The NoteBook of EricKong

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The Dataset-List Utility ISPF Menu(3.4) searches and lists out all the datasets matching a particular-name or pattern. Enter the dsname you want to search on the DSLIST Panel.

  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
                           Data Set List Utility                             
Option ===>                                                                    
ank Display data set list               P Print data set list            
       V Display VTOC information           PV Print VTOC information         
Enter one or both of the parameters below:                                    
   Dsname Level . . . AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB                                          
   Volume serial  . .                                                         
Data set list options                                                         
   Initial View . . . 1  1. Volume       Enter "/" to select option           
                         2. Space        /  Confirm Data Set Delete           
                         3. Attrib       /  Confirm Member Delete             
                         4. Total        /  Include Additional Qualifiers     
                                         /  Display Catalog Name
When the data set list is displayed, enter either:                            
  "/" on the data set list command field for the command prompt pop-up,       
  an ISPF line command, the name of a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX exec, or    
  "=" to execute the previous command.                                         

Use the proper mask, if you want to search for datasets matching a given-pattern. To list all datasets having the high-level-qualifiers AGY0157.DEMO, enter the mask AGY0157.DEMO.*.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
                           Data Set List Utility                             
Option ===>                                                                   
   blank Display data set list               P Print data set list            
       V Display VTOC information           PV Print VTOC information         
Enter one or both of the parameters below:                                    
   Dsname Level . . . AGY0157.DEMO.*                                                
   Volume serial  . .                                                         
Data set list options                                                         
   Initial View . . . 1  1. Volume       Enter "/" to select option           
                         2. Space        /  Confirm Data Set Delete           
                         3. Attrib       /  Confirm Member Delete             
                         4. Total        /  Include Additional Qualifiers     
                                         /  Display Catalog Name
When the data set list is displayed, enter either:                            
  "/" on the data set list command field for the command prompt pop-up,       
  an ISPF line command, the name of a TSO command, CLIST, or REXX exec, or    
  "=" to execute the previous command.                                         

The latter produces a Dataset-List shown below.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
DSLIST - Data Sets Matching AGY0157.DEMO.*                         Row 1 of 59
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR
Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS.JCLLIB                                       FUSR0D
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS.MAPLIB                                       FUSR0C
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS2                                             FUSR14
         AGY0157.DEMO.COPYLIB                                           FUSR17
         AGY0157.DEMO.CRDTMTH                                           ??????
         AGY0157.DEMO.DATA                                              FUSR18
         AGY0157.DEMO.DATA2                                             FUSR1D
         AGY0157.DEMO.DBRMLIB                                           FUSR11
         AGY0157.DEMO.DB2.JCLLIB                                        FUSR11
         AGY0157.DEMO.DB2.SRCLIB                                        FUSR0B
         AGY0157.DEMO.DCLGEN                                            FUSR1A
         AGY0157.DEMO.FILE                                              FUSR07
         AGY0157.DEMO.GDGFILE                                           ??????
         AGY0157.DEMO.GDGFILE.G0004V00                                  FUSR1F
         AGY0157.DEMO.HIDDEN.JCL                                        FUSR13
         AGY0157.DEMO.INPUT                                             FUSR0E
         AGY0157.DEMO.INPUT1                                            FUSR1B 

You can process one-or-more datasets, by entering a Command on the Command Field, against the Data-set Name. The Available Commands are :

– Viewing a Dataset, you cannot change the contents
E – Editing a Dataset, you can alter the contents
B – Browsing a Dataset, read-only mode
M – Directory-of-Members of Partitioned Dataset(PDS)
R - Rename a Dataset
I – Dataset Information(when it was created, rec-length etc.)
Z – Compress a Partitioned-Dataset

The View Mode, Edit Mode, and Browse Mode open the Dataset, and show its contents.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
DSLIST - Data Sets Matching AGY0157.DEMO.*                         Row 1 of 59
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR
Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS.JCLLIB                                       FUSR0D
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS.MAPLIB                                       FUSR0C
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS2                                             FUSR14
         AGY0157.DEMO.COPYLIB                                           FUSR17
         AGY0157.DEMO.CRDTMTH                                           ??????
         AGY0157.DEMO.DATA                                              FUSR18
         AGY0157.DEMO.DATA2                                             FUSR1D
         AGY0157.DEMO.DBRMLIB                                           FUSR11
         AGY0157.DEMO.DB2.JCLLIB                                        FUSR11
         AGY0157.DEMO.DB2.SRCLIB                                        FUSR0B
         AGY0157.DEMO.DCLGEN                                            FUSR1A 
E        AGY0157.DEMO.FILE                                              FUSR07
         AGY0157.DEMO.GDGFILE                                           ??????
         AGY0157.DEMO.GDGFILE.G0004V00                                  FUSR1F
         AGY0157.DEMO.HIDDEN.JCL                                        FUSR13
         AGY0157.DEMO.INPUT                                             FUSR0E
         AGY0157.DEMO.INPUT1                                            FUSR1B 

The ISPF Text-Editor is invoked and the Dataset is opened. In an Edit Session, changes can be made to the Dataset, and you can SAVE the changes.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                                 
EDIT       AGY0157.DEMO.FILE                               Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> SAVE                                             Scroll ===> CSR 
****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000001 05 RAJ    A    MANOHAR                                                 
000002 02 RAM    B    SHARMA                                                  
000003 03 RAKESH V    SHAH                                                    
000004 06 RAVI   D    SINHA                                                   
000005 01 RAJESH K    LOHIA                                                   
000006 04 RATUL  L    SINGH                                                   
****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************

In a View-Session, the dataset is lock-protected. You can change the Dataset-Contents, but you cannot directly SAVE the Changes. You must REPLace the old-dataset off, and over-write the new-contents by using REPL Command.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                                 
VIEW       AGY0157.DEMO.FILE                               Columns 00001 00072
Command ===> REPL .ZF .ZL                                  Scroll ===> CSR 
 ****** ***************************** Top of Data ******************************
000001 05 RAJ    A    MANOHAR                                                 
000002 02 RAM    B    SHARMA                                                  
000003 03 RAKESH V    SHAH                                                    
000004 06 RAVI   D    SINHA                                                   
000005 01 RAJESH K    LOHIA                                                   
000006 08 QUASAR S    CHUNAWALA                                               
000007 04 RATUL  L    SINGH                                                   
 ****** **************************** Bottom of Data ****************************
| Data changes cannot be saved in a View session. Use Edit if you want to be   |
| able to save your changes. Using the REPLACE command to write data from a    |
| VIEW session can overwrite changes which were made to the data set after the |
| VIEW session began because VIEW does not provide ENQ protection at the       |
| beginning of the VIEW session.                                               |

In a Browse-Session, you can only read the Data. It is Read-Only.

If the Dataset is a Library, you can see the Directory-of-members inside the Library, by entering m against the dataset-name.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
DSLIST - Data Sets Matching AGY0157.DEMO.*                         Row 1 of 59
Command ===>                                                 Scroll ===> CSR
Command - Enter "/" to select action                  Message           Volume
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS.JCLLIB                                       FUSR0D
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS.MAPLIB                                       FUSR0C
         AGY0157.DEMO.CICS2                                             FUSR14
         AGY0157.DEMO.COPYLIB                                           FUSR17
         AGY0157.DEMO.CRDTMTH                                           ??????
         AGY0157.DEMO.DATA                                              FUSR18
         AGY0157.DEMO.DATA2                                             FUSR1D
         AGY0157.DEMO.DBRMLIB                                           FUSR11
         AGY0157.DEMO.DB2.JCLLIB                                        FUSR11
         AGY0157.DEMO.DB2.SRCLIB                                        FUSR0B
         AGY0157.DEMO.DCLGEN                                            FUSR1A
         AGY0157.DEMO.FILE                                              FUSR07
M        AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB                                            FUSR03
         AGY0157.DEMO.JOB                                               FUSR06
         AGY0157.DEMO.LAB.MYFILE                                        FUSR1B
         AGY0157.DEMO.LAB.MYLIB1                                        FUSR01
         AGY0157.DEMO.LAB.MYLIB2                                        FUSR13 

The List-Of-Members inside the Library is output on the screen. In a large-library containing thousands-of-members, LOCATE(L) Command is used to jump or skip to a specific Member.  
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
DSLIST            AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB                   Initial edit macro set
Command ===> L JOB13                                          Scroll ===> CSR
           Name     Prompt       Size   Created          Changed          ID  
_________ @COMPILE                  8  2010/09/19  2010/10/20 09:37:20  SRS022
_________ @DB2COMP                 65  2009/10/10  2010/09/06 13:55:23  AGY0157
_________ @DB2RUN                  13  2010/07/04  2010/07/24 09:22:53  AGY0157
_________ COMPILE                  15  2009/12/04  2010/10/14 20:36:22  AGY0157
_________ COMPJCL                   5  2010/03/07  2010/03/07 08:03:06  AGY0157
_________ COPY                     11  2010/01/24  2010/07/27 03:04:28  CENT01
_________ COPYPS                   13  2010/01/19  2010/06/15 06:06:30  SATEN 
_________ DEFGDG                   32  2010/05/10  2010/05/10 13:22:16  AGY0157
_________ DEFINE                   12  2010/10/05  2010/10/09 02:29:29  AGY0157
_________ DEFVSAM                  22  2009/12/11  2010/08/07 08:54:33  AGY0157
_________ JOBSTR                   24  2010/02/02  2010/02/06 08:29:21  AGY0157
_________ JOB01                    10  2010/02/08  2010/08/16 08:50:10  AGY0157
_________ JOB02                    11  2010/02/21  2010/04/16 16:57:31  AGY0157
_________ JOB03                    11  2010/04/13  2010/04/15 04:27:24  AGY0157
_________ JOB05                     3  2010/04/16  2010/04/17 03:18:49  AGY0157
_________ JOB06                    18  2010/04/18  2010/04/18 07:43:11  AGY0157
_________ JOB07                     3  2010/04/18  2010/04/18 07:52:43  AGY0157
_________ JOB08                     5  2010/04/19  2010/04/19 10:27:57  AGY0157
_________ JOB09                    10  2010/04/25  2010/04/25 09:50:14  AGY0157

After Locating the Member, enter e for editing, b for browse, v for view, r for rename, m for move, c for copy, d for delete. Additionally , you can enter j for submitting a job, if the member contains JCL.
  Menu  Functions  Utilities  Help                                            
------------------------------------------------------------------. --
DSLIST            AGY0157.DEMO.JCLLIB                   Initial edit macro set
Command ===>                                                  Scroll ===> CSR
           Name     Prompt       Size   Created          Changed          ID  
V________ JOB13                    10  2010/04/26  2010/04/26 15:55:40  AGY0157
_________ JOB14                    17  2010/04/26  2010/04/26 22:05:26  AGY0157
_________ JOB15                    27  2010/04/26  2010/06/11 12:33:50  SATEN 
_________ JOB16                    17  2010/04/26  2010/04/26 23:47:37  AGY0157
_________ JOB17                     9  2010/04/27  2010/04/27 00:01:09  AGY0157
_________ JOB18                    27  2010/04/28  2010/04/28 00:29:54  AGY0157
_________ JOB19                     4  2010/04/29  2010/04/29 23:43:35  AGY0157
_________ JOB20                    10  2010/05/31  2010/05/31 12:19:00  AGY0157
_________ JOB21                    32  2010/06/05  2010/06/11 01:39:48  AGY0157
_________ JOB22                     7  2010/07/01  2010/07/01 23:07:46  AGY0157
_________ JOB23                     9  2010/07/04  2010/07/04 03:10:15  AGY0157
_________ LISTCAT                  16  2010/02/25  2010/02/25 02:34:24  AGY0157
_________ LOADVSAM                 12  2009/12/11  2009/12/11 12:37:28  AGY0157
_________ MAPASM                   13  2010/01/17  2010/01/17 22:00:58  AGY0157
_________ MEMBER1                   5  2009/12/03  2009/12/03 21:33:21  AGY0157
_________ PRTVSAM                  10  2010/03/09  2010/03/09 21:32:24  AGY0157
_________ R                        12  2009/12/04  2010/10/14 20:37:26  AGY0157
_________ REPRO                     9  2010/10/05  2010/10/09 03:04:46  AGY0157
_________ RUN                      14  2009/12/04  2010/07/10 12:57:04  AGY0157


posted on 2011-12-21 10:12 Eric_jiang 阅读(475) 评论(0)  编辑  收藏 所属分类: Mainframe

