John Jiang

a cup of Java, cheers!

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ACE -- Adaptive Communication Environment
ACM -- Assocation for Computing Machinery(美国计算机协会)
AJAX -- Asynchronized JavaScript and XML
AOP -- Aspect-Oriented Programming
APT -- Annotation Processing Tool -- JDK中处理注释(元数据)的工具
APT -- Almost Plaint Text -- 类似于wiki的文本格式,更容易被使用
bash -- Bourne Again Shell -- Bourne Shell是Unix Shell,而bash可以与它兼容。
BIRT -- Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools
BOF -- Beginning Of File; Birds-of-a-Feather(非正式的讨论群组;物以类聚,人以群分)
CASE -- Computer Aided Software Engineering
CDC -- Connected Device Configuration -- 又见CLDC
CGI -- Common Gateway Interface
CLDC -- Connected Limited Device Configuration -- 又见CDC
CMM -- Capability Maturity Model for Software(软件能力成熟度模型)
DAO -- Data Access Object
DbC -- Dsign by Contract(按契约设计)
DRM -- Digital Rights Management(数字权限管理)
DST -- Daylight Saving Time(夏令时/夏制时)
DTD -- Document Type Definition(文档类型定义)
ear -- Enterprise ARchive(
ECF -- Eclipse Communication Framework
EMF -- Eclipse Modeling Framework
FAQ -- Frequently Asked Questions
FML -- FAQ Marked Language(一种用于管理FAQ的简单XML格式)
FTP -- File Transfer Protocol
GEF -- Graphicial Editing Framework
GIOP -- General Inter-ORB Protocol
GMT -- Greenwich Mean Time(格林威治标准时间)
GP -- Generation Programming(产生式编程)
GPA -- Grade Point Average
HTTP -- Hypertext Transfer Protocol
IDE -- Integrated Developement Environment
IDS -- Intrusion Detection System(入侵检测系统)
IFIP -- International Federation for Information Processing
IIOP -- Internet Inter-ORB Protocol
IoC -- Inversion of Control(反向控制)
JAAS -- Java Authentication and Authorization Service
JSSE -- Java Secure Socket Extension
James -- Java Apache Mail Enterprise Server
JCP -- Java Community Process
JSR -- Java Specification Request
LAMP -- Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP
MDA -- Model Drive Architecture
MIDP -- Mobile Information Device Profile
MOM -- Message-Oriented Middleware
N/A -- Not Available; Not Applicable
NASA -- National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NFS -- Network File System
OEM -- Original Equipment Manufacturer -- 原始设备制造商。但实际是指定牌加工,即“帖牌”。
OGNL -- Object Graph Navigation Language
OLAP -- Online Analytical Processing
OSGi -- Open Service Gateway initiative
PHP -- Hpertext Preprocessor
POJO -- Plaint Ordinary/Old Java Object
POM -- Project Object Model -- Maven的Build文件
QA -- Quality Assurance
QoS -- Quality of Service
RDF -- Resource Description Framework
REST -- Representational State Transfer
RIA -- Rich Internet Application
RSS -- Really Simple Syndication
SAX -- Simple API for XML
SCM --  Software Configuration Management
SCM -- Source Control Management
SGML -- Standard General Marked Language(标准通用标记语言)
SHA1 -- Secure Hash Algorithm 1
SNMP -- Simple Network Management Protocol
SOA -- Service-Oriented Architecture
SOAP -- Simple Inter-ORB Protocol
SODA -- Simple Object Database Access --
SOHO -- Small Office, Home Office
SSL -- Secure Sockets Layer
SSO -- Single Sign-On
TBD -- To Be Determined
TCP -- Transmission Control Protocol

TLD -- TagLib Difinition(标签库定义语言)
UDP -- User Datagram Protocol
URI -- Uniform Resource Indentifier(统一资源标识符)
URL -- Uniform Resource Locator(统一资源定位符)
UTF -- UCS Transformation Format(UCS定义的字符转换格式,如UTF-8)
W3C -- World Wide Web Consortium(万维网国际协会)
war -- Web ARchive -- 又见ear
WSAD -- WebSphere Studio Application Developer
XSD -- XML Schema Definition -- 又见DTD
XML -- eXtensiable Markup Language

posted on 2006-08-12 09:16 John Jiang 阅读(561) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Others

