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本文从Redis Sentinel集群选择Leader的具体流程和源码分析,描述Raft协议中的选举Leader算法。关于Redis Sentinel的介绍可以参看本人的另一篇文章《redis sentinel设计与实现》





Raft协议描述的节点共有三种状态:Leader, Follower, Candidate。在系统运行正常的时候只有Leader和Follower两种状态的节点。一个Leader节点,其他的节点都是Follower。Candidate是系统运行不稳定时期的中间状态,当一个Follower对Leader的的心跳出现异常,就会转变成Candidate,Candidate会去竞选新的Leader,它会向其他节点发送竞选投票,如果大多数节点都投票给它,它就会替代原来的Leader,变成新的Leader,原来的Leader会降级成Follower。







  • RequestVote是用来向其他节点发送竞选投票。
  • AppendEntries是当该节点得到更多的选票后,成为Leader,向其他节点确认消息。



  • 1、增加自己的term。
  • 2、启动一个新的定时器。
  • 3、给自己投一票。
  • 4、向所有其他节点发送RequestVote,并等待其他节点的回复。



每个节点在一个term内只能投一票,采取先到先得的策略,Candidate前面说到已经投给了自己,Follower会投给第一个收到RequestVote的节点。每个Follower有一个计时器,在计时器超时时仍然没有接受到来自Leader的心跳RPC, 则自己转换为Candidate, 开始请求投票,就是上面的的竞选Leader步骤。

如果多个Candidate发起投票,每个Candidate都没拿到多数的投票(Split Vote),那么就会等到计时器超时后重新成为Candidate,重复前面竞选Leader步骤。





  • 1、某个Sentinel认定master客观下线的节点后,该Sentinel会先看看自己有没有投过票,如果自己已经投过票给其他Sentinel了,在2倍故障转移的超时时间自己就不会成为Leader。相当于它是一个Follower。
  • 2、如果该Sentinel还没投过票,那么它就成为Candidate。
  • 3、和Raft协议描述的一样,成为Candidate,Sentinel需要完成几件事情
    • 1)更新故障转移状态为start
    • 2)当前epoch加1,相当于进入一个新term,在Sentinel中epoch就是Raft协议中的term。
    • 3)更新自己的超时时间为当前时间随机加上一段时间,随机时间为1s内的随机毫秒数。
    • 4)向其他节点发送is-master-down-by-addr命令请求投票。命令会带上自己的epoch。
    • 5)给自己投一票,在Sentinel中,投票的方式是把自己master结构体里的leader和leader_epoch改成投给的Sentinel和它的epoch。
  • 4、其他Sentinel会收到Candidate的is-master-down-by-addr命令。如果Sentinel当前epoch和Candidate传给他的epoch一样,说明他已经把自己master结构体里的leader和leader_epoch改成其他Candidate,相当于把票投给了其他Candidate。投过票给别的Sentinel后,在当前epoch内自己就只能成为Follower。
  • 5、Candidate会不断的统计自己的票数,直到他发现认同他成为Leader的票数超过一半而且超过它配置的quorum(quorum可以参考《redis sentinel设计与实现》)。Sentinel比Raft协议增加了quorum,这样一个Sentinel能否当选Leader还取决于它配置的quorum。
  • 6、如果在一个选举时间内,Candidate没有获得超过一半且超过它配置的quorum的票数,自己的这次选举就失败了。
  • 7、如果在一个epoch内,没有一个Candidate获得更多的票数。那么等待超过2倍故障转移的超时时间后,Candidate增加epoch重新投票。
  • 8、如果某个Candidate获得超过一半且超过它配置的quorum的票数,那么它就成为了Leader。
  • 9、与Raft协议不同,Leader并不会把自己成为Leader的消息发给其他Sentinel。其他Sentinel等待Leader从slave选出master后,检测到新的master正常工作后,就会去掉客观下线的标识,从而不需要进入故障转移流程。



  • failover_start_time 下一选举启动的时间。默认是当前时间加上1s内的随机毫秒数
  • failover_state_change_time 故障转移中状态变更的时间。
  • failover_timeout 故障转移超时时间。默认是3分钟。
  • election_timeout 选举超时时间,是默认选举超时时间和failover_timeout的最小值。默认是10s。


Candidate的当前时间减去failover_start_time大于election_timeout,说明Candidate还没获得足够的选票,此次epoch的选举已经超时,那么转变成Follower。需要等到mstime() - failover_start_time < failover_timeout*2的时候才开始下一次获得成为Candidate的机会。

如果一个Follower把某个Candidate设为自己认为的Leader,那么它的failover_start_time会设置为当前时间加上1s内的随机毫秒数。这样它就进入了上面说的需要等到mstime() - failover_start_time < failover_timeout*2的时候才开始下一次获得成为Candidate的机会。


Sentinel 选举流程源码解析



void sentinelHandleRedisInstance(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {      ...      // 判断 master 是否进入SDOWN 状态     sentinelCheckSubjectivelyDown(ri);      /* Masters and slaves */     if (ri->flags & (SRI_MASTER|SRI_SLAVE)) {         /* Nothing so far. */     }              if (ri->flags & SRI_MASTER) {          // 判断 master 是否进入 ODOWN 状态         sentinelCheckObjectivelyDown(ri);          // 查看是否需要开始故障转移         if (sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(ri))             // 向其他 Sentinel 发送 SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr 命令             // 刷新其他 Sentinel 关于主服务器的状态             sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(ri,SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED);          // 执行故障转移         sentinelFailoverStateMachine(ri);          //此处调用sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels,只是为了获取其他Sentinel对于master是否存活的判断,         //用来下一次判断master是否进入ODOWN状态         sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(ri,SENTINEL_NO_FLAGS);     } } 



#define SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED (1<<0) void sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels(sentinelRedisInstance *master, int flags) {     dictIterator *di;     dictEntry *de;      // 遍历正在监视相同 master 的所有 sentinel     // 向它们发送 SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr 命令     di = dictGetIterator(master->sentinels);     while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {         sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de);          // 距离该 sentinel 最后一次回复 SENTINEL master-down-by-addr 命令已经过了多久         mstime_t elapsed = mstime() - ri->last_master_down_reply_time;         char port[32];         int retval;          /* If the master state from other sentinel is too old, we clear it. */         // 如果目标 Sentinel 关于主服务器的信息已经太久没更新,那么我们清除它         if (elapsed > SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD*5) {             ri->flags &= ~SRI_MASTER_DOWN;             sdsfree(ri->leader);             ri->leader = NULL;         }          /* Only ask if master is down to other sentinels if:          *          * 只在以下情况满足时,才向其他 sentinel 询问主服务器是否已下线          *          * 1) We believe it is down, or there is a failover in progress.          *    本 sentinel 相信服务器已经下线,或者针对该主服务器的故障转移操作正在执行          * 2) Sentinel is connected.          *    目标 Sentinel 与本 Sentinel 已连接          * 3) We did not received the info within SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD ms.           *    当前 Sentinel 在 SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD 毫秒内没有获得过目标 Sentinel 发来的信息          * 4) 条件 1 和条件 2 满足而条件 3 不满足,但是 flags 参数给定了 SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED 标识          */         if ((master->flags & SRI_S_DOWN) == 0) continue;         if (ri->flags & SRI_DISCONNECTED) continue;         if (!(flags & SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED) &&             mstime() - ri->last_master_down_reply_time < SENTINEL_ASK_PERIOD)             continue;          /* Ask */         // 发送 SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr 命令         ll2string(port,sizeof(port),master->addr->port);         retval = redisAsyncCommand(ri->cc,                     sentinelReceiveIsMasterDownReply, NULL,                     "SENTINEL is-master-down-by-addr %s %s %llu %s",                     master->addr->ip, port,                     sentinel.current_epoch,                     // 如果本 Sentinel 已经检测到 master 进入 ODOWN                      // 并且要开始一次故障转移,那么向其他 Sentinel 发送自己的运行 ID                     // 让对方将给自己投一票(如果对方在这个纪元内还没有投票的话)                     (master->failover_state > SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_NONE) ?                     server.runid : "*");         if (retval == REDIS_OK) ri->pending_commands++;     }     dictReleaseIterator(di); } 

对于每个节点,Sentinel都会确认节点是否SDOWN,对于master,还需要确认ODOWN。sentinelAskMasterStateToOtherSentinels方法会在master进入SDOWN或者ODOWN调用sentinel is-master-down-by-addr命令,SDOWN时,该命令用来获取其他Sentinel对于master的存活状态,ODOWN是用来像其他节点投票的。SDOWN时,flags是SENTINEL_NO_FLAGS,ODOWN时,flags是SENTINEL_ASK_FORCED。


/* This function checks if there are the conditions to start the failover,  * that is:  *  * 这个函数检查是否需要开始一次故障转移操作:  *  * 1) Master must be in ODOWN condition.  *    主服务器已经计入 ODOWN 状态。  * 2) No failover already in progress.  *    当前没有针对同一主服务器的故障转移操作在执行。  * 3) No failover already attempted recently.  *    最近时间内,这个主服务器没有尝试过执行故障转移  *    (应该是为了防止频繁执行)。  *   * We still don't know if we'll win the election so it is possible that we  * start the failover but that we'll not be able to act.  *  * 虽然 Sentinel 可以发起一次故障转移,但因为故障转移操作是由领头 Sentinel 执行的,  * 所以发起故障转移的 Sentinel 不一定就是执行故障转移的 Sentinel 。  *  * Return non-zero if a failover was started.   *  * 如果故障转移操作成功开始,那么函数返回非 0 值。  */ int sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded(sentinelRedisInstance *master) {     /* We can't failover if the master is not in O_DOWN state. */     if (!(master->flags & SRI_O_DOWN)) return 0;      /* Failover already in progress? */     if (master->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) return 0;      /* Last failover attempt started too little time ago? */     if (mstime() - master->failover_start_time <         master->failover_timeout*2)     {         if (master->failover_delay_logged != master->failover_start_time) {             time_t clock = (master->failover_start_time +                             master->failover_timeout*2) / 1000;             char ctimebuf[26];              ctime_r(&clock,ctimebuf);             ctimebuf[24] = '\0'; /* Remove newline. */             master->failover_delay_logged = master->failover_start_time;             redisLog(REDIS_WARNING,                 "Next failover delay: I will not start a failover before %s",                 ctimebuf);         }         return 0;     }      sentinelStartFailover(master);     return 1; }      

sentinelStartFailoverIfNeeded方法会检查master是否为ODOWN状态。因为定时任务每次就会执行到该函数,所以还要确认故障转移状态SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS是否已经开始。然后会看定时任务是否超时,只有以上条件都满足才能开始故障转移。关于定时任务是否超时,failover_start_time默认为0,它有2个地方会被修改,一个是开始故障转移后,一个是收到其他Sentinel的投票请求。failover_start_time被修改的值为 mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC,这就是Raft协议说的随机因子。SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC是1000,相当于failover_start_time是当前时间加上1s内的随机值,这个保证了,不同Sentinel在超时后,下次申请Leader时间的随机。所以故障转移开始,像Raft协议描述的“启动一个新的定时器”,设置了failover_start_time。在投票的时候设置failover_start_time,那么先投票,再通过ODOWN和SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS的节点,在检查定时任务是否超时的时候就无法通过,相当于是Raft协议中的Follower,它不会参与竞争Leader。


/* Setup the master state to start a failover. */ // 设置主服务器的状态,开始一次故障转移 void sentinelStartFailover(sentinelRedisInstance *master) {     redisAssert(master->flags & SRI_MASTER);      // 更新故障转移状态     master->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_START;      // 更新主服务器状态     master->flags |= SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS;      // 更新纪元     master->failover_epoch = ++sentinel.current_epoch;      sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+new-epoch",master,"%llu",         (unsigned long long) sentinel.current_epoch);      sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+try-failover",master,"%@");      // 记录故障转移状态的变更时间     master->failover_start_time = mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC;     master->failover_state_change_time = mstime(); } 


  • 2、把master的状态改成故障转移中SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS。
  • 3、增加master的current_epoch,并赋值给failover_epoch。
  • 4、把failover_start_time改成mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC。
  • 5、把failover_state_change_time改成mstime()。




/* Vote for the sentinel with 'req_runid' or return the old vote if already  * voted for the specifed 'req_epoch' or one greater.  *  * 为运行 ID 为 req_runid 的 Sentinel 投上一票,有两种额外情况可能出现:  * 1) 如果 Sentinel 在 req_epoch 纪元已经投过票了,那么返回之前投的票。  * 2) 如果 Sentinel 已经为大于 req_epoch 的纪元投过票了,那么返回更大纪元的投票。  *  * If a vote is not available returns NULL, otherwise return the Sentinel  * runid and populate the leader_epoch with the epoch of the vote.   *  * 如果投票暂时不可用,那么返回 NULL 。  * 否则返回 Sentinel 的运行 ID ,并将被投票的纪元保存到 leader_epoch 指针的值里面。  */ char *sentinelVoteLeader(sentinelRedisInstance *master, uint64_t req_epoch, char *req_runid, uint64_t *leader_epoch) {     if (req_epoch > sentinel.current_epoch) {         sentinel.current_epoch = req_epoch;         sentinelFlushConfig();         sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+new-epoch",master,"%llu",             (unsigned long long) sentinel.current_epoch);     }      if (master->leader_epoch < req_epoch && sentinel.current_epoch <= req_epoch)     {         sdsfree(master->leader);         master->leader = sdsnew(req_runid);         master->leader_epoch = sentinel.current_epoch;         sentinelFlushConfig();         sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+vote-for-leader",master,"%s %llu",             master->leader, (unsigned long long) master->leader_epoch);         /* If we did not voted for ourselves, set the master failover start          * time to now, in order to force a delay before we can start a          * failover for the same master. */         if (strcasecmp(master->leader,server.runid))             master->failover_start_time = mstime()+rand()%SENTINEL_MAX_DESYNC;     }      *leader_epoch = master->leader_epoch;     return master->leader ? sdsnew(master->leader) : NULL; } 

前面说到Candidate开始竞选后,会把当前epoch加1,这样就比Follower大1,Follower收到第一个Candidate的投票后,因为自己当前的epoch比Candidate小,所以把当前的epoch改成第一个Candidate的epoch,然后把自己认为的Leader设置成该Candidate。然后其他Candidate再发起对该Follower的投票时,由于这些Candidate的epoch与自己选出Leader的epoch一样,所以不会再改变自己认为的Leader。这样,在一个epoch内,Follower就只能投出一票,给它第一个收到投票请求的Candidate。最后有个if (strcasecmp(master->leader,server.runid)),这个是为了设置failover_start_time,这样Follower在当前epoch内,就无法成为Candidate了。


void sentinelFailoverStateMachine(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {     redisAssert(ri->flags & SRI_MASTER);      if (!(ri->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS)) return;      switch(ri->failover_state) {         case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_START:             // 统计选票,查看是否成为leader             sentinelFailoverWaitStart(ri);             break;         case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SELECT_SLAVE:             // 从slave列表中选出最佳slave             sentinelFailoverSelectSlave(ri);             break;         case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SEND_SLAVEOF_NOONE:             // 把选出的slave设置为master             sentinelFailoverSendSlaveOfNoOne(ri);             break;         case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_PROMOTION:             // 等待升级生效,如果升级超时,那么重新选择新主服务器             sentinelFailoverWaitPromotion(ri);             break;         case SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_RECONF_SLAVES:             // 向从服务器发送 SLAVEOF 命令,让它们同步新主服务器             sentinelFailoverReconfNextSlave(ri);             break;     } } 



void sentinelFailoverWaitStart(sentinelRedisInstance *ri) {     char *leader;     int isleader;      /* Check if we are the leader for the failover epoch. */     // 获取给定纪元的领头 Sentinel     leader = sentinelGetLeader(ri, ri->failover_epoch);     // 本 Sentinel 是否为领头 Sentinel ?     isleader = leader && strcasecmp(leader,server.runid) == 0;     sdsfree(leader);      /* If I'm not the leader, and it is not a forced failover via      * SENTINEL FAILOVER, then I can't continue with the failover. */     // 如果本 Sentinel 不是领头,并且这次故障迁移不是一次强制故障迁移操作     // 那么本 Sentinel 不做动作     if (!isleader && !(ri->flags & SRI_FORCE_FAILOVER)) {         int election_timeout = SENTINEL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT;          /* The election timeout is the MIN between SENTINEL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT          * and the configured failover timeout. */         // 当选的时长(类似于任期)是 SENTINEL_ELECTION_TIMEOUT         // 和 Sentinel 设置的故障迁移时长之间的较小那个值         if (election_timeout > ri->failover_timeout)             election_timeout = ri->failover_timeout;          /* Abort the failover if I'm not the leader after some time. */         // Sentinel 的当选时间已过,取消故障转移计划         if (mstime() - ri->failover_start_time > election_timeout) {             sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"-failover-abort-not-elected",ri,"%@");             // 取消故障转移             sentinelAbortFailover(ri);         }         return;     }      // 本 Sentinel 作为领头,开始执行故障迁移操作...      sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+elected-leader",ri,"%@");      // 进入选择从服务器状态     ri->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SELECT_SLAVE;     ri->failover_state_change_time = mstime();      sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+failover-state-select-slave",ri,"%@"); } 


sentinelFailoverWaitStart会先查看leader是否已经选出。如果Leader是自己或者这是一次强制故障转移,failover_state就设置为SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_SELECT_SLAVE。强制故障转移是通过Sentinel的SENTINEL FAILOVER <master-name>命令设置的,这里不做讨论。



/* Scan all the Sentinels attached to this master to check if there  * is a leader for the specified epoch.  *  * 扫描所有监视 master 的 Sentinels ,查看是否有 Sentinels 是这个纪元的领头。  *  * To be a leader for a given epoch, we should have the majorify of  * the Sentinels we know that reported the same instance as  * leader for the same epoch.   *  * 要让一个 Sentinel 成为本纪元的领头,  * 这个 Sentinel 必须让大多数其他 Sentinel 承认它是该纪元的领头才行。  */ // 选举出 master 在指定 epoch 上的领头 char *sentinelGetLeader(sentinelRedisInstance *master, uint64_t epoch) {     dict *counters;     dictIterator *di;     dictEntry *de;     unsigned int voters = 0, voters_quorum;     char *myvote;     char *winner = NULL;     uint64_t leader_epoch;     uint64_t max_votes = 0;      redisAssert(master->flags & (SRI_O_DOWN|SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS));      // 统计器     counters = dictCreate(&leaderVotesDictType,NULL);      /* Count other sentinels votes */     // 统计其他 sentinel 的主观 leader 投票     di = dictGetIterator(master->sentinels);     while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {         sentinelRedisInstance *ri = dictGetVal(de);          // 为目标 Sentinel 选出的领头 Sentinel 增加一票         if (ri->leader != NULL && ri->leader_epoch == sentinel.current_epoch)             sentinelLeaderIncr(counters,ri->leader);          // 统计投票数量         voters++;     }     dictReleaseIterator(di);      /* Check what's the winner. For the winner to win, it needs two conditions:      *      * 选出领头 leader ,它必须满足以下两个条件:      *      * 1) Absolute majority between voters (50% + 1).      *    有多于一般的 Sentinel 支持      * 2) And anyway at least master->quorum votes.       *    投票数至少要有 master->quorum 那么多      */     di = dictGetIterator(counters);     while((de = dictNext(di)) != NULL) {          // 取出票数         uint64_t votes = dictGetUnsignedIntegerVal(de);          // 选出票数最大的人         if (votes > max_votes) {             max_votes = votes;             winner = dictGetKey(de);         }     }     dictReleaseIterator(di);      /* Count this Sentinel vote:      * if this Sentinel did not voted yet, either vote for the most      * common voted sentinel, or for itself if no vote exists at all. */     // 本 Sentinel 进行投票     // 如果 Sentinel 之前还没有进行投票,那么有两种选择:     // 1)如果选出了 winner (最多票数支持的 Sentinel ),那么这个 Sentinel 也投 winner 一票     // 2)如果没有选出 winner ,那么 Sentinel 投自己一票     if (winner)         myvote = sentinelVoteLeader(master,epoch,winner,&leader_epoch);     else         myvote = sentinelVoteLeader(master,epoch,server.runid,&leader_epoch);      // 领头 Sentinel 已选出,并且领头的纪元和给定的纪元一样     if (myvote && leader_epoch == epoch) {          // 为领头 Sentinel 增加一票(这一票来自本 Sentinel )         uint64_t votes = sentinelLeaderIncr(counters,myvote);          // 如果投票之后的票数比最大票数要大,那么更换领头 Sentinel         if (votes > max_votes) {             max_votes = votes;             winner = myvote;         }     }     voters++; /* Anyway, count me as one of the voters. */      // 如果支持领头的投票数量不超过半数     // 并且支持票数不超过 master 配置指定的投票数量     // 那么这次领头选举无效     voters_quorum = voters/2+1;     if (winner && (max_votes < voters_quorum || max_votes < master->quorum))         winner = NULL;      // 返回领头 Sentinel ,或者 NULL     winner = winner ? sdsnew(winner) : NULL;     sdsfree(myvote);     dictRelease(counters);     return winner; } 





/* Process the INFO output from masters. */ void sentinelRefreshInstanceInfo(sentinelRedisInstance *ri, const char *info) {     ...     /* Handle slave -> master role switch. */     // 处理从服务器转变为主服务器的情况     if ((ri->flags & SRI_SLAVE) && role == SRI_MASTER) {         /* If this is a promoted slave we can change state to the          * failover state machine. */         if ((ri->master->flags & SRI_FAILOVER_IN_PROGRESS) &&             (ri->master->failover_state ==                 SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_WAIT_PROMOTION))         {             /* Now that we are sure the slave was reconfigured as a master              * set the master configuration epoch to the epoch we won the              * election to perform this failover. This will force the other              * Sentinels to update their config (assuming there is not              * a newer one already available). */             ri->master->config_epoch = ri->master->failover_epoch;             ri->master->failover_state = SENTINEL_FAILOVER_STATE_RECONF_SLAVES;             ri->master->failover_state_change_time = mstime();             sentinelFlushConfig();             sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+promoted-slave",ri,"%@");             sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+failover-state-reconf-slaves",                 ri->master,"%@");             sentinelCallClientReconfScript(ri->master,SENTINEL_LEADER,                 "start",ri->master->addr,ri->addr);             sentinelForceHelloUpdateForMaster(ri->master);         }         ...     }     ... } 


/* Process an hello message received via Pub/Sub in master or slave instance,  * or sent directly to this sentinel via the (fake) PUBLISH command of Sentinel.  *  * If the master name specified in the message is not known, the message is  * discarded. */ void sentinelProcessHelloMessage(char *hello, int hello_len) {     ...         /* Update master info if received configuration is newer. */         if (master->config_epoch < master_config_epoch) {             master->config_epoch = master_config_epoch;             if (master_port != master->addr->port ||                 strcmp(master->addr->ip, token[5]))             {                 sentinelAddr *old_addr;                  sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+config-update-from",si,"%@");                 sentinelEvent(REDIS_WARNING,"+switch-master",                     master,"%s %s %d %s %d",                     master->name,                     master->addr->ip, master->addr->port,                     token[5], master_port);                  old_addr = dupSentinelAddr(master->addr);                 sentinelResetMasterAndChangeAddress(master, token[5], master_port);                 sentinelCallClientReconfScript(master,                     SENTINEL_OBSERVER,"start",                     old_addr,master->addr);                 releaseSentinelAddr(old_addr);             }         }      ... } 


Redis 2.8.19 source code


《In Search of an Understandable Consensus Algorithm》 Diego Ongaro and John Ousterhout Stanford University

《Redis设计与实现》黄健宏 机械工业出版社

posted on 2016-12-14 18:33 jinfeng_wang 阅读(2074) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: 2016-REDIS


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