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Why do I like TDD?

1) by the nature of software engineering any code needs refactoring. Having code covered with unit-tests, gives me confidence during the refactoring. I do not know any other reliable way of having the same kind of confidence. Without the confidence, I would be afraid to do refactorings often, which would make the software product of lesser quality.


2) Due to the nature of unit-tests (emphasize: unit), it is impossible to test a "badly-smelling" code. In order to be able to unit-test your code, it has to be cleaner, and better designed: short, focused methods, writing to Interfaces, lously coupled etc.


I think, this might not have been something that was foreseen initially but discovered later. My guess is, initially, people just wanted to make computer do what it is best for - repetitive work (in this case - testing) and have code test the application, not humans. But as a "byproduct" they noticed that testing requires design improvement, too. When they discovered it, somebody smart-enough had an idea - if it is so, why not write tests first? Design is supposed to come before the implementation and if tests affect design, it makes sense to write them before the implementation, too.



And the TDD started...




I think I agree with some of the objections raised with TDD, but the problem seems more with how people use it than a basic flaw in the concept. The 2 primary objections raised are:
1. There is a lot of test-centric coding with less focus on ensuring overall business requirement is fulfilled.
2. Developers seem to think that having run the product through the Unit tests ensures that the product is well-tested and production ready.

1、 存在着太多的“以测试为中心”的代码,而更少的关注于整体的业务需求。

All that TDD should be expected to do is run a sanity check at the end of a new build to ensure that the contracts that each unit of code is supposed to fulfill have not been broken. You still need to go through your entire QA cycle to ensure you have a functional product. So, the automated unit tests are just additional checks and do not replace QA. But, unfortunately I have seen situations where people believe that once they have a proper build and unit tested they can reduce the time they spend in QA. Not really true!!! It just ensures that if the unit tests were written properly, the quality of the code reaching QA will be a little better.

所有的TDD能做的是在整个项目构建结束之后完成一个检查工作,保证原有的单元之间的契约没用被打破。在项目构建完成后,还需要一个质量保证(quality assurance)的过程,以保证整个项目的功能。也就是说自动化测试只是一个附加的检查,而不是对质量保证的全盘替代。但不幸的是,我看到的人们却非如此。他们认为一旦单元测试成功,那么就可以减少QA上面的时间。但事实真的不是这样的。单元测试所能做倒的也仅在于单元测试已经很好的编写完成,代码的质量更容易达到QA的标准。

posted on 2005-03-09 14:11 jinfeng_wang 阅读(366) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Thinking

