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The display tag library uses Maven for build and documentation and tries to conform to general Maven project layout. If you are used to working on a maven-driven project you should feel comfortable with it. Here is a description of the file and folder organization. The strong names refer to project specific setting/files.

Common Directory Layout

Directory or file name Content Comment
LICENSE.txt The license for the project. This file contains the license that applies to the project.
project.xml Maven project descriptor This file contains the basic project configuration for maven (project name, developers, urls, dependencies, etc).
project.properties A file defining project specific properties. This file can be used to override maven default properties for the core and properties for the various plugins. It can also be used to define any maven properties used by a project. The properties defined in this file should be applicable to most users of your project, as opposed to custom properties for a specific build/user which should be defined in ${project.home}/build.properties .
maven.xml Maven configuration for defining build goals This file contains the default maven goals for the project, plus added pre-post operations to be performed.
src/ Source code This is the main directory for all the source code, subdivided in subdirectory to separate different "kind" of code.
src/java Java source code This directory contains all the java source code both for the library and the example webapp.
src/webapp Example webapp source This directory contains all the code (JSP, images, web.xml configuration) for the example webapp.
src/tld tld This directory contains the tag library definition file (tld), which is added in the library jar and in the examples war during the build.
xdocs/ Documentation files in XML format. Maven projects use Jelly/JSL to transform documentation files in XML into HTML. Project documentation should be placed in this directory. Maven converts all XML files in this directory using JSL. Non-XML files (and directories) are copied without modification to permit the inclusion of "other" types of documentation (including images). The generated HTML files automatically inherit the Maven look-and-feel by default.
xdocs/navigation.xml Navigation links for site. Maven projects use Jelly stylesheets to transform documentation files in XML into HTML (XHTML for the most part). This file includes the navigation links that are added to each xdoc transformed in the xdocs directory.
checkstyle.xml Checkstyle configuration file Configuration file containing checkstyle settings used during generation of reports.

Maven-Generated Layout

Directory name Content Comment
target/ Contains compiled classes and JARs. The contents of the target/ directory should be enough to use the project. This directory contains the final JAR and WAR that are generated.
target/classes Contains compiled classes. The target/classes directory contains all compiled classes. This directory is used when packaging the final JAR for a project.
target/generated-docs Contains Maven generated xdocs. The target/generated-docs directory contains all of the Maven-generated xdocs. All content generated by Maven is first converted to xdoc format, so the same stylesheet used to transform the rest of the site can be used on generated content. The contents of this directory are transformed and stored in the docs/ directory.
target/docs Documentation files intended for the website publication. The docs/ directory contains only generated documentation that is intended to be published as the project's website. This directory includes the Velocity/DVSL generated HTML files, JavaDocs, cross-referenced sources, and various generated reports. Generally, all documentation is stored in the xdocs/ directory and then "transformed" into this directory. The specific documents that Maven generates are described below.
target/docs/index.html Starting point for browsing the documentation. Browsing the documentation locally should yield the same results as browsing the documentation on the project's home page.
target/docs/apidocs API documentation. Maven automatically generates JavaDocs for projects using the JavaDoc utility. Placing the API documentation under docs/apidocs/ makes it slightly easier for other documentation files under docs/ to reference API documentation and vice versa.
target/docs/xref Cross-referenced source code. Maven automatically generates cross-referenced source code that enables easy browsing of an entire source tree. Placing the cross-referenced sources under docs/xref/ makes it slightly easier for other documentation files under docs/ to reference API documentation and vice versa.
target/docs/mail-lists.html Mailing list documentation. Maven automatically generates a list of mailing lists based on the information provided in the project descriptor.
target/docs/team-list.html The list of project team members. Maven automatically generates a list of project team members based on the information provided in the project descriptor.
target/docs/dependencies.html The list of dependencies. Maven automatically generates a list of dependencies based on the information provided in the project descriptor.
target/docs/changelog.html The CVS change log. Maven automatically generates a change log from CVS log messages. This log is currently limited to the past 30 days (but will be configurable in the future).
target/docs/file-activity-report.html The File Activity Report. Maven automatically generates a log from your SCM listing file changes in the last 30 days.
target/docs/developer-activity-report.html The Developer Activity Report. Maven automatically generates a log from your SCM listing changes per developer in the last 30 days.
target/docs/jdepend-report.html Metric report. Maven automatically generates a report on various source code metrics. This report can provide further insight into a project.
target/docs/checkstyle-report.html Checkstyle report. Maven automatically generates a report on the results of Checkstyle. This report provides assurance that the coding conventions for your project are being followed.


全部report参考 Maven Generated Reports

posted on 2005-02-16 17:01 jinfeng_wang 阅读(706) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: maven

