElementLoad and onDOMLoad to future DOM specifications.

The JavaScript implementations of Internet Explorer and Safari suffer from memory leaks when using circular references like closures. When using circular references, make sure you remove event handlers when a page is unloaded.

7. Often there is more than one good solution

JavaScript is a very flexible language and as a result you often have multiple ways of doing things. You could choose for either a procedural(程序上) or an object oriented way of coding. For your unobtrusive behavior you can either use custom attributes or use class attributes as triggers to fully control the behavior of your site. Flexibility implies that you have to make certain choices, however often one solution is not necessarily better or worse than another. Base your decisions on the context in which you have to use your scripts and your own philosophy or taste and try to use a consistent coding style.

8. Write your own scripts or reuse code from trusted places

Currently a lot of outdated(过期的) and badly written code is available on the Internet. Many scripts are plagued by browser detection, are using proprietary features that don't work cross-browser, are inaccessible or are not separating behavior from structure, because they rely on inline event handlers and scripts. It seems that Web Standards, Web clients and the practice of writing good JavaScript have evolved so quickly in the past two years, that it is hard to keep up with the latest good practices. This on its turn makes it hard to reuse code from others or reuse code you wrote yourself a year ago. Because some parts of older scripts may still contain valid code constructs, it is best to review them and rewrite the parts that don't suffice anymore. You will probably often find that a complete rewrite will do best.

So how do less experienced DOM and JavaScript users tell the difference between good and bad code on the Internet? There are some experts on the Internet that advocate modern ways of scripting and there are communities that discuss and rate new scripts and techniques. Some examples are:

DHTML Utopia: Modern Web Design Using JavaScript & DOM is the first title of a new range of books focusing on the application of modern JavaScript and unobtrusive scripting techniques.

9. Optimize your JavaScript code for performance

Optimize your scripts for both download speed and execution speed. <下载速度和执行速度>Some tips:

  • Avoid fat code libraries and make sure your scripts stay lean and mean (or: small, independent and straightforward)
  • Write efficient code and avoid constructs that execute slow
  • Keep developer versions of your scripts that include full comments and use a compression<压缩> tool (like JavaScript cruncher or JavaScript Crunchinator) to strip out all comments and white-spaces to create a version for deployment.

10. Use tools to optimize your work process

A selection of tools that make life much easier:

  • Mozilla or Firefox browser
    • Includes the good old Netscape JavaScript console by default (Tools > Web Development > JavaScript Console for Mozilla and Tools > JavaScript Console for Firefox), e.g. to view errors and warnings that make sense
    • The Web Developer Toolbar extension, e.g. to quickly enable or disable your scripts
    • The Mozilla DOM Inspector and the Firefox DOM Inspector extension, to inspect and edit the live DOM of any Web document
    • Venkman, the JavaScript debugger (the Venkman extension for Firefox)
  • JSDoc, a tool that parses inline documentation in JavaScript source files, and produces an HTML summary
  • JSLint, a JavaScript verifier to check for syntax and programming errors.


posted @ 2006-02-08 23:06 java世界畅谈 阅读(528) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

to help software teams build products that customers want to buy.

2 parts requirements management
1 part development expricence
1 part commerical practices
1 part marketing(measure close carefully)


posted @ 2006-01-25 16:01 java世界畅谈 阅读(333) | 评论 (1)编辑 收藏

The Navigator object (named after the Netscape web browser, of course) has variables that specify the name and version of the browser that is running, as well as variables that identify the platform on which it is running. These variables allow scripts to customize their behavior based on browser or platform, so that they can take advantage of extra capabilities supported by some versions or work around bugs that exist on some platforms.

   The string that the browser sends in its USER-AGENT HTTP header.This property typically contains all the information in both appName and appVersion.

 this.isIE = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("msie") >= 0;

posted @ 2006-01-14 09:55 java世界畅谈 阅读(360) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

name: Function.bindAsEventListener

This provides a new method to the core class Function. The method,called bindAsEventListener(),is used to do bind methods to event handlers.

这为核心class 函数支持了一个新的方法。这个方法叫bindAsEventListener(),是用来绑定方法给事件处理器的。
var obj = new SomeClass();
var closure = obj.someMethod.bindAsEventListener(this);
element.onclick = closure;

posted @ 2006-01-14 09:35 java世界畅谈 阅读(724) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

<Connector port="8080"
               maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
               enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
               connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" URIEncoding="utf-8"/>
    <!-- Note : To disable connection timeouts, set connectionTimeout value
     to 0 -->
     其中关键是增加:URIEncoding="utf-8" 这样中文名也就支持了
posted @ 2005-12-30 18:57 java世界畅谈 阅读(299) | 评论 (0)编辑 收藏

  这些天在细看《J2EE Development without EJB》书,感受颇多。说起来做J2EE方面开发也有几年,自己认为自己还是有一定实力的。但是看完以后,再针对我们项目的开发感觉很多地方做的确实有很多问题。因为一直都这样做,没有人提出异议。闷着头做事情,有时候确实不好,要交流,特别是要倾听那些经验丰富的前辈的教诲。

posted @ 2005-10-19 23:47 java世界畅谈 阅读(956) | 评论 (2)编辑 收藏

posted @ 2005-10-16 23:49 java世界畅谈 阅读(865) | 评论 (5)编辑 收藏

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