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 * Copyright 2005, XX, Inc., China
 * All rights reserved.
 * XX's source code is an unpublished work and the use of a copyright notice does
 * not imply otherwise. This source code contains confidential, trade secret material of
 * XX, Inc. Any attempt or participation in deciphering, decoding, reverse engineering
 * or in any way altering the source code is strictly prohibited, unless the prior written
 * consent of XX, Inc. is obtained.

 * @author tony_bai
 * @date 2005-07-01
 * @brief the template for ANSI C
 *        header file

 * @revision
 *   @version 0.1
 *   @date 2005-08-01
 *   @Revisor tony_bai
 * @revision
 *   @version 0.2
 *   @date 2005-09-01
 *   @Revisor tony_bai

 * @glossary
 *   xx - xxxxx
 *   xx - xxxxx

 * @usage


#include <ANSI C Standard Library Header File>
#include <Operating System Library Header File>
#include "Your System Library Header File"

 * ####################
 * # global constants #
 * ####################

 * #################
 * # global macros #
 * #################

 * ##############################
 * # global abstract data types #
 * ##############################

 * ####################
 * # global variables #
 * ####################

 * #############
 * # externals #
 * #############

 * ###############################
 * # global functions prototypes #
 * ###############################



 * Copyright 2005, XX, Inc., China
 * All rights reserved.
 * XX's source code is an unpublished work and the use of a copyright notice does
 * not imply otherwise. This source code contains confidential, trade secret material of
 * XX, Inc. Any attempt or participation in deciphering, decoding, reverse engineering
 * or in any way altering the source code is strictly prohibited, unless the prior written
 * consent of XX, Inc. is obtained.

 * @author tony_bai
 * @date 2005-07-01
 * @brief the template for ANSI C
 *        source file

 * @revision
 *   @version 0.1
 *   @date 2005-08-01
 *   @Revisor tony_bai
 * @revision
 *   @version 0.2
 *   @date 2005-09-01
 *   @Revisor tony_bai

#include <ANSI C Standard Library Header File>
#include <Operating System Library Header File>
#include "Your System Library Header File"

 * ###################
 * # local constants #
 * ###################

 * ################
 * # local macros #
 * ################

 * #############################
 * # local abstract data types #
 * #############################

 * ###################
 * # local variables #
 * ###################

 * ##############################
 * # local functions prototypes #
 * ##############################

 * ####################################
 * # global functions implementations #
 * ####################################

 * ###################################
 * # local functions implementations #
 * ###################################

posted on 2007-05-22 13:23 jinfeng_wang 阅读(501) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: cppZZ

