复合组件是指包含多个组件的组件。这些组件可以是图形资源或者是图形资源同组件类的合并。比如,创建包括按钮和文本域(text field)的组件,或者,组件包含一个按钮,一个
文本域以及一个校验器(validator) 。
复合组件中单个组件的属性不能从MXML 制作环境中访问,除非设计上允许这么做。例如,如果创建一个从UIComponent扩展的组件,并在这个组件中使用了一个Button 和一个TextArea组件,那么就不能在 MXML 标记中设置 Button 控件的 label 文本,原因就是这个组件不是直接从 Button 类扩展的。
这个例子组件被称为 ModalText,在 ModalText.as 文件中定义,组合了一个 Button 控件和一个TextArea 控件。用Button 控件来控制是否允许在 TextArea 控件中进行输入。
自定义组件通过实现 createChildren()方法来创建子组件,如下面代码所示:
override protected function createChildren():void {
// Create and initialize the TextArea control.
if (!text_mc) {
text_mc = new TextArea();
text_mc.addEventListener("change", handleChangeEvent);
// Create and initialize the Button control.
if (!mode_mc) {
mode_mc = new Button();
mode_mc.addEventListener("click", handleClickEvent);
createChildren()方法中也包含对 addEventListener()方法的调用,用这个方法为TextArea 控件所产生的 change 事件以及 Button 控件所产生的 click 事件注册监听器。这些事
件监听器定义在 ModalText 类中,如下面例子所示:
// Handle events that are dispatched by the children.
private function handleChangeEvent(eventObj:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
// Handle events that are dispatched by the children.
private function handleClickEvent(eventObj:Event):void {
text_mc.editable = !text_mc.editable;
可在复合组件中处理子组件所分发的事件。在这个例子中,Button 控件的 click 事件的事件监听器被定义在复合组件类中,用来控制 TextArea 控件的 editable 属性。
如果子组件分发了一个事件,并且希望在组件之外可以有时机来处理这个事件,那么就要在组件定义中增加逻辑来广播这个事件。注意,TextArea 控件的 change 事件监听器中重新广播了这个事件。这就使运用这个组件的应用也能处理这个事件,如下面的例子所示:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:MyComp="myComponents.*">
import flash.events.Event;
function handleText(eventObj:Event)
<MyComp:ModalText change="handleText(event);"/>
创建ModalText 组件
下面的例子代码实现了 ModalText 组件的类定义。
ModalText 组件是一个包含一个Button 控件和一个 TextArea 控件的复合组件。 这个控件有以下特性:
1. 缺省情况下不能在TextArea 中进行编辑。
2. 通过点击Button控件去控制TextArea控件的编辑。
3. 通过使用控件的textPlacement 属性来控制TextArea显示在控件的左边还是右边。
4. 编辑控件的textPlacement属性将会分发placementChanged 事件。
5. 在程序中使用text 属性可以向TextArea 控件写入内容。
6. 编辑控件的text属性将会分发一个textChanged事件。
7. 编辑TextArea控件的文本将会分发change事件。
8. textPlacement 和text 属性都可以作为数据绑定表达式的源。
9. 可以有选择性地为Button的up,down和over状态设置皮肤。
下面的例子在MXML文件中使用ModalText控件, 并且将其textPlacement属性设置为left:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- asAdvanced/ASAdvancedMainModalText.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:MyComp="myComponents.*" >
<MyComp:ModalText textPlacement="left" height="40"/>
通过处理 placementChanged 事件,来确定 ModalText.textPlacement 属性何时被修改,如下面的例子所示:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- asAdvanced/ASAdvancedMainModalTextEvent.mxml -->
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" xmlns:MyComp="myComponents.*" >
import flash.events.Event;
private function placementChangedListener(event:Event):void {
myEvent.text="placementChanged event occurred - textPlacement = "
+ myMT.textPlacement as String;
<MyComp:ModalText id="myMT" textPlacement="left" height="40" placementChanged="placementChangedListener(event);"/>
<mx:TextArea id="myEvent" width="50%"/>
<mx:Label text="Change Placement" />
<mx:Button label="Set Text Placement Right" click="myMT.textPlacement='right';" />
<mx:Button label="Set Text Placement Left" click="myMT.textPlacement='left';" />
下面的例子显示定义控件的 ModalText.as 文件源码:
package myComponents
// Import all necessary classes.
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.controls.Button;
import mx.controls.TextArea;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.text.TextLineMetrics;
// ModalText dispatches a change event when the text of the child
// TextArea control changes, a textChanged event when you set the text
// property of ModalText, and a placementChanged event
// when you change the textPlacement property of ModalText.
[Event(name="change", type="flash.events.Event")]
[Event(name="textChanged", type="flash.events.Event")]
[Event(name="placementChanged", type="flash.events.Event")]
/*** a) Extend UIComponent. ***/
public class ModalText extends UIComponent {
/*** b) Implement the class constructor. ***/
public function ModalText() {
/*** c) Define variables for the two child components. ***/
// Declare two variables for the component children.
private var text_mc:TextArea;
private var mode_mc:Button;
/*** d) Embed new skins used by the Button component. ***/
// You can create a SWF file that contains symbols with the names
// ModalUpSkin, ModalOverSkin, and ModalDownSkin.
// If you do not have skins, comment out these lines.
[Embed(source="Modal2.swf", symbol="blueCircle")]
public var modeUpSkinName:Class;
[Embed(source="Modal2.swf", symbol="blueCircle")]
public var modeOverSkinName:Class;
[Embed(source="Modal2.swf", symbol="greenSquare")]
public var modeDownSkinName:Class;
/*** e) Implement the createChildren() method. ***/
// Test for the existence of the children before creating them.
// This is optional, but we do this so a subclass can create a
// different child instead.
override protected function createChildren():void {
// Create and initialize the TextArea control.
if (!text_mc)
text_mc = new TextArea();
text_mc.explicitWidth = 80;
text_mc.editable = false;
text_mc.text= _text;
text_mc.addEventListener("change", handleChangeEvent);
// Create and initialize the Button control.
if (!mode_mc)
{ mode_mc = new Button();
mode_mc.label = "Toggle Editing Mode";
// If you do not have skins available,
// comment out these lines.
mode_mc.setStyle('overSkin', modeOverSkinName);
mode_mc.setStyle('upSkin', modeUpSkinName);
mode_mc.setStyle('downSkin', modeDownSkinName);
mode_mc.addEventListener("click", handleClickEvent);
/*** f) Implement the commitProperties() method. ***/
override protected function commitProperties():void {
if (bTextChanged) {
bTextChanged = false;
text_mc.text = _text;
/*** g) Implement the measure() method. ***/
// The default width is the size of the text plus the button.
// The height is dictated by the button.
override protected function measure():void {
// Since the Button control uses skins, get the
// measured size of the Button control.
var buttonWidth:Number = mode_mc.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth();
var buttonHeight:Number = mode_mc.getExplicitOrMeasuredHeight();
// The default and minimum width are the measuredWidth
// of the TextArea control plus the measuredWidth
// of the Button control.
measuredWidth = measuredMinWidth = text_mc.measuredWidth + buttonWidth;
// The default and minimum height are the larger of the
// height of the TextArea control or the measuredHeight of the
// Button control, plus a 10 pixel border around the text.
measuredHeight = measuredMinHeight = Math.max(mode_mc.measuredHeight,buttonHeight) + 10;
/*** h) Implement the updateDisplayList() method. ***/
// Size the Button control to the size of its label text
// plus a 10 pixel border area.
// Size the TextArea to the remaining area of the component.
// Place the children depending on the setting of
// the textPlacement property.
override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void {
super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
// Subtract 1 pixel for the left and right border,
// and use a 3 pixel margin on left and right.
var usableWidth:Number = unscaledWidth - 8;
// Subtract 1 pixel for the top and bottom border,
// and use a 3 pixel margin on top and bottom.
var usableHeight:Number = unscaledHeight - 8;
// Calculate the size of the Button control based on its text.
var lineMetrics:TextLineMetrics = measureText(mode_mc.label);
// Add a 10 pixel border area around the text.
var buttonWidth: Number = lineMetrics.width + 10;
var buttonHeight:Number = lineMetrics.height + 10;
mode_mc.setActualSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight);
// Calculate the size of the text
// Allow for a 5 pixel gap between the Button
// and the TextArea controls.
var textWidth:Number = usableWidth - buttonWidth - 5;
var textHeight:Number = usableHeight;
text_mc.setActualSize(textWidth, textHeight);
// Position the controls based on the textPlacement property.
if (textPlacement == "left") {
text_mc.move(4, 4); mode_mc.move(4 + textWidth + 5, 4);
else {
mode_mc.move(4, 4);
text_mc.move(4 + buttonWidth + 5, 4);
// Draw a simple border around the child components.
graphics.lineStyle(1, 0x000000, 1.0);
graphics.drawRect(0, 0, unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);
/*** i) Add methods, properties, and metadata. ***/
// The general pattern for properties is to specify a private
// holder variable.
private var _textPlacement:String = "left";
// Create a getter/setter pair for the textPlacement property.
public function set textPlacement(p:String):void {
_textPlacement = p;
dispatchEvent(new Event("placementChanged"));
// The textPlacement property supports data binding.
public function get textPlacement():String {
return _textPlacement;
private var _text:String = "ModalText";
private var bTextChanged:Boolean = false;
// Create a getter/setter pair for the text property.
public function set text(t:String):void {
_text = t;
bTextChanged = true;
dispatchEvent(new Event("textChanged"));
public function get text():String {
return text_mc.text;
// Handle events that are dispatched by the children.
private function handleChangeEvent(eventObj:Event):void {
dispatchEvent(new Event("change"));
// Handle events that are dispatched by the children.
private function handleClickEvent(eventObj:Event):void {
text_mc.editable = !text_mc.editable;