John Jiang

a cup of Java, cheers!

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     摘要: Oracle OpenWorld 2013(上海)已经结束,我全程参与了此次技术大会。本文是我参会的所见、所闻、所思与所感,有文,有图,且无码。(2013.08.03最后更新)  阅读全文
posted @ 2013-08-02 11:50 John Jiang 阅读(1617) | 评论 (0)  编辑

     摘要: 最近有点儿闲,看了一些文章,有了一些感触,写成一篇小文。软件世界真的变化很大,没有永恒的终结者。今天的终结者,明天可能就会被别人终结。道理大家都懂,但现实依然很残酷。(2013.07.29最后更新)  阅读全文
posted @ 2013-07-14 11:15 John Jiang 阅读(2234) | 评论 (3)  编辑

     摘要: OpenWorld 2013(中国)将在七月的上海举行,日前已发布了是次大会的各个专题讲座。本文简介了若干我个人比较关注的主题与讲座,希望其他朋友也能感兴趣。(2013.06.06最后更新)  阅读全文
posted @ 2013-05-28 21:56 John Jiang 阅读(1934) | 评论 (0)  编辑

     摘要: There are many and many articles to represent how to customize layout manager. This essay just be simple study notes, which demonstrates how to layout UI components like piling up blocks or building Pyramid. It's very simple, but funny, maybe you're insterested in. (2012.07.17 last updated)  阅读全文
posted @ 2012-07-15 22:14 John Jiang 阅读(1114) | 评论 (3)  编辑